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Ditech Financial / Green Tree Servicing
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Ditech Financial / Green Tree Servicing Complaints 103

9:27 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Ditech Financial / Green Tree Servicing Cancelled their insurance and got my own

In June 2008 I cancelled the insurance on my mobile home with Greentree Servicing. I purchased my own insurance.

They show on their paper work the name of my new insurance company. They told me over the phone what my house payment would be minus the insurance.

I made the payment they told me to make. Today 6/30/2008 I got on their online service to make sure the payment had been received. It had been received, but now they say I owe $60.00 more.

I called them. They say it is for insurance for March thru June 2008. This was not one the bill before. Now I have to pay $60.00 a month for 4 months for Insurance that should have already been paid. I fear this will never end.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Poor Stock Investment
Philadelphia, US
Mar 24, 2013 7:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have never been late in all the years I lived in my house. And if I am made to look like a dead beat so these *^&@^*# can STEAL my house, I will post on Craig's List a free-for-all on everything in my house, e.i., kitchen cabinets, sink, toilet, heater, radiators, heating system, central air unit, lighting, water heater, copper pipes, tub...anything that can be carried out. I refuse to let these bottom-feeders make money off my hard-earned money. Anyone else who loses their home due to these snakes unscrupulous tactics, leave them a shell.

John Smith 007
Tucson, US
Jun 12, 2012 5:53 pm EDT

Green Tree is the worst Mortgage Company I have ever dealt with. I have 2 other Mortgages with other lenders/banks, and have had my Mortgages sold over the years to a lot of different ones. Green Tree treats you like dog stuff. I think they send all customer servers people to a school to learn how to treat people bad. One of the nicest things that could happen to this company would be for all their Mortgages to just STOP PAYING then and let them go bankrupt.

It takes a lot to get me to coplain...they are that bad.

Edinburg, US
May 31, 2010 10:46 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

ive been paying green tree with insurance for 13 years on my mobile home then one day out of the blue they send me a letter saying that the insurace agency went bankrupt and that $15, 000 i had been paying for 13 years was just gone that sounded odd to me, and that i had to get a new insurance or they were going to assign me a insurance of there own which of course was a high priced insurace which we had before that they had assigned when we first got the home. So we couldnt do the insurance payments but we kept paying the home, they called my neighbors my my friends my father and mother in law i mean everyone and finally when i talked to them they said we needed to pay the insurance or they were going to reposses the home. I think this is wrong now where in the law it says that u need to pay insurance for ur home or they will take it away if we dont want insurance for the home we dont have to pay it we are paying the payments for the home. so i talked to them and they said the payment for the house that i was making was going all to the insurance i was like "what" now i dont get that how $239 is going to an insurance that is just $70 dollars if we dont want insurance why should we pay for it its ridiculous and when my wife talked to them the lady named dalia demanded 78$ immediatley for the payment of april and my wife told her we didnt have money that, that is why we were only sending the home payment of $239 dollars and my wife insisted that we didnt want insurance or want to be paying for it anymore and she was rude and yelled at my wife insisting that we had to pay the insurace or they were going to reposses the home. i dont know but green tree is and there people are very rude all they care about is there money i think they are commiting fraud u really need to look into this i reccomend people not to do business with green tree i mean come on where did those 15, 000 of insurance go its ridiculous im very mad and upset

Atlanta, US
Sep 12, 2008 5:41 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

See "My Green Tree Story" on yahoo at ""

Atlanta, US
Sep 12, 2008 5:37 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Green Tree Servicing, LLC. clearly partcipates in unethical, illegal business practices and collection activities. All current and former customers should unite to cummnicate to future victims, potential customers etc. of the reprecussions of doing any business with Green Tree Servicing, LLC.

7:52 am EDT

Ditech Financial / Green Tree Servicing Subprime lending fraud

Do not believe the written contracts GreenTree produces for the consumer home buyer they are full of ambiguous clauses to trap the consumer all they want to do is steal your money. GreenTree will lie to arbitrators and the court system to destroy a consumers dream of home ownership. GreenTree is a 31 billion dollar industry and will
kickout a family by use of unethical means, and apply every harrassing tactic possible.

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Modesto, US
Aug 19, 2014 3:00 pm EDT

Are loan was purchased from GMC IN 2/1/2013 after GMAC went bankrupt. Green Tree and their employees have continued to threat and harass my husband and I through letters and phone calls. They have went as far as calling me while hospitalized and a family member. Even after I wrote a letter to cease all phone calls they failed to do so. We are now four months behind in our mortgage payments. They have put us in a trial modification for three months. we have completed the plan and still have not received any paper work to complete so that are payment will continue the same. I have been informed to continue the modification payment until we receive the official paperwork to sign and return.
This company and their employees are unprofessional, liars, inconsiderate, rude, harasses, uses profanity, yells and screams at clients.
We would like to be invloved in a class action lawsuit. Please contact us at your earliest convience.
We definately need legal help ASAP!
I can be reached at [protected]

Natasha Lewis
Detroit, US
Aug 03, 2014 9:00 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Yes, this company and its clerks are rude, inconsiderate, heartless and have no compassion what so ever for clients who are going through enough troubles without needing the harassment and sarcastic remarks from them. They continue to reply how they're trying to help you yet it seems more as though they're trying to throw you under the bus as if you don't have enough on your plate.. Unfortunately, my account was transferred to Green Tree. I understand that this is a business but regardless, I will NOT be talked to any kind of way or accused of lying about my circumstances. Basically, they're ###s! While I'm trying to figure out a means of keeping my house they're trying to push more for taking it. I offered to make 3 payments within a month to bring the account current and they wanted it all up front. Yeah, what a way to help someone.

Long Beach, US
Jul 21, 2014 6:28 am EDT

I am terrified after doing research on Green Tree.They bought my mortgage in May and have lost my payments already.Its only July! Are they a foreclosing company?Is that the only reason they buy mortgages? I have been in my home for 15 yrs.I only have 15 more to go before its paid off.This is my home, the only place I feel safe and where 2 of my kids have grown up.I have 2 more kids to go and have told them all this house will be theirs when I die.How can GT just come in and take peoples homes by not applying payments to make you look late or not payed at all?HOW IS THIS LEGAL AND WHY ISN'T ANYONE HELPING US? There seems to be a lot of victims of this company yet they keep on going.How in the hell are they getting away with this? Dropping peoples insurance, raising costs, changing the escrow so much people can't afford it! I have a hud/fha loan.I wonder if that means it will be harder for them? For the love of GOD somebody somewhere help us! I have seen this stuff on the news and never thought this would happen to me.OUR HOMES PEOPLE! HOMES where we live, sleep, eat, raise our kids, our comfort zone, the place we expect privacy, HOME! How is it they end up with someones home that is on time with their payments?They seem to lose payments to make you look behind so they can start foreclosing.I am sending the next payment certified mail with sign. required as PROOF they have my payment.I'm also telling them that I am sitting in the AG or DA's office while talking to them when I call today.They won't search for my payments but made us do all of that.WHY ISN'T WASHINGTON SEEING THIS? They bail out large companies and help them but pay little attention for us owning homes! OBAMA WHERE ARE YOU?

Gary Stein
Sunrise, US
Jun 18, 2014 8:52 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Caught up in my own headache with Green Tree. On the phone with them last night arguing and asking for "statements". Is it really possible they don't have the original re-finance agreement from 2009 with us and the other bank they took over mortgage from?
Soooooo therefore, I'm making my email and web site and phone number available [protected]) for Green Tree to respond, and for anyone not happy with Green Tree. I want to resolve this and I'm fair ...

The Olds Family
Lakeland, US
Jun 05, 2014 3:05 pm EDT

Green Tree just forclosed on our house. We tried everything. Even a lawyer whom fought for us got duped by them. I can tell you this...Eventually Green Tree will fall. I will carefully examine our statements (after a court order to get them since Green Tree will not give them to us) and begin a lawsuit against them in the next year. In the meantime, my family and I will have to move in apartments. Even though I was making my monthly payments on my mortgage, Green Tree just decided not to apply them.

the helper
Montgomery, US
Apr 25, 2014 12:22 am EDT


Roseburg, US
Apr 11, 2014 4:55 pm EDT

If there ever is a class action suit I want
to be included. I purchased a mobile home in 11/99 made payments, were behind
in payments they would not refinance but would add payments onto the back. I
was making regular payments and wanted out of the loan did not want the home
was unable to sell because it was too old and considered to have already been
moved once since it was a display home and moved from lot to rental spot. I had
paid well over $60, 000 in interest and still owed $69, 511.08 after 10 years. I
had wanted payments under $500.00 they talked me into signing. I went into this loan with less than
perfect credit and they saw me coming I didn't want to buy a home with a
co-signer which I had done before. Was just excited to have a new home. The
interest was 10/75% to raise to 13.2% after the second year. I know I owe some
but not the $$59, 017.02 they say, since it sold for #35, 000 and they only said
I had credit for $11, 000.I stopped making payments in June 2011 because they
would not work with me. They asked if I wanted a volunteer repro I said yes. In 11/2011 they
took possession. I have not heard from them since January 2012 and now today
they send lawyer after me to collect $59, 017.02. The home was tax assessed at
$40, 201.00 when they sold for $35, 000. I have been working hard to
restore my credit and now this. Prior to repossession I had been making regular
payments on time if not early for about 5 years.

Blanchard, US
Mar 28, 2014 4:39 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I need help you guys... My husband's ex wife is a dumb [censored] and bought a double wide trailer ( first mistake) when they got it SHE got this house she got an interest first loan with this"company". He has paid on it for over 10 years now and we still owe 39k on this POS. We cant find anyone to refinance it for many reasons ( its a trailer, owe to much, ect) when we got married I got over handling all the bills and so on. We called greentree to see what we have to do to get her name off. Not only have they ALWAYS been rude [censored] (Dallas TX branch) about us even asking to get her name off. They told us we have to refinance and they wont do it. We thought we found a place to refinance, they told us not to make a payment becuase its about to get refinanced and its pointless. So we didn't (our fault big time) come to find out the divorce hurt his credit big time so we were unable to get approved. My husband got hurt big time and was unable to work for a while so it was hard to get that payment caught up. We are now caught up on everything else but green tree. We are doing our best to get them paid off. We are a month behind and they call us 10 plus times a day being nothing but rude and trying to say we should be able to pay our bills and we will lose the house and blah blah blah. The problem is that they treat people like we are all a piece of crap. There has to be a law or something about how they call NONSTOP and TRY to put you down. We have never been behind except this time. Or if the payment is a day late due to a holiday or whatever they will call you like an ex girlfriend still in love with you. The point of all this is to see what I can do to get them to stop calling so much and to stop being so dang rude. I know pay the one month we are late will get them to stop but I hope you guys know what I mean. I live in Oklahoma and I have tried to find out the laws but its so very confusing. Like I said we are only ONE payment behind NOT FOUR OR FIVE. Can someone please shade some light on me. We are not bad people, we just hit a hard spot like must do at one point or another. Please please please let me know what I can to. If it was up to me I would tell them to come get this house ( trailer) My husband and I don't like it anyways :) Thanks for the help

Bob Dobalina
Jul 31, 2013 2:03 pm EDT

This company is a poster child for predatory lending. After paying an 18% for the 15 year term and all sorts of ridiculous fees, they're now congratulating me for reaching the end of the loan by saying I owe them an additional $5k.
The ridiculous amount of fees they've charged over the life of the loan flat out disagree with my original loan paperwork, they've overcharged me thousands of dollars there. I asked for some documentation on the surprise $5k charge and they just tell me it's what I owe and the loan has reached maturity it's due immediately (although I was current on my payments).
I'm not sure that I have any other recourse other than to get the money together and pay them before they take my house. Total illegal practices. If anyone is considering a loan with Greentree and finds this article, DON'T DO IT.

F*** Greentree
San Luis Obispo, US
Apr 24, 2013 9:48 pm EDT

Went to BOA office to make our payment this month and was told "servicing" had been transferred to GT..No letter - nothing. OK, so the girl gives me address for GT and I mail a check. 6 days later, my mother-in-law gets a phone call asking if she knows how to get a hold of me because my mortgage is "seriously delinquent". How they even got her # I have no idea. So I call and first they tell me the account # in invalid. Finally they find the account, but no record of my check. Next they tell me I need to make a telephone payment that day or risk negative credit and fees. Bottom line - I had to pay my bank a $10 stop payment fee, and pay GT a $12 "telephone convenience" fee because of their ineptitude...This is unbelievable - they have had my loan for ***9 days*** and have already screwed things up and embarrassed me with my in-laws. I don't know if they are crooks, idiots or both but it's truly amazing they can stay in business.

12:22 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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We have been in our trailer since 2000. Our loan originated with Greentree then sold to Conseco and then back to Greentree. I have only had to split my monthly payment up 2-3 times and have never had any problems until recently. I had became pregnant in 2006 to much surprise and had to take some time off because of some problems. Only missed about 1 mo...

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Overview of Ditech Financial / Green Tree Servicing complaint handling

Ditech Financial / Green Tree Servicing reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 16, 2008. The latest review Home Warranty Department was posted on Oct 13, 2023. The latest complaint Mortgage was resolved on Nov 28, 2014. Ditech Financial / Green Tree Servicing has an average consumer rating of 3 stars from 103 reviews. Ditech Financial / Green Tree Servicing has resolved 59 complaints.
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