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CB Fast Food Chains McDonald's 966 3rd Ave, New York, NY, 10022, US
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966 3rd Ave, New York, NY, 10022, US
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1:50 am EDT

McDonald's - night shift manager refused to give me my refund

966 3rd. Ave., New York, NY

Went into the store at 00:29AM, Monday, September, 2015. Ordered a Southwest salad and medium fry. The overnight shift had a skeleton crew, so the wait times for orders was long. At 00:43AM, I asked for a refund because I had to return to work. The cashier didn't know how to open the cash register. By the time she had the night shift manager's attention, the manager had my order. I took my receipt from the cashier's hand. The night manager didn't like the way I took the receipt and decided not to give me my order. She also decided not to give me my refund. I couldn't leave the store because without a receipt, I wouldn't be able to get a refund later. Since the night shift manager kept my order and my money, I called the NYPD because for all intents and purposes, I had been robbed.

At 00:55AM, the night shift manager gave me my receipt. I was late getting back to work. The NYPD hadn't arrived at the store by the time I left, so I don't know if they ever visited the store.

I will never visit another McDonald's again. There is nothing they can do to restore me goodwill towards the company.

I have written a complaint on the website for this particular McDonald's and corporate headquarters; tt's too early to receive a reply from either. I have never wished this on anyone, but I did ask for this night shift manager to be fired. I doubt I'm the first person she did this to. I don't think I'll be the last.

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