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CB Work at Home Review of LifePharm Global Network
LifePharm Global Network

LifePharm Global Network review: Laminine Affiliate Distributor Program 24

Author of the review
8:57 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

The first thing to happen will probably be that you get drawn in to LifePharm by one of their existing affiliates/distributors trying to sell you on their current scam of a product Laminine. The real sell isn't on YOU buying the product it's selling you the $1, 100 membership fee to become a distributor or affiliate. Then you're supposed to go out and do the same thing the person who brought you in did to other people you meet.

I caught on really quick and within my "30 day trial" of 'membership' I got out. I told them to cancel my account, that their system seemed like a total scam and I'd prefer to partner with anyone but them. Well they cancelled my affiliate account but mysteriously within a week I started getting a MASSIVE amount of spam.

It seemed LifePharm was not happy that I had seen through the smoke and didn't pay them to be a member and go out to sell my friends and family on their scam of an affiliate program or magic pills. My email address continues to be spammed by companies I have never done business with and who have obviously purchased my info from LifePharm.

There's no way to get ahold of LifePharm people once you've cancelled your account. I have sent several emails asking if they sell their former customers' personal information but there have been no replies. LifePharm applied to be a member in the Direct Selling Association ( which is a business association many MLM companies partner with. It adds a layer of credibility. Well within DAYS LifePharm backed out of DSA membership. What does that tell you?

Update by Scott Troud Leo
Feb 07, 2012 11:37 pm EST

My name isn't out there because I have an S-corp and do all of my business under that name. It's not relevant to post that info here. There's no membership fee? You can go right to the sign-up page now and it says $1, 035 to join.

As for slamming the company without facts and documentation to back up my statements, do you have direct contact information for the company? An actual person who will answer the phone and respond to an email who has the authority to find out why my information was sold to third parties and continues to be spammed. And who can answer to why the last weeks of my attempts to contact someone at the company have gone without any response?

The product is questionable.

The company is non-responsive.

When you quit their system they sell your information and put you on their ignore list.

A recipe for disaster in the shark-filled MLM waters of the business world.

So I took it to ComplaintsBoard. If you want to talk about suspicious behavior, I find it suspicious that one complaint on the internet here gets a response within a day by someone "without a fake name" who "loves" the product. Take it or leave it. But be forewarned.

Update by Scott Troud Leo
Feb 08, 2012 4:28 pm EST

LOL at Jim's post. I really hope you're being sarcastic and are trying to back up the validity of my complaint by your remarks.

If you are being serious, my choice to not participate in Lifepharm Global Network or Laminine sales was even smarter than I thought. Yikes. I wouldn't want such a large portion of my brain removed.

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Rod Albers
Springfield, US
Feb 07, 2012 12:06 am EST

There is so much MIS-information in your "complaint", it's pathetic, but let's start with the fact that according to Google, "Scott Troud Leo" does not exist. It is very peculiar that someone would submit such scathing accusations and hide behind a fake name. There's one strike against your credibility, whoever you are. Shame on you for trying to portray a vital company in such a poor light, while hiding behind a fake mask.

There is NO membership fee to order Laminine. ZERO. You indicated there is an "$1, 100" membership fee? STRIKE TWO!

Laminine is NOT a scam. GOOGLE IT. Laminine is an incredible product that is helping many people in MAJOR ways.

Anyone can Google "Laminine" and find HUNDREDS of people sharing positive experiences about Laminine and how it has changed their lives for the better. These are real people with real lives and real contact information. They are not hiding! I encourage anyone reading this to seek out REAL information instead of blindly believing the malarkey you've purported.

LifePharm Global is a legitimate company, with an Alexa ranking of ~100, 000, which means it's one of the most heavily travelled web sites on Earth. So, your "opinion" is a bit outnumbered, sir (or madame)?

I will agree the "system" (web based back office) isn't perfect, but it's obscene to call it a scam. LifePharm Global is a new company and is utilizing a temporary platform until the "real" platform is implemented. Ease up there, Mr. Anonymous.

As for the company sending you SPAM. Puh-leeze. The company is too busy making a life-changing products and dealing with exponential growth to stoop to such levels, or respond to such ridiculous accusations.

I won't hide behind a fake name. My name is Rod Albers and I love Laminine. My contact info is easy to find. I'd put it here, but it might be improper. A simple Google search will produce my email, phone number, etc. If someone wants to go to the time send me spam, I'll click the button that say's "Spam" and my life will happily go on.

PS I believe I know who you are, and if I'm correct then I'm particularly disgusted! Whoever you are, please stop spreading false information, anonymously or otherwise. Someone out there might just be gullible enough to believe it, and you would then rob them of an opportunity to have a better life.

Littleton, US
Feb 08, 2012 12:43 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Rod, you are so right. So many friends are so grateful that I helped them to find laminine. their lives are so much improved. one woman said she would have emptied her bank account to get the relief she got. it is also helping so many pets. one woman saved $5, 000 by giving her pet laminine instead of having surgery that he said the pet needed.

Jim Dunne

Mar 26, 2012 9:20 pm EDT

To the guy with the Scorp whatever blah blah blah. Just after reading your post, I probably would not have responded to you either. It is clear you have done absolutely no research on this product and speak out of shear ignorance. I just started taking laminine and am in no way shape or form a distributor, but after feeling the effects of this product may end up doing so after I do all my research on this product to spare myself from sounding as ignorant as yourself. I am a very skeptical person by nature, but before I go bashing a product that has a multitude of positive testimonials, and only a handful of naysayers such as yourself, I will find out if it works for me before I open my mouth and tell everyone that it's a scam just because it didn't produce results for me. If it didn't work for you...fine, then be glad that your not "fooled" by the "smoke and mirrors", click delete on the spam and find something else that helps you calm your nerves because you are way too bent out of shape over something so trivial. Just because it works for some and first work for others does not mean its a scam, it just means it works for some and not big mystery there. Anywho, if it even helps ONE person overcome any sort of physical, emotional, or mental ailment, then obviously that would have to be a good thing. So lighten up, find yourself a real issue that you can pour your efforts into and make a real difference instead of trying to tear down something that people have poured years of their lives into, trying to make a POSITIVE difference in the world.

write on
Los Angeles, US
Apr 24, 2012 4:31 am EDT

Why is tehre no phone number for the company that works? Why do theynot provide a phone nymber on

Aug 20, 2012 12:11 am EDT

useless info! Laminine is not a spam or scam! do you want a proof? I found this great writeup...
That article tells you why...

sue qi
Oct 26, 2012 1:09 am EDT

I agree with the complaint. Yes, the cost is over $1, 000.00. You have to continue to order a specific amount every 30 days! It is difficult to get real information on this from the company. Their website does not even have information about how to obtain the product. I finally found some website that explains the process and the fees and all the requirements. A person that I trust says it works, however, trying to find out how much everything is was very difficult, they want you to become a member and sell their stuff. I Agree...a scam, yes!

Jan 02, 2013 10:14 pm EST

Still not convinced LIfePharm Global Laminine is not a scam?

read through this :

Roseville, US
Mar 19, 2013 9:15 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

MLM does not equal bad.

But charging over $1000 to be able to sell the product, equals bad. Charging ridiculous amounts of money for what is, at the end of the day, a vitamin (maybe) with some powdered proteins in it, is bad.

Being terrifically vague about the source of your ingredients, about the QC that your company uses to maintain the integrity of the ingredients, is bad. Claiming that your PRODUCT has clinical research behind it, when, maybe, some of the ingredients have small, unduplicated studies done years ago, is bad.

Claiming that your product is the CURE for all ills will get you out of business, quickly. Because that's bad, too.

And ganging up on someone who disagrees with you about your miracle product, and the water walking company founders who brought it to you: yup, that's bad, too.

Wauconda, US
Apr 05, 2013 11:45 am EDT

There is no membership fee to join LifePharm. You can join for free and share the product (which is pointless, really), or become a distributor by buy the product wholesale. THAT cost is a whopping $107.95, for the first month, then $35.95 for every month there after. And what do you get for this? Only one of the best supplements I've ever taken. Hmmm... How does lots of energy, mental clarity, accelerated healing, improved vision, stronger nails for starters, sound as a trade off for $35.95 a month?
As for the assertion that they cannot be reached... have you REALLY ever tried to call them? Every time I call with questions the phone is answered by a human being who will then put me in touch with the right department. Recently I had a question about shipping Laminine overseas. I was given the email address of the person I needed to contact. I sent my email and within an HOUR i got a reply. Very non-communicative indeed! By the way, here is a link to the LPGN contact us page. It was VERY hard to find. *SARCASM*
This product is not a scam. There are now thousands of people who have been helped by Laminine, many of whom are not distributors. The product is not a placebo. Very recently a double blind study was done WITH Laminine (not the young tissue extract) which showed that Laminine reduces cortisol levels in healthy individuals significantly. Just imagine what it can do for those who are not so healthy. You don't have to imagine it. It is real and it's happening.
I don't know why someone would falsely accuse LifePharm Global of deceptive practices. It's just plain BS.

Apr 10, 2013 4:08 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

can someone advise me where i could buy this product [laminine] in Ireland, many thanks.

RS Mallory
Sep 20, 2018 1:06 pm EDT
Replying to comment of mickeymul

Mickey if you are still looking for a way to purchase Laminine in Ireland (we have Euro distribution centers to ship to many Euro countries directly) you can place an order at For WHOLESALE pricing click the link on upper right that says Wholesale/Join. I suggest 4 bottles for your first order (You will save $40 usd) and continue to save as you go along. My contact info is on the bottom of that page if you've any questions.

grays, GB
Mar 10, 2014 4:03 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I've just joined as a distributor after taking laminine myself for the last 6 months. I have total belief in the product after using it myself. It cost me 64 dollars to register as a distributor, which included an initial order of 3 bottles of laminine. There are different payment levels for joining, $64 is the base level, $1, 100 is the most expensive level, so you do have a choice about what you spend to join

grays, GB
Mar 10, 2014 4:06 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

sorry made a mistake in my last post. the cost is $107 base level, it cost me £64 sterling as I paid from my UK bank account.

grays, GB
Mar 10, 2014 4:13 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

there is so much misinformation being spread here. In response to susie q, you do NOT have to continue to order a specific amount every month. whether or not you have a monthly autoship is your own personal choice. autoship gives you a better level of commission, other than that you order as and when you wish.

grays, GB
Mar 12, 2014 3:15 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I know it's a long while since the complaint was posted but one point I'd like to make is, I assume the complainant paid his fee to become a distributor? of $1, 100? - He states he cancelled within his first 30 days. Well, did they refund him his fee? He does not mention this, and I'm sure if he had not got his money back he would have said so. The point I make is, what sort of "scam" company would give you your money back?

Tina esguerra
Mountain View, US
Jul 05, 2014 7:16 pm EDT

I am a distribution of laminine I just joined recently. Yes there are customer service that will answer your questions. There's an 800 # you can call. It's not a scam. I tried this product and only on my second bottle makes a big difference in my health. I don't feel pain in my joints and specially my sinus. This was the biggest health problem I've encounter. Taking so many meds with little relief. But with laminine, it cures my sinusitis problem. I no longer pain . I'm glad I was introduce to this product.

Jul 19, 2014 7:26 am EDT

I also pulled out of life pram to my lack of understanding and fear if it being a scam with great regret. Before cancelling I paid for three bottles of tabs, though I had my fears and doubts, I had a injury in my pelvic bone showing up in X-rays, I had these three bottles of laminine, so I decided to start taking them:-) and all fears and doubt slipted away. I felt relief, slept better clear mind and so on. Then I thought of my daughter whom I believed needed it more then me for other reasons. So I stopped taking them and started my girl. And wow nearly straight away their was a noticeable difference. I still can't believe it, but I see it, and I am once again hopeful, my daughter is now experiencing amazing good changes in her life. So now I gave done a complete turn around, yes for me it is expensive because my income is modest, but I will do with out things that have no nutritious value to give my child a better physical and ... Life. And when I win lotto:-) I will continue to take them for myself. So I would like to apologise to lifepharm laminine for my disbelief, doubt, behaviour, when cancelling my account. From ratbag Queensland Australia. P.S . This product is amazing. Sometimes we need to step out side of the box and trust our own instincts, instead of other people doubts and fears, including our own.

Try Laminine - it might make you happier
Nov 13, 2014 2:27 pm EST

I honestly can't believe the outrageous lies and the lengths some people will go to, to pull down a good product. What is it with these people? Don't they have lives?
(Aussies call these people knockers - and other things)
I wouldn't even grace the 'knocker's' outrageous claims with an argument as I think that's been done very articulately anyway except to say.. the claims that there is any joining fee to buy/distribute Laminine, or that Lifepharm Global cannot be contacted are ludicrous. Nor - if anyone wishes to use this one, is there any secret regarding the ingredients of Laminine.
I have been involved with Laminine as a consumer and distributor for 6 months. Of course, being short of funds, the very first things I asked were - how much and is there a joining fee. My inquiries would have stopped there if there had been a joining fee and if the product had been expensive. I, and people I've introduced it to have been delighted with Laminine's affect on health and energy and if you really want to prove the 'knocker' correct - why not try the product yourself? You might just find that nerve pain you've had for many years, simply leaves you, or that you're happier, or that you don't have the need to whinge or knock quite so much as you'll be so busy telling others how much Laminine had changed your life - for the better.

Jan 04, 2015 8:02 pm EST

what a dirty liar who wrote this you disgust me trying to put down this company, i jouined got product as i suffer very bad with my stomach and tried everything from lots of mlm companies and stores and it works very well for acid stomach i been very ill and this works and i order when i like your full of ### and need a good slap and i will give you one you dirty liar, if i find out where you live i going to send someone with a video to video you dirty liar

Anne McMenamin
Nov 30, 2015 8:38 pm EST

I also have many concerns about the business, although not necessarily about the product. I had had hip and knee surgery, and a friend at the gym suggested I try Lamamine. I think it has been useful, although it's a little difficult to isolate factors, as I am also taking fish oil and glucosamine, and doing strengthening exercises - I have a degree in Exercise and Sport Science. However, my recovery post the knee surgery has continued well past the time maximum recovery should have been achieved. So, suspicious as I am of the company, I am continuing with the Lamamine.

However, my interaction with the company has not been positive. Initially, the friend who recommended the product to me, did suggest I could reduce my cost my becoming a distributor, but being suspicious of that kind of pyramid selling, I refused. Since then I have continued to get copious emails from LifePharm, which my Junk Mail/Spam programs don't seem to be able to block. They tried to get me to sign up to Virtual Office, and are now trying to charge me a $20 fee as an "Independent Business Owner", with the statement that they will take this money out of my bank account (they have my credit card details) unless I pay it voluntarily. I wrote to say I was not an IBO but an occasional retail customer, and would not pay this fee. I have had a reply saying that they can alter my account status, provided that I place a phone order for a bottle of Lamamine. I wrote back to say that I would not be ordering a bottle, as I had just bought a large bottle of the stuff, and I certainly wouldn't be placing an order by phone, as I live in Australia. I got an email back saying that I had to make the order, and giving me an 1800 number to ring. I rang that number, but got a recorded message saying that that number does not exist. I've emailed LifePharm back, reporting this, but have not yet had a reply (only sent 30 mins ago, so that's okay, but the experience has sent me to the internet to look for complaints. One of the other difficulties I have had with them is not being able to find a number in Australia that I can ring., and that's been reinforced today - my internet search didn't find any contact details. If i don't get a satisfactory result, I'll be contacting Consumer Affairs, as I suspect that there will be other Australians with similar experiences.

Anne McMenamin
Dec 02, 2015 11:36 pm EST

This is the second time I have tried to post a comment, which is interesting in itself. My problem is not so much with the product as with the company's business practices. Having had a hip replacement, and knee surgery, a friend at the gym recommended I try Lamamine, which I did, although I was certainly skeptical. I think it has been helpful, as my knee has continued to improve well past the 6 months when total recovery should have been achieved. However, it is a little difficult to isolate contributing factors, as I have also been taking fish oil and glucosamine, and doing strengthening exercises - I have a degree in Exercise and Sport Science.
I am currently in dispute with the company, who are demanding that I pay a $20 fee as an Independent Business Owner, with the threat that they will take it out of my bank account if I don't pay it voluntarily - they have my credit card details. I wrote to say that I was not an IBO but an occasional retail customer, which they could clearly see from my record. I got an email back confirming this, but stating that they could only change my account status if I placed a telephone order for more Lamamine. I wrote back to say that I would not be doing this, as (a) I had only recently purchased a large bottle of the stuff, and (b) I would not be making any phone calls to the US form Australia. I got an email back reiterating their demand, and giving me a number to ring to place an order. Assuming this was an Australian number, I rang it, but got a recorded message to say the number was not connected, and I emailed back to LPGN to that effect. Getting no reply to that, I tried to find some kind of contact number in Australia. An agent gave me contact details for senior operatives in Aus, and I rang and left a message. That was 3 days ago, and they have not returned my call. I emailed back to the American consultant (Bery Cardenas), again pointing out that the phone number she gave me was not valid, and that the Australian outfit had not responded, and that if they removed any money from my bank account I would be reporting them to the Office of Business Affairs. That was 2 days ago, and I have no reply. I wrote all of this on this site a couple of days ago, but for some reason it did not appear. Actually, I don't know if appeared and was deleted. I just know that when I looked today to see if there was any response, it wasn't there. So we'll see what happens this time - I am keeping a copy of this to prove that I posted it. Incidentally, I know I am not the only Australian who is being harassed about this $20, which is probably closer to $30 AUD, our exchange rate being what it is.

Anne McMenamin
Dec 02, 2015 11:37 pm EST

This is interesting. I posted the comment directly above, and lo and behold, the other one was there as well.

May 26, 2017 5:03 am EDT

In March 2017, LifePharm did a major overhaul of their website. We used to get an average of $200 credit on our account. Then it went down to 40 or less. Why? Our links (customer links to buy from us) no longer works. WORSE, when our customer goes to our link it REDIRECT to lifepharm.. thus all our sales now goes to LifePharm, except maybe the new ones.

Its like they stole from us! Changing all the links and redirecting to the corporate account.

Derek Siri
Aug 14, 2020 1:22 am EDT

Speaking from the truth, I was member who joined Lifepham company, 2019. The reason I became non active because I was too busy with my own business. The time I joined, there was no Membership fee as someone claimed, and they did not force people the buy anything for any set price. I had requested he refund for some of the people that introduced. They got the refund back in-full...The Company existed in Irvine California, I personally went there for many meetings.

Surprise, people made the claims that had not been with what I had experienced. Could be Jealous, Mad, Revenge or Competition... The world can never be perfect. Find out yourself the truth, try it!