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CB Food and Grocery Retailers Food City 420 Market St, Dayton, TN, 37321, US
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Food City
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Food City

420 Market St, Dayton, TN, 37321, US
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1 complaint
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Working hours
6:00 am - 12:00 am
6:00 am - 12:00 am
6:00 am - 12:00 am
6:00 am - 12:00 am
6:00 am - 12:00 am
6:00 am - 12:00 am
6:00 am - 12:00 am
1:33 pm EST

Food City - the pharmacist at food city in dayton tn

The Pharmacist *Jennifer Serig *at the Dayton TN store is absolutely unprofessional and very rude to customers. The way she Representing the Company by talking down to and belittling the customers is completely Uncalled for. I've had 2 incidents with her just completely refusing to do her job and also with stating company policies to me which I had no Knowledge about (Being as how I'm the consumer). On 12/18/19- #1 Completely Refusing to contact My Pain Management Doctor to be able to have my dental medications filled (Which was a surgical extraction and the prescriptions were brought in on 12/13/19) which is priority for her to do so through My doctors procedures!

#2 Telling me that I am not the only Customer that has medications to be filled and that She cannot just move them out of the way to accommodate me and that I would have to wait an hour or longer for 1 prescription!

I have Never had issues with this Pharmacy before now and I am a regular Loyal consumer with them But after these incidents I definitely will be transferring out mine and my families prescriptions to a pharmacy where I will not be judged and belittled by someone who is Supposed to be a professional and I will be contacting The Board Of Pharmacy...
I hope for the sake of the company image and representation that she will change her attitude to consumers in the future..
Sincerely, Traci White

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Aug 22, 2020 6:58 am EDT

I totally agree with the complaint about the lady pharmacist at the Food City in Dayton, TN store.

I was getting my prescriptions filled at the East Ridge, TN Food City (exceptional service) before we moved to Spring City last year.
After starting or prescriptions with the Food City, Dayton, TN location it was a nightmare. It took a long time to get prescriptions filled and the lady pharmacist was rude and never helpful. One example, my doctor ordered Humalog (insulin) and my insurance would not pay for it. She said she contacted my doctor, however, his office had no record. Also, she did not give my doctor any options as to what my insurance would pay for. I went three weeks without the insulin before seeing my doctor.
I immediately switch to WalGreens in Dayton, TN and the doctor gave me a prescription for Humalog and gave me a coupon. Again, my insurance would not pay, however, the pharmacist called my doctor and gave him options of what my insurance would pay. Why did the Food City pharmacist do the same? She once told me the delay in filling prescriptions was due to the fact she had so many prescriptions to fill from the ER, hospital, emergency care, etc. The other pharmacies in the Dayton area have to do the same and they are not rude and have always been prompt and helpful. I am very disappointed with this lady pharmacist! I had such a good experience with the Food City, East Ridge, TN pharmacy and East Ridge covers a larger area than Dayton, TN.

I know something should be done because going three weeks without insulin was a problem for me.

Thank you1

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