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CB Driving Schools All-State Career School 1200 Lebanon Rd Ste 101, West Mifflin, PA, 15122, US
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All-State Career School
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All-State Career School

1200 Lebanon Rd Ste 101, West Mifflin, PA, 15122, US
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All-State Career School - Bogus

The Advanced CDL Program at All State Career School in West Mifflin, Pa is a good program for the most part, the bad part comes into play when dealing with the people (classmates, All State employees and the instructors). I am a man who has worked his whole life, I know about the real world and how it works, the crap the instructors tell people in the course is just that, crap. The CDL program at All State Career is intended to sell people who have little to no skills and little to no intelligence on taking the low pay jobs nobody else wants or the jobs that if you have DUI's or a prison background it doesn't matter, sorry to say. How 99% of these people can even LEGALLY hold a CDL in the first place amazes me! The school has hundreds of leads to low paying OTR jobs (over the road) but nothing more than that unless you want to work 120 hours a WEEK at the gas wells in the area. If you're like me and have a good background, a clean driving record and intelligence, you will be probably the ONLY one in the school like that. Most people there sleep through class, disturb the class by talking to each other or on their cell phones, or they don't show up at all...yet they pass the courses...somehow...and nobody stops them from doing what they do (or lack of) so someone like myself can continue to get straight A's and further my career. I have certifications, licenses, federal and state clearances along with skills and training worthy of any college graduate, upgrading my Class B CDL to a Class A CDL is a way of me adding to my resume. Yet, in this school I am down-graded by the instructors because of my skills and knowledge as they try to sell the idea of there being NO local work for Class A drivers and the work you can get is low pay, when in reality there are plenty of local jobs that pay much more than what they try to sell you on. Someone like myself is a road block to their game when others learn of my experience. I have a few diesel mechanics in class with me, the instructors treat them like they are gods, no lie. Yet none of them can drive a tractor trailer, pass their skills tests at the DMV without at least a few tries or pass any of their in school tests without cheating. Again, the course is pretty good but they SERIOUSLY need to crack down on letting people act like they are in grade school. Another word of advice, don't do what they all do...RANDOM DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING SHOULD BE DONE MUCH MORE AT THIS SCHOOL! SO many people come to class drunk and/or stoned, yet they are the ones that somehow never get tested. Remember, this is a course for a CDL, regulated by the federal government, drug and alcohol testing is strict for CDL holders...just not at the All State Career School in West Mifflin, Pa. The worst part of all this is All State has a good reputation for training for CDL drivers, companies look upon graduates of this school as good drivers (if you do the 6 month course)...too bad the schools employees and the people who run the school don't do more to uphold that reputation.

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ric sucks
Nov 14, 2016 11:51 am EST

ric pretended that he liked me jst so he could f... me and then ignore me both in and out of class...i was trying to/thought mayb we could have a relationship n he took advantage of that n sexually used me...and the school has a policy of instructors not being allowed 2 do that...another instructor who was my friend figured it out and said i should report him bt i didnt i was afraid of him n the other instructor also said ric had 2 other women he was seeing besides me n ric told me he wasnt seeing anyone and hadnt for the last 6 mos so yes he is def a liar and user he also tried 2 get the office girls 2 f... him 2 and prob other female students im sure 2...he was rude n arrogant 2 me and others when driving as well...and besides him 3 other instructors hit on me and one followed me out to truck when i was by myself and grabbed me and stuff when we was in truck alone bfore i managed 2 "excuse" myself...and he acted completely professional and nice before this n when others were around and was even actually quite helpful n gave me extra help n was really nice 2 talk 2 n all that...i assume prob all female students got treated this way if i did...

ric sucks
Nov 14, 2016 11:34 am EST

yeah ric is a total [censored] i went there i should know

Too Knowledgeable for All State Careers
Pittsburgh, US
Nov 08, 2014 11:01 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I must agree on this post. I attended the CDL training at All State Career in West Miffllin also. The trick to be by-passed for a drug and alcohol random test at the school is to show up late every day, that way if your name is chosen to be tested (the instructors announce who was chosen first thing every morning to the class) someone can call or text you before you arrive at school and you just don't show up that day. The school doesn't hold anyone to testing once the day is done, so you can show up the very next day and have no worries. This was done to the extreme when I was attending there and the instructors are well aware. Favoritism is big there too, as it is anywhere so no big surprise. Some instructors are very good people, some are not. Some do show up at work/school under the influence, disturbing as it is. Some instructors love the 'I'm in control of you' aspect and take it way too far just to pat their own ego's because they are losers. Rick was/is a range instructor/boss/whatever he calls himself, he is a good example. This guy is a lair and has a major inferiority complex. A student asked what the blue button on the side of a gear shift is for on some trucks because he saw one at his work. Rick told him it was for shifting, which it is to a point but not the way he explained it at all! I call them half gears, and he told him you had to use it every shift if a truck has that button. This is not true, you don't have to use them (half gears) they are mainly for climbing hills when the truck is loaded because it can save you from trying to downshift if going up a hill and the truck loses momentum/power. Another example of this 'he-man': I had my class b cdl when I went to Allstate so I knew my pretrip well, I was not arrogant about having experience, I actually was quiet and did my studies and testing like anyone else...well like you should...and I helped anyone who wanted or needed help in any area. He (Rick) sees himself as a god at Allstate. If you don't treat him as such he will be offended and do everything in his power (or whatever his lack of intelligence can come up with) to embarrass you or take points off your score...this makes him feel like a man I guess. Story goes: He was upset that I know pretrip and spent my time helping other students practice theirs for the test, so to make sure I did not get a 100 on pretrip he lied and said I missed the split ring. If you don't already know, a split ring goes in between the rims on the dual tires of a big rig/tractor trailer, I do believe they are illegal and have been for years, far as I know, because they are possibly deadly to anyone changing the tires, I personally haven't seen a split ring on a truck for 15 years or more. I showed him the pretrip papers they give to students to study and there is no split ring on there and all the other students who went before me not one mentioned or got points taken off for not mentioning the split ring. There wasn't a split ring on the truck we tested on either by the way. He popped out his chest and said something around "Well you should know to check for that, don't you have a cdl already?" And he had his little spoiled boy smirk on his face and walked away. The other instructor who was with him while I did my pretrip later told me him doing that was total bs and that he did it just so I didn't get a perfect score. My thought and what I said to the other instructor was "If that's what it takes for him to try and prove he's a man then he has more issues than what I already know he has". Now when it comes to office people at All State in West Mifflin, once you sign the papers and now owe them thousand's of dollars, you are nobody and are treated that way. CDL students are looked upon as bottom feeders at that school to add insult to injury. I agree also on the jobs the school offers to it's cdl students, I agree 100%. If you have any other way to study and get your class a cdl then do it, don't pay this school $10, 000 for it and get treated like garbage on top of that. Yes the program is good as far as the information, but you get very little time actually driving, it's mostly talking and reading the books.

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