91-271 Hanapouli Cir 14D
Ewa Beach, Hawaii 96706
Jia San, Chelsea Tran, Ariel Keaunui, Leteshe Driskell and Grace Bunghanoydiama
Hawaii Center For Children and Families
550 Kunehi St. #206
Kapolei, Hawaii 96707
Dear Jia, Chelsea, Ariel, and Grace Bunghanoydiama,
The Regulated Industries Complaints Office (RICO) recommended I write this letter to youall.
On December 14, 2021, I signed a contract to join your agency at Hawaii Center for Children and Families Kapolei.
Unfortunately, your service has not been satisfactory because I initially agreed to come on board last December 2021 because a supervisor Master of Social Work was made available to supervise me for a practicum placement with Hawaii Pacific University. The agency verbally contracted via phone, text message and emails to assign both credentialed BCBA Grace the current Administrative Director at the time, Jia San, BCBA. I was not given direct training on how to expedite the paperwork for CMD, Altres, manually fill out an SVF, session note or treatment outcome paperwork. Essentially, I was gaslighted by the BCBAs.
I contacted the BCBAs but numerous times I requested training I was not properly trained on how to communicate with a client whose parent was not at home twice during my scheduled sessions once with the client JD on 02/04/2022 from 1000 — 1145am and the client JA on March 11, 2022 from 4-6pm. Both BCBAs Chelsea and Grace took leave. Chelsea texted me from her flight on Sunday March 13, 2022, “I can email tomorrow, I am on airplane. See you in April!”
4.11 These instances are violations of BACB ethics code Facilitating Continuity of Supervision (see 1.03, 2.02, 3.14)
“Behavior analysts minimize interruption or disruption of supervision and make appropriate and timely efforts to facilitate the continuation of supervision in the event of planned interruptions (e.g., temporary leave) or unplanned interruptions (e.g., illness, emergencies). When an interruption or disruption occurs, they communicate to all relevant parties the steps being taken to facilitate continuity of supervision.”
These instances also violate 4.10 Evaluating Effects of Supervision and Training (see 1.03, 2.17, 2.18)
“Behavior analysts actively engage in continual evaluation of their own supervisory practices using feedback from others, the client and supervisee outcomes. Behavior analysts document those self-evaluations and make timely adjustments to their supervisory and training practices as indicated. Behavior analysts are knowledgeable about and comply with all applicable supervisory requirements (e.g., BACB rules, licensure requirements, funder and organization policies), including those related to supervision modalities and structure (e.g., in person, video conference, individual, group).”
These incidents also violate BACB ethics code, 4.01 Compliance with Supervision Requirements (see 1.02) as text messages and emails are not proficient enough means of communication for supervision.
Another incompetent form of culturally competent communication and violation of BACB ethics code by BCBA Chelsea is that of 2.08 Communicating About Services
“Behavior analysts use understandable language in, and ensure comprehension of, all communications with clients, stakeholders, supervisees, trainees, and research participants. Before providing services, they clearly describe the scope of services and specify the conditions under which services will end. They explain all assessment and behavior-change intervention procedures before implementing them and explain assessment and intervention results when they are available. They provide an accurate and current set of their credentials and a description of their area of competence upon request.”
On March 12, 2022, Chelsea briefly texted me about EFs father’s request that I be more “involved” and “upbeat” but did not communicate effectively the specific context of this as it pertains to his treatment plan. In translation of said treatment services, there is a significant language barrier as EF’s mother does not speak English fluently but is the custodial guardian on site during my scheduled sessions. Chelsea communicates to the father who is a fluent English speaker but will leave me in a session unsupervised with the Spanish speaking mother. This language barrier poses a risk of cultural competence. EF’s mom cannot speak English and needs a translator fluent in Spanish to communicate to the treatment team. BCBA Chelsea failed to actively work to create a professional environment that uphold the core principles and standards of the Code.
The neglect to address the language barrier and cultural barrier for the client EF is in direct violation of.08 Nondiscrimination. Behavior analysts do not discriminate against others. They behave toward others in an equitable and inclusive manner regardless of age, disability, ethnicity, gender expression/identity, immigration status, marital/relationship status, national
Also a violation of ethics code.08 nondiscrimination, I was terminated from my BCBA role because I am a social worker and mandated reporter that works closely with child protective services. I recommend children be removed from their custodial parents if the parents participate in criminal activity: hard drugs, drunk driving, grand larceny, prostitution, white collar corruption, neglect, corporal punishment, child abuse and sexual abuse. According to the BACB. We are collectively mandated reporters.
To date, there has been no supervisional guidance from Dr Jana or the BCBAs Jia San, Letesha Driskell and Grace Bunghanoydiama concerning my feedback of the the client JD. In fact, the direct opposite occurred. I was kept on his schedule Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays, for four sessions at a total of 12 hours while two BCBAs resigned from the case and Grace Bunghanoydiama negated accountability to assist me in any BACB supervision being a BCBA herself and social work supervisor for my practicum site.
These instances are in violation of 3.03 Accepting Clients (see 1.05, 1.06)
“Behavior analysts only accept clients whose requested services are within their identified scope of competence and available resources (e.g., time and capacity for case supervision, staffing). When behavior analysts are directed to accept clients outside of their identified scope of competence and available resources, they take appropriate steps to discuss and resolve the concern with relevant parties. Behavior analysts document all actions taken in this circumstance and the eventual outcomes.”
These instances are also in violation of: 3.15 Appropriately Discontinuing Services (see 1.03, 2.02,, 2.19)
Behavior analysts include the circumstances for discontinuing services in their service agreement.
“They consider discontinuing services when: (1) the client has met all behavior-change goals, (2) the client is not benefiting from the service, (3) the behavior analyst and/or their supervisees or trainees are exposed to potentially harmful conditions that cannot be reasonably resolved, (4) the client and/or relevant stakeholder requests discontinuation, (5) the relevant stakeholders are not complying with the behavior-change intervention despite appropriate efforts to address barriers, or (6) services are no longer funded. Behavior analysts provide the client and/or relevant stakeholders with a written plan for discontinuing services, document acknowledgment of the plan, review the plan throughout the discharge process, and document all steps taken analysts document all actions taken in this circumstance and the eventual outcomes.”
The inability to address the language barrier for the morale of the client, EF and his mother concerning treatment, JD’s harm to himself, his mother and staff: all BCBAs failed to create professional environments that uphold the core principles and standards of the:
Code.1.03 Accountability
“Behavior analysts are accountable for their actions and professional services and follow through on work commitments. When errors occur or commitments cannot be met, behavior analysts take all appropriate actions to directly address them, first in the best interest of clients, and then in the best interest of relevant parties.”
1.09 Nonharassment
“Behavior analysts do not engage in behavior that is harassing or hostile toward others.”
Grace, the BCBAs and Momi denied my assessment for RBT credential renewal as well as the 90-day assessment based on insufficient findings creating an extremely hostile environment. Actively working to create professional environments that uphold the core principles and standards of the Code. Letesha Driskell called me a “[censored]” when asking for clarification on how to spell my last name, “Hor — sen.” On the day of the incident with the client JD. Chelsea Tran touched my hand in an inappropriate and sexual manner on March 2, 2022 during AT’s session at 3pm.
My sworn statement for the incident report dated 02/05/2022 states that the client is a legitimate, urgent, safety concern: a harm to himself and the staff. I resigned from the case for lack of guidance from the BCBA’s Jia San, Letesha Driskell, and Grace Bunghanoydiama. The clinical scheduler kept me on the client JD’s schedule for a total of 12 hours per week. This violates RBT ethics code 1.06 that I only work with clients that I have demonstrated competence in treating.
It is the responsibility of the BCBAs to obtain referrals and access to a higher eschelon of care for the client if the client is outside their scope of competence. This instance is in direct violation of BACB code 2.19 Addressing Conditions Interfering with Service Delivery
“Behavior analysts actively identify and address environmental conditions (e.g., the behavior of others, hazards to the client or staff, disruptions) that may interfere with or prevent service delivery. In such situations, behavior analysts remove or minimize the conditions, identify effective modifications to the intervention, and/or consider obtaining or recommending assistance from other professionals. Behavior analysts document the conditions, all actions taken, and the eventual outcomes.
1.06 Maintaining Competence
“Behavior analysts actively engage in professional development activities to maintain and further their professional competence. Professional development activities include reading relevant literature; attending conferences and conventions; participating in workshops and other training opportunities; obtaining additional coursework; receiving coaching, consultation, supervision, or mentorship; and obtaining and maintaining appropriate professional credentials.”
All BCBAs are not fully educated or trained on how to treat a client with frontal lobe brain damage, (brain lesion), and bipolar disorder. They need more professional development and mentorship from Medical Doctors, Neurologists and to refer the client to more care. This incompetence is in violation of BACB code 1.06 Maintaining competence.
Overall, these instances indicated to me that the Executive Dr Janell does not have sufficient concern for her BCBAs, the clients or myself and stonewalls, invalidates, neglects, ignores and refuses to consider her supervisees’ point of view for urgent legitimate safety concerns and violations. All BCBAs lack sufficient training in brain lesions and somatic symptoms which is a violation of BACB ethics code: 3.01 Responsibility to Clients (see 1.03, 2.01)
“Behavior analysts act in the best interest of clients, taking appropriate steps to support clients’
“Behavior analysts act in the best interest of clients, taking appropriate steps to support clients’ rights, maximize benefits, and do no harm. They are also knowledgeable about and comply with applicable laws and regulations related to mandated reporting requirements.”
I was informed that BCBA Jia San was not paid on time or accurately as reflected in her paycheck in a form of punishment/retaliation for stepping down as clinical administrative director at HCCF.
This violates the BACB ethics of integrity creating evaluative coercion.
I am extremely disappointed because BCBA, M. ed. Jia San made a verbal contract via text message and email that I be hired as an RBT with a guaranteed placement under the direct supervision of a Master of Social Work and BCBA mentor Grace Bunghanoydiama, with an accredited degree and an approval of a memorandum of understanding with my university, Hawaii Pacific University, practicum placement.
To resolve the problem, I would appreciate your assistance in being properly trained with competent supervision as I did not start being supervised directly until February 2, 2022.
Please respond before March 25, 2022.
If I do not hear from you I will seek assistance from RICO.
Please contact me at the above address or by telephone at [protected]
Very truly yours,
Kimmer Horsen
cc: Regulated Industries Complaints Office
Desired outcome: Grace Bunghoydiamma to sign off on my hours completed before unlawful termination
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Look at record of this person from Hawaii state court, stay away from her by all cost!