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Shoprite Checkers Complaints 378

7:39 am EST

Shoprite Checkers customer service - st john's liquor store

I went to the above liquor store today to buy drinks for my staff Christmas party - I had a basket, but the basket was too small for my purchases - so I needed a trolley - I asked the Checkers staff member who was standing at the door, if he could find me a trolley - He was busy chatting at the time to a security staff member - he glanced down the aisles & said that there were no trolleys I must go & get one from the main store - I left my goods on the counter & went to get a trolley - When I got back to the liquor store the guys were still chatting - I asked him for some customer service my means of assistance to put my purchases into the trolley while I pay the cashier - I also made it very clear that I was unhappy that while he stood there chatting to his mate - I as the customer had to go next door to get a trolley -
I asked the Cashier if he was allowed to fetch trolleys for customers - She confirmed that he was allowed to do this - Obviously just lazy to help a customer while socialising with the security guard.
I asked if there was a manager in the liquor store, with that the cashier speaks to someone who can not be seen by the customers, he was chatting & could not assist immediately - but eventually a guys appears from behind a screen, who had also been busy chit chatting to an employee ! I told him ( Name is Fortune) what had transpired, he showed NO interest at all...because I had also interrupted his CHIT CHAT ! - I told him that his staff including him are not doing their work AT ALL - Fortune mentioned that I should have asked a different staff member to get a trolley for my shopping, the staff member whom he suggested, was the same staff member who Fortune was chatting to behind the screen !

Fortune was just trying to cover up for the bad attitude of the first guy... He did not even look at or talk to the first guy about the situation... They really did not care AT ALL to provide any customer service whatsoever - Both the Manager & the initial guy at the door (wearing a RED WELCOME sash) are bad for the reputation of CHECKERS CUSTOMER SERVICE - VERY VERY frustrating experience & I will NEVER go back to that store again - I felt as though I was expecting too much -

FOr the record there were at least 6 staff members & I was the only customer in the store at this time...


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10:17 am EST

Shoprite Checkers deli salads/deli and customer service

I have frequented shoprite in Monticello for a while I was also employed in deli t Monticello we ent thru extensive trining and given recipes for salads so shoprite had some consistency in products. Monticello follows that plan there salads are good...I purchased same salaads in liberty ny deli and they taste nothing like the others I also bought salads fom the shoprites in Morristown njn and they were good. I would not recommend libety shoprite for their salds

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7:46 am EST

Shoprite Checkers bad service

My name is Virginia maluleke I stay in Limpopo Giyani my number is [protected], the day before yesterday I went to shoprite in Giyani town, little did I know that it was going to be the worst shopping day of my life, after I had finished shopping I went to the till points to pay for my grocery. After I had paid for everything I took off but before I could reach the shoprite door I realised that my wallet was missing, I immediately went back to the cashier whom helped me then I asked if she had seen my wallet and she said she hadn't . That's when I realised that my wallet was lost along with the sum of 1600 as well as my identity card and my bank cards. I immediately went to the manager and asked if she can help me by rewinding a footage to check what really happened. The manager told me to wait, I had to wait for over 3 hours, finally she came and told me that at shoprite they don't have footage and they don't rewind them so there's no such thing. I went to the police station to report the matter then the police officer that helped told me that if the manager of shoprite did not rewind the footage they can't help in other words they did not bother to open the case. Today I called the shoprite customer service helpline, the help I got was to go back to the police station and open a case. So I really don't understand how this works its clear to me that shoprite does not treat customers with the respect and dignity that they deserve. If someone stole from shoprite then they would know immediately because they would have something to lose but because I who is a customer lost my money and everything that defines me as a south African citizen nobody cares its not important. I don't even have money to buy my child clothes because of this, I'm deeply hurt by this.

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7:59 am EST
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Shoprite Checkers mugging inside of shoprite store in homestead kimberley

My mother-in-law, an 81-year-old, was mugged in Shoprite on Friday, 2 December, in Kimberley. She does her shopping there daily. She was distracted by two muggers and one took her purse from her bag. She has just drawn R2000, 00 from the ATM so this was the amount with some extras in her purse. She lost photos of her late husband which she carries in her purse and it has great sentimental value for her. She did not let us know on Friday (we are in Vryburg and she is Kimberley), but we only got to know about it last night when we phoned to hear how she was. Today was incredibly busy so I could not follow up. She is upset that the store management could not pick up anything on the cameras and that they did not even call the police. If it happened outside the store we could understand, but it happened inside the store.

Your urgent attention to the matter will be highly appreciated.

God bless.

Gail du Toit

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6:05 am EST

Shoprite Checkers shoprite at langa junction

Service has been bad for a while and now I feel the need to complain. On several occassion the store manager will observe long queues of customers with only two tills open and one express till open.

This past Sunday (27 Novermber 2016 as early as 8.45am the same thing happened. The shop was full only 3 tills open. On the express side five (5) express tills where closed but just one in operation. That you call Express?

The cashier had no one to assist her pack and as a result she was packing food, toiletries and detergents in one bag without the small bag to secure the poisonous items. I had to tell her how to do her job I made her take things out and pack them the right way. Needless to say she became furious and upset that I as a paying customer had to tell her what to do. Are they not properly trained or is it the managers in that store that are not leading by example? If management disregards the well being of its customers the staff will follow suit.

Are we to be subjected to this kind of service because we are in the townships? Is our money good enough to be spent at Shoprite but we dont deserve a good customer service?

If the managers placed in that store are not interested in delivering good quality service. Then why can they not be changed and placed where they feel people are more important despite the location or race?

Checkers/Shoprite Head Office - please give the Shoprite Langa Customers the same service you deliver to Checkers/Shoprite in the suburbs or affluent areas.

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3:50 am EST

Shoprite Checkers security in store.

Hi there. On the 19-11-2016 I was at work till 12pm so I have a friend that works by shoprite vasco. I sent him a whatsapp msg asking if there was any bread left so he replys back that there's nothing left. So I told him its fine then I will go to the other shoprite. The next day I went go buy bread and was stoped by the security and they said why did I run away on the 19th when they tried to stop me nd apparently I ran and they chased me and it was said it was me that ran. I was not there and now shoprite cliams that the cctv isn't working it shows error when they want too log in and it is really wrong that nothing got done about it. I've been a loyal customer for many years.. I don't want too name and shame shoprite but I will take this further.

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4:47 am EST

Shoprite Checkers chicken

Yesterday (6 November 2016) at 11:22am, I bought a chicken braaipack from the Shoprite store in Shoprite Park. We couldn't consume the meat as it was off, with a foul smell.
I am very dissatisfied and highly disappointed by this. What annoyed me even more is the fact that when I went back, to show them - the store was already closed by then.
What was sup u to be a Sunday lunch was completely ruined!

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8:13 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Shoprite Checkers birthday cake

I have ordered a cake yesterday at Shoprite Mkhuhlu Plaza, we agreed that i will collect the cake today at 16:00. I went there today exactly at 16:00 only to find out that they just backed the cake and nothing was writen on. I have requested a simple birthday message with Sophia. I have asked the lady responsible, she said the person who was suppose to writte was not on duty.

This really spoiled my daughter's birthday.

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8:32 am EDT
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Shoprite Checkers The type of music they play in the shop and the behavior of the shop manager

on the 01/10/2016 i visited Shoprite U save situated at road 545 Main Road in ogies to buy 2 half liter cokes and to draw R120.00 at your till. As i was waiting on the Que to be served, i realised that there were playing the kind of music the sounded unappropriated and not good for young and older customer. it was Rap music by Lil Wayne followed by a song by 50 cent which uses a very strong language. i felt disgusted by the lyrics of song because all i could hear was shootings, Biches, [censored]s, dicks and pussy which i regard as unappropriated to be played in a store that caters for all people, young and old.

i then asked the lady who was serving to show me where the Manager of the shop was, she directed me to the far left coner form where i was standing which is the far right right coner when you enter the store. when i get there i ask her if she was a Manager and she(the lady in Black and White Uniform and a gold tooth) agreed she was a manager but later denied that she was the manager of the store.i then ask her why are they playing this kind of music in the store, she first just laugh at me as if i was stupid, she didn't even have the decency of getting off her chair to hear my complain to an extant that in had to raise my voice because she was sitting at about a 2 meters from where i was standing. she then said to me that i must understand that people are working in the store*(staff members) are young people who listen to the kind of music so there was nothing wrong with the lyrics of this 2 song.

believe me when i say i was never in my life belittled, disrespected and humiliated and disgusted by the fake so called store manager

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1:59 pm EDT
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Shoprite Checkers poor customer service

I went to shop at Shoprite in Jabulani Mall at 6pm today, Monday, 31 November 2016. I queued for an hour to pay for a few items. Some paypoints had no cashiers even though the queues were long. Some customers were so annoyed and they left trolleys of groceries and walked out of the shop.

When I asked one of the cashiers why some paypoints were closed, she told me that there wasn't enough staff and she's been working since 10:00 am, had 30 minutes lunch and she'll only knock off at 19:00. I then spoke to the supervisor who was also stressed because there were only two supervisors on duty and the other supervisor had to help in the cigarette counter while she attends to the cashiers who were beeping for her assistance and also attend to customer exchanges.
This is disgusting and it is explotation of both staff and customers. Something ought to be done to improve month end shopping experiece at Shoprite and treat customers and staff with dignity.

D Mkize

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3:06 am EDT

Shoprite Checkers hygiene

Good day

I would like to complain about the filthiness of the shop, your shop smells like rats died in the, the refrigerators are not working properly. More especial the ground floor it is really disgusting and the smell is unbearable to actually think that a retail shop like Shoprite that is well known is operating under such conditions is despicable.

I have couple of occasions where I bought cereals and later find that they are contaminated, and the reason why I am a concerned customer is because Shoprite is the nearest retail from where I reside in Joburg cbd, would you kindly do some about this please.

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2:55 am EDT

Shoprite Checkers s26 gold 900g

On the 28 October 2016 I went to buy baby milk from Shoprite, I took the 900g milk the price was R154 and when I got to the till the price was R179. I questioned the price and the surpivisor went to check she cane back saying I saw the wrong price tag that its a 400g. I then asked to go check with her when we got to the shelf I showed her she than pointed out a different brand and said she thought it was that brand. She said she will go ask the manager about this problem as i said well she must give me another one for free, after searching for the manager, the manager came out shouting that he will NEVER GIVE ME ANOTHER ONE FOR FREE BUT WILL ONLY ATLEAST GIVE ME WITH THE PRICE I SAW. When I asked for the name he said and I qoute why what will you do with my name.



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6:01 am EDT

Shoprite Checkers consistent bad service

I have been very patient with the bad service i have been receiving at the shoprite in my township. I have now come to realise that if i don't complain, nothing will change.

The following event happened on the 26th of October 2016. On arrival at the till to pay for 1 packet of Tartiric acid which was priced at R1.69 on the shelf. After it was scanned the price was R3.99. The cashier requested one of the runners to fetch the price tag on the shelf. this took a few minutes because the cashier was able to help 2 other customers before the runner returned. To my surprise this tag was different from the one that was on the shelf. This one was yellow and the tag read at 3.99. When I went to the shelf to bring the tag that read 1.69. I arrive at the shelf to find that it has been removed. I returned to the till and one of the customers offered to pay the difference.

Such dishonesty from Shoprite has moved me to take action. I consistently receive bad at this store. and i believe many people do too. The only thing is we don't ever complain. This seems like a very small matter but it is not. Employees of this have a total disregard for customer service. Such doesn't exist to them. It is even abusive at times.

I urge that my complaint be taken seriously. We have a culture of bad service here that needs to be stopped.

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1:57 am EDT
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Shoprite Checkers shoprite brand long life milk

Good day Shoprite,
I just came from the Shoprite I normally buy from and was highly disappointed about the special that started on Tuesday. There are products of the special packed out on the shelves, but they can't accommodate me, by giving me the bulk and let me pay the special prize. I have to pay full prize for the single items because they don't have a bar code to assist me. I would've understood if they didn't have the product at all and were waiting for delivery, but having the products and not assisting the customer, is just not acceptable. I take time of from work to go to Shoprite, just to come back empty handed. What happened to customer rights?

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Wine Is Good
Wine Is Good
Oct 27, 2016 3:43 pm EDT

The reason they do not have a 'bar code for a special price' is that they do not sell by the case at a discount. They have the right to not give you a discount that they do not advertise.

9:30 am EDT

Shoprite Checkers freshmark strawberries

I bought freshmark strawberries on the 14th of October 2016 at Shoprite Dawn park store, the quality of the strawberries was really bad, they were slimy and pale and looked like someone had poked them, half the pack was unsatisfactory. I was so disappointed as I was planning to make desert.

Please find the attached photos

I am awaiting your response

Gertrude Ledwaba

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3:50 am EDT

Shoprite Checkers parking lot vagrants

The parking lot vagrants at this shoprite are very dangerous as most of them carry knives and are either on drugs or alcohol...Nothing has been done to get rid of them...

They hang around the parking lot pretending to be car guards and washing vehicles but are always high...and makes it very unsafe and intimidating for us as customers.

I did have an unpleasant experience with 1 in particular and he was acting as if he owns the building...

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12:09 am EDT
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Shoprite Checkers product

I purchased "Rkranrz Bwors" from Shoprite Brakpan as I got home straight from the store I opened my meat to start making dinner and found that it was green and had an awful smell. This was very unpleasant and a real unfortunate and inconvenient situation. Please advise what am I todo as I am very very upset customer as this is not the first time iv spent R500 worth goods I had to dispose.

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7:11 am EDT

Shoprite Checkers pears

I am so dissapointed Shoprite, Saturday 24th of Sep I bought a bunch of pears at Shoprite Golden Acre Mall in Cape Town, when I wanted to eat my pears I found a dead cockroach in that bunch, this is so disgusting because we always trusting that u check your products before you sell them but clearly you dont care!

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12:43 am EDT

Shoprite Checkers cheated by a cashier

Hello There,

I went to Shoprite Newtown Junction mall yesterday to go and buy Chicken braai pack carrying R100.
I took:
2kg IQF braai cuts R46.99
175g Sunlight soap R9.49
RB P/Boiled rice R20.99
Rb Soup PKT R2.99
Bar one nuts R8.49

These totalling to R88.95
When I realised that the RB Soup PKT was R2.99, I then asked the cashier if I can go and get another pack and she said I can go. She scanned the other pack and now she told me the total was around R114. I was surprised by this and because I was holding the line I asked her to reverse the Bar one nuts and the 2X RB Soup PKT and she processed the payment and gave me the slip. I missed to check the slip as I was in a hurry but when I was checking it in my place I see that the is a product that appears in the slip which I did not buy which is Frozen Mixed Veg R21.79.

I want to raise this complaint because I was humiliated when I was reversing the items that I bought thinking that I took more product than I could afford but instead the cashier scanned something extra that I did not buy and I believe this was done when I went to fetch the other RB Soup PKT. This is unethical, disrespectful and unprofessional and would want to know what you going to do with this.

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11:35 pm EDT

Shoprite Checkers bad service

I do my shopping Monthly at Shoprite, because of your low prices and quality products. I listened to James Basson on 702 and was impressed on how the business is growing in Africa. I went yesterday to the Shoprite in Mayfield on the East rand . Last month I bought English Blazer [Body Cologne] and I was very impressed and decided that I will buy it again as had a nice fragrance. I was testing [On my wrist ] a different English Blazer fragrant, when the packer told me I should not do that. Upon asking her how the to TEST the spray, she alerted security [IMVULA]. The security without asking shouted at me and told me that I should not spray on my wrist. I should spray the lid. I asked him why did they not put a note up as to how to test a product you wane purchase. He told me that he does not speak English [In a very bad tone] and I should speak his language. When did Shoprite make the security guards the managers of the stores ?. People were starring to look what is going on, as he was very loud. He embarrassed me very WELL. CONGRATULATION SHOPRITE. I’m married to an African woman and can hear little bit of Sotho and Zulu. He told one of the shoppers that this one does not have a Culture ?. I will NEVER EVER do buy at Shoprite and will encourage friends and family [Word of mouth] to do likewise. There was a gentleman [Apparent manager] that approached me after YOUR security was so loud and rude. He told me that I should not spray and only smell the nozzle of the bottle in front of all the clients. What is the process of testing your fragrant. The guy that look like a normal civilian [not presentable].


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Overview of Shoprite Checkers complaint handling

Shoprite Checkers reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jan 23, 2007. The latest review Checkers bonaero park shop kempton park gauteng was posted on Sep 16, 2024. The latest complaint competition was resolved on Feb 16, 2017. Shoprite Checkers has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 381 reviews. Shoprite Checkers has resolved 21 complaints.
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    CNR William Dabs and Old Paarl Roads, Brackenfell, 7560, South Africa
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    Sep 18, 2024
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Shoprite Checkers is ranked 19 among 48 companies in the Grocery Stores and Market category

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