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CB Scam and Fake Checks Review of Jay Ottis, Globie, Globee, Kidznation
Jay Ottis, Globie, Globee, Kidznation

Jay Ottis, Globie, Globee, Kidznation review: Fraud, He will Steel your money and run 15

Author of the review
9:23 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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If you are even thinking of investing with a man named Jay Ottis, or Joseph Paul Ottis, stop and read about him on the internet first. He has scammed hundreds of thousands of dollars off of people using a very well put together scam called Globie... He has cartoon characters that look like the planets, earth the sun, moon, ect... He has developed them enought to show it to you, get you involved and then steel your money.

Addionally, in my opinion he probably has some severe mental problems and could be dangerous.

Please beware. He will also file reports on the internet using other peoples names to support his claims...



The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Victim Defense
Omaha, US
Jan 18, 2010 8:39 am EST

First off I know Mr. Ottis very well. The content of this blogg is untrue. It is obviously intended to cause Mr. Ottis harm.

Unfortunatley there are sites like this that allow anyone to post anything about others without validation of content. The laws do NOT protect people from bloggers and bloggers know this. However, the laws are slowly changing and Mr. Ottis is anxious to be able to force the disclosure of this person and file charges.

So, blogger, here is your opportunity to be a real person with a valid complaint.




Defense for Ottis, Victim Defense, Omaha, Nebraska.

Jan 18, 2010 4:10 pm EST

I agree with victim Defense. Companies like this one and the blogger should be prosecuted and locked up for spreading false information on people.

So "Complaint Board" and "Blogger" how about it, in my opinion you are both bottom feeders. The blogger for the lies and stalking someone lacking the courage to put THEIR NAME on their BS and "Complaint Board" for allowing people to submitt information without posting their names.

Complaint Board" just becaue there are holes in the laws that allow you to make money by hurting people dosen't offset your low moral character. If a report bears truth, so be it, but, if a report is NOT valid then you are guilty of a crime against someone that YOU DO NOT KNOW!

I hear that "Complaint Board" is operated by abusers of children and owners who have records for domestic violence is this true. So, i will do my best to gather your names and began posting the things that I have heard. Its all fair in your low life world right?

Christine for Victims Defense, Omaha

Jan 20, 2010 8:37 am EST

I am a very close friend to this man Ottis and here is a fact that is over looked. History is full of people whose minds are beyond the average persons and they all have something in common. They have been persecuted and prosecuted because those around them see them as odd or bad. If you look at the work or Ottis, read his stories, get into his vison you will see a man that is extremely creative and brilliant.

His problem is that average people are attracted to him and most want to reap rewards from his works so they buy into his talent. But, his talent is not a business, he is a creative master. He lives for his dreams not money. So he is taken advantage of by people and when he suffers the good people who have invested their time and money into his dreams suffer also. Then there are ignorant people who hate themselves and have such low self esteem that they point their fingers at him and blame him for their short comings.

If the same people that are attacking him would embrace his vison and support him, they would join the majority of people in his life that love him and support him. His dream is alive and growing and he has never forgotten the people who have loved him and he has never frogotten those who attack him and his dream. I can assure you that he will be sucessful and he will take his friends with him and because he is a man of honor and pride, he will force people like the person who wrote the sick blogg into court and he will crucify them in the public eye.

He is a good man and he like no other person I know keeps getting up every time is knocked down and keeps pushing his dream because his dream is real and it will bring love and hope to those it touches.

Like Christine (response above) said... "blogger if you have a ligitmate case to bring out, post your name and I will bet that you will be contacted and given your day infront of a judge, in a real court". So for me and hundreds of people who know and love Ottis I am sorry that you have developed such a low self esteem and that your own life is so worthless. But attacking others is just taking you lower and personally, I think you are about as low as a human can be.

REO, Omaha, Nebraska

Hawaian Mike
Feb 01, 2010 7:46 am EST

BS: Are you kidding me. I have over a million dollars invested in this company and my family and I are best friends with this person.

We have worked with him for over seven years on the development of many products for the company. Whoever wrote this BS is a sick person that does not have a clue on what he/she is talking about.

I agree that you should put your name and face where your filthy mouth is and lets do court one day real soon. I will pay the for the date and see you there sicko.


Mar 16, 2010 4:30 pm EDT

As just one of many Jay Ottis' victims, I am really quite sure that those "supporting"
him (if not Jay Ottis himself) are con artists themselves and part of the Ottis team.
What I find hard to believe is that after all of these years, Ottis is still playing the very same game. Geez. If he's that creative and wonderful, why hasn't he moved on to a new scam instead of burning the Globie/Globee idea into the ground? What a major tool.
He only got us for a few hundred dollars - I really feel for anyone in his path. No matter how convincing-people, please!-don't give him a dime. I would doubt very seriously whether any child on the face of Globie's Earth has ever benefitted from anything Mr. Ottis has contributed. If the sponsors I've seen listed on sites about Globie are truly investing time and money, we must inform them of his criminal mind. I personally
know executives at Childrens Hospital in Omaha and administration at Boys Town.
You can bet I will be writing to them. Please good and honest colleagues of Nebraska,
let's show Mr. Ottis that he needs to move on (that is if he doesn't end up rotting in jail in
Utah) so nobody else falls prey to his trap.

Ottis IS a Conman
Nov 21, 2011 5:04 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Jay P. Ottis, Joseph Paul Ottis, J.P. Ottis, and whatever other names he's gone by - is simply a conartist. He has foolishly spent the money he has taken from good, caring people wanting to make a difference for less fortunate children. The money has been spent for his own benefit ranging from lavish stays at a variety of casinos, gambling, and paying for 'entertainment' while traveling with his lone co-hort and supposed business manager. Jay hisself writes on these forums and under the guise of being a supporter (going as far as signing as his ex-wife Christine who he duped out of large sums of moeny), because he has no real supporters, just innocent victims he stole money from. He is constantly under investigation by the SEC, FBI, IRS, and USPS. Check for yourself as there are documented cases which always confirm the position fo the victims and NEVER that Ottis the Con-Man is doing any good whatsoever. He promises a return on investment or at the very least to pay back money invested, but NEVER does. I know this from real personal experience, as I tried to get my $10K back from him after doing a background check on him and finding out Ottis has a criminal record from well before 2001 when I tried to get my money back. He travels all over searching for and preying on good people and is well below any other bottom feeders in our society. He served jail time in Utah for taking hundreds of thousands of dollars from an unknowing widow (again it documented by Salt Lake City courts). Feel free to copy and paste this into any forums where Ottis or his imagined support group have a posting so everyone knows to (as said above) to run run run OR better yet get him locked up for good so others can have their way with him, which he deserves over and over again as repayment for all of those infected by thisc Con-man.

Darrell Perdue
Omaha, US
Feb 25, 2012 10:23 am EST

HAHAHAHA OMFG He is still trying to con people? My name is Darrell Perdue of Omaha Ne no need to hide my name from this ###. Back in 2006 he hired my company DWS Technologies to develope his websites for both globee and kidznation. After about 20k into the hole of developing this website he had paid me $2500 which I later realized he scammed from my neighbors mom. Before I knew where he got the little money he did pay me he said he would offer me stock in his company. LOL I told him no thanks im not interested. After he failed to pay me I took his websites offline and did not give him the domain names either. During the few months his sites were online I got calls from Coke, Pepsi and others telling me to remove content as he did not have a right to use them lol. This guy was convicted in AZ I think it was for the same stuff. He conds people into buying into his company and uses children as a means to get people to give him money. The guy needs shot in the head. I had no idea he was still trying to con people. The pictures and movies he uses were done a long time ago and something happened with him and his x parter who was also a con man. They parted ways and Ottis kept some of the material and started driving across the usa conning people with it. If anyone has a current location of this ### please email it to My attorney tried to serve him many times as his former address in Council Bluffs Iowa but he had fled to CA. The conversation I had with him that really made me start doing research was he said he was in CA making a commercial and that the arnold schwarzenegger was promoting it LOL. So anyone who has doubts about this guy send me an email or call me my # should not be that hard to find. Or send me a msg on facebook.

Bellevue, US
Jun 14, 2013 11:11 pm EDT

I am a web designer/marketing professional in Bellevue, NE. I want to update this and let you know that as of June 2013, Jay Ottis/John Paul Ottis has changed his name to Joseph Hamilton, and is running his scheme again in the Omaha area.

I got a call from Joseph Hamilton at the end of May. He said he was trying to launch a children's program with the 9 planets in the solar system as the main characters. He needed a website where he could post a copy of the pilot show he'd produced, other videos, and photos in time for the licensing expo in Las Vegas on June 18. He said he'd had his plan reviewed by PriceWaterhouse Coopers in LA, and they said it was valued at $750 million - $1.3 billion, with a shelf life of 20 years. That's when the first red flag went up -- I am a solo freelancer and knew I'd never be able to handle the work alone if this program took off. He also claimed he'd worked for a Hollywood production company whose work earned several Oscars, Emmys, etc. He called on a Wednesday and we set up a meeting for Thursday, which he cancelled so he could meet a friend at the VA Hospital. We re-set the meeting for Monday, June 3.

I Googled this name on Wednesday and didn't see any related results, which was very odd. If he'd done the work he had claimed with the Hollywood company, he should have been all over the Internet. So I did some more digging Sunday night. I found a domain name listing under John Paul Hamilton-Ottis, and that's where I found this site. He also is all over scam report and several other complaint boards. I called our local police and reported what I had found. They said they couldn't do anything unless a crime had been committed, but they urged me to call the Nebraska Attorney General's office on Monday, which I did. I also called the State Patrol and FBI, but they all said they couldn't do anything unless there was a crime. I then sent the information I gathered to attorney general offices in Nebraska, Nevada, Utah and California and the FBI to report what I had found.

After these calls, I went to meet with him but he never showed -- he said he had to do some medical tests at the VA Hospital and couldn't get away.With this ploy, he's gently hinting that he's a veteran without revealing his rank or the branch of military where he served. I tried calling and emailing after that, but he never responded.

If you meet this man, DO NOT GIVE HIM MONEY. Search for him under all the names listed here and see what you find. He's passing himself off as Joseph Hamilton and says he lives in Bellevue, Nebraska. While searching online, I found this photo of him: I have confirmed his identity through others who've been scammed by him.

I have a phone number and email for this main, but was unable to get an address for him. I also have confirmed his attorney's hame, address and phone number as well. If you'd like this information and the links that I have, please email me here: info (at)

Omaha, US
Jun 24, 2013 7:32 pm EDT

This woman is insane. She spreads rumors based on Internet Blogs? AFTER she is told by the numerous major "Law Enforcement Agency's" that has been no crime? Can you spell "DUMB" and "Liable" ?

I also read the Purdue crap. What an idiot. A $20K web site would have to clean your house and drive your car.

I know Mr. Ottis: Strange that his family has a 17 year Sheriff and a retired FBI Special Agent that managed 750 Agents and was the P.I. for Mr. Ottis looking for the bogus blogger. Oh, and not to mention his family member that is a city cop that has investments in Globee and just spent days with Mr. Ottis a television license EXPO.

Odd that these men of credibility in law enforcement would tolerate a "Conman"

So Scambusterette and Purdue, I hope I am in court when you have to provide your evidence against Mr. Ottis as he presents his to take your bank account, your homes and maybe your cars.
Michael, Victims Defense Team.

Omaha, US
Jun 24, 2013 7:56 pm EDT

I agree with Victim Defense: These people are unworthy members to any business community. Cantena Creations, people should NEVER trust you with their business or personal information! How did you succeed in business with such a sick character and your irresponsible way of damaging people based on information on the Internet? I heard that you called one of Mr. Ottis's business associate, who is a very respected lawyer in Nebraska and you posted so much BS? WOW... I hope Catena Creations is sued!

Darrelle Purdue, it is against the law to threaten and or entice, persuade or encourage bodily harm on another person and or their life.

Yet, you put your criminal act on the Internet for the world (law enforcement) to validate and prosecute you. Perhaps "Scambusteretts" can be named as an accessory.

By the way, I know Mr. Ottis provided you with a DVD of his old web site to post under a new domain. Hardly worth $20K. I also know that you sold him a lap top that you claimed was almost new which you were only selling because you were upgrading computer. I also know that he brought it back to you a number of times to get his money back which you never honored. I was witness to the Geek Squad report along with his friend Alan that the "Mother Board" was fried and I am sure that a self -proclaimed computer genius like you knew the lap top was JUNK. Darrelle didn't you get kicked out of your Council Bluffs office in the mall for not paying rent? Maybe I am wrong.

C. Lee - Omaha, Nebraska
PS If I were you two I would worry that you may see repercussions by the law for your malice.

New York, US
Aug 06, 2013 11:19 pm EDT

I am planning on forcing both the owner of Catena Creations in Bellevue, NE, and Darrell Purdue into court by October 2013 to face Mr. Ottis. The suit will be in the range of $1-2 million Dollars for posting untrue information, for posting information with malice and for interfering with his business and damaging his character. Doubting that either of these individuals have large sums of money to pay a sizable judgment, we will put liens on homes, bank accounts, property and assets including but not limited to earned income, until the judgments are paid in full. In the event of death of either party we will seek rights of ownership to property and personal assets to secure the maximum payment available on a judgment, if we are awarded a judgment.

People that make up stories about others must face the accused.

Victims Defense NY, NY.

J paul Ottis
Omaha, US
Sep 06, 2013 5:00 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


Provided by Victims Defense, August 30, 2013
Complaint: A4519-3107-68
Cyberstalking Crime Defined by Federal Law:

Cyberstalking: The use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization. It is a criminal offense.

False Accusations: Many cyberstalkers try to damage the reputation of their victim and turn other people against them. They post false information about them on websites. They may set up their own websites, blogs or user pages for this purpose. They post allegations about the victim to newsgroups, chat rooms, or other sites that allow public contributions.

Monitoring victim’s online activities: Cyberstalkers attempt to trace their victim’s IP address to gather more information about their victims.

Encouraging others to harass the victim: Cyberstalkers involve third parties in their harassment of their victims. They may claim the victim has harmed the stalker or their family in some way to encourage others to join the pursuit to cause the victim harm and or damage.

Attacks victims computer: Cyberstalkers try to damage the victim's computer by sending viruses.

• The current US Federal Anti-Cyber-Stalking law is found at 47 U.S.C. § 223

• The first U.S. cyberstalking law went into effect in 1999 in California.

• Other states include prohibition against cyberstalking in their harassment or stalking legislation. In Florida, HB 479 was introduced in 2003 to ban cyberstalking. This was signed into law on October 2003.

• Missouri revised its state harassment statutes to include stalking and harassment by telephone and electronic communications (as well as cyber-bullying) after the Megan Meier suicide case of 2006.

Theresa Cassiday has never met Mr. Ottis yet she attacks him. Darrell Purdue is her business associate that threatened Mr. Ottis's life in his posting. This a clear case of Cyberstalking and Terroristic Threats of a Persons Life, both crimes are chargeable in Council Bluffs, Missouri.
Victims Defense,

Ottis IS a Conman
Sep 17, 2014 11:54 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

If anyone believes anything posted by Jay Paul Ottis/Joseph Paul Ottis/Joseph Hamilton and his aliases: Victim's Defense, C.Lee, Michael, Joseph Hamilton simply contact the various Federal organizations that have reports on con-artist Ottis since 1999 when he first hit the Omaha area. We're sure there were other people conned by him before that.

He did not develop the characters he promotes. A well-known graphics designer out of Burbank California did. The designer was not compensated in full nor did he release the Right To Use to Ottis for the characters, but passed away. His son is aware of the issue, but doesn't have the means to pursue Ottis or Joseph Hamilton as The same goes for any children's book stories he may solicit you with - the 2 legitimate ones were written by Curriculum Design out of Colorado.

Simply put, Ottis is a liar. Over the years he's taken money from good innocent people. "Facts" that Ottis/aliases attempt to present are all false. There is no lack of real documentation to refute any comments made by him or his alternate identities. The USPS Inspector, FBI, and Douglas County (NE) Sheriff are all very aware of this thief.

He was convicted of Securities Fraud in Utah and served prison time, be sure to ask him how that went. Those official documents are available to the public - take the time to research him. He is a predator. Ask about his Grand Theft convictions for check fraud in California in the 1990s.

It will be a joyous for the exploited children and the world in general when he's gone. We all know where he'll be rotting away.

Attorneys General
Omaha, US
Mar 08, 2017 10:51 am EST most accurate updated information for this con man. What happened to your pretend lawsuit again Darrell Perdue lol.

Just a random person
Apr 05, 2019 8:58 pm EDT

Yes, I can attest that he is, unfortunately, most certainly a con man. I could see right through his bs. He reads people. I’d say he is good at it but as a 20 year old woman in the mid 90’s, (he was conning money out of my then boyfriend), I could see he was full of garbage. Unfortunate for the then boyfriend who was a college student and who borrowed 10, 000 from his parents to invest in jay Ottis. I remember telling him not to do it as I could tell somingthing wasn’t right about Jay. He didn’t listen. We all have lessons to learn and this was the boyfriends I guess, after getting the money jay then did a disappearing act. Too bad. He talks a big game. I hope he doesn’t get the chance to con anyone else. Thank goodness for the internet and the ability to do searches on people. He has a fb profile under jayson hamilton and possibly lives in Gilbert, AZ.