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Data Line One

Data Line One review: Scammed 31

Author of the review
4:11 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I, too, was scammed by this company. I mailed out 200 letters on September 5 and have not received one response. I'm going to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau of Nebraska and also contact these people asking them to credit my Visa card. Whatever you do, remember to make copies of any complaint letters you send out.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Mr. Common Sense Dude
Powell, US
Jul 23, 2010 12:54 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

What did you think was going to happen when when you decided to do that "Put me on your mailing list" chain letter pyramid scam? Did you actually think that you were going to make $800, 000 by investing about $100 in postage and copying fees? There's no such thing as legal easy money and I'm sure that has sold the same names and addreses that they sold to you to several hundred other people. Just be happy that you are only out $100 or so instead of looking at a jail sentence or a fine for doing something illegal. Next time use some common sense and throw your chain letter in the trash just like all the people you sent the chain letter to did.

Pottstown, US
Mar 28, 2011 7:09 pm EDT

ok so Ive received this same "offer letter". Sure I WANT it to be even half true... but heres the thing... the letter I received was from the name listed in the #3 spot. WOuldnt it only be from the #6 person? Also - whats to keep me honest and sending these 6 people $1. Why wouldnt I just send out the letter with my name in #6 and maybe my wife on #5, my Brother in #4 etc... Am I out of my mind here? What am I missing when I read "Please add me to your mailing list" with the "letters" - WHAT the F- am I actually adding them to? They are already on Datalineone's list no? Im not supposed to mail them anything else am I? So isnt that illegal then? I know nothing about law - but isnt that just wrong to do? (keep in mind that each of these people KNOW damn well Im not supposed to send them anything further) still I just dont get this... OH and why do I have to use their lead mailing list services? DID I MISS SOMETHING HERE OR AM I JUST SANE.

henry john
Northighlands, US
May 15, 2011 4:44 pm EDT

It will work. Good thinking. Be positive with this people' Just read as it say and add your name on the list. It only work if you apply yourself to it. Just like you pay tax. Less all join hands help each other. I my self sending all my letters in. Better than buy drugs . Henry John.

Cockeysville, US
Jul 01, 2011 10:57 pm EDT

I'm not mad that they scammed you so much... I'm mad that they SOLD my information to someone like you. As long as there are people who think they can become rich without working but paying money for the opportunity... there will be companies like this one who will milk them for all they are worth. There site says to e-mail them to get off there list (and by the way, I've never replied to get rich quick deals that were supposed to put me on the list in the first place), but I don't want the spam e-mails that are sure to follow.

Entraprenuer data weekly
Houston, US
Oct 05, 2011 5:14 pm EDT

My question is where do they get our names and addresses fromfor stuff like this? But when I read this I thought it was pretty good thought out plan. Everyone sending each other a helping hand, like recyclying dollars. Yes it is a pyramid you cant miss that picture, but is a good pyramid. I feel that if everyone would stop always thinking scam and just give a try and keep a flow of it to actually see if it could work, just dont send out all 200 at once what about 5 or 10 just to see what bites. But for those who got burned on it, the problem in the whole thing is that the people that they sent the letters out to is thinking about it in a negative way. It is just like donating to your community to people that needs the help. I was gonna do this to donate to the non-profits around here or open up my own non-profit business. But if this is a waist of time I might as well not waist my money which I really don't have to just throw away on something no-one believes in that might or could work. I see that in some of your complaints you say that this service is not legal. But in my letter they took the initiaive to put a law clause in it saying to refer to Title 18, Sec 1302 and 1341 of the US Postal and Lottery Laws. And by reading that it made pretty good since. This situation is somewhat like the lottery. If we can go and take the chance on buying a lottery ticket what are the winning odds 1 to 10 million. But some of you do make some very good points though.

Dade City, US
Oct 08, 2011 8:42 pm EDT

I received the same letter as above and thought since it was proven to work on Oprah and other shows that it was real. If you do the math and follow the letter exactly; then it should work. I guess I was despirate enough to try it hoping at least people would want to help each other out in this poor economy. So; I spent the last of my money for the month and sent out the 200 letters in September. To me its no different then donating a dollar to a charity (us). However, so far; I have received no dollar and 4 letters have returned to sender. I am sending them back to Dataline for the promised 7 new names for each one returned. I don't know if it will work or not; but I am hoping their will be others in that list that will think positive and we can all help each other out. I just took it on faith. Maybe there are some honest people out there? If not; then I have learned an expensive lesson. I hope not; as I am on disability and was hoping to bring some money in to pay our bills.

Pompano Beach, US
Oct 15, 2011 9:07 pm EDT

I received a letter yesterday and I am thinking about it. I am usually one to believe that easy money is a scam. I have no idea how they got my adress and name. So right now I'm making the choice to do my research on this before i try anything. Maybe even writing a letter to the person in the number one spot to get REAL and personal advice. Lets keep these comments coming and maybe we can actually help each other out in doing so.. For free.

Nov 04, 2011 6:09 am EDT

I just found this page doing a search on this company because I have received PILES of letters over the years addressed to completely fictional people at my BUSINESS ADDRESS. There is no chance that any of these fake names ever lived at this location, my business has been a restaurant since the 1930s!
Basically this company is selling you entirely made up names at real addresses. So you are wasting a stamp, and I am filling my recycle bin with chain letters.

Jun 17, 2012 11:18 am EDT

I just like to say that you don't have to use this company. There are many mailing list companies out there. This letter works if you get it to people who want to help other people. Sure it is easy to believe that everyone is out to scam you and yes you can be a cheat and not send out the six dollars to the list of people (what goes around comes around) but if you are honest and you reach some honest people you can get a return on your investment. (even $400.00 is a big plus )It cost me $157.00 total to send out the 200 letters. (only $6.00 went to people on the list) What a savings to cheat 6 people out of a dollar each! Anyway I waste more than that on dumb crap every year. One other thing, the note you send with your dollar asking to be on a mailing list makes the dollar a business income to the receiver. The notes you receive make it your business income.

Fontana, US
Sep 23, 2012 11:33 pm EDT

I believe this will work like a few of you are saying, we all just need to pull together. Im not too sure about using this mailing lister tho. There are other sites out there that provide this service and this one just seems a little sketchy. But hey.. it found all of us didnt it? I suggest in the letter that before you copy it you should rewrite it taking the site off for this it builds too much skeptism. The whole idea is for all the people to come together as a whole. if anybody finds a decent site for free listings or even a cheap and actually legitimate looking website please post for others to see. by then i will have already shipped out my 200 letters on my quest to not being a financial slave to our government. We all have our reasons to get out of the debt that corporate america stuck us in. and unless you paid off your house, cars, credit cards etc... your a slave too. lets do this together.

San Jose, US
Dec 16, 2012 10:09 pm EST

Hello... i just received this letter yesterday, same as all in this site I'm skeptical but maybe i will give a try, here is how i will do this, first i read datalineone is a scam, so how can i know which company about name and address is real? i have no idea, so i will look for my names this is the directory of all the people in USA, yes i know datalineone offer address of people that wanna a work from home and is just a directory, BUT as the letter says 800, 000 dollars are only from 15 people right? so if i send 200 letter to 200 random people maybe 15 will send out the letter too, and to do this even more cheap, buy the envelopes in a dollar store, dollar tree or 99 offer 50 envelopes for 1 dollar, buy stamps in or in the post office is the cheaper way, $4.00 envelopes, (4 boxes of 50 $1 dollar each), 200 stamps 0.45 cents each $90.00, send 1 dollar each in the list $6.00, 200 copies $20.00 Total $120.00 and not $210.00 as the letter says. and very I'mportant DELETE all the info about from the letter you send, because as i read and i think that site is a bull ###, okay i will give a try and i will post back, please guy do the same thanks.

Havelock, US
Feb 02, 2013 1:43 am EST

I just received my letter last week. The first time I studied the information I put it down. Picked it up again and gave it some real thought. After reading it again a week had gone by then. So now I've read the information for the third time and it made some sense. I thought it was kinda corny to attach a "please add me to your mailing list" with a one dollar bill. Like who does that? Is this a magic formula for getting rich? LOL Just to humor myself I'm going to try it and see what happens. Afterall it's only six dollars that I would spend on a burger that I don't need. ;) The largest cost will be the postage stamps. Ordered my return address labels from for a count of 420 address labels for 7.99 (discount). Will be getting my envelopes from Dollar Tree for $1.00 for 50. Still I don't know where to get the copies made. Maybe Staples? Oh don't forget to delete #1 and add your name as #6. I will be back to let you know how things are going.

Brooklyn, US
Feb 17, 2013 9:09 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Okay so I'm going to try it with all the advice that all of you have given! I'm so serious about this! I even wrote a to-do list and some notes. Okay everyone I've found the two most reputable and legitimate mailing list companies: and Check them out for yourselves, they're completely legit AND you can customize the mailing list by location, demographics, and/or household income! Very professional services here. I think I'm choosing I'll edit the instructions to and what to click. OMG, I'm so serious about this now it could really work. I'll definitely update you guys on how it's coming along and the results!

Riverview, US
Mar 25, 2013 2:11 pm EDT

I also have received this letter of opportunity...and that's how I look at opportunity to help increase others way of living just by sending a dollar because those dollars added up can be a blessing to those in need. I found it kind of interesting that this letter contained scripture from the Bible which I am familiar with, but I plan on changing the scripture at the end to read "You have not because you ask not;" (John 16:24), or "Ask and it will be given to you; (Matthew 7:7)... I too am in need of a great sum of money...not only because my daughter is getting married in August and we want to provide for her the wedding of her dreams, if we can, but because I lost my job and my husband is on disability. We have been provided for though even under those circumstances but boy would it be cool to receive amounts of money as described in that letter so you'd be able to bless others and help your family at the same time! Maybe this is the answer to our financial prayers...if this is not a scam then we'll see...

Taneytown, US
Apr 17, 2013 6:54 pm EDT

I am also going to try this. I am going to re-write the letter making it to at all possible not feel like a scam. I feel if everyone would respond there would be a new group of millionaires in this country ( formerly the middle class and low income) The only thing any one has to loose to me personally would be $1. $90 to the post office which could desperately use it, your local dollar store for some envelopes, your local copy place or you could print them off your home copier ( which would probably be more expensive), and the company of your choice for a mailing list ( you could just go on the white pages and choose random people to mail to if you choose to). Most people spend more on fast food a month then this would cost.

Is there any updates on anyone that has done it.

Taneytown, US
Apr 17, 2013 6:56 pm EDT

Also the original complainer posted it only 7 days after they were sent out, with no update


Osceola, US
Apr 24, 2013 8:13 pm EDT

I have just received this packet of letters in the mail and almost tossed it when I opened it, but then I read it...and then re-read them. My husband said don't buy into this-it's nothing but a scam. I have NEVER gotten a letter like this before. The optimist in me wants to believe in this and the good in people that they want to help others out while getting help. I can make copies for free. (plus for me!) Cost of envelopes are free for me as well...(2nd plus) Stamps, well that's a different story, but the first 2 items are free for me-so I'm cool with that. Obviously if you can't afford to start it and give it a chance-then don't, but why not? I will not be using Dataline. I will be using a different info source. :) Good luck to all who are giving it a shot!
Any updates?

helpin out
Gardner, US
Jul 20, 2013 9:48 pm EDT

I pray you come to this comment before you commit your finances to any such crime. My name is Lee. I received one of these chain letters on July 20. Immediately, I thought scam, but I have a newly found faith as I continue my recovery from substance abuse/addiction. In the next moment, I was thinking, 'this could actually work. I could pay it forward and be rewarded. How fantastic!' Thankfully, I had the good sense of cynicism I've always had, and called my mother who worked for the postal service for over 15 years. She promptly informed me that it was a scam. I began to research the "" information. I found this review/complaint site. Still unconvinced, I researched the law code provided in the letter. This confirmed my suspicions, and another reason I dislike almost everything about the digital age. People think that the web provides unlimited access to official information. In fact, unless one is meticulous about their research, most results on the internet are complete garbage. Do your homework! I suggest only .gov or .edu sites whenever seeking accurate and reliable information. When I looked up the legal code listed in the letter, I chose a result from a legal school website with an edu domain name. The result is this... The company profiting from this scam is the only legal participant in it. By giving you access to this specific law code, they are removing any liability on their part, while ensuring that they continue to make your money. The law states that participating in such a program is illegal, and that one found guilty of doing so may be fined or imprisoned for two years. Because the company forewarned you, they are not culpable for what you do, or their part in it for that matter. Although I desire to make money and help others whenever I am able, I will not risk prison time in order to do so, and I hope no one else who finds this does either. Best wishes, Lee

a believer with faith
Jan 22, 2014 8:06 pm EST

To helping out. Thanks for the info. To those who are skeptical, so am I. Helping out. Please tell nee hoe sending $6 to 6 people is illegal asking then to add you to their mailing list. Also with the freedom of speech, our first constitutional right how its it illegal to send 200 people letters? Please answer. I have no problem sending 6 people $6. I pay $5.32 almost every day for something I don't need. This may indeed be a scam but if you even send this letter to 200 friends and family I'm sure at least 15 wouldn't mind sending out $6... I'm less fortunate, underprivileged and by God and his grace I get by. I believe this letter is a blessing. And for them to give a suggestion of contributing 10% to a charitable organization tells me one thing. I consider that to be tithing which in Malachi 3:8-11 will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings 9 Ye are cursed with a curse for ye have robbed me, even this while nation. 10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of Heaven and pour you out a blessing, that there will not be room enough to receive it 11 And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of gusts 12 And all nations shall call you blessed; for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the Lord of hosts so if I tithes what I receive I will be blessed. Even if only the same $6 I send out cone back I will be thankful for that but I'm disabled. When I can work when they have work I stand up for 10-12 hours to make $7.25 I do this because something is better than nothing. They said don't quit your job. I'm going to take a chance with this because people do spend way too much in lotteries, casinos, clubs and things that are not of a good report. Sometimes we have to look at a bigger picture and realize that we all have the power of choice, but the Lord gives us 5 senses for a reason and sometimes we do gave to step out on faith and hope and pray and believe God will deliver. This letter came to ask of us for a reason. We can throw I but away or use it for the greater good. I will give a report to let you guys that are being positive know how it works out for me. I thank you ask for the positive and negative comments as well. May good bless us all.. Thanks...

a believer with faith
Jan 22, 2014 8:08 pm EST

Please tell me how*

a believer with faith
Jan 22, 2014 8:16 pm EST

Whole nation* I apologize for misspelling. Another thing. We can also use our Facebook friend list. Ask friends and family to provide addresses. If you do get married or have an event you would need their address to send them invitations. Tell then you want to try and experiment and could use their help and all you are asking them to do is send 6 friends and family $1 each and do the same thing you've done. Explain its to pay it forward... I do believe where there is a will there is a way...

a believer with faith
Jan 22, 2014 8:47 pm EST

One more thing. I believe you don't receive $1 in the first letter because you were on the mailing list. Once you send out the $6 to 6 people that's making your contribution... Helping others... Your name will be 6th on each letter in the 200. So if 15 people send you $1 then that is how the cycle begins asking please add me to your mailing list will make this whole thing legal because you are asking for a favor for the dollar you have sent. I'm thinking, its all kind of confusing to me. I'm just going to step out on faith and see what happens. You can also look online and see if these at real people. Google them... Or do this with family as I previously stated. Again for those who will take a chance. May God bless...

Feb 14, 2014 3:37 pm EST

Some of the people who said they were going to do this well should have either received a response or received nothing by now. Will anyone who really DID try this write to share what your experience was, whether you made an money or if it was all a hoax? And if you did receive money, how close was what you received to the 'projected income' that the letter said you could expect to receive? I find it interesting that so many people say they are going to go through with this, but none of them follow up, at least on this site. Can anyone personally attest whether this actually worked?

Feb 25, 2014 10:23 pm EST

I received my letter about a week ago. I have alot of debt and want to get rid of it quickly. I know this could be a scam but I really just want it to work at least a little. I see that everyone else's letter says to send $1 to the 6 people on the list but mine says to send $5 to each of them. I know I will end up spending around 200. but if I can get even half of the return their talking in this letter, 200. isn't much to lose. I know this could be a big scam but I work so hard and can never see daylight. What to do?

Kimmie H.
Madison, US
May 15, 2014 8:57 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Anyone have any attorney friends who could confirm/deny whether this is legal? I also am wanting to try this, but not if it means fines, losing my job, and/or jail!

K Rogers
Arden, US
Jul 16, 2014 9:43 am EDT

Let's face it, negative people have nothing better to do than spread negativity!
If you believe something can't happen, it want!
If you believe something can happen, it will!
If you believe this is a money maker for DATALINE then use other resources, but don't fall to the negative persons way of thinking, just have faith in what your doing...HELPING OTHERS! Do you know where your money is going when you give to your church, NO you have faith and God takes care of everything. Let's have some faith!
** As for it being illegal, you are paying a dollar and in return the person adds you to the list. I want to build a church, drill fresh water wells in foreign countries, just make a difference in the world... What do you want to do? Is it worth the risk of losing $200

Rome D
Myrtle Beach, US
Aug 15, 2014 3:00 pm EDT

These comments span back more than 3 years. Have any of the optimistic people that said they would try it had any good results? Where are the updates? Or is this complaint board a scam too?

Phoenix, US
Feb 02, 2015 7:08 pm EST

I received this letter in my mail a few days a go, but i did not pay to much attention to the mail it comes the most ( junk mail) but when i looked at this envelope i had kind of curiosity what i have in. So for the moment it was a really good thing i saw in this crazy world something good come like to help each other. And i said to myself if each of every one of us we were honest and wait like in line this can turn in reality. How to follow the rules it make sense and Mat confirmed that can be done in reality. What ever you want to call this game or something else it have a good concept, and it can happen.The problem is with the human being they don't want to keep the rules or they don't want to wait until it can be done.They want everything instantly happen over night.I myself i will try and i keep positive way it can help each other. In a while ill will up date how it was my tried. I'll do my part the best and i consider the others will do the same too.

L. Preston
New York, US
May 21, 2015 1:25 am EDT

Those of you that would like to try the to do what the letter suggest in mailing out the one dollar to a mailing list I would like to make it happened? So I purpose all of you to send my your name, address, and if you like to me. I will start to build a list with the people who I have started talking to about this idea myself. and I will send you all a dollar myself to start the ball going with the names I am going to let you use and we are self build with our friends and family. I have to think of the way it can be done so that we all equally can benefit from this. My email is, and my mailing address is 730 East 163 Street, Apt. #16E. Bronx, New York 10456. so here is my information what is yours and send me your comments at my I changing getting my phone change it fell in the water I will send it to you if you would like to talk to me in person I have no problem with that. I have other opportunities that you may be interested in. My website will be up soon so we can get to now each other better.

Jul 18, 2020 1:35 am EDT
Replying to comment of L. Preston

Did you ever accomplished what you wanted? I know it has been years but I want to try it exactly like you said, friends and family and all of us on this site. It should work. Please let me know

cave creek, US
Dec 20, 2020 3:43 am EST

a little bit of math might help everybody out.assume this $800, 000 is real and you do recieve it.that means you would recieve 800, 000 envelopes with one dollar in it through the mail.approximately 5 envelopes weigh one ounce with nothing in it.16 ounces = one pound.16x5=80 envelopes per pound.we got 800, 000 envelopes divided by 80 per pound=10, 000 pounds=5 tons of envelopes coming in the mail.thats a lot of much does a car weigh?lets say 2 got 2 1/2 times the weight of a car in to open all these envelopes is going to take some time.the instructions state to keep track in alphabetical order the names of the people who respond.lets say you invest one minute of time to open the envelope and record who sent it.we now have 800, 000 minutes of your time to do this without including the time it woul;d take to count and stack the one dollar bills.60 seconds=one minute.60 minutes =one hour.3, 600 seconds=one hour.24 hours=one day.86, 400 seconds=one day.800, 000 envelopes to open at 60 seconds each=48, 000, 000 seconds to open envelopes.48, 000, 000 seconds divided by 86, 400 seconds in a day=about 555 days to open working 16 hours a day with no breaks and sleeping 8 hours a day this becomes 740 days.over 2 years of 16 hour work days.4 years of 8 hour work days and you have not even started counting up the money yet or disposing of 5 tons of trash.

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