There is an agency called edge model management, they approached me twice to register with them, after them being rude to me I declined. A few weeks ago they wrote something really nasty about a girl on their facebook wall after seeing lots of unprofessional comments (just one for example as a facebook status 'i want to be a are just too else do you put it?!) on there I replied to it as I thought it was very rude and insulting. They then got rude with me, I saved the conversation and copied and pasted it to my own facebook to warn other girls, a lot who came back to me with similar stories, It was left there and i forgot about it, yesterday morning I received the email below through my website. I never posted anything that wasn't true or they didn't say and i don't have a 'blog' about them! but what they are threatening to say is complete lies about me, they never rejected me they approached me twice and they have never met me or know anything about me, not only that but they have since said that on there they will put some kind of 'voting system' so that people can rate my looks and potential.
All day yesterday the woman was emailing me, my boyfriend got involved as I got upset and she started threatening us as bullying the agency?, my boyfriend tried to make a date to go and meet her to sort it out but she wouldn't give a date. I haven't been well and she's caused me a lot of anxiety. It is the one woman that runs all the facebook pages, twitter and that emails i don't know if there is anyone else. There is no address on the website
I told her last night that I had rang the police as even though I ignored her last email I had two emails from her in the space of a minute saying 'the debate is now live!' and ' the voting on you is now live!' after i told her i rang the police she emailed saying she hadn't started it just wanted to give me and my boyfriend some just desserts, I emailed her saying that i didn't wish to hear from her again and this morning shes emailed saying that i obviously got her email wrong and that she didnt mean she wasn't going to do it and it takes a fe weeks for something like that to be shown on google. I have only just woken up and it has made me feel sick, i am not well and don't need this. All i did was copy and paste her rude comments on my modelling facebook page to warn other girls alot of girls came back to me with similar stories and experiences. I will take it down today as I don't want any more hassle from her but that means other people wont be aware and I really want something to be done about them as they are not professional and she's caused me so much stress. I have all the emails saved and can provide them if necessary including the facebook conversation that started it all.
Her argument seems to be that She thanked me for taking her own comments off my modelling page and then i reposted it and let her know of my new 'debate'-I didn't ever take it down i just reposted with the email sent yesterday morning (below) as i thought it was discusting and it is seen by a handful of people who i managed to warn about them-not the world. To me this 'company' shouldn't be allowed to be in business, you can't speak to people haw she has when you are supposed to be professional. I am not with the agency and have never been with them, although I am with others (reputable ones) this has, i have to say made me not want to bother at all as it's been so stressful, and after overcoming an eating disorder and getting my confidence back and enjoying what i was doing that is a shame and very shameful on their behalf. i want them to be reported, names and shamed.
Have people nothing else to do in their life other than playing child games ? That Zachary should be going to Afghanistan for 24 hours and then she or he will see what stress is all about, how pathetic and stupid is it to write non sense stories on the net ! On top of it all, it's done in an very hypocritical way, because its anonymous ! Zachary, you probably need to learn how to deal with rejection and you probably look like a dog anyway. Let other have their chances
thank you Paul, I would also like to state that while I haven't stated anything untrue about edge model mangement, only their own words which they deemed to be right, fair, and not untactful. What they have written is LIES. I have NEVER paid for a portfolio, the images found will be that from when i was 18 (not paid for), then from the last 12 months as I gave up due to personal circumstances, the ones from recently have NEVER been paid for, I have most certainly NOT paid thousands for anything, they are made up of shoots with photographers, and various other shoots from jobs (jeff bains, asset raw, rebel nails etc- I have no need to name all but they have not been paid for by me to have them!) and pageant wise as with all pageants you are required to find a sponsor, this has been paid for by businesses of who will confirm that they have paid this to sponsor me to get advertising in return, this fee has not come out of my pocket! I have a friend who actually went to see edge model management, and was actually sent to a studio where they tried to sell her an expensive portfolio and said if she was serious then she would pay it (this girl I will not name however WILL back me on this and has emails herself of a rude nature which I have got) If anybody wants to give them a shot, then fine I have just stated how they have been with me and the words from their own mouths and emails from their own pc.
damiansasha, if that is your opinion that's fine however this is not about rejection it's about being sent threatening emails and have this nonsense go on for days which is now stressing me out. This is a site to complain about companies and to warn others. I am doing just that because of my experience that is all.
Sam Fletcher of Edge Model Management, you are rude and extremely unprofessional. 'Has' is spelt 'has' and not 'as' and by the looks of your appalling grammar above and wording you seem unfit to run an established business. Writing explicit detail about this girl is extremely disgusting and this agency should be reported ASAP. I have never heard of this agency but I would definitely steer clear of it and hope others take heed of my advice and steer clear of this disgrace of an 'agency'.
Well the true facts are that there is a way of dealing with things and to be honest I find it to be an act of cowardice to splash out your dirty laundry online ! for what ? Edge model management have found me jobs since i've signed with them and i've been paid accordingly. I've got all the proofs. It does make me so angry when people don't get what they want that they go a cry for mummy's help. People should face the fact that they seriously might not have model potential and they should be working at Tesco instead, but no, lets push it and annoy the agencies and when the agency becomes firm, then the war starts and then the rejected models becomes angry and post rubbish online. Anyway I hope Edge will find that Zachary and teach him/her a lesson.
Just checked Katie's Houghton's website : please ... model ? please ... get real ! Please somebody tell me this is a joke
Obviously the guy above is Sam fletcher!
Edge model management is a scam! People stay clear!
ah ah ah Christmas, another hypocrite ... wanna call me ?
Oh boy ! What is this all about ? I've been with Edge model management in the last 6 months and Sam Fletcher has booked me on exactly 16 castings of which 8 book me for their jobs. So someone is just slagging him down purely because of personal frustration. The real scammers are Model days, La mode, models connect and UK models. They've tried their best to rip me off and didn't succeed. So for the unsuccessful models, stay clear, not from Edge but from your modelling career.
Even have blacklisted edge model management! All I can say is the company is the most unprofessional "agency" I have ever applied too! Even calling models ugly! Stay well clear! SCAM
Storm and models one called me ugly as well and if you look at these models TV programs how do you think they call the models publicly ? They get humiliated all the time. Have you not tried Models Connect ? they told me " shut up ###" so how's that for an agency ?
ok 'damian' That is fine and i'm very happy for 'you' all I am doing as stated is posting my own dealings, if 'you' have had good dealings then great! this complaint is not against you is it, it's about edge, and i didn't want to get in to the 'rejection' side of thing as it was of unimportance to me, what was, was the threats, but just to set he record straight I have the emails from earlier this year from the first application, to them giving me the link that went live on their site under their model category (it wasn't up for long as two of the same image uploaded, I let them know. to which I got the reply 'no katie YOU did it, not ME', I apologised, said I would try again and was told 'not to bother' there was then a conversation which was rude again, it was left there) I then have emails from a couple of months later when they approached me AGAIN via facebook asking me to again register, this time asking me to go to an assessment (which would have been at the photo studio which my friend was sent to and tried to be sold an expensive portfolio) I questioned why they now wanted me to go there when two months ago they put me on their site purely in images, the reply i got was just 'maybe you should find an agency you are happy with, which I did.
I, like I say have all these emails both mine and their responses and am happy to show anybody who may have doubts about this, I can't list them all but so the record is straight:
> On Tue, 13 Sep 2011 02:01 PDT Edge Model Management wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have had two jobs in this morning insisting on comp cards.
>> We will have a look around to see what we can do.
>> Also go to our website and make an application using your best
>> pictures so I can get you live on our website today. Email me once done.
>> Regards
>> Sam
Thanks :o)
I've looked but can't find any free ones, I'm sure I have before but can't see any now, I will keep looking,
From: Edge Model Management
To: Kate Houghton
Sent: Tuesday, 13 September 2011, 13:28
Subject: Re:
Hi Kate
Here is your link
Did you say you knew a company doing free e z cards?
I have found one but they charge 50.00
Let me know?
Quoting Kate Houghton :
> Thanks, done :o)
> Katie
Do not worry for now.
Quoting Kate Houghton :
> Oh, sorry I clicked the three to upload that you said, I don't know
> why that happened, I will try again.
> Katie
> ________________________________
> From: Edge Model Management
> To: Kate Houghton
> Sent: Tuesday, 13 September 2011, 13:37
> Subject:
> Hi
> No Katie you put two pictures of the same up not me.
Oh, Ok then, I didn't mean anything by it, I just thought you had done it by accident that's all and was just letting you know as i don't know how you upload the profile's from your end. I didn't realise it was a mistake from my end. Sorry for any offence caused, none was intended.
> I have removed the profile now.
> Regards
> Sam
and then sunday 16th october:
I contacted you via face book.
We are very interested in working with you.
Could you make it to London for an assessment? Please NOTE the test is free and we do not charge any fees to register with our agency if successful after the test.
Sam Fletcher
Like I say there is more but this really wasn't important to me it is only because it seems to be the only ammuntion that I was 'rejected' that keeps getting thrown at me that I have now put these, if anyone has doubts I have the whole email history saved, I didn't want to go in to it as I am not playing tit for tat. my concern was purely threatening emails but seen as this 'rejection' thing is getting posted everywhere, I have no choice but to make my point that all this harassment has started purely because I stuck up for another girl who they were rude to. Yes they told me 'not to bother' uploading photo's again after they took offence at an innocent remark, but they did contact me again a month or two later!
Now this morning, this company has found my parnters work address and telephone number. phoned him at work and threatened to go to his office today, on top of that Sam fletcher has emailed him saying she also has found his boss's email address and forward all communication from himself to her that he sent to help me to try and get him in to trouble at work to show he was emailing them back and not working. It is n wonder that other people who have come to me with their stories have given up doing anything about reporting this company as it becomes ridiculous, but I will not back down on this, they have stressed me out, told lies about me, and I don't want this to happen to other people. If they want to try and ridicule me, or point out certain features or flaws then ok but they were happy to want to 'work' with me at one point in time so either they are lying or indeed do take on girls they feel have no potential. Either way the main point here is that they are rude, and have basically harrased me. People can take from all of this what they will and what they want. I am however using this site what it is here for and that is to complain about a company that I have had bad dealings with.
All i can say it that you should not be reporting things like that online as it will back fire on yourself and your name is now out there. if any body googles you before booking you for a shoot they will think you are a trouble maker. Plus, let me tell you something, you will never be the winner amongst whomever is a scammer or not. My advice remove yourself from what looks like now a snow ball
Thank you for the advice, but after the last week of stress I have had from these guys, If people want to think I am a trouble maker then that is up to them, modelling is not the be all and end all of my life. I am an honest girl, can give references and am most certainly not a trouble maker i am just sick and tired of this company thinking they can get away with threatening behaivour. I am within my rights to report them, they are company acting very unprofessionally and that is what this site is for, is it not? My name may very well come up in google, like I say this is not the be all and end all of my life. this companies name too comes up in google so as long as people can judge for themselves what has gone on here, then that's fine. I am not going to debate it anymore, i logged a complaint that is all. This is now being looked into by the police, who i am seeing again this week and other people. I don't have the energy or want to debate it. It is what it is and what has been said has been said, Edge cannot deny it, i have proof of everything (including all of my own responses so they will too be looked at) and that's it. Thank you for your thoughts but how this may or may not reflect on me is not my main concern.
Sam Chris has actually just got back from work and the police station so literally only just sen this as you replied, so your wrong again. I don't care what you think sam, your opinion is of no care to me, though I question again why you accepted me and put me on your site, then contacted me month later again via facebook-again back to the point of either you are lying or do take on people with no potential. I have the emails (did you not read above?), you cannot deny them, That is a fact, so whatever your changed opinion 4 months on is, is just that-an opinion and makes no difference to my life-You are not influential, you do not know me. I have not spent thousands sam, I don't have thousands to spend for a start so that allegation is both false and ridiculous, I have never paid for one, i repeat, not one shoot let alone thousands so don't let that now become your next lie of 'conviction' just because the last one cannot be argued so you need a new one to make me look silly- because again it is false, if you are going to say something, at least make it something true. I don't wish to get in to a debate with you here as well. I am sick of it. I have made my complaint and that is all i wanted to do. I have all old emails of you putting me on the site, telling me which images to send you, when you were putting it live etc etc etc and all correspondence since september when you were first in contact and that is all i need, so have a good christmas. And everybody else reading this you can see how this person conducts her business so it's up to you what you do with the information. Thanks.
and toads tool, lol, thank you.
Thank you AnnR.key for commenting.xx
Wouldn't really class you As a model agency- maybe a wannabe model agency as the biggest model agencies in the world storm, models1, ford ect receive 90% of all model/commercial work :-) iv never known a professional company to go so far out of there way to fight there corner...maybe because it's touched a nerve! As the comment says above your a laughing stock and no clients would touch a photographic studio/ "model agency" with a barge pole..we have seen I all before! Now let's all move on and agree to disagree that your a joke to the industry ! HAPPY CHRISTMAS.
Wow a true proffesional! To be honest looking at katies past comments you did accept her to your company...however u have chosen to ignore the post...once again your a joke Sam!
Yes and you asked her to login and upload her pictures...this all is a bit dodgy to be honest as it obvious your defensive behaviour interprets that your in the wrong! And seems to be oblivious to the proof she posted...I don't think Katie or myself need to prove paid work at all to a total stranger who claims to have a agency...I however can assure you Katie has been chosen for a asos shoot in the new year As she is a well known model! and I have taken a look at her website and my professional opinion is that she has a striking look. And her portfolio is very good, due to the large variation in her work I can conclude she didn't pay for these! Any how iv been told the police are involved now
For you harassing her bf at work and trying to ruin her reputation...I wish you the very best but don't think you or your business will ever be successful :-) MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAVE A GOOD YEAR!
I am not too sure are christmas1245 but thanks :-) i dont have the energy to defend myself anymore so just letting her carry on. silly woman/man.
I have to say, after reading the comment made by both, that you Sam seem to be fighting for some deluded reason. You have been proven to be wrong from above comments an your own emails where you have clearly approached the complainant, stated you wished to represent her, for her then to change her mind about you. I also find it astounding that you have so much time on your hands "while running a very busy a successful agency" to dedicate so much time to one person. I have seen much bigger an better organisations rise above statements like these. Also, I see the complainant has offered email evidence of conversations an dealins with you/Edge Model Management, where as you, in my opinion are just mouthing off. I can only speculate why this is, maybe you know your wrong, have no evidence where as the complainant against you has so much. Also so many other people who have had dealings with you to also state the same proves that there could be some operational inconsistencies with your business. I can only wonder with awe at how you interact and treat the people you represent and also work on behalf of. You are not only tactless in your approach to business and others, but unethical in your dealings and business. Your organisation has been proved to operate in a certain way or fashion above, yet you have such self belief you ask for people to register with your agency. Do you honestly see this as a forum to promote yourself/agency when so much has been proved against you already. I believe evidence is key in the issue above, of which you seem to have none. The complainant has not only given evidence, but clearly has more, as well as others with similar evidence against you/Edge Model Management. I can only hope you see the error of your ways, however I believe your arrogance shields you from the truth of yourself. I do however wish you Happy Holidays.
Thank you to the people who have commented and seen that this has been dealt with wrongly, it seems edge models management's comments have dissappeared for whatever reason, these have already been saved however and passed on to relevant places so will be dealt with accordingly. Everyone have a good christmas.x
i see that this "sam fletcher" person has removed all comments. bit late now!
I wouldn't recommend any one applying to be a model for this agency because when asking information regarding the application process they come across extremely rude for example I asked if there is any fees they then replied can you not read I also then got a unexpected call from this agency and the man on the phone was very rude and was being very abusive over the phone. I was extremely upset and felt like I was a victim from this agency. I am a young 16 year old girl who was not expecting to have a abusive phone call from this apparently "professional" company.
Hi Guys
To set the record straight edge model management would like to point out some facts.
1. Edge model management charge no up front fees what so ever.
2. If you are a model with real published work then we will have no need to assess you. When I say real published work, I mean work that as actually been published and not portfolio work.
3. Edge model management as no connection to any other agency including edge agency who have now gone out of business. We do however run the face of club land model competition see
4. If a model applies to join our agency then they must be able to work in and around London. 90% of our work is London based.
5. All models without published work will need to attend a free assessment in London prior to our agency accepting them.
6. We will not pay travel expenses for models to attend the assessment.
7. Being invited to the assessment does not mean we have accepted you onto our agency books. It means we like your look and now need to assess you on a number of things including what category that best suits you in our industry.
8. Please do not attend the assessment if you can not take constructive criticism or even rejection.
Finally guys please do NOT let the above deter you from applying to join our agency. We currently get 40 to 50 paid model jobs coming into our agency weekly. If we do accept you then you can be sure that you are being accepted by the UK, s fastest growing commercial model agency.
Best wishes,
Sam Fletcher
Communications House
26 York Street
London, W1U 6PZ
Telephone; [protected]
Email address
Web address
Social media contacts see