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King Soopers Complaints 185

2:26 pm EST

King Soopers Gas rewards

I have been wondering why we don't get "roll-over" gas points, like the phone companies do with "roll-over" minutes. I feel robbed every month when ks steals whatever points are left! We are supposed to be able to use last months points before the end of this month, but the pump automatically gives me the largest amount of point available. The attendant isn't able to override this or at least they don't know how. I have spent the money and I deserve all the points!

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8:00 pm EST
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I walked in to King Soopers (2727 W Evans Ave, Denver, CO 80219) with an item from Walmart that King Soopers doesn't even carry. I presented the security guard with the receipt on entry. Explained I don't have a car. Security guard said ok and I entered. I was followed around the whole time in the store! Once I got what was needed I was then greeted at the...

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4:57 pm EDT
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Sept. 7, 2015 approximately 12:25pm. I was standing in checkout lane #10, I felt a firm touch and slight push on my left arm, I looked to my left and it was Josh, a king soopers employee. When I asked "Excuse me, am I in your way?" "That was a pretty aggressive touch." He said "I just need to get these baskets, sorry" and walked away. I asked the cashier...

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1:56 pm EST
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My son and I were walking thru the store and the employees were saying good morning to the customers all of which were either white or Hispanic. We were passed by at least three who said nothing. as well as the monitor at self check out who we had to find to get help with the machine. I would advice black people not to shop here period. they even have black...

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9:14 pm EDT
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King Soopers Gas rewards

Customer survey feedback done online has not been working right since last month (Sept '14). I do this survey to add 50 points towards gas rewards totals. Last month I would take a survey, say on the 5th, but in "Points Summary" it would show that I took the survey on the 8th or 9th - at least a 3 day delay. Now this month (Oct '14) I have entered 2 surveys online and still don't show any extra points for either of them on "Points Summary". When you try to select a link, . like "Contact Us" or "Feedback" to try and report this problem, all you get is a "We are experiencing technical difficulties...blah, blah blah. This has been like this since at least last month. I guess Kings doesn't want to hear about any problems they have on their website.

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7:18 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

King Soopers Store management/rudeness

I have worked as en employee of King Soopers for six months.In that six months I have been abused by the management. I will talk about the most recent incident though. I had come down with a cold and was unable to come into work. I called in two days in a row. The first day I called in was the night before my scheduled shift. They told me to "call back tomorrow, because you might feel better by then". I was a little put off but I get it, they were hoping to not be down a warm body. Whatever. I called back the next day to confirm that I was calling at the earliest I could (7am) when the store manager arrives. She fought with me about why I'm not coming in. Until she finally, begrudgingly let me off for the day. The day after was my day off and then I called in the next day (So this is two days in total that I would miss work due to an illness). I called in the morning and another store manager (a male) answered and assured me he would call my department and let them know of my absence. We agreed I'd stay home and I hung up. A few minutes after my shift was supposed to start I get a phone call from the store manager (a female) who doesn't even say hello before she berates me for missing my shift. "We were expecting you at your shift time" she tells me. I told her I spoke to the male store manager that morning and he said it was fine. Then she yells at me about bringing a doctors note because she's "pretty sure I'm faking it". I have never been so offended or put off in my whole life. I am actually sick. I am human. They won't even give you time off for something that would infect someone and we sell food. How gross is that?

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RJ Riviera
Mar 28, 2015 2:49 pm EDT

I went to the Louisville Colorado King Soopers 3/28/2015 1:00 pm and made a simple suggestion to the manager and she said to take the survey that is how we deal with suggestions. When a checker ask you if you found everything you are looking for what does that mean? To the store manager it does not mean anything.

RJ Riviera
Mar 28, 2015 2:44 pm EDT

I went to the duty manager on Saturday 3/28/2015 at 1:00 pm and asked about and made a suggestion about a product. The manager said to take the survey. She said that is is the way we deal with suggestions. This in my opinion is bad customer service.

11:20 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

King Soopers Employee

When visiting the King Soopers on Union and Briargate in CO I was checking out and as I was, I was given attitude by a young man named Dakota he was very rude and wasnt doing his job right. I thought the customer was always right? But I guess not this is very upsetting especially being a regular King Soopers customer.

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6:49 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

King Soopers Store manager is incompetent

I am employed as a courtesy clerk at the King Soopers on Florida (Store 411). I have watched the manager belittle people and recently one of my favorite Head Clerks was DEMOTED and moved to a different store for an issue that has been seen MANY times. She was closing and, prior to going on her break, set down the remote for the U-Scan station that was to be picked up by the other acting Head Clerk coming off of break. I have seen this device set down MANY times during my work here. This head clerk has NO history of being written up, no formal counseling done, and was the most positive. When I found out she was demoted for ONE incident, I was aghast. Apparently leaving the remote for even a few minutes is a fireable offense, but I have NEVER seen anyone else punished for doing the same thing. The BIG thing, though, is that the manager DID NOT EVEN ensure that this head clerk TURNED in her store keys when he demoted her and sent her off. NOW ISNT LEAVING KEYS with an unauthorized employee a HUGE security violation. TO my knowledge, the keys have still not be turned in. The manager is incompetent. THis head clerk in NO way deserved to be demoted with ONE incident, and a much BIGGER security violation was committed by the manager for NOT gettting the keys to the store, front office, etc, before she moved to the new store. A complete joke! If he is not fired and this head clerk not reinstated, then the system is completely broken.

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5:54 pm EDT
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There is a lady who works here named barbara hartshortn she refused to help my mother due to her vision impairment. We went as high up as dave savage and even he was a rude #. This store sucks. My mom had to call a manager over to help her cause the cashier working was a # and refused to help! Do not support stores that discriminate against disabled people

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2:21 am EDT
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King Soopers Discriminatory behavior

Younger Employees at King Soopers are NOT required to follow the rules and are instantly promoted to Management positions when they did not earn it. This is getting to be a Major Problem. I call upon King Soopers Employees to take action NOW! Fight Fight Fight! Hold Your Employer and Your Union accountable for allowing this behavior to continue.

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1:20 am EST
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King Soopers Workplace

A King Soopers Non Management Employee like other Retail Employees have something in common with Fast Food Workers, We are looked down upon by Management and the rest of society. I have read from numerous sources that King Soopers Employees are whiners who have no education, If I had absolutely no education I would not be able to type out this complaint in the first place. I could write a novel about what it is like to work at King Soopers but there is not enough space on this blog to do so. I will briefly describe the horrors of working for this Company and the Union who is not doing very well at correcting the behaviors I am about to describe, in other words, The Union is equally guilty of these hideous acts by because they continue to allow this. Hostile Managers and Customers are the number one issue which takes place at any King Soopers location, Managers scream at us in front of Co Workers and Customers on a regular basis, Customers also scream at us and they ridicule us while we are working to serve them we are required to tolerate these behaviors we are told that if a customer shouts profanity at us that we mustn't take it personal and that if the customer is acting this way it must be out fault or it is because the customer is having a bad day. Does this mean we should be allowed to act in a hostile manner at another public establishment just because we are having a bad day? What would happen if I went to the DMV, screamed and cursed at a DMV employee because the line is too long, or if I screamed at the Judge because I got a speeding ticket from a Police Officer? Would the DMV or the Judge give me a $25 gift card and ask me to come back again? Favoritism is another problem which is widespread throughout all King Soopers locations. Some examples of favoritism I have observed at King Soopers are, Jane is never expected to work during a holiday or a weekend because she if pretty and/or she is dating a Member of Management or is dating a relative of Management. Tom is allowed to stand around while others are working hard because he is related to someone in Management. ELMS (short for Electronic Labor Management System and Key Retailing are abusive tools created by King Soopers Management while they claim these are tools to "help" us we are often being disciplined because we did not stock the shelves fast enough on the Night Crew or because we were not checking fast enough which resulted in our ELMS rating to be 90% "efficient" when they wanted out rating to be 95%. It really makes our job that much harder when someone insists upon creating a delay at the check stand. Short Tempered Customers are also a major problem when working at King Soopers and it is certain that Management will reward them with a $25.00 Gift card. Vengeful Management is also a serious problem at King Soopers especially if you complain to the Union about their abusive behavior and the Union decides not to take much action the insult to injury in this case is that the Union is supposed to be acting on our behalf but the Union Stewards and Business Agents are constantly defending Management, their excuse for turning their backs on us is that Head Clerks, Service Managers, Grocery Managers and other Department Heads are also In the Union. Who is the Union really protecting?

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11:16 pm EST
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King Soopers Management's unethical behavior

It is true We should be greatful to have a job in this economy also We are greatful that King Soopers has closed this past Christmas Day and I will encourage them to continue. Is another Shoe about to drop? Probably. I am of the suspicion that King Soopers may set a new guideline or system in place. The only things ever to be reported by the News Media are usually labor disputes involving wages, pension, health benefits and other familiar topics that the Employer and the Union will disclose to the Media. Many of you may think that just because you are not hearing about this in the news anymore that it means that problems do not exist within the walls of King Soopers Workplace, to the contrary, there are many issues in which the public must be made aware of. Age Discrimination is a major issue at King Soopers. Disparate Treatment other than age discrimination is another major problem, here are several examples.

a) An Associate whose Immediate Relative is on King Soopers Management team stands around while others are working hard, his/her violating policies concerning attendance, dealing with customers, and other such minor violations are overlooked ane he/she is not disciplined while the non Relative of Management is subject to progressive discipline.

b) A Female Associate who is attractive and/or dating a member of King Soopers Management team is quickly promoted and is not required to perform tasks or work certain shifts, weekends, and holidays as required by King Soopers.

c) A Teenage Associate gets the days off he/she wants just because they are much younger.

Hours are another issue, From October until the beginning of January, Many of Us enjoy working closer to 40 hour work weeks and then after the New Year we are reduced to 20 hours per week. King Soopers claims that they can't afford to do so. I blame the Union as much as I blame the Company for this. The Union will blame the workers for not showing up at meetings to vote on the Company's Contract Proposal while the Union fails to mention that the International(a. k. a. UFCW National Headquarters) has blocked votes to strike in 2004 which has discouraged a lot of us from doing so again. What will I accomplish from this post? I don't know.
The purpose of this post is to raise awareness of what it is really like to work at King Soopers, there is a story to tell, and I hope I am not the only one telling the story as there are many stories to tell.
You could argue that We deserve this because of our assumed lack of education but there are many of us who work at King Soopers who have College Education at various levels. We are working at King Soopers because we have no other options at the moment. Positions within our chosen professions are just not available. Some of us are working our way through College. The level of an employee's education is irrelevant as regardless of age, race, sexaul orientation, whether we refuse to date someone in Management, if we are not related to anyone in Management, whether we are less attractive than Management desires, educated or uneducated we do not deserve to be subject to disparate treatment.

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10:22 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

King Soopers Abusive customers

King Soopers Corporate Officials continue to encourage Customers to verbally assault employees while we are on the job.
The Philosophy of King Soopers Corporate officials is to allow Customers to scream at employees, cuss at employees, stalk employees, and laugh at employees in a condescending fashion.
King Soopers Corporate Officials find this gross misconduct of customers acceptable because they are making a profit from this.
There needs to be a code of conduct of Customers when entering King Soopers. Here are a few guidelines I will give to King Soopers.

1) Do Not Touch King Soopers Employees, it is rude, and it is offensive, these touches are unwelcome.

2) Please do not laugh at employees who are having a difficult time scanning a bar code, Just because the product will not scan it does not mean it is free. The Employees hear that comment too often from you, and it is not funny.

3) Do not scream at Employees, If you scream at employees, then you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Managers who reward your obscene behavior will be exposed on the internet soon enough.

4) Do Not Shove Coupons in the faces of Checkers, That is rude behavior, and it needs to stop.

5) Do Not reach into the Checker's work area, do not reach in front of the faces of the employee who is stocking the shelves.

6) When you arrive at the check stand do not talk on your cell phone.

7) King Soopers is open 24 hours a day, there is no need to ask King Soopers Employees if the store is open.

8) Please have your payment ready before your order is complete, Checkers are being timed by King Soopers Electronic Labor Management System (also Known as ELMS)

9) Do Not arrive at the check stand until you are sure that you have obtained everything you need to obtain for your home, Leaving the check stand to get something else delays the timing for Checkers per ELMS requirements which cause checkers to be penalized because the computer will show that the checkers are not moving fast enough because you did not return to the check stand before the checker has finished.

10) If you picked up a cold item and then changed your mind, please put the product back where you found it, because Management vents their anger on King Soopers Employees because you have damaged a cold product by placing it where warm products are shelved, Managers get very angry when they do not get their bonus.

11) Do not ask Employees about their holiday plans because King Soopers Management requires them to work on Thanksgiving and Christmas while Management Personnel does not have to work on these holidays, and they collect hefty Christmas Bonuses.

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Nov 12, 2019 10:06 am EST

Customers are ill mannered to cashiers, they reach across the counter to scan their sooper card, shove coupons in cashiers faces, and managers stand there and laugh... Customers should get thier hand smacked for reaching across the counter... Do these customers do this at the dinner table?

B.P State Inspector
Gaithersburg, US
Jan 03, 2014 3:59 pm EST

Prime example of "FOXYGRANDMA" trolling a PUBLIC complaint board user. If you want to be a judge so bad then get off your ### and do it, stop trying to find your pathetic satisfaction in replying to peoples complaints like its YOUR problem, because it's NOT. These are problems between the specific user making the complaint and the target of the complaint. Its hard to tell a lady of 73 years old to grow up, but you in fact need to grow up and understand the world does not resolve around the pathetic statements you make on a daily basis. You give American law enforcement a bad name.
learn to mind your own business FOXYGRANDMA.

Denver, US
Dec 27, 2013 10:23 pm EST

Hello Foxy Grandma,
It would seem easy for someone to quit their job if they don't like it, but that is not as easy as it sounds.
Not sure if you have ever worked in retail yourself or not. You might even criticize their level of education.
There are quite a few King Soopers Employees who have a College Education but they have no choice
but to work there because there are little to no openings in their chosen profession. I think what the Person
who wrote this post is trying to say is that the Consumer has the idea that they can insult, heckle, belittle, harass
and in other ways put their hands on King Soopers Employees because Management tells them they have to
put up with that. In a Bar if you cuss out your Bartender, you will be kicked out and told not to return, in some cases
you will be escorted out by Security Personnel. If you refuse to leave or cause further trouble the Police will be called
on you. Other public establishments have a code of conduct which are enforced. Why doesn't King Soopers establish
a Code of Conduct amoung their clientele? I don't know. No one should have to tolerate customer misconduct at King Soopers
regardless of how much the customer is spending in that store. Screaming and cussing at a Cashier should be automatic grounds for being 86ed from King Soopers. Cashiers are people too and they deserve our respect.

5:16 pm EDT
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I have been shopping at this store for well over 10 years and always had a great experience with shopping and the employees except the store manager Bob Ask. I am a mother of two and I urgently needed to get some items for my children for a birthday party we were planning on celebrating. I asked Bob about where the hispanic section is so I could look for...

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12:31 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

King Soopers Pharmacy and store manager

I have never in my life seen such a disorganized, non-carrying and flat out rude department at any store as I have seen with King Sooper's pharmacy at Kipling and Bellevue. Over the last year I have had multiple issues. Here are just a few...1) Taking my request for a prescription, not having the medication, but telling me it will be filled in a day, driving back down there to find it unfulfilled. Did I get a phone call or anything proactive from you saying it wasn't ready? Nope! That one has happened several times over the last year. 2) Taking another request for 4 scribes and saying they will be filled in an hour. Coming back only to find one missing...what's that? You say I never asked for that? Asking me to get back to the end of the line while you fill it? Then once filled giving me a price which was more than twice what you told me it was going to be? This has happened a few times over the last year. 3) Never carrying a couple of monthly maintenance drugs I need to spite me getting them every month from youiver the last 2 years. Asking you to plan ahead, getting promises you will, then blaming the wholesaler every month because you don't plan properly. 4) calling ahead of time to make sure you have enough meds to fill certain prescriptions, being told yes, driving all the way there to be told you don't have any of those meds (this has happened probably 5 times over the last year...yes that frequent). 5) Asking to speak to a pharmacy manager and being given only excuses and no sorry and never fixing the issue. 6) Asking for the number to the district manager, leaving a message and. Never getting a call back (this has happened 3 times now over the last year. 7) Being labeled a "problem customer because I have complained about these issues multiple times. 8) So many more I cannot even think or count. 9) Calling today to get a prescription filled and getting treated very rudely by pharmacy agent. Asking for a manager and being told no and getting hung up on. calling back asking for a manager (again) and getting the store manager asking me to never shop there again because of how I have treated his employees. This without ever calling me back before, asking what happened or even being interested in my side of the story. I laughed. Really? You are restricting me from spending my hard earned money at your store? Oh my, what will Iever do? I not only will stop shopping at your King Soopers, but I will NEVER step foot in another King Stupids for the st of my life. I hope many others will follow suit and boycott your store for not caring about the customer. Didn't ever occur to you when a customer yells that sometimes...just sometimes, they actually have a reason for it? I never yell until I have been treated the same bad way multiple times, but you wouldn't know that because you never even wanted to know my side or what has happened over the last year. The only reason I even stayed as long as I did is because I am physically handicapped and liked the drive through option. Well I will either walk in a different store now or drive further to find another drive through and will never again come back to your store. You don't deserve my money.

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1:16 pm EDT

King Soopers Targeting older employees

How about King Soopers new scheduling system? The Store Manager will say that is is an "Exciting New System"
If you are a King Soopers Employee who is reading this, Chances are you know that when Management says something is exciting there is another shoe about to drop.
When picking our schedules those of us with higher senority were able to pick shifts and days off to fit our needs.
Since the implementation of this new system our ability to work shifts and take days off as we are accustomed was robbed from us.
One Store Manager complains "There are too many Full Timers, and this new system may help to force some people who have been working for King Soopers for too long to retire."
Newly Hired teenage employees are given special treatment such as being given a Saturday or a Sunday off when those of us who have been there for Years are not allowed to do so.
There is also Que Vision, Management also calls it an "Exciting New System" that system is designed to create more un necessary stress for those of us who are working hard to serve the general public. This Que Vision is another tool for Managers at King Soopers to create a Hostile Work Environment. The Goal of King Soopers Management is to create an unbearable and hostile workplace for anyone who is over the age of 30 and has been working for the company for more than 5 years.
The time has come to expose this unjust employer known as King Soopers yet again.
If you are a Non Management King Soopers Employee, Tell your Story about how Management is treating you at your store.

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Oct 18, 2013 8:11 pm EDT

Hey Dominator, you look like some kind of punk, Go to a King Soopers and say that on the front end in front of employees and customers

crackdown, US
Oct 29, 2012 6:12 pm EDT

You are making a "choice" to work where you are. No one is forcing you to work there. If they are so bad to you, why not try working somewhere else? Let me guess, no one will hire a 50 year old whiner with no education for 38000.00 per year with benefits and 5 weeks of vacation! Get over yourself and be happy about what you actually have, loser!

10:06 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

King Soopers Employee

This king Soopers has by far upset me more than any place I have ever shopped. The tall, larger female assistant store manager named Corynn is so rude, and very, very unappreciative of her employees when they are performing their duties. I observed her screaming, cursing, and acting totally unprofessional toward another employee while standing in the middle of the sales floor. Why do people like her have jobs? You tell us King Soopers, iv taken my business elsewhere.

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Denver, US
Oct 24, 2012 1:20 pm EDT

Another Complaint about King Soopers has just been posted...Please visit this link
King Soopers — Targeting older employees

6:40 pm EST

King Soopers Manager's attitude, nasty mean, refusal to help

The day previous, I had bought a blank $50.00 Master Card at King Soopers. I bought it at the Self Serv checkout. Because I did, I specifically asked the clerk what I needed to do to get the card activated. He came over and scanned the card for me. Then he said that was all. I asked again, "So the card's activated. ' He said yes, that was all there was to it. I grabbed my receipt and left. The next morning when I tried to register it, the web site said it couldn't find the card. It gave a number that I called. The number was to an animated machine. It also said it could not find the card. I immediately went to King Soopers and asked to speak to a manager. The first lady was nice, listened and tried to help. When she could not, she called Nick Arceo. He first flatly stated that there was nothing they could do. I explained to him that His store sold me this card. That his store had some type of a contract to activate these cards. I produced my receipt. I stated that the web site and phone number both stated that they could not find the card. That he needed to call the card company to get it right. He asked me for my Activation Receipt. What activation receipt? I wasn't given one, I told him. Yes you were he stated flatly and rudely. I insisted that I had not received one. He inferred that either I got one or did not buy the card. In essence, he was inferring I was not telling the truth. he did not even bother to try and check out what I told him. His arrogance and statements in front of his employees that what I was saying was untrue riled me and I raised my voice. He inferred I was a liar, so I told him he was acting like a thief. I told him he was obligated to make this right. He told me to lower my voice. I told him I would not. He then told me to leave or he would call the police and had security come around. His rude nasty attitude, deciding that I was a Liar in front of his employees, and challenging my story showed his lazy nasty attitude towards customers. King Sooper's receipts programs are high tech. It would not have taken a Rocket Scientist to check out the original receipt to see the time and date of the transaction, to see who was working and attempt to verify what I said. Nick Arceo was simply too lazy and rude to look any further than his front nose. And his attitude, unfortunately is a reflection of how big business treats it's customers. Simply have them arrested because you do not like their voice inflection. Nick Arceo has, in essence, acted as an intentional criminal to defraud me out of $50.00 because he was too lazy and piggish to check out the facts. It was easier for him to throw his weight around as if he was a big man. But it is a very small man who allows a customer to be cheated and infers he is a liar in front of others without even bothering to check out the story..

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Aug 27, 2017 8:54 pm EDT

Some kingsoopers store manager are discusting because they are rude and disrespect to their employees...

7:50 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

King Soopers Abusive to employees

Well today I had my step 2 grievance meeting with Kingsoopers. Did it do me any good? NO! it did not. Mat Davids did not want to hear anything I had to say at one point he even rolled his eyes at me... lol I thought it was kind of funny in a way. But as the meeting went on I ask him like four different times if he would like to here the voice recordings I have of the store supervisor Roni telling me that her and the store manager were going to force me to step down and that I would have no choice and how they deny me my leave of absence. The funny part is there denying they even said any of this to me and I have it all on tape. I guess though if he would have let me play it for him he could not of taken there side on this hole thing huh. He just shook his head no and told me that they were just doing there job and that to him he seen no form of hostile work environment that he was denying my request. Dose that surprise me? NO! Did I think it would turn out any different then it did? NO! Do the little people ever win? NOPE! people like this always get away with what they do no matter how much evidence you have on them to prove your case, I have it on tape, time and dates and it still did not matter. How sad is this! Well on to step 3 now. Now its just the point of this matter of how people can get treated like that in a work place by a manager or co manager and nothing happens to them. Oh but if that was one of us little people we would have been fired. Again how sad.! Please if any of you out there have been were I am or are going through it now please please post you complaints with mine. thank you for reading my store.

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11:50 pm EST
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King Soopers Gift card gas discounts

I read about this "40 cents off per gallon for $100.00 purchase of gift cards" at king soopers. I asked the clerk how it worked and he told me my ks card kept track of the gas purchases up to 35 gallons. Nowhere did it state anywhere the purchase was a one-time deal that had be used all at once. Now, how in the hell do most people put 35 gallons into their cars at one time?! I called the headquarters and they said tough luck. The person admitted it wasn't clear in the promotion, but you're screwed. Don't buy the king soopers gift card scam!

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Broomfield, US
Feb 04, 2011 7:56 am EST

Well today I had my step 2 grievance meeting with Kingsoopers. Did it do me any good? NO! it did not .Mat Davids did not want to hear anything I had to say at one point he even rolled his eyes at I thought it was kind of funny in a way. But as the meeting went on I ask him like four different times if he would like to here the voice recordings I have of the store supervisor Roni telling me that her and the store manager were going to force me to step down and that I would have no choice and how they deny me my leave of absence. The funny part is there denying they even said any of this to me and I have it all on tape.I guess though if he would have let me play it for him he could not of taken there side on this hole thing huh.He just shook his head no and told me that they were just doing there job and that to him he seen no form of hostile work environment that he was denying my request. Dose that surprise me? NO! Did I think it would turn out any different then it did? NO! Do the little people ever win? NOPE! people like this always get away with what they do no matter how much evidence you have on them to prove your case, I have it on tape, time and dates and it still did not matter. How sad is this! Well on to step 3 now. Now its just the point of this matter of how people can get treated like that in a work place by a manager or co manager and nothing happens to them. Oh but if that was one of us little people we would have been fired. Again how sad. ! Please if any of you out there have been were I am or are going through it now please please post you complaints with mine. thank you for reading my store.

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About King Soopers

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King Soopers is a division of the Kroger Company and operates more than 140 stores in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, and New Mexico. We love supporting local products and the communities in which we serve.
How to file a complaint about King Soopers?

### Guide on Filing a Complaint Against King Soopers on

1. Log in or Create an Account:
- If you have an account, log in to If not, create a new account to proceed.

2. Navigating to the Complaint Form:
- Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website. It can be found at the top right corner of the website.

3. Writing the Title:
- Summarize the main issue with King Soopers in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the Experience:
- Provide detailed information about your experience with King Soopers.
- Mention key areas of concern.
- Include relevant transaction details.
- Describe the nature of the issue.
- Explain steps taken to resolve the problem and the company's response.
- Elaborate on the personal impact of the issue.

5. Attaching Supporting Documents:
- Attach any additional supporting documents that can strengthen your complaint. Avoid including sensitive personal data.

6. Filling Optional Fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses.
- Utilize the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review Before Submission:
- Ensure your complaint is clear, accurate, and complete before submission.

8. Submission Process:
- Click the 'Submit' button to submit your complaint.

9. Post-Submission Actions:
- Regularly check for responses or updates related to your complaint on

Remember to follow these steps carefully to effectively file a complaint against King Soopers on

Overview of King Soopers complaint handling

King Soopers reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Aug 17, 2009. The latest review The pharmacy was posted on Jul 29, 2024. The latest complaint Employee harassing security guard was resolved on Mar 12, 2018. King Soopers has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 186 reviews. King Soopers has resolved 16 complaints.
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    1014 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45202-1100, United States
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    Jul 30, 2024
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King Soopers is ranked 21 among 48 companies in the Grocery Stores and Market category

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