I have used 800 notes and to a lesser extent, whocallsme for several years since I get about 10-15 telemarketing calls PER DAY. I've tried everything - call blockers switching numbers (which was expensive and didn't help) and one of the tools I use to help find out who is harassing me - AND to help spread info - is the 800notes site. Over the past couple years I have found their moderators to be horrible bullies. They make posters feel bad about the posts and cut into many threads and remove posts that - more likely than not - do have some useful information in them. The bully moderators make the posters feel demeaned and by removing posts that they deem "in violation" of their precious rules or TOS, they actually make sure nobody wants to ever post on that site again. If 800notes and whocallsme were ever to disappear, it would be a tremendous win! There are many many other sites on which to post good information.
Desired outcome: For their moderators to quit or stop bullying
I know! Thanks. I’ve had my postings removed