Art nouveau images, llc master distributor for creative image affair
John c golfis used the false name "john gofs" transacting business with art nouveau images, llc formerly known as plane logistics llc resulting in lost investment
John c golfis partner julie anh lien, aka: julie nguyen, julie ann, juliere, julienetwork
Texas comptroller of public accounts glenn hegar published:
Art nouveau images, llc
Texas taxpayer number [protected]
Mailing address 11301 farrah unit 917 austin, tx [protected]
Right to transact business in texas franchise tax involuntarily ended
State of formation tx
Effective sos registration date 03/27/2008
Texas sos file number [protected]
Registered agent name alejandra k reyes
Registered office street address 6751 plaza via irving, tx 75039
Director aleiandra reyes p. o. box 167992 irving, tx 75016
Office of minnesota secretary of state steve simon published:
Audaciter victus llc formed 03/23/2010 in minnesota
File number [protected]
Status inactive
8/6/2013 administrative termination name hold release - limited liability company (domestic)
Audaciter victus llc - nameholder of assumed name
Creative image affair
File number [protected]
Status inactive
1/11/2017 cancellation - assumed name creative image affair
Registrar: fastdomain inc.
Provider name...:
Provider whois...: whois.
Provider homepage:
Domain name:
created on...: [protected]:53:30 gmt
expires on...: [protected]:53:30 gmt
last modified on...: [protected]:40:16 gmt
Registrant info: (fast-[protected])
bluehost inc
1958 south 950 east
provo, utah 84604
united states
phone: +1.[protected]
fax..: +1.[protected]
email: [protected]
last modified: [protected]:43:32 gmt
Administrative info: (fast-[protected])
bluehost inc
1958 south 950 east
provo, utah 84604
united states
phone: +1.[protected]
fax..: +1.[protected]
email: [protected]
last modified: [protected]:43:32
Art Nouveau Images operated from 2010 to 2012 as a Master Distributor in Texas & Louisiana for Creative Image Affair in Minnesota
No business or tax filings were filed for either company in Minnesota, Texas or Louisiana
Bank accounts used included Wells Fargo Bank
Artists scammed in Los Angeles and San Diego
TAX FORFEITURE public record found:
ART NOUVEAU IMAGES, LLC – Certificate / Charter forfeited: February 20, 2015
Effective SOS Registration Date: 3/27/2008
Mailing Address: 11301 FARRAH UNIT 917 AUSTIN, TX [protected]
Registered Agent Name: ALEJANDRA K REYES
Registered Office Street Address: 6751 PLAZA VIA IRVING, TX 75039
Coby Shorter, III, Secretary of State of Texas finds that:
1. The Secretary has received certification from the Comptroller of Public Accounts under Section 171.309 of the Texas Tax Code indicating that there are grounds for the forfeiture of the taxable entity’s charter, certificate or registration; and
2. The Comptroller of Public Accounts has determined that the taxable entity has not revived its forfeited privileges within 120 days after the date that the privileges were forfeited.
Therefore, pursuant to Section 171.309 of the Texas Tax Code, the Secretary of State hereby forfeits the charter, certificate or registration of the taxable entity as of the date noted above and records of this notice of forfeiture in the permanent files and records of the entity.