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CB Drug Store Rite Aid 3120 Chichester Ave, Marcus Hook, PA, 19061, US
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Rite Aid
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Rite Aid

3120 Chichester Ave, Marcus Hook, PA, 19061, US
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2 complaints
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Working hours
7:00 am - 12:00 am
7:00 am - 12:00 am
7:00 am - 12:00 am
7:00 am - 12:00 am
7:00 am - 12:00 am
7:00 am - 12:00 am
7:00 am - 12:00 am
1:37 pm EDT
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Rite Aid - Pharmacy

On 6/3/21 I had surgery and my doctor called in my prescription to rite aid pharmacy, Boothwyn, PA. After leaving the hospital, my father drove to the rite aid to pick up my prescription. The pharmacist on duty refused to fill my prescription. I'm not sure why, but my suspicion was she felt I was an addict because the medication was for pain medication. I asked her if she would just give me the prescription and I would go somewhere else. She claimed she could not do that. I don't understand why she felt she could deny me my medication.

Desired outcome: A reprimand to the pharmacist

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1:46 pm EST

Rite Aid - Defective visa cards

Two Visa gift cards were purchased for xmas gifts and were tried to be redeemed numerous times at a New York Walmart only to be told by a Manager that they were defective. Upon waiting weeks for the cards to be mailed back to my mother here in Boothwyn, Pennsylvania. We returned to the Riteaid where the sales transaction occurred. The manager on duty was told and showed documentation that Visa had deactivated the two cards and was refunding the amount back to my mother. My mother was told that the store/merchant would refund the $6.95 fee for each card ($13.90 total). I spoke to a manager at RiteAid on Chichester avenue in Upper Chichester, Pa. by the name of Zia/Zila and she did not give me the time of day just told me that there is a sign above the gift cards stating no refunds. There were no sign as I took a picture on Feb 20, 2021. I told the manager that the cards never worked and therefore there was no complete transaction of goods. She walked away like she could not be bothered.

Desired outcome: Refund my mother the $13.90 that she is out of not to mention the embarrassment & Humiliation she had to endure as well as the two recipients in New York that went to use their xmas gift cards that did not work!

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