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Nickelodeon Complaints 126

1:45 am EDT

Nickelodeon People you allow on your network

I fall asleep every night to your network and watching Friends! I just saw an episode with "Phoebe" and Michael Ramaport. He is a disgusting individual if you would ever watch his TikToks. He is a worthless piece of intolerable [censored]. I would hope that u would never air any episode concerning him again. Cancel culture should immediately apply to his out of work [censored]

Desired outcome: [protected]@hotmail. Com

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3:54 pm EDT

Nickelodeon Racist commercials

I am offended by your commercials. Children of all color and nationality watch your shows, not just blacks. Black sunshine? Isn't sunshine yellow? Why do just black lives matter? Don't all lives matter? What is wrong with you people? Nickelodeon is racist! Please take off the racist commercials. We will quit watching until these racist commercials are changed.

Desired outcome: Quit the racism

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1:04 pm EDT

Nickelodeon Black sunshine commercial

Nickelodeon has become a racist channel that spreads messages of hate, segregation and racism. The black sunshine commercial is detrimental to any social norms. It is insulting to any other race. As an Asian American I am offended that in this country a mediocre TV channel tries brainwashing children with racial biases and innuendos. Nickelodeon has become a political propaganda machine worse than the Chinese Communist Government. Your programming got worse and we have blocked your channel.

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Sep 18, 2021 3:57 pm EDT

I totally agree. All Lives Matter, not just black.

12:31 am EDT

Nickelodeon Black sunshine

It is repugnant too single out a single race and single race and state that they are superior due to the color of their skin. This is exactly the message you are sending to young children everywhere that see the black sunshine commercial. Shame on you. Include all skin tones or better yet focus on merit rather than race. You are being racist and divisive. Imagine a white sunshine commercial. There would be riots.

Desired outcome: Remove the commercial.

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3:23 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Nickelodeon Shine shine

Theyre still over-playing this commercial. I get it, it started airing in February black history month. But continuing for months and watching it as an Asian.. Where the asian representation at? Shine shine my yellow sunshine

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4:05 pm EDT

Nickelodeon Nick jr commercial

My 6 year old would like to know why you don't have a commercial about white sunshine? She asked me if white children were sunshine's too? This is sad. While I think it is a nice commercial, there should be a commercial for all races. We all hear about racism every single day, which to me to just racist in itself. It is a shame to now single out only one race to glorify. All children are sunshine's. My family has friends and family members of all different races so please do not think of this as a racist complaint. Jesus loves the little children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white. They are precious in his sight! Not just one race. I would like to tell you that we will not be allowing nick jr or Nickelodeon in our house anymore and I will let my family and friends know about this as I'm sure they will be as shocked as I was.

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11:16 am EDT
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Nickelodeon Racist and immoral commercials

I've noticed many inappropriate commercials being played on Nickelodeon lately, especially during "pride" month. It goes without saying that these messages are evil and strip children of the innocence they deserve to keep. Either remove this political lunacy (you know which commercials, everyone has complained about them individually) or my family is done watching your station.

By the way, these actions result from a rebellion against God, loving one's self over their creator. In other words, it's idolatry and it will lead to your destruction. So I'd advise you turn back now from this unholy path and repent.

Desired outcome: Remove the applicable commercials and issue apology

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1:50 pm EDT

Nickelodeon Black sunshine commercial

Shame on you nickelodeon for producing and airing the "black sunshine" commercial. As a biracial person and mother I am appalled that your company would promote racial divide, discrimination, and segregation. Our children are the future of this world, and should be taught unity, not division. They shouldn't have to have their favorite shows interrupted by a commercial that teaches them that if their skin is not dark then they aren't special and dont "shine". Your station, shows, and messages impact and influence young children and it is disgraceful that you choose to air messages that promote ideals that one race is superior and more special than another. Shame on you nickelodeon/nick jr for exposing my children to your race baiting and disturbing racist agenda.

Desired outcome: Stop airing the Black Sunshine commercial and avoid similar disturbing propaganda, commercials, cartoons, and messages in the future

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4:33 pm EDT

Nickelodeon Racial and Political brainwashing

We are now blocking all variations of Nickelodeon. I am sick and tired of seeing commercials and now multiple episodes of many shows geared towards racial inequity, lgbtq and other far left bs. You are clear with you agenda of brainwashing young minds. You are recreating racism in a country which overcame it. You're painting whites as the evil race and colored communities as less than. I can't wait to see companies like this along with Coca-Cola and Ben & Jerry's go under.

Desired outcome: Stop brainwashing children to be racist and radical left

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9:49 am EDT
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Thanks for teaching my 4 yr old segregation by the black sunshine commercial I see what you're trying to do by it and there is a good message in it. But it teaches kids to look at a persons skin color and it glorifies 1 race and 1 skin color and excludes dozens of others. My white child didn't notice or care about skin color or hair but you've now taught...

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2:43 pm EDT

Nickelodeon Commercial about equality

I am a black parent. Scratch that. I am an American parent and I deman that you stop spreading those [censored] lies. You are programming young kids of color that they are less than per say a white child and that's 100% [censored]! Your agenda is clear and I will be cancelling and blocking all things your pedophile supporting, race baiting, left leaning socialists wanting station represents. You are part of the sadistic cult that is trying to destroy this great country that I've given 6yrs of my life to defend and I will continue to do so. In this country, there is absolutely nothing from stopping anyone of those kids on that commercial from becoming president, or a brain surgeon like Ben Carson. STOP teaching these kids they are less. You are evil evil ppl and you know it!

Concerned parent

Desired outcome: Reply

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9:50 am EDT

Nickelodeon Black sunshine commercial

The black sunshine commercial on nick junior is a race baiting racist message. Why are you putting such emphasis on a persons skin color?! This is an abusive and confusing message to young children especially those who are not black. I should not have to answer questions about why the sun is black and sunscreen is white! And why black people only can shine. Can you just imagine if they made a white only sunshine commercial?! Why is reverse racism glorified! All children should be celebrated in the same message not just black children. Our kids don't deserve this confusion and prejudice. They don't think like this and should not be made to. It's a DISGRACE.

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Torrington, Connecticut, US
Jul 20, 2021 9:28 am EDT

It is teaching segregation and teaching to look a a persons color. My four yr old doesn’t care about what color you are. But you have taught him to see in black and white now. And you’ve taught him that there is a difference and to segregate and not be inclusive. If you showed all hair and all skin colors yours showing that we’re different but the same. Isn’t that the goal?

9:13 pm EDT

Nickelodeon Black sunshine commercial

The black sunshine commercial is racist against any race except blacks. All lives are important and can make a difference not just blacks. I cannot believe that this is being shoved down kid's throats. As a parent I do not appreciate this being aired in front of my little girl. I promise you me and my family are done with Nickelodeon. I do not remember this garbage in the 90's.

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10:47 am EDT

Nickelodeon Keep children out of your political agendas

I am a mom of 2 that will be banning Nickelodeon in all forms. Sad because when I was a kid my sisters & I looked forward to watching this channel. I will not have MY kids be subject to racism in any form & polluted from LGBT commercials that they can not understand. If you want to make a difference start by not trying to pollute the minds of the young to try to fit with your hidden political agendas. These commercials are a disgrace and Nickelodeon should be taken off of ALL cable packages. Whoever wants to have their children's minds be abducted can pay for this garbage separately. I am sure this will go unresolved, but I hope this message gets across to someone who may actually think that making a difference won't come to trying to push politics on kids to conform with this society that makes "normal" feel like its wrong.

Desired outcome: Nickelodeon canceled

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12:00 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Nickelodeon Indoctrination of children

Today, as my young children are watching Nickelodeon, I was very shocked to hear a commercial endorsing LGBTQ to unconsenting children! This garbage will not be played at our home anymore! What is so hard about airing children's shows that are appropriate for children?!?! They do not need to have politics and sexuality thrown at them while they are trying to enjoy cartoons! Good grief, there are plenty of adults that are willingly involved in this absurdity! Leave our children alone!

Desired outcome: Stop indoctrinating children with sexuality and politics

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9:36 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Nickelodeon LGBTQ commercials

This morning my four year old daughter was exposed to a LGBTQ pride month commercial on Nickelodeon with an eight year girl being the center of it. Children of any age should not even be thinking about or exposed to such things. They're children. We are a God fearing, Christian family and do not believe in this in any way, shape, or form. You have lost all support and respect from this family. We will never watch, listen, or buy any Nickelodeon products. This is a serious issue and needs to be taken care of immediately.

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Oct 21, 2021 3:04 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Like minded parents, thank goodness I am not on my own with this concern. Someone simply commented to my complaint that I should watch another channel! Mature! Clearly they don’t have children or they do and are just not bothered. This is unacceptable from a channel aimed at children. We stopped watching Disney after the Black Lives Matter campaign took over most of the shows and now nick jr are doing the same. Who gave them the right to educate my children on color. We have a mixed race family and children don’t see color at a young age unless they are influenced to do so, and that’s what is happening here. It’s a crying shame that they are using the channels as a platform to educate difference in race.

Sep 18, 2021 4:02 pm EDT

Amen! Shame on Nickelodeon

Georgetown, US
Aug 20, 2021 10:39 am EDT

Stop forcing LGBTQ BS too everytime I turn on the TV its always something gay or lesbian or trans or whatever going on and thats not cool either its not cool to brainwash children and force their thoughts on subjects like that they should be focusing on school and friends and making stupid mistakes going to concerts listening to music and learning how to get by in this world not whether or not they want to identify as a freaking panda bear or this or that its sad and ridiculous and needs to stop especially with our children Nickelodeon you have really failed horribly letting things like that air its wrong and I remember a time when shows like are you afraid of the dark aired and all that and Keanan and kale and never any politics or LGBYQ BS OR RACIAL BS nobody cares and I don't know whats happening to the world but at this rate I'm not sure we deserve to survive anymore that stuff is what eventually leads to destruction not enlightenment

Georgetown, US
Aug 20, 2021 10:31 am EDT

Stop the [censored] get rid if the [censored] black sunshine commercial and anything racial at all your screwing with kids heads from the [censored] up and stop trying to further your agenda nobody cares if your white black orange or purple anymore ita all about political agendas and survival for us all if you can see that Nickelodeon your are all idiots and don't need to be in control of anything that I fluency children because if you keep the [censored] up you will be doing nothing but causing more of a divide between races because of your negative influence and thats not cool

12:53 pm EST

Nickelodeon Black sunshine commercial

Please stop playing this RACIST commercial.

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4:30 pm EDT

Nickelodeon Blaze and the monster machines kids tv show


I am a mother of 4 with children who have watched Blaze for years. My oldest daughter brought to my attention that Blaze always wins, never lets anyone else win and that Blazing speed is basically like cheating. He constantly says Crusher is cheating but then Blaze uses Blazing Speed to win almost everytime. Races are meant to be fair and Blazing speed is unfair.

Crusher is made to look like a picked on disabled character who makes unwise decisions. My 9 year old feels like Blaze has actually become the bully in the story and Cursher is the poor disabled kid who always wants to win but never gets a chance.

Please consider your show may be teaching bullying. Please consider altering the way Blaze and Crusher interact. And please consider that races should be fair and that if a character has special abilities like super charged boosters that would be considered cheating in the real world. It should only be used to help people.

Something is off with the way Blaze is always winning and has a bigger group of friends who gang up on Crusher and I would just simply have my kids stop watching it except my 2 year old absolutely loves Blaze. It would be fantastic to see Blaze's family teach blaze to be nice to crush rather than always making him the under dog. All of my older kids constantly complain and feel bad for Crusher and dislike Blaze's character the more they see how unfairly he treats Crusher.

And I'd have to agree. Even the Unicorn episode which is more subtle, Crusher makes and unwise choice and is catapulted into a puddle and he really comes off as being a disabled character.

Shouldnt we be teaching fairness, equality and caring for those less fortunate? Crusher definitely seems to be the less fortunate one more often.

Thank you for your time.


Janelle Lanae Williams Roldan

Desired outcome: Blaze show adjustments to characters, values, and lessons

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12:43 pm EDT

Nickelodeon Gay pride transgender video

Although I'm a person that supports the right to choose what you want to be and love. this video is not appropriate!
Kids need to be their age, little, innocent, and worrying about KID stuff.
I will love my little girls unconditionally regardless of their future decisions and affiliations BUT everything has its timing in life.
Homosexuality as drag queen questions are not what I believe should be in their little minds right now. Rather than pushing this topic on kids, push the message of empathy, acceptance and kindness overall in your shows. Let us the parents, decide when to do the talking about this topic and when we think the timing is right.
PLEASE take it down.

Desired outcome: Take the video down.

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8:33 am EDT

Nickelodeon Pushing political views on children

Please stop pushing your own political beliefs on OUR children. We used to love Blues Clues but now my children will never watch it and the show should be cancelled. Let kids be kids. They don't need to be indoctrinated with political agendas. Your ratings have crashed in the past years and will continue to do so, if you don't stop with this craziness. Be a children's network and put them first. It's really that easy.

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Overview of Nickelodeon complaint handling

Nickelodeon reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Aug 16, 2009. The latest review Continues repeating of shows was posted on Apr 28, 2024. The latest complaint Inappropriate shows for children was resolved on Nov 16, 2014. Nickelodeon has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 126 reviews. Nickelodeon has resolved 13 complaints.
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