This individual is not and has not ever been a customer of my company. Pinhead Landon Lowell from Erie, PA called my company and was very rude with me, exclaiming that he didn't want to do business with me after I politely asked confirmed his visiting a website and filling out a quote request form to ship his vehicle. Like a little girl, he whined about my contacting him in response to his online quote request. He then maliciously bashed my company on Yelp with unwarranted and slanderous comments.
In my opinion, Pinhead Landon Lowell is nothing more than an insecure little internet troll who enjoys harassing small business owners online to compensate for his low self-esteem. He should stay off of the internet rather than trolling companies online for the sole purpose of engaging them in conflict and then bashing them on Yelp, a site used by many millenial social media terrorists who feel empowered by their computers.