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American Telecom review: Phone rebate is a fake! 61

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12:00 am EDT
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My complaint is against American Telecom. That the customer service agent listed being in City of Industry, CA,90601 as the city and state. This company offered 4 phones ( land lines) with one base set that records voice mail. You can purchase long distance minutes that are added to the phone and use by using the green LDS menu button. Calls are often lost in the conversation while using the LDS. This offer that we had with the purchase of the phones was the 4 phones listed above with several hundred free minutes and rebates of 20 dollars and 50 dollars. We sent the rebates in Dec,2006. There was no notice to use the free minutes w/i 60 days . We had actually had the minutes about 76 days and they just expired without notice. One day I could use them and the next day I could not. I called the company and emailed them numerous times and was told they were suppose to expire w/i 60 days. I told them the story and they finally gave me more minutes , ( free) but again was told they would expire within 60 days. I have never received the rebates either and told them that as well. I had sent in the rebates in 12-06 and called the rebate company and was told the problem was with American Telecom. Of course American Telecom said it was the rebate company. The rebate company said I had sent in everything correctly , and to give them more time to resolve the issue with American. I have called the rebate company numerous times and are told each time to give them more time. They said they are just getting rebates paid from June '06 and sporadically at that. She said that American had an issue (would not elaborate) and when I asked if it was a legal issue, IE were they going bankrupt? She said she did not know, but if they did, I would not get the rebates. She also said this was a huge issue and they were getting calls everyday about this same issue. I would like to know who else is having this issue and hope to see it posted on the Internet complaint site so we could possibly know what is going on.

Update by Marie
Apr 25, 2007 1:45 pm EDT

MY complaint finally resolved with the company. After 15 emails, threats, phone calls etc American Telecom resolved my complaint I posted: [protected] by Marie

this person who name is below helped me to resolve my complaints, maybe she can help everyone else with their problems with this company as well . It took a lot of persistence. ALOT -- I now am satisfied -- however. Her name is:

Kathie Mendez
Customer Service Agent
American Telecom Services Inc.
2466 North Peck Road
City of Industry, CA 90601
[protected] Phone
[protected] Fax

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Mar 28, 2007 2:50 pm EDT

I'm having similar problems with the same rebates with American Telecom. They had the wrong date in their system for when the rebate had to be postmarked by, so I received postcards on both rebates saying they were postmarked after the offer end date. The first person I spoke with on March 8--after receiving a postcard on the $50 rebate--said to re-send everything in. I said there's no way I'm sending it all in again. It's an error on their part. After then speaking with a supervisor, I was told it was going to be processed.

Today is March 28 and I received another postcard--I guess on the $20 rebate. The person today said that both rebates are being processed and I should receive them in 4-6 weeks. I said I've already been waiting two months from the date I sent it in, and three weeks from when I last called, so I shouldn't be waiting another 4-6 weeks. She just kept repeating the 4-6 weeks. I'm so frustrated!

I guess I need to file an official complaint against the company, but I'm not yet sure with which agency--maybe the State Attorney General's office.

Zhao Wu
Mar 29, 2007 2:45 pm EDT

I am having exactly the same problem with this company. I have called and spoken with at least three supervisors and each of them gave me and assured me a different answer.

The first one told me on 2/20/07 that I would receive my check in 1-2 weeks and I still haven't received it as of 3/29/07.

The second one told me on 3/15/07 that their record indicated that I had not activated my account. After I told her that I did activate on 11/27/06. She asked me to send her proof. The activation was done by calling an 800 number, so how can I send her any proof? Even worse, this person hang up the phone in front of me.

After the hang up, I called the customer service immediately again, and the third person told me that I had been given the wrong information -- my account was activated and I just need to wait 4 more weeks to receive the check. According to the rebate form, I should have received the check within 8 weeks after mailing. However, it has been almost 18 weeks and yet the online tracking still shows my rebate "pending approval".

Never buy anything from American Telecom or Office Depot again! Their services are terrible and they are habitual liars!

Bruce Layman
Apr 02, 2007 1:58 pm EDT

The name above is the American Telecom president. I've had the same problem (over 3 months and lots of calls Young America) and read a call to the CEO (another Bruce) Bruce Hahn may get rebates on the way. His toll free # is [protected].

Email probably is a waste of time. Tie up THEIR (Amer Telecom) toll free business lines and tell him to make a call to Young America and get the checks out the door today! ER

Bruce Layman
Apr 02, 2007 2:11 pm EDT

Sorry, the toll free I listed above is for web-rebates.

You can call Bruce Hahn direct [protected] or swamp the ATS customer service [protected]) and just ask for Bruce Hahn. They'll get the message. ER

Allan Daniels
Apr 06, 2007 10:42 am EDT

I also am having same rebate problems with american telecom. The phones (4 phones w/ chargers and a base with ans. machine.) Product was purchased Feb. 12 and I immediately mailed all info in for a $20 and a $50 rebate. Now the rebate dept. can't find anything on it and wants me to fax info all over again. The expiration date is close or perhaps already expired.

Glenn Watkins
Apr 06, 2007 12:15 pm EDT

I am having the same rebate issue as others. I am past the 12 week point and called Bruce Hahn on his private line 2 days ago. He asked me to email all details to his attention along with a CC to Bruce Layman. I received an email a short time later that said:

"Bruce Y and A was rude to him why are we not paying this it is 8 weeks old please help me solve this for Glenn W."

Bruce Hahn
American Telecom Services, Inc.
Main Phone: [protected]
Direct Phone: [protected]
Cell 1: [protected]
Cell 2: [protected]
Fax: [protected]

Jerry Bare
Apr 12, 2007 2:54 pm EDT

Hi Bruce,

I got your name and email address from the Complaints Board American Telecom — Phone rebate is a fake! when I started searching for others that had the same problem as I at getting a rebate from American Telecom.

I purchased one of your four phone systems at Office Depot on December 18, 2006. About a month ago I got two postcards from you company stating I did not satisfy the conditions required for a rebate and both stated I was declined. One card (id:[protected] (11889) – DHBH-[protected] M62024 PJ1:3-146-13:1441) stated I did not include the original qualifying UPC and that I needed to by April 9, 2007. The second card (id [protected] (11868) M62199 PJ1:9-183-45:7905) that day stated that I had not activated “My Account Card” and that if I activated “My Account Card” my rebate would be accepted. About that same time I got an email that had several options to rectify the situation for different rebate denials. OK, I then again followed the rules and “activated “my Account Card” a second time. I have sent several emails to that email address but have not got a coherent answer yet.

When will I get my $75 rebate? Do I need to go to Office Depot with this complaint?

Thank You,

John Yeazell
Apr 13, 2007 8:00 pm EDT

I am having the same problems. I sent in the rebate 11/25/06. I forgot to include the UPC code and got a postcard asking to re-submit so I did just that. They confirm they have everything they need to process my rebate. However I get responses ranging from the check is in the mail to our system has been down and rebates cannot be processed. It has been two and a half months of bi-weekly calls. This must be a scam of some sort. Entice the customer to buy with a rebate, but no intention to honor the rebate.

I am about to contact my attorney to see what legal action can be taken. Perhaps a class action suit can be filed.

Apr 15, 2007 4:18 am EDT

My name is July, and actually I work in the rebate center in Buenos Aires , Argentina...

I have a lot of issues with the calls, but I always try to help you, but the customer doesn't understand that when you have to resubmit you have to do it, because actually it doesn't matter if you talk with a supervisor, anyway the system is not gonna allow him to do any type of payment, so what you should do is keep with the copies of all the papers like it says in the terms and conditions of the rebate...

what I can advise you, guys, is that you are not gonna receive anything, american telecom is not paying... "I do apologize for that inconvenience, anyway thank 4 calling the american telecom rebate center and have a great day, goodbye!"

Glenn Watkins
Apr 16, 2007 11:14 am EDT

I received my 2 checks today (April 16, 2007) from American Telecom. My submission date was Jan. 11th, so it took 13.5 weeks. The rebate form said to allow 8 weeks, so this was 5.5 weeks overdue. I wish everyone here luck in receiving this rebate.

Albuquerque, US
Apr 18, 2007 8:00 am EDT

I had to email officedepot and they gave me an email for American Telecom and their phone #. I talked to Mellisa and got my check on April 10 2007. I sent all rebate info on 12/30/2006...I also will not buy things from Officedepot without checking on who does rebates, ie Young America or web-rebates...

Rod Ball
Apr 19, 2007 10:56 am EDT

I am quickly giving up hope on my rebates. Bought (3) different American Telecom phones and got the "Rebate Runaround" , but after three calls to their rebate line I did receive (2) of (5) rebates from American Telecom for a total of $30 with $120 outstanding.

Now..., you can't talk to anyone like Deigo 54712 & Julia 53958 who both assured me that I would get my rebates. "Just call back in 14 business days", but now the 866 number only leaves a message for you to wait another 6-8 weeks. The 800 number that Office Depot (OD) provided is always busy.

I am very disappointed with Office Depot. I've never had a problem with their rebates, and I do alot of rebates.

My thing is if you are going to advertise the offer in OD ads..., set up prominent displays for the product and its rebates at the OD store..., print the offer on your OD cash register receipt paper..., get the money for the sale, but then say "'s a manufacturer rebate... and we have no information on their rebates" is very dishonest.

The management has to know about this and are willing to sacrifice there name and reputation for a relatively small cost item. Just amazes me.

I'll keep you informed if there is any progress.

Apr 23, 2007 2:28 pm EDT

I' have the same problem, ... so I'm waiting. Customer service gave me this phone number: [protected] and they can not process my rebate because they only process the end of January 07 rebates: amazing , I'm trying to fix the problem but think this will only time waisting...

Trang Truong
Apr 23, 2007 9:30 pm EDT

Does anyone know who i can contact about this rebate thing? I have been waiting for it for 3 months now and i did not get any rebate from them... I tried to call telecom but it's just a voice mail... Any help?

Nancy Martinez
Apr 25, 2007 4:25 am EDT

I submitted American Telecom rebate for $20, yet only received $10, after having to resubmit the paperwork and explaining this to the "customer service" person who was barely understandable. When I finally received this check (after more than four months) and tried to call their 866 number, now there is just a recording on it, so you can't even talk to anyone! I'll NEVER purchase another item from them.

Bruce Layman
Apr 26, 2007 10:54 am EDT

If you're not receiving the customer service (or rebates) you expect, contact Bruce Hahn, the CEO. Leave a phone message - his office vm, IMO is best. He is ultimately responsible.

Bruce Hahn
American Telecom Services, Inc.
Main Phone: [protected]
Direct Phone: [protected]
Cell 1: [protected]
Cell 2: [protected]
Fax: [protected]

Once I shared the horrible rebate track record by email with others in my co., I know hundreds of phones were returned and this may have gotten their attention. It certainly will not encourage OD or Staples to buy any more of his phones. Maybe they will figure out why they aren't selling!

It's been almost 18 weeks and I"m still waiting. The online info still says "no errors' , "still processing". Bruce, are you listening?

Apr 27, 2007 3:23 pm EDT

Do not buy products from American Telecom. The rebates that are offered are fake. I bought the 4 cordless set with rebates of $50 & $20. The $20 rebate never made it to them. The $50 one did make it but after few weeks I received the non-compliance letter saying postmark date was after the offer date. Their online system did indicate that they received it before the expiry date. When I called them they accepted that they did receive it on-time & I was told to callback in 2 weeks to check back if the cheque has been issued. I have so far called them 3 times at an interval of 2 weeks & every time I get the same answer. Today when I called, now it goes directly to automated voice message system & phone gets disconnected. I have re-submitted the $20 rebate. Hoping that at least it will be received by them.

There seems to be a major issue/scam going on with this company. I am planning to report them if I do not get my money back soon.

Gary Konecky
Apr 30, 2007 1:16 am EDT

In late 2006, I purchased a four phone set with a $20 rebate and a $50 rebate. I mailed in all the required paperwork only to receive postcards saying I did not mail in the required paperwork.

As I bought the phones at Sears, I called them. Despite repeated follow ups, I still have not received any rebate checks.

Shae Jacobsen
May 02, 2007 2:00 pm EDT

AAAhhh! This is sooo frustrating reading all these emails! I also bought these phones in February and have not received anything! Not even the green postcards i was supposed to receive. I NEED the money, it was a big thing that i even attempted this because we hardly have money to pay the bills! Stupid me! NEVER AGAIN! I have emailed a few times, but no answer from anyone! So now that i see you all posting #'s i might try that, but could anyone give advise as THE person to call? I have 2 little ones and am pregnant, so not alot of time on my hands! Is there anyone out there who will help me, since you've been through it? Thank you!

Ron Dennis
May 03, 2007 11:43 am EDT

I just want to let everyone here (and particularly the management of this forum) that having your information to start from (instead of starting from scratch on my own) was a godsend. Thank You !

Now - to my situation (and potential contribution):

Earlier today I contacted Young America to inform them that according to their web records (at I was sent my rebate check, but it never arrived. They refused (albeit politely) to acknowledge or tell me anything other than that my only recourse would be to send my written claim through US Mail to American Telecom in City of Industry CA.

I'm better with a phone, so I googled American Telecom Rebate and thankfully found you and this site ( Based on what you contributed to the discussion thread here, I contacted the office of Bruce Hahn, and was told that I should feel free to call American Telecom Customer Service at [protected] and that they would handle. I did call and after about a 5 to 10 minute wait, the attendant took my information (name, product model, purch date and place - normal stuff) and promised they'd get back to me in 5 days with a resolution.

Obviously I'll know more about how this all really works out in 5 or more days, but at least I'm not throwing something into the USPS black hole and wondering when (or perhaps if) I will ever hear from these folks again.

Thank You ALL once again - I'll be sure to let you know how things turn out.

May 10, 2007 9:34 am EDT

I'm having similar problems with the same rebates with American Telecom. I submitted American Telecom rebate for $20, yet only received $10. I tried to call telecom but it's just a voice mail****

May 12, 2007 3:12 pm EDT

I have also been unable to get the $20 rebate... When I called to complain, the customer service rep told me it would be processed in 4 weeks... here 7 weeks later... no rebate! I called [protected], but was sent into their general mailbox.

Please advise if anyone has had success by calling or emailing the company!


Ashok Saxena
May 17, 2007 1:03 pm EDT

I also had a same issue with American telecom ($20 and $10 Rebate, bought from OD on 26-Nov 2006).. Tried calling the number [protected] but no response... It seems this number is now disconnected :(

Larry Trout
Jun 26, 2007 1:00 am EDT

I bought the 5 handset phone on 9/30/06. Expecting rebates of 50 + 20. Office Depot printed the rebate forms on the cash register receipt printer. The rebate form says due date is 1/30/07. I submitted all the forms, upcs, activated the IDT phone card etc. In late DEC they sent me two post cards saying that I had not submitted within 30 days of purchase. I phoned them and straightened this out and they required that I send back the post cards and copies of everything else I already sent. already sent them. In Feb, mar, april I phoned them amd each time they say the check will come in a few weeks. Finally I phoned in May and now I get a recording informing me the rebates are closed. They said to contact

American Telecom
2466 Peck Road
City of Industry, CA 90601

CEO Bruce Hahn
President: Donald G Norris

A month ago I wrote them a letter and stapled copies of all the rebate stuff that been gathering for months. Still haven't heard from them. Next step I'll try to phone Bruce and Donald.

In the past Attorney General Of California has helped me on smaller matters like this. This will be my next step. Not too hard to write the letter since pretty much already done it here and all backing documents are in my hand.


Aslam Saiyed
Jul 11, 2007 4:36 pm EDT

Agree, I have a same problem. I sent in the rebate form for $20 and $50. Only received $20 that was after 4 month. Still waiting for the $50. When called they said you have not activated the calling card. If you do not activate calling card you do no have needed info for the rebate form. they also claim I did not sign the form I am looking at the copy of what I sent which I also scanned it does have the signature and they claim it is not signed. This is a scam. I am about to call my state attorneys office and have them look in to this scam I am certain that there are number of people in Illinois that have similar situation where the money is not returned. If I was going to pay $100 I would have bought something with name brand than this unknown from Office Depot. I also believe Office Depot also is to be blamed.

ron esche
Jul 12, 2007 11:06 am EDT

I have been given the run around with these people from the get go.I called after sending my info in back in feb. 07 and was told they had everything and it would be 6-8 weeks,after 8 weeks I was told I didn't activate the account,8 weeks later was told they didn't have the bar code for the $50 rebate but would look it up from the $20 rebate info they had and take care of the$50. Was told today 7-12-07 that they couldn't find that bar code to call office depot for a copy, I did that then a supervisor calls me back and says that doesn't matter the promo has EXPIRED. What a scam, PLEASE DON'T BUY THESE PHONES. Buy the way the quality is horrible there like walky talkies!

ron esche
Jul 12, 2007 11:19 am EDT

I too have contacted the Atty Gen of Mo Jay Nixon, but my question is why does American Telecom try so hard to not make us happy. I bought there product and they act like I'm there enemy? Don't make these offers if you don't want to give them. And Office Depot should not sell there product, I have also called them and complained to the manager.

ron esche
Jul 12, 2007 11:36 am EDT

July from Argentina whenever you cash your check I hope you think about all the people you have hurt. What a heartless person you must be.

Ling Li
Jul 19, 2007 1:41 pm EDT

I have a same problem. I sent in the rebate form for $20 and $50. Then got a postcard saying "Submission was postmarked after offer end date". The poastmark date is "no later than January 31, 2007". On, my rebate was received on January 31, 2007. I called numerous times and no luck so far.

Arnold Ziffel
Aug 21, 2007 4:50 am EDT

I had the $50/$20 rebate offer, got the postcards stating (wrongly) I missed the expiration date, faxed copies twice, called. It's been eight months now with no rebate. This company has an F rating with the BBB. Need I say more?

M Golden
Oct 05, 2007 3:38 pm EDT

American telecom has duped all of us. If nothing else, carry there merchandise back to where you purchased it. I purchased the 4 handset phones in May 07 and I have not received a rebate check yet. I have called twice and nothing. I suggest everyone file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.

Mike McGinness
Oct 13, 2007 10:25 am EDT

I mailed my rebate (20 and 50 dollars) applications on 03/26/07, started following up on July 1, 2007, they have repeatedly said mine were approved, no problem, but still no checks have arrived, center [protected]) keeps telling me the same story, checks should go out in 2 weeks, but they never do. One of the phone operators finally admitted American Telecom and cash are the hold ups.

I see they have moved from California to Georgia this year, and the CEO's have changed several times, along with the phone numbers.

Pavel K
Oct 15, 2007 1:41 pm EDT

Same problem here - submitted in June - it's been 24 weeks - no check - no response!

Denise Duez
Nov 04, 2007 3:50 pm EST

I also purchased a cordless phone in July with a $15.00 rebate. However, to this date (Nov 4, 2007) I have not received my rebate. Also, the phone stopped working. It will not charge at all. I sent two e-mails to the address that was being given on their 800 rebate line. No response to either one of my e-mails. I'll try contacting Bruce Hahn and see if that helps. Anyway, this is a big scam as far as I'm concerned and I'll NEVER purchase anything from this company again.

It appears that a lot of people got ripped off on these rebates that they offer.

Amy Guerrero
Nov 08, 2007 3:50 pm EST

I completely agree that the rebate is fake. I purchased my phone at Sears in December '06 with the intention of receiving a $50 & $25 rebate. I filled everything out correctly and I finally received the $25 rebate but have not received the $50 rebate yet.
I call at least once a month and each time it is something else that I need to resubmit. I have gave my information many times. On, 11/8/07, they tell me I should have activated the calling card and I have to check the status online since customer service no longer will handle rebates. I went online to give negative customer feedback from the company and find this website. I am on board with whatever needs to be done. At this point it is more about the principle. Please let me know what I can do.


Duane Doerr
Nov 13, 2007 6:26 am EST

I have the same issue. Did not received my rebates as promised by American Telecom. I have asked Staples and Frys to stop offering American Telecom Rebates. American Telecom is defrauding the public by my honoring their rebates.

Duane Doerr
Nov 15, 2007 5:57 am EST

American Telecom 11/15/2007
ATS Rebates.
Attention Bruce.Hahn:

I have tried to contact you numerous times about my rebate offer without any reply. Since American Telecom did not honor their commitment for my submitted rebates: Claim ID [protected] and [protected] I will no longer purchase any American Telecom products. After searching the Internet I have found that I’m not the only one that you have ‘shafted’ with your ‘bogus” rebate offers. Search for “American Telecom Rebates” on the internet and you will see what I mean (attached), there are so many. I have listed one of the multiple web sights:

American Telecom — Phone rebate is a fake!.html

American Telecom is giving the same ‘run around’ to other consumers that you have given me and still are, anything to get out of paying your rebate offers. I have filed with the B.B.B and I have contacted multiple vender's that are selling you products to inform them about your intent to fraud the consumers with your “bogus” product rebate offers. My next step will be to file a complaint with the District Attorney’s office if this issue is not resolved. You will be hearing from me…

Very dissatisfied customer!

Ron Nolan
Dec 06, 2007 7:24 pm EST

All of the complaints seem to mirror my own. Purchased the phones in Office Depot in Aug 2007 contingent on a 60 dollar rebate. Total run around, now am in the process of notifying the FTC after sending two e mails to corporate HQ demanding action.

terry elfers
Dec 14, 2007 7:19 am EST

mailed rebate 7-6-07 on 7-24-07 recieved letter no sales date on receipt ,called Erisa 7-24-07 said I was looking at O.D.RECEIPT it has date on it as they all do she said no problem will resubmit.I mailed more copies anyway and waited.Called again 9-27-07 Katie told me being processed .tried to call and check again phone #refers you to web site ,still waiting on my $60 I have complained to office depot no help,I am going to call B.B.B. and attorney gen. and register a complaint.Office Depot ridge rd cin ohio terry

Bob LIu
Dec 17, 2007 8:19 am EST

I completely agree.
I purchased an AmericanTelecom phone set from Office Depot and submitted the $50 rebate form on 06/19/2007 and received an online confirmation. It has been 6 months now but I still have not received the rebate check. I have contacted them many many times via emails and phone calls but they seemed to try to not respond and not honor the rebate.

I’m very disappointed and frustrated. This is the second time it happened to me with Office Depot rebate problems. Our local newspaper published a report last year, saying that Office Depot is “notorious” for trying not to honor its rebate offers.

My plan is to ask our local newspaper and/or TV stations' "On Your Side" team to help as they did with some other similar cases.

I'd be happy and willing to lose my %50 if AmericanTelecom declares BANKRUPT.

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