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CB Real Estate Cash Rewards Inc. scamming thousands of people out of their money
Cash Rewards Inc.

Cash Rewards Inc. review: scamming thousands of people out of their money 63

Author of the review
11:59 pm EDT
Featured review
This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

They claim to give back cash rewards on real estate that you have bought or sold after a (3) year waiting period and after you have completed their conditions (which are totaled out of line). They have made it almost impossible to be able to please them with their paperwork.
I was suppose to get back $4000.00, I completed my paperwork, had it looked over by a real estate professional and a real estate attorny before I sent it in for my reward. Needless to say, they found a reason not to pay me. I have also contacted several other people with the same complaint. This whole thing sounds like a scam and I, a long with others would like this resolved. This company has found a way to scam hundreds of thousands of dollars!

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Jason Pierce
Decatur, US
Oct 16, 2008 10:56 am EDT

I have been calling and emailing the Cash Rewards Inc office for 3 weeks now in regards to a claim that was submitted nearly 6 months ago. Each time, I have been promised a prompt call back - never once have I received one. They can not tell us if the paperwork was filed incorrectly, a payment has been sent, or if they are just laughing at us for buying into their scam. This morning, I was told that their 3rd-party company has mailed a "response, " which sure doesn't sound like the $4, 000 check we were promised when buying the house.

CASH REWARDS INC IS A SCAM. DO NOT FALL FOR THEIR PITCH. THEY WILL TAKE YOUR MONEY, IGNORE YOUR CALLS, BLOW YOU OFF, AND REFUSE TO HONOR THEIR DEAL. I have spoken repeatedly to Erin and Linsey, and emailed David, the "president"... they have not so much as acknowledged my inquiries. Always, "let me check on that and give you a call back. What is your number?" I've given them my number five times. They are dishonest, rude thieves.

Robert Flutur
Nov 07, 2008 7:47 am EST

My wife and I just receieved our letter rejecting our claim. After waiting and calling and talking to both Erin and Lindsay over a 6 month period, with no results, we were told that our claim form "did not include proof of your current address through a copy of a recent utility bill listed in your name". I knew that was false and when I called Erin, she stated with the information she now miraculously had in front of her stated that the utility bill did not have my wifes name on it. None of our bill have both names on it. The bill was to be provided as proof of our current address. The excuse was that my wife and I could have been divorced. Even though we sent in the original birth certificates along with all the other information, we were still denied. Our utility bills address is our current address which is the same house that we purchased almost four years ago. When I asked Erin how she could work for a company like this, her comment was that the program is legal but as I told her, it is not moral. We were offered this "Deal" when we sold our home. I felt that this was probably a scam at the time and now I know that it is. There is an old saying which states, "If it sound to good to be true, it probably is, " applies to this Cash Rewards scam. These people have the cash now, but will be judged by a higher authority in the end which will be their ultimate "reward".

Nov 10, 2008 7:31 pm EST

I. too, feel totally scammed. I sold a house and was supposed to receive $8000. First I was denied because I was missing documents stating my loan was in good standing and that I "forgot" to include a copy of my birth certificate. I had full documents with LOAN PAID IN FULL stamped on every page. I also KNOW I included a copy of my birth certificate. I had a committe of 3 that made sure everything was properly included and on time.

I rebutted the declination and they "found" the documents stating my loan was in good standing but still insisted no birth certificate. The letter came after a phone call and about 2 weeks after the stated time frame in which they would reply. Without any more prompting from me, I got a second declination letter about 2 weeks later (dated the same as the prior letter but it came two weeks later) that said I was being denied the reward and totally different reasons were mentioned!

David Maloy
Nov 18, 2008 8:55 am EST

I read all of these complaints and most stunn me with the blatant lies. We have a full team of custone care professionals and Resolve corporation does as well. The big misconception is that we controle the claim process. We have nothing to do with this and have always relied on an indipendent impartial third party administrator to ensure each client is treated the same. Bottom line...if you follow the easy steps will get paid...if not will not. For those of you who did not follow the steps necessary...quit your whinning! We pay out hundreds of claims every month and have the testimonials to prove it. A cash Reward is a free appreciation gift to you anyway. Please appreciate the opportunity you were given and move on if you were unable to complete the paper work necessary to claim your cash.

Disgruntled Customer
Nov 20, 2008 12:58 pm EST

Like the others, I'm waiting for my 'cash reward' for over 6 months now - I understand that the third party admin is controlling the payouts, but since it is 'Cash Rewards Inc' name on the certificate, (and no means of contacting the third party administrator), of course the customers are going to be frustrated with "Cash Rewards Inc"
I've been contacting Cashrewardsinc every other week and they keep telling me - "we've reached out to the third party administrator - they will be mailing a response out today - please check back with us in 2 weeks if you don't receive anything in 2 weeks". Don't get me wrong - the folks who answer the calls at CashRewardsInc are not rude in anyway - On the contrary, they seem to be very polite, but keep insisting that all they can do is send a note to the third party admin - nothing more.

I noticed today that the BBB accreditation of Cashrewardsinc was REVOKED in April 2008! (see link below)

Nov 24, 2008 11:35 am EST

I agree. I was also rejected.

Nov 24, 2008 11:43 am EST

I was rejected for not sending in proof that i mailed in my registration even though i supplied them with the origianl cert. mail receipt card that they signed, stamped and mailed back to me at the time of the registration. They also stated that they did not have proof of identity. I sent a copy of my birth cert. along with a copy of my drivers license and my marriage license since my name changed since i was issued the cert.. I tried calling the customer service line at cash rewards and you get vm. I have been advised to contact the Attorny Generals Office. for anyone interested the third party admin is Resolve Corp. and the phone # is [protected] (got to love google) be carful if you call becasue they will try and transfer you right to a vm that gives you the customer service # for Cash Rewards.

Trent Urban
Nov 24, 2008 9:57 pm EST

I purchased a Dodge Durango 3 years ago from a local car dealer with the string attached that I would get back $10, 000.00 from the Cash Rewards program as long as I followed ALL details of the Cash Rewards to the exact detail listed in the agreement. The way I saw the program is that they bank on the chance that most people won't send in their paperwork following the exact details listed in the agreement, and if the people do follow thru with their paperwork then a majority of them won't submit for their refund while jumping thru all the rediculous hoops that Cash Rewards requires. I saw that they were simply running the numbers on the amount of people that wouldn't be organized enough to FULLY follow thru. Well I was wrong!
I submitted ALL of the exact info that was required initially, even going as far as to mail the docs with a postage receipt to confirm that they received the initial paperwork. I then rounded up all of the documents to be submitted after 3 years had gone by, including an original copy of my birth certificate, etc.
I sent in ALL of the documents that they required down to the last exact detail that they stated and even reading between the lines where I figured they were being vague. I knew for a fact that there was no detail that I overlooked.

Their response back to me;
I was rejected due to the lack of my utility bill showing my address. My address is shown on my utility bill so I found their number online and called them, I thought they had to have just missed my address on the utility bill and if I pointed it out to them that they would realize that they just missed it. After calling them muliple times after they blew me off they said that my address wasn't on the bill. What I found out is that since my utility bill lacks the city and zip code that my address was not shown. The dumb thing about that statement is that my utility bill was from Colorado Springs Utilities, so you tell me - what city might that be for? I told them that I don't make the utility bills and they said I could have used a different utility bill, I told them that all of my utilities come from Colo Spgs Utilities so they stated that I could have used a phone or cable bill.
My phone and cable TV and internet come from Qwest, so I looked at the Qwest bill. The part of the bill that you keep after submitting your payments to Qwest also don't show the city or zip code. It appears to me that Cash Rewards knows this bit of information and that is part of their scam - they never planned on paying me any of the payments. What's funny is that I have'nt moved since the start of this program but they say they needed my address to confirm that I was the right person. I think that with the rest of the info I provided that they know damn well that I am the right person, hell they have an original copy of my birth certificate among other things.

This became such an issue in this area that it was a prime topic on the Tom Martino show on AM radio in Denver. Apparently many people got burned by these people. I guess they don't honor the Golden Rule or Karma because they are building some negative Karma for themselves.

For anyone caught up in Cash Rewards, I hope you can learn from my mistakes and make this company pay to at least one person.

Ryan Sawyer
Dec 03, 2008 11:07 am EST

Same story...They claim I forgot to send my certified mail reciept, which I was VERY careful to include. How do you sleep at night David? This third part administrator, what third world country are they located in? Crooked piece of crap...

Keep the posts coming, we need to get Cash Rewards off the street!

Dec 04, 2008 2:25 pm EST

I have had 2 cash rewards in the last year rejected because they say i did not properly prove identity and proof of address, which is bull. they owe me $22, 000 and they are not going to get away with it. i hired an attorney and he says this is fraud and that we have a great case. i suggest anyone that was screwed over seek legal advice to get your monies owed and we may even file a class action lawsuit. they say they are paying out, but i have not heard from 1 person yet who has actually received any money from them

Colorado Springs, US
Dec 06, 2008 8:13 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have been waiting over 4mnths for my $5, 0000 reward. I guess after reading the postings, (and especially since I sent in a Colorado Springs Utility bill) I can stop believing that it is being "processed". I guess l'll be looking into legal advice.

Nationa City, US
Dec 19, 2008 10:51 am EST

We too were lured into thinking we were going to get $10, 000 for the sale of our home, we put all documents together the first year and for the next 2 years we pulled the paper work out and rechecked it on the date it needed to be sent to make sure all docs were in the packet and the right before we sent it out we had 2 other people verify all docs were included. We waited our 90 to 120 days got our letter and what a surprise we were denied. We were also told that my birth cert was not included "liars", I went out and order a new birth cert just for this scamming program. Don't bother trying to get ahold of Resolve Corp. because they will not take calls on complaints they will just send you back to Cash rewards inc. and as for David Maloy, just read his response to all us, just goes to show you his real concern, "###$$$$" people aren't whining they just want what is supposed to be coming them so shut your mouth.

If want to see what Resolve Corp is all about go to this link from the BBB. They have 91 complaints in the 36 months, this is a serious problem.

Here is cash rewards link

Tucson, US
Jan 04, 2009 12:15 pm EST

I came across this site the other day and was NOT surprised about all the people who have been scammed like I was and a ton of my friends here in Arizona who bought homes from the same realtor who I will NOT mention since he has cut all ties with David Maloy and Cash Rewards Inc. - he said he would never do business with such a scam artist again. He also is having to fight several law suits because of him. I too was promised a Cash Reward of $10, 000 and NEVER heard anything from "those" people and when I called they put it off on the "third party administrator" Resolve. Resolve used to answer phone calls but they said that the real decision came from David Maloy on the claims. My claim was NEVER denied nor was EVER PAID and after numerous phone calls with the same old bs line I did some research of my own and found out that a TON of people were in the same boat as myself, I also saw a newscast about Cash Rewards and what a scam they were and will be glad to post it. I have since tried to call Cash Rewards for the last 3 months and cannot GET ANYONE to call me back with ANY KIND of answer. I talked to Lindsey and Erin - Lindsey said that her "Dad" would call me back and of course he never did...those people will end up in jail and I have written the BBB but it doesn't matter since they had their license revoked many months ago. My lawyer has done research and there are SO MANY lawsuits againsts the crooks that bascially I will have to stand in line. I read David Maloy's post and really think he needs to turn himself in for fraud and go back to school so he can learn how to spell correctly! Cash Rewards is a big SCAM and it's amazing they haven't been put in jail for scamming innocent people and companies who believed in them.

John Krissel
Davie, US
Jan 06, 2009 3:35 pm EST

I'm glad I found this forum before it was too late. I bought a boat that was supposed to come with Cash Rewards. This thread convinced me to go with another option on the boat, rather than the option of cash rewards. What really convinced me was the attitude of David Maloy. I don't see how a businessman tracks down a complaint forum, registers, then tells dissatisfied customers to quit whining. The guy has no idea how to treat customers. He ought to go back to college and take some management and marketing classes. "We have the testimonials to prove it..." I suspect they pay rebates to customers of his friends' businesses so he can say that he's paid them out and help out his friends. The real mystery is to see if they indeed donate the full, unclaimed amount to charity as they claim.

The reason I have to agree with the posters above is because I too tried to get in touch with the Cash Rewards office and talked to or tried to talk to the same people. All I wanted to do was ask a simple question ahead of time- what do they require as proof of purchace. Yet I got no return e-mail or voicemail from the same Erin mentioned above. That tipped me off to the beginning of a problem. Then I found this thread.

Maloy says it's a 'free appreciation gift'. Again, David might want to go back to college. First day of Macro: there's no such thing as a free lunch. Somewhere, someone is paying for it. In my case, I would have been paying for it. In some cases the dealers pay for it. But either way, someone's paying for it. It's not free and it's not appreciated. Rather than getting an extra option on a boat, car, etc. I chose this because I thought it could work. But like every parent tells their child, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. This applies perfectly:

"Oh wow! I'm gonna get $15, 000 in three years for the $1500 I pay now. Sounds incredible." This is a company in business to make money. Claims not paid make more money for the company (even IF they donate some of the unclaimed rebates which I wouldn't believe unless proven). They're motivated to not pay all claims, like insurance companies they compare themselves to. They look and look until they can think of a reason to deny.

I'm lucky, I figured it out before it was too late. But to those who got scammed, don't worry much longer. I would bet dollars to donuts that the current state of the economy will eventually put this company under. I read they keep their reward fund in Citibank. It's likely invested, with a freind of his, in something risky.

Colorado Springs, US
Jan 07, 2009 3:38 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I posted earlier in regards to still waiting for my Cash Reward. On Dec. 23rd. I rec'd notice that my Cash Reward had been declined, due to "sponser failed to pay for the certificate or otherwise breached its agreement with Cash Rewards Inc.". I have since been in touch with David Maloy CEO of Cash Rewards. He has assured me that he will be contacting my sponser and hopes to resolve my issue swiftly. I am feeling much relieved that the CEO contacted me, and I will continue to update you all with my progress.

Mabank, US
Jan 09, 2009 11:39 am EST

First off – re: David Maloy’s post above - I had to laugh at the misspellings. Doesn’t take much to be a CEO these days, huh?

In 2005, I too was lured into aligning with a realtor who used Cash Rewards, INC. as a marketing gimmick. 40 months later, here I sit without those (2) long-awaited $10, 000 checks. No rejections, no checks, no communication.

Today, when I contacted Cash Rewards to inquire, I was quickly told that processing takes 90-120 days. My comment regarding my screen print, from their website, made on the day of my mailing, indicating a 45-60 day processing period was rudely answered with "well that was changed and now it's 90-120 days". Must be nice to arbitrarily decide to double the amount of time allotted to pay a “bill”. Wonder if Bank of America Mortgage will let ME get away with that?

Frankly, this whole thing reeks of another Ponzi scheme. I don’t think the “breakage” was as much as they hoped for and they simply don’t have the money to pay out unless more sponsors pay in for more certificates.

Wonder if the Texas Attorney General would be interested in taking a look at this company?

Scammed in MN
Maplewood, US
Feb 26, 2009 8:31 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My husband and I are also waiting for $12, 000 dollars. After following their instructions and mailing everything on time, we were denied based on proof of our indentities. We mailed an appeal on Dec. 3, 2008 and have still heard nothing. Called Erin on Feb. 16 and also followed up with an email on Feb 19. Was promised in writing that we would hear back within 48-72 hours. Still nothing. This program is absurd! If anyone has any information on a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT please post the information as we would be interested in being involved. Please do not get scammed by these criminals! Lets band together, get our money, and put these crooks in jail where they belong!

El Cajon, US
Mar 11, 2009 4:02 pm EDT

Is it time to do something about Cash Rewards Inc.?
If you were randomly denied and your certificate was rejected by some phantom rule that was just made up, please contact me. Don't give up, that's what their banking on. If you have not been able to squeeze the $$$$ from David Maloy or are tired of his go nowhere, make no sense, e-mail responses, please contact me. Whether you received your certificate(s) thru a realtor, developer, mortgage company, car dealer or Mastercraft dealer, it makes no difference, you have probably been treated the same way, you're wrong and Cash Rewards/Resolve have the final say. Please contact me. It's time to see how many are out there. Our first instinct these days is to avoid the conflict, we don't have time for it and we usually throw our hands up and give in. Don't. Please contact me.

Merrimack, US
Mar 15, 2009 12:41 am EDT

Like Heather, my husband and I received a denial based on "Sponsor failed to pay for the certificate or otherwise breached its agreement with Cash Rewards". When I inquired to Cash Rewards they attempted to absolve themselves of any responsibility for the status of the claim, shifting responsibility to ITPA (their third party claims processor). They said that our Sponsor (our real estate company) must have "outstanding balance that he has still not paid for". However, they did send us a dispute form to fill out (more hoops to jump through).

We obtained a copy of the canceled check for $1500 that the Real Estate agent sent in to Cash Rewards in 2005. We'll be submitting that along with the completed dispute form.

What a load of crap, huh?

Makes me wish we would have taken the offer for a 1% lower commission on the sale of our house when the agent offered it, since we were dubious about how this Cash Rewards game would pay out.

I wonder how Heather made out.

If we are denied again, we'll be adding our experience to the mound of information being collect by the Texas BBB.

Mar 26, 2009 12:11 pm EDT

My husband and I are supposed to send our claim in next week. We have been anticipating this cash reward for three years, however, when I got looking into all the information you had to send in I became skeptical and starting researching it more. I am leary to send our claim in and I might not because a friend mentioned to me that they are asking for original documents that they shouldn't need in order to send out the claim. What are they doing with our original documents after we send them in? How easy would it be with the information we send into them for them to sell those documents to someone who needs a new identity? It all seems a bit fishy, especially with all the complaints I've been reviewing. I am glad people have stepped out and put thier experiences on the internet. It has made me think twice. If you have a claim to send in in the future, and you are researching first and reading this, please be careful and consider everything before you give out your personal, original, certified documents to people you don't even know.

John Krissel
Davie, US
Mar 31, 2009 2:13 pm EDT

Someone should suggest to one of the news magazine shows (20/20) or Dateline that they do a piece on this con-artist. This would be right up their alley. Luckily I passed on the Cash Rewards option when I bought my boat. What these people do is wrong. They have their family members in on it, they're all crooked.

Jason Pierce
Decatur, US
Apr 02, 2009 2:38 pm EDT

Update on my post from way up top:
We eventually got our denial letter, as seems to be their first tactic to enourage their "customers" to give up the fight. It stated that our claim was denied because I had provided evidence that a third party had reminded me to file my claim in a timely manner. This being an outight lie (not only did no one remind me, but how did I "provide evidence?") I got in touch with the realtor who had introduced me to the program. He apparently got in touch with our mutual friend, Mr Maloy, who offered the "appeal" route. So I filed an appeal at the end of January, which they promise will be processed in 30 days, at which point they will render an "absolutely final" decision. Today is April 2nd. No word yet.

Now, granted, the "appeal" is directed to Resolve in Strongville, OH (as indicated in their instructions). I get the distinct impression that Resolve is in the mix soley to give Cash Rewards another delay tactic. They like to blame each other, all the while hoping we'll get sick of the runaround and give up.

Mr Maloy, if you are reading this - no one's buying it. You're not legit, you're not interested in fulfilling your end of the deal, and while some people probably DO fail to jump through all of your ridiculous hoops, most of us took the time to make sure everything was in order, and we know that our denials are baseless.

I've already been in contact with another poster on this board (and I understand that many others have, too), and action is being taken. I don't expect to scare Cash Rewards into playing fair, and I don't really expect to see my money, but I do intend to make Mr Maloy put his high-priced lawyers to work.

Mabank, US
May 14, 2009 9:52 am EDT

An update on claims: After getting my real estate agent involved, I was able to communicate directly with David Maloy. After 3 weeks of empty promises, I received this email from him today:

"Due to the large number of accounts that never paid us and so many Filing BK every day we have been forced to re-look at our business model and have no recourse other than Filing Bankruptcy ourselves. The trustee will divide the money up equally amount properly redeeming customers and we will no longer be flooded with unfortunate calls like yours. We hate to close a business we built from my kitchen table that we have grown to international status. However, so many of our larger accounts are in trouble now and can simply not pay. "

Concerned Customer
Alexandria, US
May 16, 2009 10:46 am EDT

Please take the time to file an official complaint with the Texas Attorney General. Very simple to do online & will just take you a few minutes.

Fed up
Jun 17, 2009 5:17 am EDT

This company built their business on offering a crooked program to merchants AND consumers. I got duped into joining their program as a merchant on the sales pitch that "10% of consumers actually fill out the rebates, that's why we can offer this program".

The funny thing is 90% of the real estate agents who joined this program and paid their $[protected] membership fee, probably NEVER used the program. CashRewards banked on that money. Then whenever one of the merchants offers a CashReward, they have to pay CashRewards a percentage of the reward. Needless to say, CashRewards does NOT want to give out any rewards, that's basically money out of the door...

CashRewards should be shut down and all of their merchants should be reimbursed membership fees for this load of garbage.

If you see a real estate agents or car dealer offering a CashReward, run the other way. It's a joke. Having to wait THREE YEARS for a rebate is ridiculous. Original birth certificate? What the hell? CashRewards is a load of crap. Here's the owner's business plan: "Let's offer a rebate to consumers, charge our merchants ridiculous amounts of money to join, and make it extremely difficult, if not possible to redeem. Then we'll sell products and training programs to our merchants to show them how to be better salesman so they can dupe their customers into wanting a CashReward. Then when the merchant offers a CashReward we'll charge a 15% fee! Yeah! Money in bank bro"

It sickens me to think that someone would start a business on the hopes of scamming people out of their money.

scammedin sandiego
Jun 29, 2009 3:16 pm EDT

oh wow, i just read all your responses and about your experiences with cash rewards. i too have been waiting longer than 120 days for a response. i emailed custimer service with no response back. i would love to receive the cash promised, but my real concern is the originals i sent them. has anyone received their originals back?
i would like to join in a lawsuit against them if anyone has info, will you please send it to me- thanks.

Port Allen, US
Jul 08, 2009 8:09 pm EDT

Please be advised that Cash Rewards, Inc. has filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy on June 21, 2009. Case no. 09-33685 Northern District Dallas Texas. The trustee is Diane G. Reed. The creditors meeting is July 21, 2009 at 11:20 a.m. at Office of US Trustee, 1100 Commerce St., Room 524, Dallas. The attorney listed for them is Marcus Leinart.

My Cash Reward Receipt was issued by them on July 1, 2009 AFTER they filed for bankruptcy. Last night I logged on to print my Certificate and Registration Form and both printed but had lines missing on the forms.
Today I called the mobile home dealer and they told me to call the home office because they had this morning received an e-mail from their home office stating that they had just received info that Cash Rewards, Inc. had filed Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. I telephoned the lady at the home office in Dallas and she was very concerned and said that they were attending the creditor's meeting. I was also told that Cash Rewards had telephoned them AFTER filing bankruptcy and AFTER the trustee had seized the bank account in New York, and told them to mail their payments to them directly at a post office box which they did because they said they were having trouble with the bank up there.



Don Junghans
San Diego, US
Jul 15, 2009 11:51 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

On April 1st of 2009 I sent in Certificate#E10035 by certified mail along with my original Birth Certificate, Gas & Electric bill, Purchase of home paper work along with all the appropriate paper work they required from me and after almost three months I have not heard back from them. I still am waiting for my Cash Back rewards money of $10, 000.00. I have now noticed their phone number is ringing but no answering machine or any one picking up. I have noticed them on the website labeled Rip Off Artist but hoping this was not true. I am hoping someone will reply on what is going on and when I should see my Money that was promised to me by providing the proper info per the paper work instructions. Now after talking to my real estate agent who said he gave them the required $1, 500.00 to set this up and patiently waiting the 3 years and now out of a valuable paper work like my birth certificate. I hear they filed a chapter 7. What can be done so we can fix what appears to be a scam artist.


Don Junghans

Coppell, US
Jul 22, 2009 6:29 pm EDT

Could this have been securities fraud?

Check out:

Fremont, US
Jul 27, 2009 2:57 am EDT

Where can I claim ITPA?
I wait for 3 years to get $4000 rewards and now I don't know what should I do.Thanks!

B & R
Modesto, US
Aug 10, 2009 11:33 pm EDT

We waited 3yrs for our reward of $5, 000.00. We jumped throught the hoops to collect all the information they wanted from us to redeem our money. Well, guess what ... our package that we send to Strongsville, Ohio was refused. It never got the Cashrewards, it was just returned by the post office. After seeing these complaints, I know why. Bankrupcy!
Well, I guess we will make a complaint with the BK courts. I guess were lucky that they don't have any original birth certificates.

B & R

Sacramento, US
Aug 11, 2009 3:30 pm EDT

the end of my 3 years, i sent in my cash rewards certified mail and i got it back within couple of days from the post office "REFUSED". So they did not bother to sign for the letter...

Sacramento, US
Aug 11, 2009 3:33 pm EDT

i sent in mine paperwork to strongsville, ohio too and got the same thing back from the post office...what now..

Vacaville, US
Aug 12, 2009 8:59 pm EDT

We got burned as well. Just got our certificate back from Strongsville Ohio with a "refused" RTS tag on it day before yesterday. I went ahead and filed my B 10 form and copies of my certificate with the Northern District of Texas Bankruptcy Court.
Just for everyone's info, the next activity seems to be Thursday, August 20th. The Honorable Harlin DeWayne Hale is the presinding judge:

[protected] Cash Rewards, Inc.

Motion for 2004 examination of David Maloy filed by Creditor American Homestar Corporation

I wish everyone well in their endevours to redeem their certificates.

Aug 31, 2009 11:31 am EDT

So I just found out that I wont be getting my $10, 000 dollar CASH REWARD check from the purchase of a Malibu Boat in 2006. Has anyone been successful in a judgment against the dealer or manufacturer based on a misleading or deceptive sales practice of an authorized dealer for their product?

Just curious if people think this is a viable option/recourse for us.

joe out $5000.
wylie, US
Sep 15, 2009 8:58 pm EDT

just got my reward claim back unopened and not paid. told by relator that company went broke. should have just had the 1% off house

Wronged in DFW
Keller, US
Oct 22, 2009 5:09 pm EDT

I too was denied my "Reward" of $3000 after patiently waiting the 3 year period and filing all the proper paperwork correctly and on-time. Just for those who are interested, you can reach David Malloy (President/CEO of Cash Rewards) at his home phone number of [protected]. The house is located at 718 Penfolds Lane in Coppel, Texas 75019 and the Dallas Appraisal District appraises it at $838, 150. You would think that he could make good on his company's promise.

Alvarado, US
Oct 22, 2009 11:59 pm EDT

shall anybody bother in submitting any more claims

Alex T
Truckee, US
Nov 12, 2009 12:56 pm EST

I was to receive $10, 000 and followed the instructions to the T. My package was sent back to me with a label that simple stated "refused return to sender. I've tried to call resolve corporation and cash rewards, inc. but can not locate a number to contact any live person and many numbers are disconnected. I have left messages with the numbers I do find but nobody returns the calls. What should I do?

Port Allen, US
Dec 09, 2009 10:27 pm EST

try contacting the vendor that you did business with to get the 10, 000. Put pressure on them.