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CB Internet and Software Review of Marcus Eikenberry at MarkeeDragon
Marcus Eikenberry at MarkeeDragon

Marcus Eikenberry at MarkeeDragon review: Largest Scammer in MMO Industry 7

Author of the review
9:13 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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His name is Marcus Eikenberry, he currently runs and represents along with some additional websites such as Being in the business for over 10 years, nobody has ever come out and spoken the truth about the dirty services he runs.

The biggest of all his scams is he openly promotes ripoff websites such as toonstorm, forsaken-farmers, and other sites that have negative reviews across the internet, and talks trash with companies who do not pay him money to fund his campaign of fraudulent users.

The second part is anyone who pays him money to fund his website, he allows to scam other individuals on his website and actively defends those companies. However instead of helping the individual and pointing them to say the company contact, he will not help you.

The third part is he actively promotes a website forum that receives over 30 to 100 scams reported each day. People think about it. 30 to 100 scams on a forum website. What % is that all together?

The fourth part is he will delete things he does not like. I have seen it in the past, and seen it up to today. If someone posts trash about him, he will have it removed.

The last part is he allows a trustwho services where anyone can buy it, be verified and they are then TrustWho Verified. Trustwho verified is a service that is suppose to protect against fraud, however it does not. It's a place for someone to pay Marcus in order to

So how is this all fraud? It's simple. If you pay Marcus, he promotes fraud. I am not in anyway an angry poster, or a person who recently had a dispute with Marcus, and in fact he will likely have no clue who posted this, but I am warning all of you if you want to do business in this industry, you are better off doing it yourself, or finding a company you have protection on with your own bank with your money (not paypal).

Markeedragon and the Trustwho network is the biggest area of scam artists in the entire MMO industry, and I highly advise anyone who goes to this site to look away as if you are new, you will likely get scammed.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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n/a, US
Mar 26, 2013 12:25 am EDT

This complaint is biased. Disputes are not easy for anyone, not the business nor the customer... regardless just because a person/business doesn't agree with your dispute that doesn't make them fraudulent. If you're going to add someone to complaint's board EXPLAIN your dispute with the business... do not go into ridiculous detail about their other places of business that have nothing to do with you.

Peter Law
Liverpool, GB
Nov 27, 2013 8:13 am EST

From my experience Marcus Eikenberry is an honest man. You refer to "Fraudulent users", this does NOT mean that Marcus collaberated in the fraud...any forum as big as this was bound to attract a few unsavoury types and Marcus dealt with them in the best way possible, banning them.

As for "deleting things he doesn't like", I doubt this is true...but if it is then GET OVER IT! Of course Marcus deleted troll posts...otherwise they would clutter up the forums, i'm betting he would have deleted anything rude that was posted about you too.

TL;DR This guy is probably one of the very same "fraudsters" that he complains about in his post.

London, GB
Nov 27, 2013 9:55 am EST

Utter rubbish...your complaint makes no sense. all you are doing here is being slanderous, you have no facts to back up your opinion.

Sep 23, 2018 6:29 pm EDT

Since everyone here knows marcus so well Does anyone have his twitter or email? I have a question (need advice ) for him. Thanks

Sep 23, 2018 6:30 pm EDT

Marcus gets 10 stars as far as I'm concerned

Sep 23, 2018 6:34 pm EDT

Dint know his to edit so I'll post but way to contact him besides Facebook be appreciated. Would like him to elaborate on something that he said in video but privately. Dint need ppl taking my ideas

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Eclipse The Producer
Jan 02, 2020 2:00 am EST

this doesnt fall into the same category but i have had first hand experience with markus aka markee dragon. he was playing a game called legends of aria, brought many people into the game and into his guild. it got to the point that the entire guild was targeted for some reason and i hadnt a clue. i had spoken to him about trying to fix the guild up and he seemed to be not interested at all. needless to say many people had asked me to contact him yet again to try and get a positive response from him. none the less there were none aside from him handing over the guild to me and telling me to do the work for him. this is were the beginning of my troubles began and i mean detrimental trouble that almost ended my life. the guild being comprised of almost 700 people and the rest of the world looking at our guild as public enemy number 1 didnt make this task easy whatsoever for me as i was single handedly in charge of restoring some sort of order. in about 2 weeks time i managed to talk to 10 of the other biggest guilds in the game. our guild being the biggest one at the time. and ended up forming an alliance with all 10 of them. on top of running a guildhouse that i had gotten build for the guild that reqired me to purchase 6 lords accounts retailing at 120$ each account. reason being is the guild "house" was made of 6 plots in one area to make a gigantic plot. needless to say that guildhouse or should i say 6 plots with houses and crafting yards was costing me a total of at the time 100 gold per week to paay for the plot out of my own hard work and grinding which consisted of 42 straight hours of killing the same mobs over and over again just to get a weeks worth of rent payed for them all. on top of running the entire guild and also settling disputes between guild members as well as enemies of the guild and aliance members who were needless to say toxic as hell always trying to start a fire to burn the aliance down and i managed to keep the peace by doing that. but all of this was taking a huge toll on me and i ended up self medicating with cough medicine because it seemed to take my mind off the drama that was constantly coming my way. this ended up me doing this on a daily basis and i ended up suffering from a drug induced stroke. i was in the hospital for nearly a month and had dissapeared from the game cause i had no way to get into the game. later on once i got out i received a message from markee asking what happened and i told him and he immediatly asked me to hadn the guild back over to him which i had no problems doing. i logged in mind you i had very hard issues with my hands and fingers working so it took me a while to login and transfer about 15 minutes or so but i ended up getting that done. the very moment i handed the guild over markus began to talk down to me. and i mean he was ruthless. telling me that im full of [censored], along with some other harsh words. i mananged to calm him down to a point of rational speaking and at that time i told him that right now i need to recouperate from the stroke and i cant deal with the stress and could use his friendship and encouragement to help me get by on this. he replied to me telling me that him and i were never friends to begin with and never will be because i lived in michigan and he lived in florida. i thought in my mind he ment like hanging out friends and told him no just online friendship, he replied to me telling me that will never happen and that im not competent enough to have his friendship. well a few months passed and i tried to come back onto his video channel as he was live streaming to show support even donated some money his way as if i hadnt already by buying those lord accounts from him for 120$ a piece. i came in and said hello to him. trying to let bigons be bigons and to retain a friendly acquaintance with him. he then began to ridicule me live on stream saying im a mental freak and that i was a nutcase and he then removed my moderator status on his stream. i asked why he said that and he replied saying that when i messaged him a week prior asking for prayers for my mother who was diagnosed with cancer he stated that i had mental issues because i believed in god and asked for prayers. mind you all of this is on live stream on youtube and twitch platform. did he scam me no, but did he do me wrong yes. i gave this man over $800 dollars a devoted so much time that it became a job to help him out. and all i get in return is a stroke him ridiculing me live on the internet and to make things worse my mother had gotten cancer and he found that me asking for prayers made me a mental nutcase. i have never in my entire life been so hurt so down in the slumps and for the first time felt like i had wanted to commit suicide because of not only his ridicule but his followers doing the same to me as well in a moment were i was at my weakest and still am to this day as all of this is quite recent. and i all i ever did was help him over and over again because im a god fearing man who wants to do good for others to be a light in a world that is full of darkness.

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