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CB Internet Providers Terrible Coverage & Customer Service review: Terrible Coverage & Customer Service 27

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7:46 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I have been with clear for several months now, and so far I feel the service is satisfactory strictly due to the fact that coverage is not available in many of the areas I work in as an IT consultant. My initial hopes / thoughts are that as Clear's popularity grows, so will their Wimax range.

Prior to my investment in Clear's services and products, I did quiet a bit of research before finally speaking to one of the local Clear reps regarding the pricing etc.

Without going into details, I was offered the 2 year contract with free equipment (+ equipment lease fees) or to purchase the equipment outright (2 wireless adapters) for $100.00 +

I chose the latter for my company due to the restrictions imposed by simply being in a contract, especially considering the minimal/ lack of any financial gains on our end for the 2 year agreement.

Running a successful IT Consulting company, I also inquired about the reseller program to see if Clear's services could benefit my clients and, in turn, benefit my company.

I received my summarized contract in my email stating that I was indeed signed up for a 2 year contract (mind you no paperwork baring my signature was on ANY contracts). I contacted the rep whom I originally dealt with and explained to him the situation. I was relieved when he said he would straighten things out immediately.

A few months later I had additional questions regarding my account at which point I also decided to check on my service agreement. Clear's Rep #1 said I would be forwarded to someone in their billing or accounting after my questions and concerns were addressed.

When I spoke to Clear Rep #2 in the accounting/billing department, I was taken back by his rudeness and aggressive tone; "How do you want to pay THE activation fee to switch over to a month to month plan?". I was taken back by his lack of concern of my issue as well as confused regarding the activation fees that were never mentioned to me when I initially signed up.

I explained to him the situation of which I originally signed on with Clear, and he insisted that I pay the activation fee. I asked him to speak to a manager since he was unable to adequately address my concerns and problems. He said no manager was available and pushed for a call back within 48-72 hours by one of his supervisors. He continued to advise me of what he thinks I should do, to which I replied that I do not need/seek his advice, I need to speak to a manager who can resolve the issue at hand. After some time, of what seemed to me like pulling teeth, I was able to speak to a manger.

Minutes used on this phone call alone: approximately 30 minutes Item in dispute: $35.00

After speaking to one of the managers, I was finally given the courtesy to speak and explain my situation without any disruptions. The absence of interruptions was greatly appreciated, however the end result was that he needed to speak to the original rep to verify the misinformation of the activation fees [never being mentioned].

My total phone conversation is now approaching well over 45 minutes. Amount disputing: $35.00

He finally insisted that he was doing me a favor by allowing me to switch over to a month to month plan, when clearly I was beyond your companies policy to change my service agreement. I explained to him that had the original salesperson did not inform me of Any activation fee and had the activation fee been stated, I would have never signed up, saving myself the cost of the Wimax cards, the months of mediocre/ unreliable service as well as the current conversation I was having with him.

At the end of the conversation I realized we were not going anywhere. So I asked him the same question I am addressing with you now. Clear is a new company. The item in dispute is a simple and minuscule $35.00. I am currently a client of yours, not a prospect. A current and paying client, are you willing to lose my business? my continued business over months and years with your company for $35.00? In addition to this, my firm has been successful for the last 4 years, building relationships one client at a time. I have gained the trust of my clients through hard work and dedication, these are the same clients whom I will inform of the following issues ( lack of overall coverage, terrible customer support, and total disregard for any level of customer service).

I am happy to inform you that I have since turned away several clients from even ever considering Clear as a provider of any kind, as well as managed to terminate my contract with Clear.

I hope the time I have wasted on the phone with your customer service reps, the time I have/will be spending telling all of our clients of the lack of service/ care, the time I have spent writing this lengthy email, and the numerous websites this email will be posted on, will give you the tools to change how you treat your future and current clients.


Anonymous Customer


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

More reviews & complaints - Unethical Business Practices
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction. - CSRs are lying about complay policy
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction. - Billing
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Noworkowitz Modemo
Dec 12, 2009 9:02 pm EST

I was assured that my clear connection would be 10 times faster than my cable modem. It was less than 1/10th as fast due to poor reception. The salesperson never mentioned any coverage issues and knew my adresss. The address was found to be in a poor coverage area. I spent over an hour discussing this and a refund will be issued despite their slight hesitancy. At least I hope I will not have problems getting a refund. Their customer service was excellent and called me right back to apologize for the inconvenence. They finally admitted that they may not be able to remedy the situation with a new modem and a technician onsite.
I'll stick with cable for now.

Huntsville, US
Dec 26, 2009 4:55 pm EST

I Clear salesman at the store told me I had coverage but it was a lie. He did input my address too. I was correct as I saw it. I checked my address when I came home. Crer was not available.
Besides be dishonest the main technical issue that the signal from the towers degrades VERY rapidly.
No I have to go through the big hassle of returned stuff and weaiting several weeks to be credited. A major disappointment and hassle!

Jan 18, 2010 4:31 pm EST

I live in an area advertised as having 4G coverage. The degrading signal(s) resulted in signal loss (for me). I was not able to stay "online" for more than 2 or 3 minutes at a time - then required to reboot modem, and attempt to get back online. This with a new Win7 Notebook - state of the art. Now I too have the hassles of returing items, hours on the phone trying to cancel/get credit. Truly disappointing.

Pflugerville, US
Mar 18, 2010 10:10 pm EDT

I was desperate to get rid of my current ISP, so even after reading negative reviews for Clear, I ordered the WiMax for home, and USB.

We are less than a mile from the tower, yet we could not get ANY signal with the WiMax home modem. If I walked out to the middle of my yard I could get a signal with the USB modem, but very slow speed. Even then it was dropping ever 30 seconds or so. I'm only a mile from the tower, I should be able to get something in my house, but they told me after numerous tries that it could be because I have limestone on the front of my house, and double pain windows making it impermeable to their signal, what? Who in Texas doesn't have stone on their house? Quit making excuses Clear, your technology is not what you advertise. I'm waiting on my shipping labels, and refund :-(

Mar 23, 2010 3:22 pm EDT

Company Blatantly Lied to me. I had a 2 year contract, service was spotty at best. I was going to cancel and then Clearwire turned into Clear with supposedly a new better modem. I thought I would give it one more try, as I was convinced by a salesman to sign another contract and get on a lower plan. This is partially my fault as I should have never signed a contract. He told me that at any time within 120 days if the service stayed spotty I could cancel with NO early termination. Of course 2 months later service still sucks, I try to cancel, and the salesman has left the company. All customer service reps and supervisors just say that in order to get out of my contract I have to troubleshoot the modem. I went ballistic because it didn't matter if the modem got better, the salesman lied and said I could get out of the contract within 120 days! The ETF is $167, which I refuse to pay. Good job Clear, hold your ground and alienate customers over $167.

Charlotte, US
Apr 20, 2010 2:10 pm EDT

I will let anyone that asks me know how horrible not only the wireless service is with Clear Communications, as well as how their Customer Support won't own up to the fact that the service does not work in inclement weather (light rain, etc.).

To top it all off, they will not let you cancel service without a penalty unless they have documented proof of problems. Sorry, but I have better things to do than to wait on hold for over an hour for a tech. I have waited for over 2 hours once. Apparently they were trying to help all of the other people in my areas with issues.

As an IT independent consultant, I will tell everyone I know to not consider any type of service with Clear. Thanks for allowing me the pleasure of paying $100.00 as a cancellation for horrible service.

I'm sure there will be a class action lawsuit in their future.


Round Rock, US
Jun 17, 2010 1:46 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Look at what my Dish Network salesman sent back to me!~
I would NOT call this good PR for him or his company. After all, it was HE who told ME that he'd take care of me and this problem. I was not GIVEN any CHOICE in the provider---HE did it-chose (prob because they get some sort of commission kickback.).

Anyway, those of you in SALES and so on do realize that he is cutting his throat by writing this to me..and those of you who KNOW ME will know that he will be a SORRY person...I shall mull it over as I go out now and mow the lawn.

(plus, he should have spelled "your" as : "you're " )...and put a comma after "service".

To: ME
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 08:48:24 -0500

I have told you what you needed to do in order for you to get rid of clear. I can't do that for you. CALL CLEAR AND CANCEL. My job with you is done. If your not happy with the service then get something else.

Round Rock, US
Jun 17, 2010 1:48 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

this was the email I recd when I sent him an email asking him when he was going to bother to contact me to let me know what he was doing to help me. He had sent me an email telling me (again) that he'd be out of town til Monday (this was on a Tues)..Clearcom is SO SLOW that I can LITERALLY play a whole game of solitairre while waiting for a screen page to change!

Aloha, US
Jul 14, 2010 8:15 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am sick of their service. I purchased my modem, which doesnt work and they refuse to fix it or exchange for a new one without charging me for a brand new unit. I have had nothing but problems with reception or their customer service. They of course are also going to charge me a disconnect fee even tho I paid for my modem outright. DO NOT GET CLEAR. They are the worst mobile service company I have had to deal with.

Palm Harbor, US
Jan 11, 2011 9:52 pm EST

I bought a Clear modem at Best Buy in Odessa FL. Since I have IT experience I was dubious that the coverage could be as good as they claimed and I specifically asked the salesman whether if I was not satisfied I would get a full refund. He assured me that I would. The document they gave me for customer service states "customer has 14 days to cancel service without incurring ANY fees. I used the service for a few days but it was in and out. I called Clear customer service and was told that I would get a full refund after the equipment was returned to them in good working order. I spoke to a number of CSRs over the next few weeks - "Robert", the first CSR assured me that I would get a full refund and I got a confirmation number. I called back after the UPS shipment, which I tracked, was received and was told I would get a full refund and it would show on my account the following Monday, Jan 10 2011. When I called back today, Tuesday Jan 11, I was told that the refund had already been applied MINUS the fees for the service period. I spoke at length with the CSR and her manager and told them that their own CSRs, more than one, had assured me that there would be a FULL refund, and in addtion the policy states "without incurreing ANY fees". The amount is small but what is happening is that their salespeople and their customer serivice reps are LYING - they are publishing one procedure that is completely at odds with their other procedure. I don't like dealing with companies that outright lie through thier customer service reps and then say that I'm responsible because I did not read every single portion of the pages and pages of fine print on the internet. I will advise anyone I know who is thinking of purchasing Clear service that they can expect to NOT be told the truth and that their supervisors will not stand behind what their reps say.

Mar 27, 2011 11:24 pm EDT

Worst Internet provider ever in my life time. Paying about 35.00 per month using cable modem and gets only 1.5pm dl speed. Once I check my I get less than 1mb dl speed. Made me sign up for 2yr contract or else got to pay $40 additional fee for activation and $80 to purchase a cable modem. Compare with timewArner cable, this is worst Internet provider ever and forever. Even If I use cable modem wired connected with my CPU it keep disconnects me. NEVER Use this provider if you are living in oceanic. All I can say is [censor] CLEAR INTERNET PROVIDER. thx

Apr 04, 2011 5:27 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Clear is the worst service I've ever had, there is no apparent way to complain except to call India and get someone who cannot help you fix anything.
I see why they trick people into signing a contract because no one would keep such terrible service, our internet is so slow now we can hardly use it, the cord they sent us was defective, and it was suggested that we just go to the store and buy one, and we cannot receive inbound calls except from cellphones or telemarketers, we have elderly parents and when they dial our number it tells them the call cannot be connected. This is a terrible service, I am considering having the news media take a look at what we are getting for service, and I think there are many people in the same boat stuck paying for crappy service.

Pamela Denton
Henderson, US
Apr 12, 2011 11:31 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more has been a nightmare since the inception. The representative blatantly lied about everything and I wanted to cancel my account immediately. I was told that in order to cancel my account I would have to pay them $100.00! To add insult to injury every six weeks almost on schedule there is a problem with my service. This last incident which took place is I was without telephone service for three days. Attempting to telephone there is no longer a Customer Service Department and then the telephone call is disconnected. receives payment every month, and my question is why am I not receiving service? There is no one to talk with nor is there anyone who has an understanding of the English language. If I want to return to my last carrier I must pay them $100.00 reconnection fee? I refuse to be held hostage and will NEVER be a victim to either company especially Everything written can be substantiated by witnesses so nothing has veered from the truth. Please HELP ME!

Castro Valley, US
May 25, 2011 5:36 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


I live in a hilly part of Bay Area and there is ppor wireless coverage here for phone as well as internet.
I am looking for an altenative to cable based Internet service. So, I did a search and found
I called to ask them if they have service in this area, clearly explaining to them that there are no towers anywhere around. The sales lady said she checked and I have service. On the their website, I also checked and they said they provide service in this area.
I asked her about returns and she said I have 30 days to return without penalty. Did not say a word about any other charges.
I signed up on May 23 and received the equipment on May 24th. That part is great becuase they have pre-charged me $84. However when I opened the package I noticed a different URL with reference to their return policy. I connected to that URL and checked the retrun policy. That site also has a coverage link. When I put my address in there it said they do not provide service in this area.
The sales person clearly lied to me.
Incidentally, the retrun policy states that they will prorate all the charges for the number of days I have the equipment. That includes shipping, equipment, and monthly fee.
Clearly, this outfit is dishnest. They indiscriminately sign you up knowing they do not provide service in your area, make you prepay and then keep part of the money. Charge you for shipping so they are out nothing.
The equipment they sent is marked "Refurbished". This is more proof that they are cycling the equipment around just to collect money, not to provide any real internet service.

A complete fraud opertaion.

Jul 29, 2011 3:30 pm EDT

I did not find one ad that was true. Free this and that all has conditions at check out. They advertise no contracts. No so. I insisted on no contracts and was told my card was declined. I contacted my branch manager and was told "Nothing was presented on my account". Just a way to switch you to a "contract". Billing and shipping must be the same? When asked why downloads had great things to say about their system. Customers did NOT. Agent told me that only whiners complain.

Aug 06, 2011 11:57 am EDT

STAY AWAY! Very awful customer service, their 30 day guaranty is B.S. and their "4G" internet is slow! I was approached by a representative in a best buy soliciting this clear nonsense. Well I've learned my lesson.

Tampa, US
Aug 13, 2011 12:32 am EDT

Clear mobile internet is the biggest ripp-off there is! I signed up for mobile service 3 days ago and I should have been alarmed when I got off the phone with the lying sales person they sent a order ocnfirmation email. The email had the incorrect address. I spoke to another sales rep. that sales rep assured me that the address in their system was corrected, which it seemed it was due to the unit arriving at the correct address. The problem started when trying to connect to the internet. The tech person asked for my complete address and came back with "the problem seems to be that you're on the fring of coverage area" I was livid! I told him the website was bogus for asking for zip code to see if you're in a coverage area and then the sales people lying to you. I hope they do send me the pre-paid return label and I'm tempted to change my bank card number just incase so they wont try charging me every month for 2 years! I will tell anyone who will listen, don't not I repeat do not sign-up for Clear internet service period!

Aug 30, 2011 12:33 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The connection manager software says either "Great Signal" or "Perfect Signal, " but my download speeds only approach that of a DSL line, without the stability though. Maybe their strength algorithm isn't right yet, or the service really needs to be brought to a class action about deceptive advertising over how fast the speeds really are. Horrible, no good, very bad, are all ways I would describe the service. They also make you fill out every piece of personal information possible, and it is REQUIRED that you allow them to share your information with third party affiliates for marketing purposes before you can even get to the internet! I will absolutely be returning my device before my first 30 days in order to get my full refund and make sure that my contract is found null and void.

North Las Vegas, US
Sep 16, 2011 5:23 am EDT

I would and have advised every person I know who are thinking of going to another internet provider to stay away from Clear. I pray that this company will not last long due to their deception of who they are and what they have done to their customers toward ripping them off. Every complaint I read regarding Clear is true and legit. May every dime/dollar they make from deceiving others will become a curse to them. Let them reap what they sow in hundred folds and every time they see the fruit of their doings, may their thoughts fall upon everyone they have ripped off!

modern andrew
portland, US
Sep 20, 2011 6:31 pm EDT

Clear internet sucks they are frud they charge me 4 month s for two services when i only had one modem i never got my money back .I wish some one puts em on the news so no one elese would get ript off

modern andrew
portland, US
Sep 20, 2011 6:36 pm EDT

I wish the atterny general recurs all thread complains and putrevokes clear wire s busniss license

Chicago, US
Mar 23, 2012 11:53 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was on the phone for 1 hour 35 minutes (the call started at 11:00 a.m.), I was transferred 4 times, from the agent to Jamie, to another agent to Mariella to the non-English speaking dept. to the English speaking dept. which hung up on me when I said hello.
I just wanted to switch from my USB contract that ends on March 25th, ( I had the USB and home service together for 1 year 9 months) to a home modem only account. Mariella said she has approval to give me Faster Home Service for $27.50 per month, plus $7.00 per month rental on the home modem for a total of $34.50 per month on a month to month contract, I agreed.
I called back in, my information was not in the computer, I asked for a Supv. the agent asked me 3 times, so you want a supv? I said yes and was left on hold for 10 minutes then disconnected.
I called back in, Cher answered, she did not see my information and asked me to repeat everything again, once again I asked for a Supv. and have now been on hold for 10 minutes. Jason finally came on line at the 15 minute mark, (12:59 p.m.), now he is transferring me to accounts (again), at the 25 minute mark Renee answered. He said there is no Supv. Available and no one else can help me, so I have to allow him to verify this and see what he can do. I asked if he had an address for the Clear corporate office available, he said he could help with coverage. He came back online and said I have corporate account information available for you. Now 34 minutes into this call, I am still on hold. I now have to call back in once again (1:15 p.m.)
Now at 1:23 p.m. Jody in account services whom I can not understand refuses to send me to a Supv. she said she is just going to cancel my mobile service. I now have Xedge, at 1:24 p.m., had to explain everything again. Xedge transferred me Victor in account services, I explained everything once again.
Everyone seems to have a very difficult time understanding plain and simply questions in English. I think it is time to cancel my service, report this horrible phone call to the BBB, and hope this frustrating inept company goes out of business. They apparently do not have the capability to appreciate customers who have been with them for 2 years, nor the desire to keep good paying customers on their books.
I expect better service and treatment than this. Clear doesn't seem to have a problem making sure the automatic bill payment works perfectly.

New Braunfels, US
Jun 07, 2012 6:43 am EDT

My experience was very similar. They told be there was coverage in my area when I called. I ordered the equipment and could not get a signal. I later found an "interactive" coverage map that clearly showed their signal did not reach my house. I cancelled the day I received my equipment. It took a about two weeks to get the refund for the coverage. In the meantime, I had to call about 3 times to get them to send me the UPS sticker to return the equipment. After I sent the equipment back, I waited 6 weeks and still didn't get credited back the equipment fee. I just called them again today, and now they say that they are refunding my money. To top it all off, their automated phone system is so confusing I often had to call back two or three times to get what I needed, and it is almost impossible to get to talk to a human, let alone one that is helpful. I would highly recommend NOT using CLEAR as an internet provider.

Castro Valley, US
Jun 07, 2012 8:57 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Please see if Clear gives you a complete refund. Clear shorted me around 15% if I recall correctly.

Castro Valley, US
Jun 07, 2012 8:59 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Be sure to check the amount of refund Clear gives.
Clear took 15% off for signing me up falsely when they had no service in area, sending me used refurbished equipment and then restocking that equipment.
I also paid the return postage.

Jun 25, 2012 2:22 pm EDT

I tried Clear over a year ago. I could not even get it to work. I immediately sent it back. Now I notice, on my credit card statements, that I have been being charged about $74.00 a month for their service - which of course I never even used... I called them. After a lot of voice mail I got someone and insisted on talking to her supervisor. Interestingly, all the supervisors were busy for over 1/2 hour. I finally got an Alex in accounts receivable. He said I would receive a refund... Now, we shall see. Why would they keep charging me if I cancelled immediately and and sent their equipment back immediately? SCOUR YOUR CREDIT CARD STATEMENTS. That negligence on my part cost me a lot of aggravation ...

harry yoshida
honolulu, US
Mar 03, 2013 5:12 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This is my complaint...CUSTOMER SERVICE...----I had a CLEAR (modem) drive that suddenly came loose and did not work--
(late Jan. 2013)----i was on automatic monthly payment from my credit card. when i looked for a outlet IN HONOLULU to have this
repaired, i found THERE ARE NO MORE CLEAR OUTLETS HERE. I called C.SERVICE about this and they suggested i go to one
their "suboutlets" here that sell their products. I got the runaround from these places---BECAUSE I DID NOT PURCHASE THE ITEM
FROM THEM -I TOTALLY AGREE WITH THESE OUTLETS. so, to stop being "automatically" deducted from my account (5th-of
every month) for a product that does not work -I cancelled the automatic deduction monthly----then went to one of these "clear suboutlets" to purchase another modem--and explained to them (LAST) SITUATION AND THEY SAW MY POINT--including GOING BACK TO THEM IF ANYTHING GOES WRONG, SINCE I PURCHASED IT THRU THEM.
? CUSTOMER SERVICE from about (montly due date 2/5/13) TO THIS DATE (3/3/13) IS STILL CALLING ME x number of times daily --with the usual(when i answer) a recorded message about being behind in payments. I think to this day, I called, Answered, explained situation to at least 7-10 different reps. BUT TO THIS DAY I STILL RECIEVE CALLS from them. more all of them saw thru my situation and agreed with me why I stopped paying! -----THIS IS MY GRIPE-- w/CUSTOMER SERVICE
1- ALL claim they "log" /"monitor" call/conversations---i found out this is not true, because"next" cust. rep. to call/answer has a "log"
of call (only) made but nothing else? when I question about (fellow rep.) NAME LISTED FOR LAST CALL they seem to hesitate
about me REQUESTING they talk to this person AS WELL AS QUESTION THEM ABOUT OUR SO-CALLED (logged) conversation?
2- 1 month later--? (maybe 3-4 calls daily x 20) i am STILL GETTING CALLS---this is telling me there IS A BIG CONSPIRACY within
customer service covering for each other and are falsely mis-leading the customers on what they are really there for!
...I can go on and on about this and probably list 15 MORE ISSUES... but to make a long story short...
explaining to customer rep. on 3-3-13 (about 2nd clear replacement product purchased) and TOLD HER DIRECTLY--IF I RECIEVE 1
(EXPLAINED TO) IF I GET ANOTHER CALL- frrom her promising me "i will settle this" and will also CLOSE AND LOG SITUATION--
?-we will see tomorrow if I get another call...
BEWARE EVERYBODY---when you get in this 'automatic payment' situation---clear "threatens" your "credit rating' status with every
call but does not "monitor' (or review?) customer service rep." conversations with you. this IS ANOTHER REASON I THINK THE REPS. are like this---your always wrong -never them!
A- push for name(don't tell them you are recording conversation) -CLEAR should -look at this matter in "reverse' --if you claim IT IS BEING RECORDED they will not talk to you---IF clear is so-called recording conversation how come they cannot find "false" or "misleading' statements by reps. when WE REQUEST IT? conspricacy...last I heard -A recording is EVIDENCE?
B- 'obviously they would keep product from working for non-payment-and me as a customer would know this? so there must be a reason why i am not paying up to 5 weeks overdue? so WHY STILL CALLIN 3-4x -DAILY?

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