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Acai Berry

Acai Berry review: Cancel order 822

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2:15 pm EDT
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Cancel it by saying it was a fruadulant charge. Tell your credit card company you have no idea how they got your card regardless. Since these guys are crooks it takes acting like one to get your money back. . . So be it

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Nov 17, 2008 2:42 pm EST

You just have to keep calling and soon they put u on hold after a while ( i was on hold for about 20 min) they pick up and you cancel the order... you have to be patient and consistent on the calls i called about twenty times before my call went trew

C. Paul Schultz
Nov 17, 2008 6:45 pm EST

After seeing the ad on Rachael Ray's cooking show. I decided to
order the FREE trial size witha $3.95 shipping charge. When
I received the package there was a note in fine print that stated
my Credit Card would be billed automatically each month
after 14 days of trial in the amount of $89.31 for a 31 day supply and each month thereafter for the same amount. A phone number listed to cancel does NOT ANSWER after repeated
calls. I have thjis day filed a complaint with Mr Bill McCollum,
the Florida State Attorney General for this Company's SCAM.
Check the Internet for ACAI BERRY and you will find many, many, complaints about this SCAM.

Karen Massie
Nov 17, 2008 11:24 pm EST

I ordered a Free Trial of the Acai aprox one month ago now. My credit card was charged and the purchase was accepted. I was given a Confirmation # 2968392 - Nubodi. Because I had not recieved my order as of a month now, I tried reaching customer service to find out where my order was? with no Luck.

I then tried to order another trial thinking that they had missplaced my original order. I was told there were no more Free trials left and that my credit card would be rembursed in aprox 3 weeks time, which is fine. But where is the original order I placed that was placed on my credit card, to which I recieved a Confirmation# 2968392.

I can't find a way of tracking my order? or talking with a live person?. Please reply ASAP. If I'm not going to recieve my original order, then I am to be rembursed for two payments to my credit and not one.

Thank You
Miss Karen Massie

Karen Massie
Nov 17, 2008 11:40 pm EST

I have lung cancer and finished my treatment at the end of june 2008. I was told that acai berry was wonderfull for building up your immune system. I did not order the free trial for weight loss. I am sick again, as well as disgusted with all of the information i have been reading regarding acai, not only that, but my card was charged over a month ago and no product? If my credit card is not rembursed asap, i will take this to the highest authority possible, to make sure that this company is no longer in business. Believe me i have nothing to lose by spending the remainder of my time here, making sure people like you! Stop taking advantage of people like myself and all the others you have screwed. !


Alysia Rosenston
Nov 18, 2008 10:46 am EST

I ordered a sample of Acai Berry diet product and was to pay shipping only ($3.99), two weeks later a charge of $29.95 appeared on my credit card for a "maintenance" program. I cancelled and was given a cancellation number of $74K11G. On November 17 a charge of $89.31 appeared on my card and I have not been able to get through to customer service. The phone numbers for all three products are all put into the same que that no one answers. The phone numbers are:
[protected] - Fit Tabs
[protected] - Fit-Fac
[protected] - Search Vitamins

sheila powis
Nov 18, 2008 11:26 am EST

recieved free trial tried to cancel no does not register have taken more money from my account do not want this product anymore

Nov 18, 2008 12:12 pm EST

Just found out TODAY November 17, 08 that this people just charge my account $19.95 without my consent/authorization. not only that this people charge my bank acct way sooner my trail of 14 days of trial. i do not apprecitate this, this people could be fraud. once they have your bank acct in their prossesion they might charge you over and over again. i will call my bank to block them from doing this again. i had to called them and complaint and ask them for my money back. if they dont i will press charges! please dont let this happend to you . becarefull with this company ...Acai Berry Diet

Nov 18, 2008 12:17 pm EST

this is a phone number i call and they answer real quick. becuasei was charge randomly without my consent. they charge me $19.95 for suppposely a program. you have to becuase full what you buy this days by internet and your credit card people can be fraud. i might press charges. this is the number i have imight help fast. [protected] stay on the line dont hung up and tell them straight out!

judith evans
Nov 18, 2008 2:02 pm EST

i want to cancel my acai berry order i only wanted to try the trial offer and not enter into a monthly conract of £79.00 per month which i cannot afford each month they gave me a telephone number which they said that i could cancel at anytime and the number doesn't even exist please help

Nov 18, 2008 8:36 pm EST

i ordered acai berry and they told me that i only have to pay the shipping and handling and that was saplw to try, the next day i checked my account and they charge me 89.31 which is 112 in canadian dollars.

charlene reed
Nov 19, 2008 4:26 am EST

i have just purchased my 14day trail i live in the uk so the telephone number is no good i need to cancel only saw i was being charged once i got my order which took 3 weeks to get here so really don't no what to do please help

Ms. Independent
Nov 19, 2008 12:16 pm EST

So, I have had the displeasure of dealing with this as well. I've called them several times today, only to hear someone on the other end clicking on a keyboard, and convientenly the call gets dropped. I'm calling from a land line, by the way. I checked out the product and it was my error in not reading all the links and small print business- but I always check for that. So when I rechecked today, sure enough it is there, with a wordy explanation about satisfaction and retrictions that apply and all that rubbish. But note that while it is there, it is not explained clearly at all! Not to mention, I wish the best of luck to anyone trying to get though to request that the charges stop. As this email has taken me all of 5 minutes to type, my call has been dropped for the fourth time!

Melbourne, AU
Nov 20, 2008 3:07 pm EST



Nov 21, 2008 8:14 am EST

It was the same case with me too. I ordered a free trial and it was received after 20 days. Next were the surprises, Apart for the trial charge of $ 3.95 and some monthly membership charge of $ 29.95, there was also another char from 'MY VIP FIT [protected]' for $89.31. When I called these numbers, they say that I agreed the terms and conditions for monthly membership and so is the charge. but refused to refund the amount, but can cancel the membership.

Never it was mentioned and there were no terms and conditions which I signed.
The below all are linked to each other and charge the debit or credit card without proper authorizations and notification.

MY VIP FIT [protected]
FIT FACTORY [protected] [protected]

Nov 21, 2008 10:34 am EST

I fell for the same scam! But I managed to track down some information that might be helpful. This company has several address' & phone numbers that you cannot get a hold of anyone. I do have a number where you actually talk to a very rude foreign person, [protected].
The address 4650 SW 51st St Suite 711 Davie FL 33314 is just off S State Rd 7, located in a Pelican Bays building.
Even though I can get my money $89.31 back I am shooting for a little peace of mind that this fradulent company can be shut down with proper actions taken.
Please contact the Davie Criminal Investigations at or the Office of Chef of Police with an email about your encounter with this company.
Hopefully if we all band together we can do something about this! The internet is such a useful tool if we all would just utilize it, and then at least we can get some satisfaction out of all this. I also bet that they are in our country illegal, so that would put alot of illegal immigrants back where they belong!

Taking Action

mary brannon
Nov 21, 2008 7:09 pm EST is in the process of ripping me off good. Ordered "30 day free trial-pay shipping cost of $5.95 only". The invoice with the bottle had no info on it. they've put a pending charge on my acct for $88.62 on the 12th day. i've tried reaching customer service from 7am-4:15pm cst. all calls but all gave a recording that the call cannot go through. except once. i was on hold for 30 min. with music playing. twice a recording saying all reps busy, will be with me asap. in exactly 30 min. i was disconnected! tried to call right back & got the same old "call cannot go through". if the charge goes through, the bank is doing some affadavit & i'm going to the attorney general

migdalia longo
Nov 23, 2008 10:52 am EST

I have called to cancel the auto pay which has been taken out of my credit card account every month without letting me know I called in for stop payment the product is not working for me. I called I get and auto responds to go on website and key in www. gohelp I cancel the service to stop charging my credit card. I enter the information on Oct 7 to stop Nov 7 there was other charge on my credit card again. And I have not recieved any more products I should have not been charge...This is a legal compaint. Needed to stop charging my account.

Debbie cross
Nov 23, 2008 4:17 pm EST

I have ordered acai burn today and also didnt realise that ther will be monthly charges to my account! i want this to stop immediatly! i only wanted to try free product for a small fee not sign up for direct debits to come out of my account!

Sharon E Seager
Nov 23, 2008 5:38 pm EST

the exact same thing is happening to me, and others as I read all the complaints...they are now in the posotion of being closed down as I and hope others will continue to lambast the Attorney General and especially Oprah Winphrey

maria luisa
Nov 23, 2008 6:42 pm EST

they offered me a "FREE TRIAL" take note "FREE" and they stated that i only have to pay $1.00 for the acai pure and $4.95 for the acai slim. then after a week they charged me $79 and $89 dollars withOUT my Authorization! this is a scam! i do not want their monthly offer! I JUST WANT the "FREE TRIAL!" i called the numbers for custumer support but no one answered, i emailed them but still no response! I want to cancel my subscription for acai pure and acai slim..they charged me without my authorization!

Nov 26, 2008 8:16 am EST

I for 1 NEVER received my 14 day free trial and was charged the shipping fees. I tried for DAYS to contact this company to inform them that I did not receive my trial and wanted to go ahead and cancel before I was charged for a full month of something I had not tried yet. I tried 4 times to email and emails would not go thru, I tried 5 different phone numbers and could not get to anyone, there was no way for me to cancel and I do believe this company makes it virtually impossible to contact them so cancellations cannot be made and a lot of people will just stop trying. I didnt stop, I contacted my back and was going to file a claim against this company and much to my surprise, my bank had a new phone number and asked me to call them and try to settle this before filing the claim. Its funny how this company can have a web site and have inaccurate email addresses that dont accept emails, even the cancel email address didnt work. I think this is a bit more than just claming not to be perfect.
Anyway, I did call the number that my bank gave to me and here it is, [protected], now I was on hold for about 30 minutes, but I was told I would get a full refund, so Im watching my account to see when that happens. Good luck to all that ran into the same issues I did and I hope we all have learned a good financial lession.

Nov 26, 2008 12:55 pm EST

This people are the devil.. I was stupid and ordered the free trial as well... Needless to say, my credit card was charged the full amount and not the 5.99.. I had to cancel my credit card and get another one issued.. I think someone should call action 9 (lol.. thats a local news complaint source in the area I live).. Not only did they rip me off but I have not even recieved my pills yet.. it has been 2 weeks.. they said 3-4 days. And yes, when you call you get no one. The first time I called they said "we apologize for your estimated wait time of 63 minutes.. HELLO.. I cant belive I was SO stupid... Im mad at myself and the people in charge of this scam.. I hope the government rips them a new one.. Somebody needs to pull jail time and maybe someone in prison will really "rip them a new one".. I'm normally not a hateful person but dang, with times like they are now, well; it brings out the worst in people when they get scammed. Im so scared now that I hate to even add my email to this complaint forum

Nov 26, 2008 3:35 pm EST


Nov 26, 2008 3:36 pm EST

Oh, and what a surprise, when I go onto it says my email address doesn't exist!

Nov 26, 2008 5:32 pm EST

I ordered a FREE trial bottle of acai and was charged $5.95 for shipping and handling on my credit card. That was fine with me because I read that that would happen. That was a couple of weeks ago and I have yet to receive my acai. I was checking my credit card balance today and they have charged $79.95 for a product that was supposed to be free. I was livid. I tried calling the fx suppliments and got a busy signal. There wasn't any way that I could even e-mail them. Called the credit card company and they are in the process of taking it off. I was told that they could not block it. I even e-mailed farmer's almanac and told them about the scam and received an immediate thank you for letting them know about it. I think that's the way we need to fight it. E-mail the sites where we saw it and let them know that it is a scam.

Nov 27, 2008 6:58 am EST

Yeah well its not a nice way to be taught a lesson thats for sure.. i was caught the same way, though i live in australia so a bit harder for me to get my money back and they have taken $138 off me.. same deal ordered it on the 3rd nov and got it on the 23rd they only shipped it on the 13th.. there rediculous and from what i have read about them they have done it to a lot of people.. next time i will research companies first before ever buying off the net again..

David Kerns
Nov 27, 2008 7:54 am EST

I have tried on many occasions to get in touch with someone from this company, I never could nor could I log on to their web site for cancellation.
A terrible experience with a rip off type scam, I'LL tell everyone never to purchase anything from this company, should put them all in jail.

Nov 27, 2008 12:39 pm EST

Paid for 14 day free trial of Extreme Acai Berry. Have discovered it is continual payment of $89.31 every 31 days. Have tried to cancel and although I got through to them they say, they have no record of my details.

I wish to cancel all communications with them.

Jacqui Wilson
Nov 27, 2008 10:38 pm EST

I too got scammed check out my website:

I didn't receive any product and my credit card was still charged...

Nov 28, 2008 12:14 pm EST

Wrote my complaint about Extreme Acai Berry yesterday. Have spent the day talking to my credit card company. The only way to sort this lot out is so make sure you have sent a cancellation letter to them before the 14 day period is up. I was given a number to call [protected] and tonight I have successfully cancelled this ongoing charge. I have also sent a cancellation letter to them so hopefully Fulfillment are honest enough to have cancelled. New credit cards in the UK are not the solution because you have actually agreed to a contract and money will still be taken out of your account.

Kimberly Meehan
Nov 28, 2008 12:21 pm EST

I tried calling soooo many times, I can NEVER get someone to answer, I DO NOT WANT this product this is the second time you charged my Debit Visa card. I am sending this back. I want this company to credit my card. This product DOES not work.

Nov 28, 2008 11:06 pm EST

SCAM! *** SCAM! ***SCAM!
Infuriated by this fraudulent company. I fell for the deceiving advertisement, “FREE trial offer” online and paid 3.95 shipping/handling. A few weeks after that, I was charged 89.31, and received 2 more bottles that I didn’t even want. I wasn't even given a choice if I wanted this, they just billed my credit card. I was completely victimized by this company, along with hundreds, maybe thousand of other people. My checking account actually bounced from their charge, creating overdraft fees from my bank. Couldn’t get a hold of this misleading company, but when I finally did, they were rude, inpatient, and refused to help me, told me to read the “fine print” then hung up. I was appalled. THEY WILL BE REPORTED. WE WILL GET OUR MONEY BACK! TAKE A COUPLE MIN TO VOICE YOUR OPINION. WE WERE SCAMMED AND DESERVE OUR MONEY BACK! EXTREME ACAI BERRY IS AN EXTREME RIP-OFF!

1 [protected] and
1 [protected] and
1 [protected]
There is no e-mail !
Write and cancel to:
Acai Berry
4650 SW 51st st, Bay 711
Davie FL 33314

Kathy Johnson
Nov 29, 2008 10:45 am EST

I tried a bottle of Acai berry for a 5.95 shipping and handling charge ONLY. There was nothing about an automatic refill order. I have the paper that says product was free. My account was charged $90 plus for something I did not order. I have tried to contact them but no one will answer the phone-in fact they disconnect right away. My order # 356559 and my customer #863077. I want my money refunded into my account. They stole from me! Kathy Johnson

Nov 29, 2008 12:41 pm EST

On October 13, I was surfing online and found an ad about Extreme Acai Berry tablets, which had great reviews according to the website. I did read the fine print, and I scoured the web for negative reports, but I did not find any. So, I decided to give them a try.

The trial period was for 14 days, which I reasoned was a good amount of time considering that there is shipping and handling involved. I went ahead and placed the order.

However, I didn't receive the product until day 11, which only gave me three days to try the product. That should have been my first sign to call and cancel, but since my work hours varied that weekend, I didn't get a chance to call until Monday (10/27), the 14th day of the trial.

So, I called early Monday morning, but the waiting time was too long. Then, at my lunch/break time, I called again. Guess what? No answer! So, I decided to call the second number listed on the fine print. Besides telling me that they had no account for me, they also told me that Extreme Acai Berry had another number that I could call.

So I called that number, and nothing. A message comes through my wireless provider that the number cannot be completed as dialed. I kept trying many, many times throughout the day, but I still did not get through.

On Tuesday, I tried again, and I finally got through. By that time, they had already posted the charge to my account. I tried to explain this to the customer service representative (CSR), but all she kept saying was that the agreement was that they would take the payment after the 14th day of the trial. Exasperated, I asked to speak with a supervisor. The CSR said there was no one else to speak to. I then asked for their physical address, making a decision to post my experience to this report.

I firmly believe that I could not get through to their customer service department because they wanted me to go through the trial without canceling in order to get their money. This is fraudulent, and they should be put out of business!a

Nov 29, 2008 1:34 pm EST

I find it hard to believe that you did not read this in the terms and agreement and you did not provide the url or other identifying information about the company.

Make a complaint with your credit card company and call the BBB

Dec 01, 2008 9:22 am EST

i was charge 29.95 from this company. i have not ordered from them. this is a scam. if i had not looked at my charges on line i would had paid it.

Dec 01, 2008 2:42 pm EST

please do not charge my card for any more of this being that I am not satisfied with the results and do not wish to get any more.

Tracy Williams

Dec 01, 2008 4:20 pm EST

Call them and complain. The scam is that they charge your account within days of you ordering the trial offer. The documentation states that you have 14 days to try the product but they don't send the product until after the 14 days are up. They will be familiar with your frustration. Be prepared to hang on the line for quite a while. Now be ready because you most likely will begin receiving charges from Fit Factory at 29.95 per month. This was in small print on the order page that you will receive a free 7 day trial followed by a monthly charge of 29.95 if you don't cancel within the 7 days.

Call [protected] and complain. Demand that they refund your money and remove your name from their accounts. Document the person you talked with, the date and time; also document the confirmation number they will give you when they refund your account.

Both companies will refund your money if you can get through to a person.

Dec 01, 2008 8:30 pm EST

I too signed up for the free trial. They charged me 3.95 but then I noticed a charge on my account for 29.95. Apparently, when you sign up for the free trial, they sign you up for fit factory. I was able to cancel both the acai berry and the fit factory but now I found another charge on my account that is also related to Acai Berry since it has the same [protected] number. I wonder how many other charges I am going to get. At this point I think the best thing to do is cancel the credit card.

Dec 02, 2008 12:52 pm EST

I ordered Acia Berry on 10/14/08. I read the fine print, but apparently not good enough. I NEVER saw where it stated something about Price Limbo. Anyways, I was able to cancel my order with Acia Berry within the 14 days (it took me about the 14 days to get a hold of a customer service rep)...I checked my bank account today, and I have a charge of $8.51. I called the number my bank gave me [protected] for Price Limbo, they are taking calls from 6am to 9pm Monday-Friday mountain standard time and 8am to 5pm on Saturday's. They also say the best time to reach them is from 6pm to 9pm Monday-Friday. Anyways, I read what was said about signing up and cancelling your account with Price Limbo, my next question do you get them to not charge you the $8.51 anymore?

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    650 Manhattan Ave., Brooklyn, New York, 11222, United States
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