Edward C.Hopkins Jr was involved in an attempt to extort monies from a defendant. In a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black (no racism intended) he accused the defendant of what he himself does.
His legal practice works by falsifying complaints, stating falsehoods, misrepresenting the facts and then lying in order to deceive the Court.
His firm then write letters asking defendant to do impossible things, like removing reviews that cannot be removed, or threatening losses if defendants do not perjure. In other cases, the firm works behind the scenes to make posts with shady associates of theirs, and then claim the defendants made the post.
This behaviour comes under coercion and extortion (do this or we will take money from you). Wilful dishonesty in legal practice is also fraud and can lead to an attorneys debarment.
There is written evidence to suggest Hopkinsway PLLC work for Clients who cheat, lie, defraud and extort people, and then blame the defendants.
In 2015, Hopkinsway PLLC defrauded an insurance company out of US $60, 000, by forcing a defendant to settle, because if she did not, they threatened to frame her for extortion, whereas in reality, it is Hopkinsway PLLC that extort.
Subornation of perjury to remove complaints board posting not posted by defendant
Hopkinsway PLLC attorneys were involved in a bad faith shady attempt to try and coerce a defendant to lie to Complaints Board (by way of perjury) to remove a complaint that he did not even post.
Hopkinsway PLLC knew he did not post the complaint, but they demanded the removal anyway, as they are dishonest and fraudulent .
In the Court complaint, they made many very serious mistakes, so bad, they could not claim they were simple oversights, rather they were blatent dishonesties.
The defendant in question refused to submit the statement to Complaints Board, because it would have been a false statement.
The defendant did not make the posting. Hopkinsway PLLC claimed that the defendant fabricated postings pretending to be employees of the company, but the truth is many employees did whistleblow.
Hopkinsway PLLC knew that but lied anyway.
Edward C. Hopkins jr and Alexandra v. Tracy-Ramirez of Hopkinsway PLLC are dishonest attorneys reported for attempting to deceive the colorado 10th district court by way of dishonest, misleading and fraudulent representation.
There are concerns that these attorneys may be guilty of the crime of criminal fraud.
The two attorneys named do the above with full knowledge, and were given an opportunity to tell the truth to the tribunal, but declined.
They have been reported to the colorado tenth district court for fraud.
They were also involved in another colorado lawsuit which was designed to extort a settlement out of a legal insurance company. this lawsuit too, was also falsified and misrepresented in order to coerce the legal insurance firm in question into conceding defeat and handing over at least us $60, 000 + legal fees which went to hopkinsway pllc.
Alexandra v. tracy-ramirez is reported for falsifying a court entry in the pacer database, misrepresenting the date and occurrence of service of process, and thus falsely misleads the court that service has been accomplished when it has not.
Both attorneys also falsify complaints in order to mislead judges, and also in order to deceive search engines into believing webpages are defamatory, although google have wizened up to attorneys doing as such, and now routinely deny removal requests.
They also falsify costs and make other blatently misleading statements in court filings, and are careless, sloppy, dishonest and misleading in their work, and thus should be considered unprofessional attorneys worthy only of debarment.
Hopkinsway PLLC Fraudulent and Dishonest Attorneys Edward C.Hopkins Jr and Alexandra V. Tracy-Ramirez
These attorneys operate in contravention of Rule 8.4 of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct which forbides engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation and are thus not recommended.
They represent those engaged in the aforementioned four abuses and thus by association associate themselves with dishonest fraudsters, cheats, liars and the like and thus it would be the truth to say they are fraudulent in their dealings.
There are also concerns that these attorneys attempt to obtain money by deception and misrepresentation which is criminal fraud and cause for an attorneys debarment.
There are also concerns that these attorneys knowingly lie or assist others to do so, in order to mislead the Courts and help others to do the same, in order to procure monetary gains.
In addition, these attorneys tried to sue someone in bad faith who tells the truth, and thus they brought their own dishonesty into the light for everyone to see.
There are concerns that these attorneys may be guilty of the crime of criminal fraud which in simple terms means telling lies to a judge so a judge awards your client money. They are most likely to have committed fraud, because their Client was fraudulent and dishonest, and because their legal filings contain verifiable falsehoods, designed to mislead judges at the Colorado Tenth District Court.
In my opinion, Hopkinsway PLLC are pathological liars, which Wikipedia explains is a disease:-
If the disease continues to progress, lying could become so severe as to cause legal problems, including, but not limited to, fraud.
Psychotherapy appears to be one of the only methods to treat a person suffering from pathological lying. No research has been performed regarding the use of pharmaceutical medication to treat pathological liars. Some research suggests that certain people may have a "predisposition to lying".
It is the opinion of the poster that Edward J Hopkins has this malady, and thus should seek therapy.
The lawyer Alexandra v. Tracy-Ramirez of Hopkinsway PLLC mentioned also falsifies service of process documents. She enters false information into the PACER database, to mislead a Court into believing service has been effected, when it has not.
A false, fraudulent, or perjurious declaration of service of process misuses "the power of the court; it is an act done in the name of the court and under its authority for the purpose of perpetrating an injustice." Meadows v. Bakersfield Savings & Loan Assoc.,
"Chaos would result if the legal community could not depend on the truthfulness of declarations of service of process. Public policy requires that it be regarded as serious, with consequences sufficiently adverse to act as deterrence
In terms of subornation of perjury, Wikipedia states:-
In American law the subornation of perjury is the crime of persuading a person to commit perjury — the swearing of a false oath to tell the truth in a legal proceeding, be it spoken or written.
In American federal law, Title 18 U.S.C. § 1622 provides that:
Whoever procures another to commit any perjury is guilty of subornation of perjury, and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
In legal practice, the condition of suborning perjury applies to a lawyer who presents either testimony or an affidavit, or both, either to a judge or to a jury, which the attorney knows to be materially false, and not factual. In civil law and in criminal law, the attorney’s knowledge that the testimony is materially false must rise above mere suspicion to what an attorney would reasonably have believed in the circumstances of the matter discussed in the testimony. Hence, the attorney cannot be wilfully blind to the fact that his or her witness is giving false, perjurious testimony.
Moreover, an attorney who actively encourages a witness to give false testimony is suborning perjury, which is a crime punished either with formal disciplinary action, disbarment, or jail, or a combination thereof.
Likewise, a false statement by an attorney in court also is a crime similar to subornation of perjury, and is punished accordingly.