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CB Fast Food Chains Dairy Queen 5252 Hickory Hollow Pkwy Ste 2011n, Antioch, TN, 37013, US
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Dairy Queen
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Dairy Queen

5252 Hickory Hollow Pkwy Ste 2011n, Antioch, TN, 37013, US
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1 complaint
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12:55 pm EDT

Dairy Queen - bad service/bad food quality

I stop at this Dairy Queen at the Antioch Hickory Hollow Mall I had just finish watching a movie and was somewhat hungry and decidie on Dairy Queen since it had a small chicken wrap which I felt it would satisfy my hunger till I got home. It was late so the Mall and the Food Court was not busy at all.

I approach the counter and to my right was a young kid (who work there) having a conversation with two young ladies it look at if they knew each other maybe from school or he was just accepting there flirts, But he was very attentive to them and did not ackowledge my presence. There was an 0lder boy working the register and to my Left there was an even older young man sitting on top of the counter chating with a male friend. Fianally the cashier ask me what I wanted to order, I decide on the griiled chicken wrap and a small coke. He charge my card for the order $2.93 and gave me the small drink. He went ahead and took another order from a young lady and started to make her ice cream orders.

Meantime I don't see anyone back in the kitchen and the young boy to my right was just chating away with the two females, and the other guy continue on top of the counter talking to his friend.

Finally he gets off the counter and started to look at the screen and sees my order was taken 6 mins ago.

Starts to scoll at them and tells the boy talking to the girls to get his but back there and make the chicken warp. This young man had been talking touching and for my taste needed to go wash his hands before making my chicken wrap and even put on some plastic gloves.

But he did not do that he grab a tortilla no heating it up whatsover it was cold as a turkey grab my chicken with his hands and then the cheese and lettuce rolled it up and this is how I was served a Dairy Queen Chicken wrap.

This has been the worst customer service and the hygine used to make this food was at the worst I have ever seen. With disbelief I Step away form the store counter and with in 2 feet there was a trash can where i proceeded to dispose of this chicken wrap there was no way I was going to consume that into my body.

The store #18396 the time of the incident according to my receipt was 20:45 9/20/08

I will never eat from a Dairy Queen ever again.

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