This is a total disorganized scam. They are a joke and not professional at all. Even the person speaking on that first call you can tell he doesn't have the money he claims to have, also you can tell by the way he speaks and uses curse words while talking. Luring job seekers through UpWork, Craigslist, and other job sites.
Also look at their website, it's 100% garbage and amateur looking Whoever made it did a poor job and the owner obviously cheaped out bigtime probably because they don't have the kind of money they claim and are doing everything on the cheap. They didn't even know how to use DocuSign and just sent Pdf file for you to print out and send back. No professional will do anything like that. The testimonial they have on their site is a paid fake one they are reading a script. Also note that they use a P.O Box address and have no actual contact info on site or anywhere. They want to control the contact because it’s a scam.
They will just use your email and information to feed into their lead system. Just watch, you will be getting emails from other businesses. They do not safeguard your information in any way. If they did then how would I even have your email. They sent it out in a mass email blast. No legit company does this, they keep all emails private unless it's between coworkers who have a need to have the emails.
Youve been warned ...these people are a scam, best thing to do is disassociate yourself from them before you end up with robocalls and your information ends up in their prospect pipeline they will sell to other people.
Desired outcome: I would like people to know that Kimberly Patrick of Linked Leeds ( ) and her group is attempting to scam job seekers. BEWARE!