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Jefferson Capital Systems
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Jefferson Capital Systems Reviews 11

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Jefferson Capital Systems My family received a letter saying we owe $85.08 with Jefferson Capital Systems when we hadn't been a customer them for

My family received a letter saying we owe $85.08 with Jefferson Capital Systems when we hadn't been a customer them for 10+ years. I'm furious cause we had paid the full amount due on the account before we left AND my mother, who's name was on the account, doesn't even have the funds to pay the amount that they want her to pay due to other bills. Will be contacting them on Monday to dispute the claim and if they won't do anything I will be contacting our previous phone carrier to dispute this because we had paid the amount due to them before we switched phone carriers.

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W. Daugherty
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I was afraid to call. I knew I owed this debt, since @ least 2018it was the principle of the thing- with an old phone ***. I hated them & what theyd done to me, so I didnt want to pay it back then.But Jefferson capital gave me three options (sent a VERY NICE letter, via regular *** NO harassment). When I called to tell them that sadly I couldnt except any of 3 ways they were giving me out of this mess. . . because of my (numerous/terminal) health issues, I have no income...& instead of harassing me, scaring me or making me feel inferior & guilty ~ the GENTLEMAN placed me on a very brief hold ~ & when he came back on the line he stated, Mam Ive spoken with my *** thought, oookay here we go) & she approved the CLOSURE/NO further action on this account, you will be receiving NO further contact & your credit report should reflect this within 30 or so days.. . .excuse me, WHAT?! . . .I just LOST IT, a weight has been lifted. THE ONLY debt/bad *** on my credit Id had since *** will NOT remain a thorn in my childs side, when Im gone. THANK YOU Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC! & to the two employees (I hope you see THIS!): ~THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU~

K. Streich
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Somebody who used to live at my residence keeps getting correspondence delivered at my address. I called the company twice this afternoon to advise them of this but one representative said he couldn't help me (I just wanted them to stop sending letters to my address), and the other representative hung up on me. I am angry that they would treat someone who is trying to help them in that manner. Their employees should be trained to listen instead of saying they can't do anything. Horrible way to run a business.

I. Feest
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I have been paying them $10.00 a month and come to find out they closed the original account and then reopened the account and and put it up on my credit causing it to go down 71 points. If I could put a 0 star I would.. I was thinking of paying it off next month, but because of what they did I'm only going to pay $2 -$10 a month.

E. Orn
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have read many complaints about this company,Jefferson Capital,I must say they have been more than fair to *** found myself not able to rent an apartment because of a past due acct. that Jefferson Capital has of mine.I called them and they have been very willing to accept my offer of payment I did have to give them my bank info at this point I had to clear this matter up and took the chance of having to give them my bank info.They have been very Professional in every aspect.I even asked if my payment could be lowerd after a few months and they worked with *** find no problem at all with this company they have been very kind and courteous on the phone and when my next payment comes due I always get a note in the mail from them stating that my payment will be taken out they always give more than enough notice in case you need to change it.

Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Jefferson Capital Systems Not impressed at all

Not impressed at all. Website is NOT secure. Also, why does their website NEED me to accept cookies? Called to settle my bill and they tried to charge me more than what their letter said. I pointed out their letter said the settlement was for half if I paid it up front. After things were said and done over the phone, they tried to hang up BEFORE giving me a reference number. If you do any business with them over the phone, I suggest using something like a Green Dot card. They will not have direct access to your bank account if you do this.

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M. Hodkiewicz
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Jefferson Capital bought an OLD debt (***) that was 5 years old and is reporting it the credit bureaus as a NEW and OPEN account! The debt balance Jefferson Capital reported is INCORRECT. The account is CLOSED, not open. I personally closed the account myself! I contacted Jefferson Capital and insisted I be provided with complete validation of the debt. I was told me they are not able to send documentation. WTF? I will undoubtedly smear the fraudulent heart of that business. I contacted the FTC and they told me to file a complaint on their website.

M. McGlynn
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This company sent me a collection notice asking me to send them $354.99. I did not owe this amount. When I asked them to send me proof of the debt, I did not get anything back except stating "we have closed your file". This appears to be a scam. Please investigate them. Thanks

O. Ankunding
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My mother received a letter from this company for a supposed debt with a name on it that did not match my father's name. In addition to that, my father died 10 years ago and had Alzheimer's disease 5 years prior to his death. He had no credit card and certainly couldn't remember how to even use a phone. I would love to see the proof they have that my father bought anything from the company Jefferson Capital is representing.

A. Zemlak
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This company runs such a scam but legally lol. So I only owed $1700 on my vehicle. I had missed a payment in April, paid May and hadn't yet paid the June payment but had tried to call several times but due to their hours, long hold times didn't get through. So they came to repossess my vehicle and I immediately called and tried to give them the full remaining balance owed but they wouldn't hear of it. ...because they wanted to repossess my vehicle in hopes I couldn't pay it and turn around and sell it for a profit so they picked the vehicle up. I went and sent the full payment that day via MoneyGram and called them at 320 pm CST to give my reference number but they would not take my calls and I kept getting messages saying that department was 320 pm despite their hours staying 6 pm. So then...they wouldn't allow me to get the vehicle the next day because ..."that's not a release day" so finally got my vehicle back the next day. Now I'm being charged $1065 for "repossession fees" despite the fact they could have taken my full payment and not towed or repossessed my vehicle. Don't ever miss a payment when your balance is that low because it is what this company strives to do..prey on your misfortune. Never ever will I finance with them again.

Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Jefferson Capital Systems Jefferson Capital bought an old debt (that was 5 years old) and is reporting it to the credit bureaus as a new and open

Jefferson Capital bought an old debt (that was 5 years old) and is reporting it to the credit bureaus as a new and open account! The debt balance Jefferson Capital reported is incorrect. The account is closed, not open. I personally closed the account myself! I contacted Jefferson Capital and insisted I be provided with complete validation of the debt. I was told they are not able to send documentation. What the heck? I will undoubtedly expose the fraudulent heart of that business. I contacted the FTC and they told me to file a complaint on their website.

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J. Hermiston
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Somehow I'm on their collection list for a phone contract I've never had. I had it removed from my credit report and today I received a bill. I called the company and like others said the first thing they ask is ss#. When I refused he was rude and said by law he couldn't give me any information. When I said he was breaking the law by doing what he's doing he got angry and said he'd take my name and address from the list.

G. Hodkiewicz
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This company buys old debts that have fallen off of credit reports then illegally parks the old debt on your credit report as a new debt. *** conspires with Jefferson to make it impossible to remove it. There needs to be a class action lawsuit to force *** and Jefferson capital systems to stop breaking the law

G. O'Keefe
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

They were my original creditor and I just wanted to emphasize how nice the convo I had with them was! I got transferred to the sweetest girl omg!

K. O'Reilly
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I received an email from Jefferson Capital LLC thanking me for a payment. My name is *** but, on the receipt the account holder's name is that of another person, not me. I have no idea who the person is that Jefferson Capital LLC has as account holder! Someone else's name on my account! How could a company who is collecting a debt have the wrong name? I emailed them back and asked what's going on and who is the person that's name is on my account? I truly hope to get this matter resolved.

Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Jefferson Capital Systems I am going to file a report with the Federal Trade Commission and any other federal agency

I am going to file a report with the Federal Trade Commission and any other federal agency. Somehow, this company has my phone number and address and send harassing calls and physical mail to me. The odd thing is the intended recipient is a different individual (not my name). I called and barely understood the guy, who was rude. He immediately asked for my Social Security Number (SSN). I said I was not going to give out my SSN. He rudely told me to "hold" and "wait" and he would remove my phone and address. After reading other reviews, I am entirely convinced this company is fraudulent, especially the comments about a minor being threatened. I am a service member and I plan on contacting a lawyer before they get out of hand.

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A. Schinner
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Jefferson keeps periodically popping up on my credit report for a *** charge I am not responsible for. I contacted *** and they found no account. In addition to that, it keeps reporting as a new collection account, which is untrue since it's popped up periodically over the past couple years. I've sent Jefferson letters attempting to get this sorted (the most recent being sent about a month and a half ago) but never received a response. How am I to get this resolved when they won't even answer me?

M. Denesik
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this is a debt created by my husbands ex wife 15 years ago! we constantly get letters from these people! 15 years is way in excess of of collecting a debt

G. Runte
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

11 years I joined the army and decided to get a phone plan through *** for me, my brother who was also in the army and my father. Lasted about 3 months. Hated it. So I went into *** store right off base ans paid 900 cash to cancel all 3 lines. *** tried telling me I never paid. I proved to them i did. And that was that. Fast foward to today. I start getting collections notice for that exact account saying i owe over 3000 dollars now. Now im getting phone calls to my pre paid phone telling me to pay. So I call jefferson capital and they are telling me I still owe it. I explained to them the same thing. I closed the account over 10 years ago. Statue of limitations itself says for said state I was in was maximum of 10 years. State im in now says 7 years. Eitger way im safe from a debt that i shouldnt have in the first place. But im telling them this and they said i used the account 9 years ago...funny because 9 years ago I was in Afghanistan getting shot at. They called me a liar and said i didnt have a reason to be upset. This collections doesnt even show on my credit report. They also proceeded to tell me that they werent trying to collect on the debt. Also funny their very first words to me when they answered were "hello Mr ----- thanks for calling. This is an attempt to collect on your debt. All information will be used for this reason. Also, this collections doesnt even show up on my credit report. Everything avout tgis company screams fradulent. Unprofessional employees calling you a liar, skyrocketing the ammount owed, telling me i dont hVe a reason to be upset. The recoeves over 360 complaints against tgis company a year...their average reviews are 1.5 out of 5 and somebow they still have a B rating? Most of the complaints are the same thing from different people

T. Brown
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am going to file a report with the Federal Trade Commission and any other federal agency. Somehow, this company has my phone number and address and send harrassing calls and physical mail to me. The odd thing is the intended recipient is a *** (not my name). I called and barely understood the guy, who was rude. He immediately asked for my SSN. I said I was not going to give out my SSN. He rudely told me to "hold" and "wait" and he would remove my phone and address. After reading other reviews, I am entirely convinced this company is fraudulent, especially the comments about a minor being threatened. I am a service member and I plan on contacting a lawyer before they get out of hand.

Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Jefferson Capital Systems I have read many complaints about this company, Jefferson Capital, I must say they have been more than fair to me

I have read many complaints about this company, Jefferson Capital, I must say they have been more than fair to me. I found myself not able to rent an apartment because of a past due account that Jefferson Capital has of mine. I called them and they have been very willing to accept my offer of payment. I did have to give them my bank information at this point I had to clear this matter up and took the chance of having to give them my bank information. They have been very professional in every aspect. I even asked if my payment could be lowered after a few months and they worked with me. I find no problem at all with this company, they have been very kind and courteous on the phone and when my next payment comes due I always get a note in the mail from them stating that my payment will be taken out. They always give more than enough notice in case you need to change it.

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Jefferson Capital Systems I was contacted via phone by this company stating that I owed money to Verizon Wireless

I was contacted via phone by this company stating that I owed money to Verizon Wireless. I got off the phone with them to contact Verizon because I didn't have an account with them ever and they found my identity was compromised, closed that account and said they would be taking care of everything. I then kept receiving phone calls and items in mail stating I need to pay them. I called and stated that this was found to be fraud and needed to be handled. I spoke with them 2 months ago and this is still not handled. They said a claim was being made and they would have the investigation team reach out to me. Well I wanted to talk to the investigation team because I had proof from Verizon that I wasn't liable for this debt. She said that they don't take calls. Makes no since if they are an "investigation team" they should take calls so they can get proper documentation. What else are they going to investigate? I need this to be handled now. I have proof I am not liable for this debt, and I keep getting spinned in circles with them. One guy went as far as saying he would transfer me, and then transferred me to the IRS. Seriously?!?!

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Jefferson Capital Systems I was afraid to call

I was afraid to call. I knew I owed this debt, since at least 2018 it was the principle of the thing- with an old phone number. I hated them & what they had done to me, so I didn't want to pay it back then. But Jefferson Capital gave me three options (sent a VERY NICE letter, via regular mail NO harassment). When I called to tell them that sadly I couldn't accept any of the three ways they were giving me out of this mess. . . because of my (numerous/terminal) health issues, I have no income...& instead of harassing me, scaring me or making me feel inferior & guilty ~ the GENTLEMAN placed me on a very brief hold ~ & when he came back on the line he stated, Mam I've spoken with my supervisor (thought, oookay here we go) & she approved the CLOSURE/NO further action on this account, you will be receiving NO further contact & your credit report should reflect this within 30 or so days.. . .excuse me, WHAT?! . . .I just LOST IT, a weight has been lifted. THE ONLY debt/bad mark on my credit I'd had since *** will NOT remain a thorn in my child's side, when I'm gone. THANK YOU Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC! & to the two employees (I hope you see THIS!): ~THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU~

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Jefferson Capital Systems In April , a collection was added to my account from Jefferson Capital Systems

In April , a collection was added to my account from Jefferson Capital Systems. The only reference number I have is [reference number], from my credit, I have never received a letter or call. I have attempted to dispute several times because I have no knowledge of this debt. I was not given notice that the collection was being added to my credit reports, which is a FDCPA violation. I am requesting the following information: 1. Full original Account Number 2. Date original Account was opened 3. Any written agreements between myself and the original creditor stating this debt is owed 4. Full account summary and itemized calculation of alleged debt 5. Date of the first delinquency 6. Dates and times of any phone calls made and to what number in attempt to contact me concerning the alleged debt before it was reported to an agency, and so proving that these calls were made in the times governed by FDCPA law. I also was not given the 30 day period to respond before the collection was added, which is a right guaranteed to me by law. If the above mentioned information cannot be verified, your collection must be deleted from all 3 credit reporting agencies. Thank you

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Verified customer This review was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Jefferson Capital Systems This company runs such a scam but legally lol

This company runs such a scam but legally lol. So I only owed $1700 on my vehicle. I had missed a payment in April, paid May and hadn't yet paid the June payment but had tried to call several times but due to their hours, long hold times didn't get through. So they came to repossess my vehicle and I immediately called and tried to give them the full remaining balance owed but they wouldn't hear of it. ...because they wanted to repossess my vehicle in hopes I couldn't pay it and turn around and sell it for a profit so they picked the vehicle up. I went and sent the full payment that day via MoneyGram and called them at 320 pm CST to give my reference number but they would not take my calls and I kept getting messages saying that department was 320 pm despite their hours staying 6 pm. So then...they wouldn't allow me to get the vehicle the next day because ..."that's not a release day" so finally got my vehicle back the next day. Now I'm being charged $1065 for "repossession fees" despite the fact they could have taken my full payment and not towed or repossessed my vehicle. Don't ever miss a payment when your balance is that low because it is what this company strives to do..prey on your misfortune. Never ever will I finance with them again.

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Jefferson Capital Systems Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned to them I know they purchase these loans for significantly less than their value, I

Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned to them I know they purchase these loans for significantly less than their value, I don't know. Most irresponsible, disorganized, self-profiting, unprofessional company ever. They won't return calls and the individuals answering the phones fail to provide concise information; instead, I am continuously pushed around with a promise of a call back. It has been over a week and I have yet to receive any response. They initiated a garnishment because I couldn't meet their exorbitant payment demand, resulting in the loss of my job of 10 years until I resolve the garnishment. Consequently, I not only have no income, but they have nothing to garnish. Despite this, they continue to dismiss my requests for information and repayment options. I fail to comprehend why they prioritize ruining someone's life over receiving any form of payment. I have informed everyone I have spoken to at this company about this issue, yet I still haven't received a call back. I leave daily voicemails for the attorney responsible for the garnishment, but still no response. I was advised to speak with the individual in charge of garnishments, information that could have been provided days ago, and still no response. This company's practices are questionable and solely driven by their own greed. American G should thoroughly investigate them, along with every other consumer protection agency. Disgusting.

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Jefferson Capital Systems 11 years ago, I joined the army and decided to get a phone plan through a certain company for me, my brother who was

11 years ago, I joined the army and decided to get a phone plan through a certain company for me, my brother who was also in the army, and my father. Lasted about 3 months. Hated it. So I went into a specific store right off base and paid 900 cash to cancel all 3 lines. The company tried telling me I never paid. I proved to them I did. And that was that. Fast forward to today. I start getting collections notice for that exact account saying I owe over 3000 dollars now. Now I'm getting phone calls to my prepaid phone telling me to pay. So I call Jefferson Capital Systems and they are telling me I still owe it. I explained to them the same thing. I closed the account over 10 years ago. The statute of limitations itself says for the said state I was in was a maximum of 10 years. The state I'm in now says 7 years. Either way, I'm safe from a debt that I shouldn't have in the first place. But I'm telling them this and they said I used the account 9 years ago... funny because 9 years ago I was in Afghanistan getting shot at. They called me a liar and said I didn't have a reason to be upset. This collections doesn't even show on my credit report. They also proceeded to tell me that they weren't trying to collect on the debt. Also funny, their very first words to me when they answered were "hello Mr ----- thanks for calling. This is an attempt to collect on your debt. All information will be used for this reason. Also, this collections doesn't even show up on my credit report. Everything about this company screams fraudulent. Unprofessional employees calling you a liar, skyrocketing the amount owed, telling me I don't have a reason to be upset. The receives over 360 complaints against this company a year... their average reviews are 1.5 out of 5 and somehow they still have a B rating? Most of the complaints are the same thing from different people.

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Is Jefferson Capital Systems Legit?

Jefferson Capital Systems earns a trustworthiness rating of 91%

Highly recommended, but caution will not hurt.

Our conclusion: Jefferson Capital Systems stands out for their exceptional legitimacy, according to ComplaintsBoard’s detailed analysis. This highlights Jefferson Capital Systems's reputation as a trustworthy leader in their field. Customers can rely on Jefferson Capital Systems's services, assured they're dealing with a highly reputable and fully legitimate company.

Jefferson Capital Systems has received 2 positive reviews on our site. This is a good sign and indicates a safe and reliable experience for customers who choose to work with the company.

Jefferson Capital Systems has claimed the domain name for for a long time, which suggests that the website is established and has a history of being in operation. This is a positive sign, as it indicates that the website has been around for a while and may have a reputation to maintain. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL. has been deemed safe to visit, as it is protected by a cloud-based cybersecurity solution that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to help protect networks from online threats.

We looked up Jefferson Capital Systems and found that the website is receiving a high amount of traffic. This could be a sign of a popular and trustworthy website, but it is still important to exercise caution and verify the legitimacy of the site before sharing any personal or financial information

About Jefferson Capital Systems

Jefferson Capital Systems, found at, is a reputable company offering a range of services to businesses. With a strong focus on professionalism and efficiency, they specialize in debt purchasing and recovery solutions. Their team of experts works diligently to provide tailored strategies that help businesses effectively manage their outstanding debts. Jefferson Capital Systems is committed to delivering results and assisting businesses in achieving their financial goals. Visit their website to learn more about their comprehensive services and how they can benefit your business.
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  2. Jefferson Capital Systems phone numbers
    +1 (888) 718-0048
    +1 (888) 718-0048
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  3. Jefferson Capital Systems address
    700 17th St Ste 1400, Denver, Colorado, 80202-3533, United States
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  5. Michael
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    Sep 11, 2024
Jefferson Capital Systems Category
Jefferson Capital Systems is ranked 166 among 249 companies in the Collection Agencies category

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