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6:40 pm EDT Stay away from these guys

I don't know if the financial aid dept is aware of this. But, it would be great if someone would post alerts about this website:

Like MOST college students, I am in a hurry and everything is done at the last minute. Let me add, I am a struggling mother of two as well. So, I typed "fasfa" in the Google search field ( The first thing that popped up was: After several unsuccessful attempts to login, I called them. I should have known something was up when they answered on a Saturday evening. After giving her my SS#, first & last name & e-mail address, she tells me about how they are a company that I can pay $99 to look over my fasfa. AGAIN -----> STRUGGLING COLLEGE STUDENT! The main problem GOOGLE has this joke of a site listed as the FIRST option when someone is looking for the fasfa.

Now this company has my e-mail address & my ss#.

Please share this with higher ups!

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Dec 16, 2011 10:10 pm EST

When I went to register for classes this year they told me that I had to go home and fill out my fasfa to see if I would be eligible for any financial aid. So when I got home I googled it and came up.

It was the first one on the list so I assumed that it was the real site. I was wrong though, this site is a total scam! It told me to enter all of my information, which took forever, and then when I got to the very end it said that I had to pay $79.99 to submit it!

This site is a complete scam! They are trying to take advantage of people like me who are only trying to get a better education. It is a total waste of time and definitely money.

The real site is and it takes way less time to fill out. It took over 20 minutes less than and it was completely free to submit.

Do not be fooled by! It is a total rip off and is only trying to steal your information and your money. If ever you are asked to pay to submit your fasfa then the site is a scam! is a rip off and should be shut down right away!

12:31 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Misleading

This is the most mis-leading site I have ever seen. It takes 20 minutes longer to fill out than the It is hard to tell that it is going to charge you 79.99 at the end. It takes you through the whole thing and then finally tells you that you have to pay. Google has placed it above all the other listings so it looks like it is the legit site. I call this phishing and deception. I hope it gets shut down ASAP. Time is valuable and is a waste of time and esp. money!

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portland, US
Mar 06, 2011 8:51 pm EST

Here is the information on the SCAMMER ( Robert Reeder ) AKA...
9837 Lincoln Village Drive
Suite 130
Sacramento, California 95827 phone 1.[protected], I have filed a full complaint with the BBB in Sacramento CA and would encourage everyone else to take the time to do so, this guy needs to be shut down now!

portland, US
Mar 06, 2011 8:47 pm EST

For you superior people who say that people who fall for this scam are idiots, the site is very misleading, and if like myself you are in a hurry, you see the big icons and don't read any fine print. Sure thats a mistake, but this website sets itself up to seem to be a legitimate way to file for financial aid. It is a scam, they know if and if you try to cancel the fee they say they will but really don't. The supposed expertise in helping you fill out the form is just a "submit" button after you fill the whole thing out yourself. Is this what people call the American way of making money, by obviously scamming people for something that is offered for free to those who know where to look for it? It disgusts me that the author of this website is such a slimy snake that he or she has no conscience and continues to rip people off on a daily basis. They put several disclaimers on the site but continue to take the money of the people who don't know that it's free to file. Why don't the people who got ripped off get together and file a lawsuit against this scam and try to get their money back, I can't believe a judge would actually agree that this company offers a legitimate service. They don't do anything to help you file, nothing, notta, zip, zilch... they just process a payment of $79.99 to push the submit button. ANYONE INTERESTED IN FILING A SUIT AGAINST THEM ? At least get them the hell off the internet and quit ripping people off!

Everett, US
Feb 25, 2011 1:18 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Unfortunately, you did not reach the REAL FAFSA website-www.fafsa.GOV.
That is the official site, there is no charge for completing you application, but I would think about how much info I gave to the .COM site!
I’ve used the FAFSA .gov site for about six years as my daughter goes through grad school.
It’s easy to complete, and again there is no charge.
Good luck!

1:01 pm EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Gives the impression it is a school financial aid site for higher education, but you don't realize your in a for profit form filer until its too late. why would a person pay $79.00 to fill out a form that is free. your trying to get financial aid, why would you want to pay. they need to change site address, make it clearer.

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7:05 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more misleading name

I cannot understand how a company can use a government acronym like the letters fasfa and not be considered scaming people. I googled fasfa to fill out application for student aid for my son. is the first thing to pop up so I filled out application then paid $79.00 from my debit card only to find out the real site is and it is free to apply. I think GOOGLE should not allow them to use the same acronym as it is very misleading and taking advantage of parents trying to get some financial aid for students. charged my debit card immediatly but the application was not processed that day which was the deadline to apply.

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Fayth Fasfa
May 15, 2011 12:26 am EDT

I don't know if the financial aid dept is aware of this. But, it would be great if someone would post alerts about this website:

Like MOST college students, I am in a hurry and everything is done at the last minute. Let me add, I am a struggling mother of two as well. So, I typed "fasfa" in the Google search field ( The first thing that popped up was: After several unsuccessful attempts to login, I called them. I should have known something was up when they answered on a Saturday evening. After giving her my SS#, first & last name & e-mail address, she tells me about how they are a company that I can pay $99 to look over my fasfa. AGAIN -----> STRUGGLING COLLEGE STUDENT! The main problem GOOGLE has this joke of a site listed as the FIRST option when someone is looking for the fasfa.

Now this company has my e-mail address & my ss#.

Please share this with higher ups!


Anchorage, US
Mar 01, 2010 1:05 pm EST

The fact that it is a "sponsored link" and thus the VERY FIRST SEARCH RESULT FOR FASFA in google blows apart one of your arguments.

The fact that they make it near impossible to contact their scam site to get back the $80 they charge you to do what is just as easy (and free) to do on the real fasfa site kills the other point you make.

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