Dont order, i made a bad error and ordered these free trail pills, god know whats in them..i recieved them a week or 2 later and charged £4.95 for postage. I then did a bit of research and relized what a mistake i had made. I didnt use the pills, but canceled my card as warned by internet complaints they would take more payments for £95 until i canceled. I know have threatening letters from a debt collecting company based in Germany on behalf of 7 seas internatiol based in Seychelles of £23.75 X 2 for the products i recieved plus a collection fee of £34.70.. I am so annoyed with myself for ordering in first place, but on the good side they can wait, whistle, dance, whatever they want before a give them anything, Oh and they have give me 5 days to pay..or commence legal notice. i I have now used this letter a toilet paper...