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CB Doctors and Surgeons Review of Dr Patrick Javidan
Dr Patrick Javidan

Dr Patrick Javidan review: Chiropractic contracts for extended care 4

Author of the review
7:28 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Dr. Javidan has a shady way of marketing. He uses scripts and will make you feel like you have a serious condition. He will warn you that if you don't fix the problem NOW, then your condition will get much worse. He then will then tell you how good it is that you caught the problem early. If you have no insurance, he will offer you discounts for pre payment...but make sure to read the contract carefully line by line, and verify that there are no penalties for stopping treatment if you're unhappy. Here is a link that you can cut and paste in your browser to read some of the scripts that he uses. Also check out on your own the validity of the term "subluxation degeneration"
Here is another link to copy and paste warning against signing lengthy treatment contracts with chiropractors:
Dr Javidan also is part of a MLM called ACN and will try to get you to sign up for their phone/cable services, and ask you to come to informational meetings.
The best advice I can give, GET A SECOND OPINION...AND POSSIBLY A THIRD especially if you don't have insurance that covers chiropractic care.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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san diego, US
Dec 03, 2010 6:05 pm EST

I came to Dr. Javidan's office with a chronic ache in my neck and back due to scoliosis and a recent neck injury that made it all worse. I wasn't sure I was even looking for a Chiropractor, since I'd worked with one previously and seen no improvement and found that person to be very unprofessional. Despite my damaged view of Chiropractic, I took advantage of the free 1st visit and consultation flyer I got, and invested the time in that process. Dr. Javidan's professionalism and knowledge of spinal health was immediately evident. And beyond that, I was surprised to find something I didn't expect- hope that my condition could not only be managed from a pain standpoint, but could actually improve due to the plan he tailored for my unique needs. It wasn't a one-size fits all plan (although at first it seemed that way from the materials). It was structured to correct my specific back and neck problems, and to restore movement and activity. And that is exactly what has happened! My neck and back pain are rarely present anymore and the health of my neck (based on x-rays) is improved! More that I thought could happen...I'm very grateful.

san diego, US
Dec 03, 2010 6:33 pm EST

I initially came into Dr. J's office because I got a free massage coupon. I was also curious about Chiropractic care but had only visited a Chiropractor once. I always had headaches including migraines and since working and constantly doing heavy lifting I suffered form daily back and neck aches. After only a week of care from Dr. J, I started noticing that my headaches were less frequent. I was pleasantly surprised and grateful. I've been coming into the office for regular visits for approximately 2 months and don't suffer from neck ache, back ache and rarely do I get headaches. I am extremely active, training for a triathalon, and the fact that my body doesn't suffer form pain and feels healthy and strong makes me a firm believer that Chiropractic care works!

Staff Member
Feb 18, 2011 1:22 am EST

This former patient was introduced into our office by our marketing staff. She thought the marketing person was is a massage therapist. She felt duped because of that. He was merely doing his job. She was invited in w/her husband. After careful review of her was a unanimous conclusion that she needed long term care. She even said, "Oh my neck! WOW...that's bad. Her husband agreed. In our office we do a lot of educating. Our care is intended to correct underlying problems not just treat symptoms. She tried to stop her care 2 times because she felt insecure about her own decision. She even cried in our office because she felt like she made a bad choice. She felt bad because of that and brought us an orchid plus a card with an apology. Then she cancels her care through a letter without any verbal communication. She left out all these details. There are 2 sides to every story.

San Diego, US
Jun 24, 2013 2:47 pm EDT

Huh? I had a similar experience as the original poster. Just noticed that the first 2 responses supporting Dr Patrick Javidan are from the same person and on the same day, but 2 totally different stories. Obviously someone from his office trying do some damage control. What a bunch of B.S. Just goes to show how shady his practice really is. When I went in I definitely felt like I was being manipulated and being given a sales pitch more than a diagnosis. Something just didn't feel right in his office and with his attitude. After later goggling his name, I found that he was into Scientology, which if anyone knows anything about it, it makes perfect sense as to how I felt when I went in for my appointment. Like I was being manipulated and brainwashed. Just my two cents. Look up more reviews for yourself

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