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JPMorgan Chase Complaints 1443

8:39 pm EST
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JPMorgan Chase everything

My husband and I have gone through the exact thing with Chase.I have been on a couple other sites trying to figure out how like everyone is saying How do we all come together and file class action law suit against Chase.Please Call me or email me, we all need help there has to be a lawyer out there with the balls to fight for us.Also if anyone has heard of Phoenix Edge LLC please please call or email me, this company was going to help us get our house and now we have spent over 12, 000.00 and we find out that they are a big scam.Please help us someone.Thanks ALisha

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7:15 pm EST
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JPMorgan Chase short sale

I am a realtor. I listed a home about 3 years ago. when it was first listed it was not a short sale. After WAMU KEPT payments and put the home into foreclosure, it became a short sale. Thats a whole different story of its own. After 2 contracts and a year of tring to deal with Chase to sell it, and, unable to becasue of lack of knowledge on there part, know return phone calls, no idea who's handling the file, expierd paper work due to there mis happs, saying they didn't get the paper work (I have all faxes recipts) and 13 negotatiors later. I called chase Jan 2010, told them I was unable to sell the home, why I was unable to so.. because they couldn't do the work. and to take it back. I then took it off the market and the sellers moved out. Shutting down all utlites. Chase called me in July 2010 and asked that I put it back on the market that they wanted to have an offer by the end of summer. I told them ok, but there was water in the basement, sever flooding and mold, the only way I would do it was if they would work with me. I was assured property prev. would go and handle the property. NEVER HAPPENED! (now IL weather pipes are sure to be frozen.) Got a contract on it, cash offer, was denied. I spoke with Chase and I was told they would take 231, 750. Got another offer for that $ amount. They denied it said it wasn't enough, I was told that the women who gave me that figure was wrong. Isn't this all the same bank with the same numbers? On top of that the BPO was a 210, 000... They don't know there right hand from there left over there. This is just a small briefing of what is going on. I now have been told I would be pd for a deed in liu, Ya know what I have so much into this I want a pay check. I can't sell the home so we did that Jan 9th 2011, is when all paper work went over. I call once a week and I have NEVER gotten a call back. I have so much proof on this file I will take it to the IDFPR when this is said and done. I have had it.

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3:26 pm EST

JPMorgan Chase liars

Chase Bank Declined Card at a local camera store. Called in to find out why, they transfer me to the debit card fraud division they tell me that it declined pending review,

They verify that I was trying to purchase from the store then free my card.

2 hours latter and a 1/2 hour in to calling my bank again. The fraud dept claims that it was a vendor error and that they caused my card to be declined.

Facts:1 camera store swiped my card. They did not enter in any information. 2 Chase employs changed there story.3 There customer service is non existent.4 They would like to charge the poor to hold there money.

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1:04 am EST
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JPMorgan Chase they basically lost my loan!

I had 3 federal loans that were serviced through JP Morgan Chase. 2 of the loans were sold to 2 separate servicers. However, there is 1 loan that the federal government still states is serviced through Chase. Not only does Chase not know where this loan went, they actually told me that they have no record of ever having serviced this loan! And now, I can't find out who is actually servicing the loan. I spoke with every company I could think of, including American Student Assistance and the NSLDS database people (federal government) and no one can figure out where this loan went! The "best" advice that I could get from NSLDS is to "wait until whoever the new servicer is finds you" and Chase was absolutely no help! Someone at Chase definitely did not do their job, and unfortunately this is still unresolved and I've exhausted all avenues. Chase really dropped the ball on this one!

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7:31 pm EST
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JPMorgan Chase payment protection insurance

This payment protection plan is a waste of money.When i was disabled they failed to come through and pay my minimum payments and continued their monthly billing.I would also not recommend Chase credit company because I paid a bill over the phone onits due date and they did not post it till the next day and charged me a $25.00 late fee.Their customer service reps give you the run around and were not helpful in solving any discrepancies.Chase's policy is "The customer is never right".Good bye Chase I hope you go under for ripping off your customers.

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6:23 pm EST
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JPMorgan Chase eroneous external transfer and fees

When I received an external transfer into my account from my sister, Chase entered it as a negative. In other words, it became a debit instead of a credit. Previously, I had $19 in the account, but now I have $-481. So my original $19 is not even available to me. When I called yesterday, a supervisor named Eric said it would all fix itself by midnight. This morning, my account is still overdrawn and shows $-516. I just spoke to another suvervisor named Diane, who said that I was charged an overdraft fee, but that she would reverses it. She also said that I would have to wait 2-3 days for all of it to balance out. Meanwhile, the $500 that my sister sent is in la la land. I really expected not more, but at least better from J.P.Morgan Chase. Here are the issues that they have thoroughly failed at: #1, allowing a party who has no signature priviledges to make a WITHDRAWAL. #2, allowing that my account be overdrawn, not by $5, or $50, but by $500. #3, allowing this fiasco to continue this long.

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11:10 am EST
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JPMorgan Chase chased by chase false robbery/assault/fraud

Conversation :

Becky: what the...? I don't get it... why did they chase you? why didn't she want to open up another bank account for you? I

Still don't get why they wanted the money back?

Earl: kathy welsh (manager chino valley, az chase bank) had ego, I went in there and verbalized that my business was picking

Up, then I noticed she giving me trouble with cashiers checks. one day I called corp and told them about a problem with a

Customer. corpchase said open another checking acct with us, I went down to my branch, and the branch manager (kathy w.) came up

To me and said no, I wont authorize that, she said to me "I don't care if I call corp, I rule this bank, what I say goes, and

Corp has no authority over my branch". I was astonished.

Becky: thats crazy, power trip.

Earl: I said "there is something wrong with u and I am no longer doing business with u and I walked out. I went to another

Branch, they gave me the money, and receipt, (at this time, I wanted to pull my money out cause of the incident 20 min.

Before) and walked out of the building. they (karen - chase employee) came and opened my car door as we (my friend and i) were

They wanted to count the money again. the funny thing was - when I got in there again, I was told to sit down, thats it,

Nobody would speak to me. nor did they ask to count my money. then, they got a call from kathy w. from the other branch.
I stood up and said, this is bologne, i'm outa here. that is when they chased be across the street, ran into my wellsfargo

Bank and screamed"earl just robbed my bank", in front of 30 customers.

Becky: that is nuts

Earl: I saw people dropping to the ground, people covering their heads, 2 guys jumped at me and slammed me to the ground.
Oh it was bad, then I was so nervous and crying, the guy told the chase manager, that majda jarovic (manager of chase) is not

Welcome here. she didnt want to leave, she said I am not leaving unless earl comes with me, so she grabbed me by the arm and

Walked me out. then I took off again, she tugging on my shirt, I ran down the street for 2 miles as they chased me in a

Silver truck got caught by 4 police cars, hancuffs, and they story was that she called in an assault, that I had assaulted

Her employees, fraud charges, and robbed their bank. which is all false. kathy w. and majda and chase corp., in chino &

Prescott, did this to me. and my record is clean. then, that night, I got threatening personal cellphone phone calls from

Bankers of chase instructing me to return the money (or they were getting fired).

Becky: well, I hope they got fired. thats just wild, so the whole thing happened because kathy walsh was on a power trip and

Called the other bank.

Earl: correct

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Update by Earl Harris
Feb 16, 2011 7:50 am EST

Thanks Marcus, I'm working on it! What's really getting at my Heart now, is I may not Settle. I am developing a passion to Expose Chase Bank. I have reported to [redacted], BBB, and about to Go Straight to the Banking Commission. and I have 1000 Articles going out, along with a Fan Page Facebook and Youtube. Next is CNN, FOX News, Jon Stewart, Colbert Report, Alex Jones. it's all coming together.
Thanks for your input.

Update by Earl Harris
Feb 13, 2011 7:02 pm EST

it's Kathy M. Welsh the VP Branch Manager Northern Arizona District JP Morgan Chase Private sector (Kathy M. Welsh is correct spelling)

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Marcus Rawling
San Diego, US
Feb 14, 2011 4:14 am EST

This is an absolutely incredible story you got here Earl. If this happened to me, you can be sure I would sue them there is no way they can win this, it's pretty much an open and shut case against them.

I've been in law for many years now and for them not to act now would be a stupid move they don't want something like this going public at all especially in todays era. Now things can go viral online then reach the media on television.

Marcus Rawling

3:36 pm EST
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JPMorgan Chase car repoed when account was current

My car was repossessed by chase auto finance when account was current. They claim that payment has not been received for 4 months but I have bank statements that prove otherwise. Went to the local chase branch and the chase bank representative pulled up proof of my payments and still could not get an explanation from the auto finance dept. as to what was going on. Has anyone out there had a similar experience and how did you deal with it?

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12:10 pm EST
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JPMorgan Chase closing of harp loan

I applied for a refinance on 2 mortage loans that I have with Chase. This was first done on 11-30-2010 and have not been notified of the progress of the loans or as to a closing date. I have excellant credit and have given them all of the information requested. I have worked through the local branch in Peoria and they have been very supportive but am not getting anywhere with the Downers Grove office.

What can I do?

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3:49 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

JPMorgan Chase flood insurance requirement

To Whom It May Concern,
I am a 28 year old full time college student and full time nurse. I saved for a 20% down payment on a home and bought my first house on September of 2010. I bought something I could afford, a foreclosure for $121, 550. I found I needed flood insurance in addition to homeowners. This requirement is related to a creek in the backyard, which was added to a new flood map in 2010. My bank Cincinnati Federal required $102, 000 in flood insurance coverage which is $829 per year. The loan was sold to Chase Home Finance LLC. Chase is requiring $220, 000 in flood insurance coverage (80% of the Replacement cost of the home per home owners insurance) and the loan amount is $97, 240.
According to policy at Chase the homeowner does not have the right to maintain flood insurance coverage for the loan amount. This amount would cover the bank for the loan and the homeowner would assume all remaining risks in the event of a flood. I can see why so many people are forced into foreclosure. I am now required to pay over $800 additional per year in order to be insured for $220, 000. I am required to purchase and pay this amount as soon as possible or Chase will purchase a policy, likely costing more and will charge my escrow account.
The policy at Chase and likely at other banks is very concerning for me and everyone with a loan on a home in a flood zone. There is no protection for homeowners from the banks devastating requirements. The homeowner should responsible for the loan amount. Anything more should be optional, not required. Urgent changes are needed to put a stop to banks strong arming homeowners into the requirement for expensive flood insurance coverage they could never afford. Management at Chase was to return my call concerning this policy in 48 hours, this time has passed with no contact from Chase. All support would be greatly appreciated and beneficial to all homeowners with homes considered to be in a flood area.
Catherine Gilday

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3:28 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

JPMorgan Chase bad business practices... period

I fell behind on payments due to the unexpected loss of my job in May '10. As a result, Chase called incessantly with their bullies. ( And I'm not slanting that at all!) Their phone reps are the most unprofessional people I've ever dealt with. It became evident the right hand didn't know what the other was doing early on when I was on the phone with one rep on my cell, and the home phone was ringing off the hook from, you guessed it, JP Morgan Chase. When I mentioned it to the one I was speaking with, he burst out in a fit of anger and the threats ensued.
I took out a small, high interest loan (to make a payment(s)) while my unemployment decision was in litigation. Up till this point, all payments had been made on time, and they gladly accepted payments.on my 12.99% car loan.
Over the course of the next five months they made numerous phone calls, essentially hedging previous verbal agreements on the phone! What one rep said, the other seemed to have no knowledge of, and would NOT be accountable for. In fact when they came to repo the car on a Monday morning, it breached an agreement I made with a rep the previous week. I wasn't able to get to my cash job I had taken, and thus had no way to make payments. I am a single father, so my hardships multiplied. But I didn't fret too much though, as I was repeatedly told all phone calls were being recorded, thus backing my story as I told it to their "Redemption" department. WRONG! That was only another of their bullying tactics (for what purpose I cannot fathom).
So after talking with their initial agent immediately following the repo, they told me I could only obtain the vehicle for the final payoff of roughly $5, 000. My past due amount was about $1500, which I was able to obtain from a family member to make current on the loan, should they decide I was worthy of reinstatement of the loan. (With the remaining $3500 to be paid off by Aug. '11)
This is where it got interesting! They only wanted the payoff, or (to reinstate) proof of income through only a taxpaying job. My boss at my cash job kinda frowned on the idea of verifying on paper the fact I was making about the same money working for him as I was at my previous company/ job (for obvious reasons). I told this to Chase and they seemed unable to comprehend that concept. It sounded as if they wanted to subject my boss and I to IRS tax laws FAR exceeding the value of the car at stake. HELLO!?!? Okay, I give in to that finally, after much work over the phone! Then I gave them the best offer they could ask for. I COULD readily prove to them I had the past due amount in hand, AND in short order we could figure the tax owed to me (that of Federal already paid in 5 mos w/ previous company and earned income credit as well). It comes out to a return of $5517, to be direct deposited by the second week of Feb. '11 ( as I'm awaiting fir now). I was offering for them (Chase) to be able to garnish my refund for the payoff, essentially paying them off 6 mos. before the previous payoff was due.
They would NOT take it! It seems as if they were hell-bent on taking some kind of moral high ground on me. I explained to these banking "professionals" how, in this day in time with the existing bad economy, how proof of a taxpaying job is only speculative at best, but money owed to me by the U.S. Gov't was much more secure (and more so, COULD be verified) they were dumbfounded and were bullheaded with stupidity!
They sold the vehicle at auction about one week after repossession (undoubtedly for far less than payoff or what the vehicle was worth to me), and now are still calling demanding $1600+ for the balance! Well, DUH, I ain't gonna give them a damn penny. I explained the series of events to each rep I talked with ongoing and I grew blue in the face trying to explain a sensible solution to them. The reps are obviously reading from the same script with no autonomy or sense enough to pour piss out of their shoe! I will file for bankruptcy if I have to (and it looks like I will) to be able to provide for my child and to be able to have a means of transportation to and from work!
These guys are not professional at all! I recently saw a heartwarming story where Chase Bank provided a new (welfare) home for a homeless/ jobless someone for a "p.r." measure on the local news station. But they won't do anything for the working man going through a temporary setback.

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Video Ace
Walnut Creek, US
Jun 16, 2012 3:20 pm EDT

Get this. About 10 years ago, I took a auto loan out with Chase, I got laid off from work about a year later. I tried to tell them that and their rep just laughed and said that they would send Repo people to pickup the car. This is where its gets really bad. So a week later at 2:00 in the morning this huge truck shows up with 4 to 5 people with flashlights and they bang on the door like they were about to bust it down. Naturally we did not answer, we watched them go all around the house, tried to get in the back yard, but thank God my dog stopped them from that. After 15 minutes of continuous banging and making noise around the neighborhood they left. I thought that was it. But I wen to brush my teeth in the morning and found they had turned off my water main. Also, the dishwasher was running at night and they killed the water that burned out the dishwasher motor and the front door had dents in it. Also, they did not stop there, they showed up the next day and under my survellence camers, they opened my mailbox and looked through my mail. To make the story shorter, I receive a 1099C in the mail, saying they have forgiven the loan and that I owe taxes on it to the IRS. I said fine, and I filed it. Now my car has over 260, 000 miles on it so I wanted a new one. I got one but now the DMV says there a balance on it and Chase still owns the title. What criminals. They committed crimes and Federal Crimes and now they do this. So NEVER get a loan from these guys. They are worse than anything out there. I have to fight now to keep my new car.

9:00 pm EST
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JPMorgan Chase failure to act as agreed

After expenses associated with my mother's illness and required trips back and forth out of state, I applied for a mortgage mod. I complied with all the requirements set forth by Chase and completed the "probationary" payment period, did not miss nor was I late with any of the payments. After months, I was told that I was not eligible for the gov't mod program, but that Chase had one in house I would be eligible for. Again, I filled out all the paperwork anew and, after receiving a payment amount, sent in payment. It was returned - at least two months in a row. I was told when to submit and the exact amount, but payments were returned. The next thing that happened was a notice that "LBS", whoever that is, is servicing the loan for an unknown third party. I filled out a third set of mod papers. Never received a response. Now, I am told by a phone call, that my house is subject to foreclosure to take place in May of this year. I also found out that all the papers were signed with Chase and were part of the package that went to LBS, and signed by Chase as well, BUT NEVER RECORDED. So, I did what I was asked to do - THREE TIMES - and my house is still being foreclosed on. Is there anybody out there who can help or sugguest someone or some entity who can? This is a Fannie Mae mortgage. I make amply money to pay the mortgage, and have tried. NEED HELP.

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11:09 pm EST
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JPMorgan Chase home preservation program

I originally contacted Chase concerning their Home Preservation Loans, starting January 2009. Even though they confirmed receipt of necessary documentaton on several occassion, being in April of 2009, I have had to apply and reapply several times. I would receive a letter from one department stating they received all necessary documents and on the same day or a couple days later, a letter from other Departments stating that my application has been denied due to not providing documents. This has gone on for 2 years now. I completed a trial period successfully but again received contradicting letters stating my application was denied for missing documents. Last August they did make an offer on a modification. The problem is that even though they lower the interest rate, the additional charges they want to add to my existing loan does not really help and is not really helping my current situation. They gave me about 10 days to accept. When I did not accept this offer, they upped my original mortgage payment by about $100. As a result I have filed a complaint with Consumer Protection and the Banking Commissioner. I am told by the Banking Commissioner that they have the right to do this, but they are looking into it a little further. Chase never replied to Consumer Protection. On my last application, the person I spoke with at Chase stated that they now have their own program that allows for debts that the government program did not allow. Now they have offered a new trial period at a higher payment than the original trial by about $200. If they add additional charges as they did in the first Trial, my mortgage again will be no better that I was 2 years ago. I believe that this is a scam and they are taking advantage of their customers and taking advantage of what was intended to help the people.
In the meantime, this left me in a position where I was unable to negotiate my credit card debt during 2 year time period and as a result, the interest and finance charges on my credit cards increases my debt to them by about and additional 30 to 40K in late fees, higher interest fee and late charges.

I cannot afford an attorney and fear that I will loose my home if I do not accept this new offer.
On several occasions, Chase would state that they had more applications then they could handle. So as a result, people like me stack up additional charges due to there inability to process these applications in a reasonable amount of time. I am now facing foreclosure if I do not accept this offer. I do not see why we should be responsible for their staffing problem and the banks are rewarded by allowing them to add these charges. It seems that it defeats the whole intent to help homeowners. I have documents supporting my claims and would be happy to provide you them.

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3:57 pm EST
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JPMorgan Chase mislead and misguided

This Painstaking process started about 2 years ago after I filed for Divorce and was forced into Bankruptcy due to my X wife's inability to run a business. After all of this, I dropped to one income and could no longer afford my Mortgage. I didn't want to loose my home so I did some investigating into different programs that were offered through Chase and decided to go with the Modification Program. I was instructed by a Chase Representative to not make my payments for at least 3 months and I would then qualify for the Mod Program. I missed the 3 payments and then submitted my Hardship Letter to Chase. In the beginning, I was contacted almost daily in regards to my late payments but within around 5 months, I received a temporary Modification payment of $900, down from $1, 290. Approximately 2 years passed, during that time, I resubmitted my paperwork 4 times, spoke to countless Customer Service Representatives (who by the way don't know thier ### from a hole in the ground). Each Rep had a different version of reasons as to why my Mod was delayed. I did extensive research on the Modification process and made sure all my I's were dotted and my T's were crossed but was later informed that the rules had changed several times making my Modification paperwork worthless. In the end, all Chase did to help me was tack on the late payments, 2 years worth, around $15K to the end of the loan and raised my payment to $1, 405 per month. If I couldn't afford $1290 per month, how was I going to afford the new payment? It was Chase's fault my loan was deliquent in the first place and now I'm being penalized for it and was basically threatened to sign the Modification papers or loose my home. I had no other choice, so I signed the paperwork but also included a long letter expressing my frustration. I was contacted yet again by Chase and was told that they could not accept the signed papers because of the letter I sent, they said they considered it signing under duress and couldn't accept it so I had to have them send me new paperwork and was forced to sign it again. After all of this, I thought to myself, hey, if they could approve $1, 405 per month, why couldn't they approve me for a Refinance? Seemed logical until I contacted Chase and was told that they wouldn't even consider my request since I was deliquent on my payments for 2 years. I think what Chase is doing is very wrong and I hope that the American people stand up against companies like this and fight for thier right to own a home that we've worked so hard to acquire. My goal now is to obtain financing from another lending company, I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

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spring, US
Apr 03, 2011 2:58 pm EDT

I have been in modification hell for over a year!

12:54 am EST
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1/31/11 to whom it may concern. i pamela brown felt like i was begin discriminated when i came into chase bank to cash my insuaruse check in open an new checking and saving account. they took my check an told me my check was stolen an i insured them by calling my insuaruse company to verify my check. one of chase employers by the name of J.R SOCORRO TINA...

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8:41 pm EST
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JPMorgan Chase loan mod fraud

I have been totally robbed by Chase Manhattan Bank. I went to them for one of the 'loan mods' as described by President Obama: the ones for folks that PAY their bills...who, as he said, 'by no fault of their own' are underwater in their mortgage, but have always PAID their bills etc.
I went to Chase for their help with this program (that will go down in history as one of my biggest life mistakes) Believing them and doing 'what they instructed' had RUINED my perfect credit rating, has cost me unknown income and NOW they are threatening to take my house UNLESS I INCREASE MY PAYMENT BY $600 A MONTH!
I am not kidding, it sounds crazy, but no: they say that the 'loan mods' are for people that can't AFFORD their homes and since I have always worked hard, and paid my bills, I CAN AFFORD TO PAY MORE!
It is lunacy...the insane are in charge!
I am beginning to collect like stories (there are thousands) and am working with a fabulous attorney to start a Class Action suit against Chase...
anyone interested: contact me at the following email: [protected] thank you, together our VOICE will get heard...

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10:51 am EST

JPMorgan Chase victimized a second time by the bank

I used the iphone feature to cash a paycheck back in August of 2010. In Jan on 2011, I found out that someone stole the original check and cashed it at Bank of America in branch back in Nov 2010. By the way I do not have a Bank of America account. Jan 2011 Chase then debits my account for the amount of the stolen paycheck. The bank my job uses is Chase and my personal banking is also with Chase. I then file a police report stating the check had been stolen. Go to my nearest branch to try and resolve the issue. I am met with an attitude of indifference when dealing with CSR Katie Smith face to face. I am told to bring in a copy of the police report and a copy of the cashed check then they can start an investigation. So in the mean while my account is in a negative balance. I then contacted the comptroller of my company in New York and he sent a copy of the cashed check to the CSR in the Royal Palm Beach branch. I call the branch to follow up on my case and the CSR who is supposed to be handling my case is not in again. So I ask to speak with the manager since she said she has mad the manager aware of the problem. It has been nearly four hours and the manager has yet to call me back with an update of my situation. All day he has been unavailable. I offer to come to talk to the manager then. Again the CSR on the phone Alex tells me he will take my name and number and have the manager get back to me. So here I am a couple of weeks into my problem and it seems like the bank does not care. They don't care that the check was stolen, don't care that I don't have the cash equivalent to afford such a loss right now, don't care that the check was cashed more than 90 days after the day I cashed it. It seems like they only care about making me a victim for a second time. Even now I am still waiting on a phone call to resolve this. You would think that who ever deposited my stolen paycheck in Bank of America would have needed to provide an account number and some ID to do so. In a day and age of modern technology and cameras they can easily have the footage pulled from where it was cashed and see who cashed it. By doing that they would know it was not me and would prove that the person who cashed it was not given it by me. But the bank does not appear interested in justice or fairness. I feel as if I have been robbed a second time by the bank. Cause after 60 days of a negative balance the account gets closed and to collections it goes. And another negative remark added to my credit report.

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10:42 pm EST
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My husband was treated very poorly by the manager; Sheval Hill-Bennett. He came in with a simple question and she just begin yelling at him like he was a child. She did not even allow him to finish his sentences when she would cut him off. My mother in law who is an elderly accompanied him and she was horrified by the way the manager was yelling at her son...

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6:46 pm EST
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JPMorgan Chase apr gouging

I had a large credit limit with Chase, once upon a time, that has been reduced each time I pay a large amount to the cred­i­tor. I pay $500, they reduce the credit line by $1, 000. I pay $1, 000, they reduce it by $500. Chase increased my APR to 29.99%. Wow. I called to have it reduced. Some­one from a call center had it reduced to 27.24%. Hmm. So, I paid the bal­ance down to less than half the credit limit. I called to have the APR reduced. They reduced the credit limit and did not reduce my APR. I have never been late on any pay­ment, ever, with any cred­i­tor or bank or any­thing.

None of my other 3 cred­i­tors have done any­thing like this so I was amazed, dis­ap­pointed, and very angry.

So, I called [protected]. I spoke with some­one in Exec­u­tive Ser­vices and explained my sit­u­a­tion. They put my on the line with some­one from lend­ing and stayed on the line. After 35 min and 49 sec­onds, they could not do any­thing for me.

They said that my pay­ment his­tory was good and that the amounts paid were exceed­ing the min­i­mum. They then said that because of my debt to credit ratio, I could not have my APR reduced. It was a cir­cu­lar con­ver­sa­tion, but a pleas­ant one.

I want to pay down my credit card quickly, but I need to have a reduced APR. Chase will not reduce my APR because my debt to credit ratio is too high. I cannot improve my debt to credit ratio because each time I pay down my debt, they reduce my credit.

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Dallas, US
Jan 27, 2011 7:09 pm EST

yes, they are reducing your limit as you pay because they are scared - so as soon as you make a payment, they drop it. they are trying to recoop their fees on the lower balances by raising your APR. get it paid off and drop them - or transfer to another card if possible. just be careful - many companies are doing this. and it is debt to income ratio - not debt to credit line. There is a formula of your income compared to available credit compared to credit balances that make up your score.

8:17 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

JPMorgan Chase bad customer service from claim dept

On 01/04/11 they credit me $802.00 for my account for my credit due to debit card dispute. Also credit me for od fee, refund nsf fee. Two days later they did a reverse credit nsf fee, and a reverse credit od fee. I did a claim on t-mobile that why I call the claim office. I also complete the claim form online line, and receive the money the next day. I took the money off the card that day. On 01/06/11 I call the customer service check my account and told me I was $592.02 in the negative. I ask them why will you credit me $802.00 and than say a own them $592.02. I think not fair to the customer I think should do investigation first so you will not make any mistake. I feel I should not have pay no the $592.02. I talk supervisor about the problem still was not resolve. I ask the supervisor for the corporate office number he said can't give me that number. So i with online and was able to get our information our name, phone number and email address. Can you please help me to get $592.02 back to my account thank you very much in advance

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About JPMorgan Chase

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JPMorgan Chase is a global financial services firm offering a range of products including banking, investment, and asset management services. They provide solutions for individuals, small businesses, and large corporations, including checking and savings accounts, credit cards, mortgages, and wealth management advice.
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3. Writing the title:
- Summarize the main issue with JPMorgan Chase in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the experience:
- Provide detailed information about your experience with JPMorgan Chase. Mention key areas, transactions, steps taken to resolve the issue, personal impact, and the company's response.

5. Attaching supporting documents:
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6. Filing optional fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

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Overview of JPMorgan Chase complaint handling

JPMorgan Chase reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Sep 27, 2006. The latest review J.P. Morgan Investment Services was posted on Feb 24, 2024. The latest complaint mortgage refinance was resolved on Nov 21, 2016. JPMorgan Chase has an average consumer rating of 3 stars from 1444 reviews. JPMorgan Chase has resolved 583 complaints.
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