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CB Government and Public Services Review of the injustice system
the injustice system

the injustice system review: supports liars and sociopaths and helps them destroy innocent people 3

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9:34 pm EST
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you would think, that in this country---there is justice...there is something to help out victims or innocent people. There isn't. The justice system, is aimed at helping out liars, con-artists and obvious sociopaths and it helps them get false charges pressed against their own victims for power/control and to ruin other people's lives, while the con-artist gets away scot free and with no punishment. This is the 'criminal justice system." Think this is a joke? This is "the system." For instance, if someone doesnt like you-- they can easily call the police...they can literally claim that emails you wrote them, are harassing emails, or phone calls, while u were all talking back and forth...a person with a criminal record, sociopath and liar can do this to you...or to anyone...they can literally claim that conversations you had back and forth was 'harassment." They can also make up lies about you with NO PROOF or evidence, and the police and system will then press charges against you, an innocent person with no real proof except what a sociopath calls harassing emails. In this bizarre and terrible system, then your life can be ruined while a sociopath has gotten away with perjury lying, everything and is considered a 'victim." This same sociopath- can physically abuse you, slash your tires, harass you AND your family members continuously, threaten to kill you many times, destroy your property...threaten to do terrible things to you-- oh and guess need PROOF of all this and no charges will be pressed against him and the cops won't care. It's pretty amazing how a sociopath---can lie, get charges pressed and needs NO PROOF and has the courts by his side, while he is claimed to be a 'victim', while an innocent person who is a victim of a criminal like that, can go through never ending amounts of cruel abuse and injustice done to them and STILL cant get charges pressed against a criminal, while the criminal can EASILY have charges pressed against an innocent person. Again, think this is a joke--sounds like a bad fairy tale or something--but NO this is REALITY...this is how the SYSTEM WORKS...I was even told by a cop who is a friend "well you can yell rape against a guy and he has to go through hell then." Really? So lying is rewarded and the only way a person can get justice against a criminal or anyone is by lying to others and it is rewarded to lie, be a con-artist and make up stories about people to get charges pressed, but if youre an honest person, then any liar can screw you over and nothign will be done about it? It's just an atrocity...what would the founding fathers be thinking about this kind of injustice that happens? This is a common thing that happens to people... any sociopath, or pathological liar can get charges pressed on an innocent person, but a victim of abuse can do NOTHING about the abuse done to them, including their abuser filing false charges against them...this is a huge atrocity and injustice...but this is the reality of this system and the laws...they work in favor of criminals and liars many times and people are encouraged to slander others in order to ruin their lives, just as their abusers slandered them and ruined their life. Being honest and truthful doesn't work apparently, as the more honest you are, the more nothing will be done to help you. Does anyone find this really disturbing or just not right? The point is if anyone out there hates you or you hate anyone, you can easily ruin their life and put them through hel and there is an entire court system that will back you, the liar up... yet your victim is doomed and there is no justice for that poor person. They are criminalzed with no proof, their life ruined, go through hell and the abuser can do this MANY times to a person with no repercussions--yet if YOU the abused file a complaint- NOTHING IS DONE EVER...the cops just look at it like...oh well and nothing we can do, but if a sociopath lies about you, the cops will take action to prosecute and ruin your life...again, this is such a bad atrocity...its so so bad and SO UNFAIR and SO UNJUST---but this is the system...why? As a female, my male abuser who wasnt even a boyfriend but just a stalker, has done this to me, several times, and is successful everytime...while he has stalked, harassed, ruined my life...he can easily go and press charges on me just for communicating with him...and claim im harassing him and the police listen to him...its a crazy joke...why is this allowed in this society?

Update by tonyajones
Jan 17, 2011 9:46 pm EST

i dont have money for a lawyer...why is a sociopath able to get charges pressed on me at the drop of a hat...while i have to get a lawyer, yet if he abuses me in any form or threatens to kill me i cant call the police for that? no one does anything...why are the police aid liars and con-artists in ruining other people's lives, and not protecting innocent people? yet if someone lies about me i need a lawyer...but i can't get the police to press charges against many criminal things he has done to me...its weird...its not fair...its sick and strange... a criminal can do anything he wants and he gets a free prosecutor--he gets the state attorney as his prosecutor defending, him a criminal with a criminal history against a woman he is abusing, but the woman he is abusing is being criminalized and has to pay for a lawyer with money she doesnt have plus have a charge on her record?

Update by tonyajones
Jan 17, 2011 9:50 pm EST

why the hell do criminals, liars and sociopaths get a free prosecutor trying to prosecute an innocent party...who has to suffer and pay for a lawyer with money the person doesnt have, suffer and go through hell while this criminal can get away with anything- worse, my last lawyer said that they want to make sure he's taught a lesson since he's using the system for 'power/control'...yet guess what---he wasnt' taught a lesson...he can do it all over again...and nothing was done to him yet i still have a charge on my record that needs to be removed...and the criminal can do this all over again...and still get help from the state in committing his criminal actions...and the only thin gi can do is 'file a civil lawsuit' "maybe"? if i have the money...what is going on here...this is atrocious...there is nothing i can do as the victim except suffer and have to pay money...while a liar and person who committed perjury has the state backing his criminal self up...its not just injustice, its like really really bad...but this is very common and happens mostly to innocent people all the time...

Update by tonyajones
Jan 17, 2011 9:55 pm EST

oh and the best part is--because sociopaths and con-artists are such good liars, they can twist things up-- and make things not seem as they are...a police office told me this! Everyone acknowledges the person is a sociopath...who uses the system for power/control yet teh system aids this criminal in his actions...this to me is very bizarre, rather than protecting an innocent woman, it aids an obvious liar...and someone who they know is a liar, yet if youre a woman and u call in claiming he slashed your tires--there is nothing the police will do about protect or help the victim. That he threatened to kill you, that he calls and harasses your family, threatened to ruin your life--nothing you can do...but this monster can call the police, make up lies and get instant charges pressed...and the state will back him up...this is like backwards justice...its the system helping criminals destroy others...rather than stopping the criminals from committing these crimes and of perjury etc...its nuts and so would think...there is some rationality somewhere...soem justice- but there is nothing...and nothing you can do...the criminal is then considered the 'victim' and the poor victim the has to be oen of the worst things ever or close to it...or jsut really bad...

Update by tonyajones
Jan 17, 2011 10:06 pm EST

im sure the system helps out people in many ways but there are many aspects of it where it is not only flawed its just sick...i cant believe this happens to innocent people and cant believe what occurs and how obvious criminals get away with anythng they want...its an atrocity and just so sad...


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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, US
Jan 19, 2011 3:23 am EST

Thanks tessitrue, I hope too that one day justice will be done, but as you learn- it really never is done. It seems the laws work to allow, criminals to do anything they want to victims, and literally...victims are helpless. Law enforcement doesnt even work or fight to help them...most people just shrug their shoulders, like oh well? The surprising part was a police officer friend who showed no sympathy for what was happening to me, and acted as if an "i told you so" and most cops do not have sympathy for women (only the liars who yell rape falsely I think)...they in fact, seem to like women in bad situations and do nothing to help them out. They however will help liars out...this officer too told me that he helped teenagers who were criminals, with their records and get back on their feet--ie kind of excused their its a lovely justice system where...if you are a victim, you are kind of damned, but if you commit a crime, then people will aid and help u out---it seems people like to help out liars or anyone doing any wrong...its sad and just remember i guess for anyone out there--being honest apparently doesnt seem to pay off? that's what they teach you and what you learn in this society...

tiddy, whatever kind of name that is, u sound like a sociopath yourself and a disturbed person- to say that to any victim or anyone who is reporting any crime of injustice or situation. You are the stupid person you accuse others of...and most people dont know 'the system' unless they or friends have experienced it, regardless, what asinine and ignorant and rude statements to make. Also likening whatever u are to lucifer--is a bit preposterous and you're an idiot, and ignoramus in the biggest way.

Abe Sir Tiddy
Livingston, US
Jan 18, 2011 2:02 am EST

Either vote decent politicians into office that supports your sane approach, or move to Texas. I'm sorry, but I have run out of sympathy. I would bet my next paycheck that if this had not happened to you, you would be supporting the same justice system that did end up betraying you. We have become the stupid Americans that those overseas accuse us of.

Ever wonder why lucifer called himself the most beautiful angel? Satan in Hebrew is also translated as "accuser of evil". Accusing others of evil is the perfect approach to make oneself look better than others...

Yuma, US
Jan 17, 2011 10:26 pm EST

document EVERYTHING. You never know when you may get the opportunity to present it in court. There is a higher court that will give your stalker what he deserves. You will probably never get to see him be held accountable for his actions, but it WILL happen one day. Do not let him rob you of the joy of living your every day life. Eventually he will find someone else to harass-especially when he sees he can no longer get to you.

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