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CB Sexual Abuse Review of Jake Cancellieri
Jake Cancellieri

Jake Cancellieri review: bad business dealings 4

Author of the review
12:54 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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I met Jake in Newport a couple of months ago. He was really nice at first and I procedded to go out on a date with him. He took me to Flemings in Fashion Island and we had a good time. We procedded to leave and he wanted to stop by his high rise condo at the Plaza. Thats when everything changed. He had so much cocaine and guns in his place and got so coked out that his nose was bleeding. He did not even know who he was. He forced himself on me several times and I kept telling him NO. girls beware of this drug addict and womenizer..

I want to keep my name private because he knows where I live and I am scared of him

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Winnipeg, CA
Oct 22, 2010 5:40 pm EDT

Call the police... he'll get arrested for drug possession and gun charges.

Fort Wayne, US
Oct 29, 2010 6:47 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

damn i hope he catches aids

Nov 12, 2010 1:26 am EST

The truth never has an explanation... Mistakes are lessons... If you earned your money, work and are a good person... WHY would you risk IT ?... Thats why I stopped talking to "HER" AKA Jeff Dapra and the rest of THOSE type of people. All you do is LIE and do ### things to get by in LIFE, but I understand why IF ( I ) was... 30 plus, lived in an apartment, do not have a pink slip to my car, a bad reputation around town, have a nice grl but with more tattoos than you, a big mouth, cant fight, and since its PUBLIC INFORMATION AND NOT SLANDER AND DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER WHICH YOU DID TO ME BECAUSE I STOPPED TALKING TO YOU BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO USE ME FOR MY MONEY AND I " TALKED TO YOUR GIRLFRIEND AND ASKED HER FOR HER NUMBER... > YOU HAVE ONE... I DONT ... AND THATS PUBLIC INFORMATION.. NOT SLANDER... THEREFORE.. WHO DOES WHAT ? EXACTLY Probably why I didn't want you AKA THOSE type of people IN MY LIFE HUNNY : ) SO I GOT RID OF THEM.. HATE ALL YOU WANT... .. SO AS A HATER, LIKE THE REST OF UM, REPLY AND LIE TO WHOEVER YOU WANT... Because a 23 year old did the grown up thing to do and went to an Attorney and this BS.. NONSENSE... WHATEVER.. GOES AWAY... BUT A 30 PLUS immature adolescent... DOES WHAT ? YOUR WHO ? YOU LIVE WHERE ? EXACTLY BECAUSE I DONT CARE... WA WA WA

long island, US
Jan 03, 2011 8:25 pm EST

mark goets raped everyone at school and im very mad and scard of him evertime i got to the bathroom he tries to rap me. and when i try to tell he says im going to rap u even harder ok ###!