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Vatterott College / Vatterott Educational Centers review: Poor education, companies will not hire graduates 86

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12:00 am EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I graduated from Vatterott College's Computer Systems & Network Technology Associates Degree Program about 6 months ago. Vatterott DID NOT live up to their promises. Their promotional literature stated that the classes would cover setting up and deploying a network (OOPS); it didn't. We didn't set up even one server. The enrollment counselor said the material taught was advanced and highly technical; it wasn't. I was told the instructors were experienced in the fields that they taught; they weren't. The student handbook said that each ten week course would consist of at least 60 hours of lecture time; they didn't. In fact most classes included less than 25 hours of lecture time. The instructors basically just gave assignments right out of the book and told us to read the chapter and do the review questions at the end of the chapter, while the instructors would sit there and browse the internet and talk about their day. I'm sorry, but I could have just bought the books and got the same education as everyone else. I was the only one in my class who took the CCNA exam, which I didn't even come close to passing, because the book was outdated and the practice software that was given to us, which I studied for over 2 months and passed every practice exam with a 98% or higher was no help at all. I guarantee no one else even took the exam after they saw my results and saw how hard I tried. I was also assured a job in the computer/networking field, but now the only thing that they can offer me is telemarketing or over the phone sales jobs which I could have done without the education. I would never even think of doing telemarketing, it's just not me. I would not want to spend my day dealing with people hanging up on me or cursing me out. I basically wasted $34,000 to be a telemarketer and their excuse is "you have to start somewhere", and they also keep pushing these mock interviews on me. I took 90 weeks of so-called Gen. Ed. classes which was all about making resumes and interviewing. I keep telling them that I have applied to every computer shop and computer related company in town yet I can't even get an interview so it's not my interview skills and I was even told by their Career Services that my resume was perfect. I don't think the companies around here even hire Vatterott graduates unless they were previously employed in the field. I can't even get a job at the local Dollar General or Carsons Nurseries due to my education. After 6 months I still have no job and I have to start paying my student loans by next month. For $34,000 this is all they can do for me? I feel completely ripped off. I am even thinking of restarting my education with a more reputable institution such as OTC or SMS. But the problem with that is that no colleges will accept Vatterott's quarter credit hours, so I would have to redo my entire education if I went that route. The bottom line is that Vatterott College cost twenty times more than the community college, and it wasn't even worth the time I spent in the program.

Update by Eugene Szumlas
Jul 31, 2007 10:28 pm EDT

_________This is an update to the above complaint.__________

I finally got a job at Cartridge World as a Refill Tech. This is still not computer related, but it pays good. I could have still got this job without the schooling and I also graduated on 2/7/07 and I got the job on 7/31/07, so it took 6 months to actually find a place that would hire me, so please think about these things before considering going to Vatterott College.

Update by Eugene Szumlas
Nov 17, 2008 11:11 am EST

I still have not found a job in the field. It's been almost 3 years now. I've been doing Maintenance at a local hotel for $7.50 an hour. I've basically forgot everything I learned by now. These A-holes really screwed me. I've been getting deferments one after another because I can't pay off these loans. Ever!

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Rogersville, US
May 04, 2010 10:17 am EDT

Totally agre with all of you. Vatterott is a big joke i was three weeks shy of graduating and vaterott and they have all of my credit screwed up and wont let me graduate The instructors are not prepared and in some cases don't know what they are even teaching. I think for the money we paid the school could find a beter quality of teachers

Saint Louis, US
May 25, 2010 2:18 pm EDT

It's to my knowledge when I was at a Vatterott campus in 2008 that they lowered they're standards to the point that you could pass with a grade as low as a "D" yeah that made feel really great to go to a school like that. Im sure employers wont find that out right? They probably did and I guess they wont hire many Vatterott graduates in fear that they are getting someone who does not know what they are doing. And to think I actually thought about going back to that place. I'll stick with sales. Maybe I'll just keep PC repair as a hobby and a side income on occassional purposes.

Quincy, US
Jun 09, 2010 2:27 pm EDT

First off I would like to say I used to teach the Computer Tech course for one of Vatterott's campuses but before that I went through the program myself and graduated several years earlier. In the area I'm from the job market for IT was tough to begin with but then after Vatterott and the other institutions in the area including community colleges and major universities flooded the job market with all sorts of people willing to work in the IT field. This created a problem for me and everyone else who didn't already have a job in this field. Unfortunately after I graduated I reluctantly accepted a position making only $9 an hour! I was mad because I thought the education I paid for should be worth more than that. I hung in there because despite the average pay I really did enjoy what I did. The problem with Vatterott and especially the IT field is that many employers want some sort of schooling but also experience. It was the experience in the field Vatterott could not give me- no one could. After a very short time I accepted another position making $14 an hour then soon after $18 an hour. Eight years later I make close to 75k, live comfortably and travel internationally for work. Every time I would get more real world experience it would open new possibilities for me. As for my instructors I was lucky- they actually cared. I work with people every day both in IT and outside of IT who care what they do at work and don't care what they do at work. Unfortunately it sounds like there are some poor instructors out there and I know exactly what you're talking about - I used to work with some. But you have to remember just as with any school or institution some teachers will care and some will not. If you're one of the unlucky ones who have a problem with their instructor I would recommend taking care of it before you are half way through the course and stuck with the entire bill. If you already went through the course I would highly recommend certifications. These really really do help you stand out a lot.

Webb City, US
Jun 21, 2010 3:21 pm EDT

I also went to Joplin MO and it is a joke. I agree with everybody on here they are a rip off and I wish I new this before i enrolled i went for the 90 week MOA program Medical Office Assistant and i have to pay over 26, 000 because i did not qualify for financial aid. I tell everybody i know to not go to that school it is a SCAM!

Omaha, US
Aug 19, 2010 9:51 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

thank you for your warnings i was planning on going here after my first choice siad they only offer the program in the fall... after these comments i would be better off working at mcdonalds for four years... sorry for all the losses and time that has been wasted i know that will be hard to come back from... good luck on all the misfortunes and thank you for your words! have a good day i hope things will turn up soon for you!

Oklahoma City, US
Aug 24, 2010 11:45 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Went to Vatterott OKC over 8 years ago and I hate everyday I wake up and that commercial for them. They have ruined my life by not giving me the education I have to pay for. I graduated with a diploma, because at least by that point I was smart enough to back out of paying a ridiculous amount more for the Associates classes. Still I owe 8, 000 in student loans for something that was supposed to only cost half that amount. They did all paper work when it came for all expenses and thats were I was stupid. I never got a job in my field which was computer programming and never was able to continue education after Vatterott because if what I already owe and just the anger. I hate Vatterott with a passion for taking away from my life and wasting my time!

Victim of Vatterott
Sep 07, 2010 5:04 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

To anyone going to the Kansas City Vatterott be warned. The Electrical Director has never done an ounce of actual real world electrical work. She graduated from the school and basically became the director. The staff pretty much hate their job and tell it to the students. They worry about retention of the students but you will see faculty come and go along with the director. I am not kidding they have people quit teaching pretty damn quick. They preach the NCCER stuff which is pretty much the exact same thing you would get in an ACTUAL apprenticeship through an outfit (whether it be plumbing, hvac/r, electrical...and so on). Their program is a joke and completely outdated as far as lab. They will tell you a ton of lies of you will get a job make a ton of money when you will be entry level and be lucky to make 15.00 an hour. Their advisory board consists of shoddy contactors and suppliers. The entire "school" and education is a joke. They do not set you up for trade certification or to excel in your craft. You would be better to go to an actual apprenticeship or to a community college. At least with an apprenticeship you do not pay for it and a cc it is literally 1/2 to 3/4 cheaper and better. As far as jobs seeing vatterott on a resume and not hiring. It is semi true. Only the jobs wanting to pay 10 bucks an hour will hire...not kidding.

Nov 16, 2010 7:17 pm EST

Graduated from Vatterott in Wichita kS. with a gpa of 4.9. The first question I experienced from job interviews was Vatterot Who?

At the time, they boasted about being the only accredited school for computer technologies in the city. They gave a great story about the materials, instructors, and job placement which I fell for.. Fact is, It was all a lie.

We had several instructors come and go, none of witch had any certification in the computer field let alone for teaching. It was as if we were placed in an episode of Springer with inter office disputes spilling out to the students. Not a professional atmosphere at all!

We as students were promised a hands on learning environment but the school seemed to have a hard time providing materials to work with. In some cases, we had to bring in our own materials like operating systems and microsoft office and If no one had it at home, we simply studied the book and went without the hands on portion, "this really hurt went it came to server configuration and maintenance "!

We would often bring up our concerns to the dean of the school and were told that the school would make things right. We were told this up until the day of the final exit exams and once the test were taken. The entire class requested a meeting with the dean to see what was going to be done to correct the issues we all had. His response was "ABOUT WHAT?"

I later I found out that some of the students threated to hire legal council and received a deduction on the price of tuition but this was not offered to every student affected by the worthless education received.

This is the truncated version of my experience at Vatterott. I have talked to several other people that attended the school and as far as computer technologies is concerned, the story remains the same.

Biggest mistake of my life!

St. Louis, US
Dec 07, 2010 7:52 pm EST

I was a student at the Fenton, MO. campus. I was going for computer tech. In the beginning everything seemed okay, but after talking to other people already working in the field, I realized that they were teaching obsolete information. Also I don't think we spent enough time on any particular information. We would talk about something Monday and Tuesday, have a lab for it on Wednesday, and test on it on Thursday. Then we would never discuss or practice that part ever again. The tests were always multiple guess and true false. With everything from the week still fresh in you head, if you didn't study at all you could still make 100% even when they weren't letting you use the book or your notes during the test. When the couselor tried to upsell me to the associates degree I confided in her that I felt I didn't know anything even though I was on the honor roll. She just told me I needed more time and railroaded me into a longer contract with the school. Also the school supposedly gave us vouchers to take the certification test (and you can't get a job without the certification), but when I called to set up the test date the testing place never heard of any vouchers and said that there were no such thing. When I talked to my teacher about this, he gave me a "code" that was supposed to let the voucher work. When I talked to the testing place again they practically laughed about it. I went to the schools office and said I wanted a refund for the voucher, hoping to get it in cash (since it was attached to my student loan) so that I could still take the certification test. They would only reimburse it to my loan so that I couldn't take the certification anyway. I did not have $750 to take the test since my husband was out of work. However, I bought a current study book about the test from the bookstore and realized that I would have never passed the test anyway because the information I had learned at Vatterott was sorely outdated. I also have to complain about their so called job placement help. The only jobs they ever offered us were crappy telemarketing jobs that made considerably less than what I was making at the fast food resteraunt I was working for, and had horrible hours that would create a strain on the life of my then 7 yr. old son.

Saint Louis, US
Jan 03, 2011 1:59 pm EST

I graduated from the Missouri (Saint Ann Campus) school in 2004. I finished my Associates in Applied Electrical Mechanics out at the Sunset Hills Campus. I was lucky that I got a job in the field and the things I learned helped, but don't waste your money. Of the people I went through school with, I am the only one still working in my chosen profession and one of the few to even get a job. It wasn't a total waste for me, but for many it was. Save yourself the heartache and the $$$$. Go to a reputable college, which will be one that does not feel the need to advertise all over town. And don't study subjects like computer science in the same school they train hairdressers in. (No offense to hairdressers - honest.)

Dallas, US
Feb 28, 2011 3:47 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The enrollment counselor said the material taught was advanced and highly technical; it wasn't. I was told the instructors were experienced in the fields that they taught; they weren't. The student handbook said that each ten week course would consist of at least 60 hours of lecture time; they didn't. In fact most classes included less than 25 hours of lecture time. The instructors basically just gave assignments right out of the book and told us to read the chapter and do the review questions at the end of the chapter, while the instructors would sit there and browse the internet and talk about their day. Also they told me that my credits are transferable, but they are not. I ask employers about Vatterott they respond " who i never heard of that education center before".

Dallas, US
Feb 28, 2011 4:12 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I shamin L maddox whom feels that because of the lack of education that was provide was poor, which cause me to not be able to hold a job in the market place.

Abbey Gail
Kansas City, US
Aug 04, 2011 8:00 am EDT

totally agree... it's been a total waste of time and money... I attend the KC, Mo. campus... I would like to start a class action suit against Vatterott and need others like yourselfs to join against this hoax of a school.

Tulsa, US
Aug 12, 2011 3:34 am EDT

I am in the CT program at Vatterott College - Tulsa, OK and what I am seeing described here is NOTHING like I am experiencing. We spend at least 50% of our class time on either lecture or hands on. Our instructors are well informed and have several years experience in the field. And the technology is all up to date, as well as the study material.
Maybe if you al had actually showed up for class, paid atention and did the work you would have gotten more out of it!

st. louis, US
Aug 16, 2011 2:49 am EDT

I agree with a lot of the complaints with Vatterott. The St. Ann, Missouri location was pretty bad. I took up Medical Office Assistant and had one teacher that used to go to sleep in class. I was a great student with perfect attendance but could never get an interview after leaving there. I'm still having bad luck with finding a job since 2005.

feeling screwed by vatterott
st louis, US
Aug 30, 2011 10:26 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am a current Vatterott North Park Computer Technology Student. I just signed up for my AOS today. I am feeling rather ripped off as well. I would also like to speak to an attorney.

Apr 25, 2012 3:59 am EDT

I graduated from Vatterott in 2002 and attended the OKC campus. I received my Associates of Occupational Studies in Computer Systems and Network Technology. I had a good experience there and learned a lot. We had some instructors that were better than others, but all in all they did a good job. I was not your typical student, however, I took every book they gave me and read them from cover to cover and even read some books several times, but they also had good labs/hands on training that was very useful also, especially in the advanced phase. I went there to learn and was not going to let anything stop me from learning as much as I could while I was there. If there was any downtime I was reading books or getting some extra lab work done. I was not going to waste my money by surfing the web if I got caught up with my work that was assigned to me. That is what it takes if you want to really do well in this field. I was able to get my A+, Network+, MCP, and MCSA+Messaging, while I was there and I used mostly the material they provided to get those certs. I ended up getting my CCNA, CCDA, MCSE, after graduating and I have to say that a lot of the things I learned at Vatterott helped me on those certs too. I know it was quite some time ago when I went to school there, but I felt like I should say someting as I know a lot of negativity comes from peoples frustrations from not finding a job in this field. I don’t think they would of changed that much since I went to school there, but I guess it’s possible. It did take a about 4 to 5 months for me to find an IT job after graduating, but you just have to keep trying. Never give up, take responsibility, and don't blame others if you’re just mad because you can't find a job. Also don’t be afraid to start out in a helpdesk or phone support role. I started out in a helpdesk position back in 02 and I'm now a Sr. Network Engineer in OKC and I’m doing pretty well now. I look back on my Vatterott College experience as a very challenging, yet enjoyable time in my life.

Joplin, US
Jun 19, 2012 10:06 pm EDT

I'm working on suing the school. My step mother did 3+ years with two degrees that she can do nothing with and thank the lord above I got out before I went too far into debt with this school. If anyone would like to join to add them together please contact me by e-mail.

Garfield, US
Jun 20, 2012 2:18 am EDT

Yeah i mean i loved the instructor for the first part but like it was to basic smoothingg so basic my grandfather taught me but in all i found out i learn more on my own then wit school i got out early enough an went an toOK my A+ an passed it yet still wit half the experience an that i was told there not loOKing for armature computer skills they wont people with new tech knowwledge i totally agree... i just don't know how to go about getting out of paying them back the couple thousands i already owe in loans like it been well over 6 months now an i have a OK job pays good but I'm cutting up turkeys all day smoothing i did not want to be doing but other then that over 6 months an haven't paid a dI'me back to them

Merriam, US
Jul 31, 2012 2:57 pm EDT

My employer had my colleague and I hire 3 welders. We have hired 2 guys from Vatterott's Welding Technology program in Kansas City. They have been very good employees. Both guys work for us full-time during the day and attend night school at Vatterott (no easy task). My colleague and I are also serving on the Advisory Board for their welding program (PAC). They have asked for our input and have followed it too. We also hired a guy from a local community college who has also been a very good employee. Part of our success with Vatterott's students is we have asked the Program Director for recommendations and have "trusted our guts" when hiring. I think that Vatterott's Welding program in Kansas City, be it pricey $, is as good as any CC's program. It depends entirely on the instructors and the students desire to leran + practical cirriculums.

Kearney, US
Jun 25, 2013 2:37 pm EDT

I'm currently enrolled at Vatterott, Kansas City in the electrical mechanic class. I've just finished phase 1 and I'm having second thoughts on returning for phase 2. All of things people are saying seem pretty spot on so far as in how this school is a complete waist of money and time. I really wish there was a few positive comments on this board. If I drop out after phase 1 is that ask I would have to pay for? Advice please!

Tarron Harris
Apr 14, 2014 8:07 am EDT

I truly agree about Vatterott not providing quality education to there students.I attend Vatterott in 06 in its electrical program in Memphis. We were promise to get an electrical diploma witch we did, then we were promise to receive associate degree in that fields didnt happen. While attending Vatterott we were told that the associate program was cancelled.Still we were told they will help find jobs for its student, check the job board for jobs posting, only jobs were mainly shown was for fast food cooks.Now I owe $21, 000 for an education I didnt receive. Our instructor only talk about and showed us his vaction slide.I strongly not recommend anyone to attend Vatterott here in Memphis.

ofallon, US
Apr 16, 2014 5:50 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

They suck. I went one phase and one week of the second phase. My dad has terminal cancer and I went to see him in Colorado. I tried to take a leave of absents and the director or education keep telling me they had tutoring and could help me catch up. what a joke, mid terms the following week, I work full-time. I barley had time to do homework, let alone get tutoring. They like to pass people just to pass them. They are money hungry. Some people passed medical assisting and didn't even know how to take a proper blood pressure. I'm pissed that the director of education is charging me a full semester and I only went to class for five days. I can't even get a leave of absents. I really want to sue them. Not only that, but I had a appointment with her, and instead of taking me into her office, she confronted me at the front desk in front of everyone. Had them pull my file, and say NOPE. No leave of absents for you, you'll just have to pay a full phase! So if there is a class actions lawsuit you can sign me up!

lincoln, US
May 26, 2014 1:03 pm EDT

i graduated in 2005, i still never got a job in my field. i also had ruckman and she treated me like trash because i have a learning disability and tried to flunk me. i regret going to that school because im now working as a housekeeper to pay my bills. please do not go there!

Disgruntled Vatterott Student
Moore, US
Nov 10, 2014 9:31 am EST

I attend the Oklahoma City Campus. I have been here for 5 phases now. What I don't understand is that I am prior military, and I receive benefits from the VA. I told the Admissions lady that, and she went ahead and put me down as a regular student. The phase certification process is ridiculous. I depend on my BAH from the VA and my stipend checks every 3 months in order to keep living. Why do they need to wait 2 weeks after the phase has already started before certifying you? I have been here for 5 phases, don't you think that if I was going to drop out that I would have done it after the first phase of being financially raped? Does anyone else have this problem?

john 1982
Arnold, US
Jan 19, 2015 12:07 pm EST

I am a current student at vatterott sunset hills for building maintenance mechanic. I am filing a law suit for poor education and dropping my loan for missing 8 days and they claim to be 22 days. They count fri sat and sun as school days. Ive been without a teacher for longer and have been a 4.0 student. They have lied to me and every one else. If anyone wants to join me contact me at and we will set it up i will be hiring martin meyers to represent me and anyone else who would like to get the info out about this school. They need to be closed down. Check out the case of jennifer kerr vs vatterott. Everyone that has been ripped off by this school or has thought about attending should look into this. Please contact if you are interested in a class action lawsuit. Sincerely john smith

Memphis, US
Feb 02, 2015 12:14 am EST

I agree. I just finished medical assistant w/office managment At memphis campus. I was told the day i got my graduation packet that i owe the school 7500dollars. Yes american dollars. I ask them why wasnt i inform before i kept getting into deeper debt. No one had an answer. So now i can't sign up for the certification test or recieve my degree. This place is full of dog ccrap. Run from this place. They will tell your personal business to other students. Run run run...

Liberty, US
Feb 21, 2015 12:38 pm EST

Is there any help out there to fight this TRADES SCHOOL? My son owes almost $30, 000 only to find out he could have joined a union they would have trained him for free while working with a few other stipulations, no payment of $30, 000. Frustrating since they went off his parents income and we did not give permission for them to do so! Let me know if there is help out there for my son that graduated this trade school and they will not give him his diploma since he still has a student loan! VATTEROTT IS ONE BIG RIP OFF SCAMMING PEOPLE! Help

Chris Myers 1972
Mar 28, 2017 6:16 pm EDT
Replying to comment of ttucker3

He is lying to you, he did not graduate then, because you get your Diploma at the end of you phases, student loans takes year and years for most to pay off, so them holding his diploma means he didn't meet the programs requirements. FACT! Sorry but he is lying to you. They do not expect loans to be payed in full to get diploma that makes no sense. I know your post is 2 years old and might not matter now but Its incorrect and could influence others in the wrong manner that may be reading this.

Colfax, US
Apr 06, 2015 10:19 am EDT

I am currently a phase 3 student at Vatterott does Moines campus in the dental assisting field and i a not impressed with this school at all.I opted for Vatterott over Indian hills ottumwa because of the drive being closer and graduating you get an associates degree versus just being a certified registered dental assistant.phase 1 our director dropped out and left the following 2 instructors teaching classes, doing extern sites and paperwork, phase 2 our instructor was injured and had to be out due to surgery for 3 weeks, they did not have a sub for her, they had 1 of them instructors just popping in and out of our classes, then when they finally did get an instructor, she spoke with a THICK Russian accent and could not be followed, now in phase 3 they have been very back and forth on their rules, they have instructors not following the syllabus.I have completely had it with this school and the people who work here.I would have gladly gone to another school by now had I had 1 closer that wasn't full and had I already not have to pay back the 31000 I had to borrow in student loans for this program! I feel like I might as well stick it out because at the end of the 70 weeks I still need some kind of decent job.

Chris Myers 1972
Mar 28, 2017 6:04 pm EDT

It does not get you an associates degree its get you a diploma and the you take your RDA test to get Registered pay attention!

Helen Lee
Omaha, US
Jun 01, 2015 9:40 am EDT

I am too a graduate of vatterott in omaha, ne. I graduated in 2007 and has not gained employment. I took the medical administrative assistant program. They ripped me off too, I tried going back to the counselor office and they only helped me to make a resume. They need to be accountable for lack of help. I have loans that need repaying, still no career at all! If you ask me the only people that is profiting from the career is VATTEROTT. So sad but so true. If I could sue and get money back I would, because I sure did not get the education and job opportunity that was advertised. HELP.

Sep 05, 2015 9:41 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I graduated at the St. Charles, MO campus back in 2012 with an Associates Degree in IT (Networking & hardware) & the previous career services guy Charles Moore was an incompetent m*ron. We must have given him dozens of copies of our resumes cuz he'd always lose them & he was always giving us stuff for HVAC or Medical job offers. Still can't find a job, & no one will hire from Vaterrott or ITT Tech, which I'm glad I dropped out of two weeks in for my BA. They're just as bad of a joke.

Kansas City, US
Feb 14, 2016 1:47 pm EST

When are people going to wise up about these private trade schools? They are nothing but cash cows for the owners and stock holders. Students are pawns in a game where they use them to get Federal, State and retraining funds and then teach baloney. The people that run these schools move from company to company, but the racket is always the same of providing minimal education, charging much, much more than a normal state college and in the end taking the loot to the bank. Graduate employment statistics are near always bogus. I swear if they told you you were going to be a brain surgeon they would find you a job sweeping hospital floors and call it work in the medical field. Right now some of the very shysters who operated Vatterott schools in the past are now operating a big online university after having worked with various other private career schools. The pattern is nearly always the same, the education is nearly always lack luster and you almost always get the shaft. Why the states and federal government let this go on for decades is a mystery. People have got to wise up, stop listening to the sales pitch and accept that you only get a decent education by avoiding these wannabe schools and getting into a legitimately accredited state institution. You can either bite the bullet or bite for these private outfits that are just waiting for another putz. In recent years these career schools have popped up everywhere. It is hard to prove they are a scam and the profit they make ought to be a crime. Wise up people these thousands of complaints are not about bad students.

Jun 02, 2016 2:59 pm EDT

I agree I don't know how the government Let It Go they need to do something

Sep 12, 2016 1:56 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Where do I sign for a class action lawsuits

Sep 20, 2016 10:43 am EDT

The school was a waste on my time. I did nkt do the it program. I did the diesel tech. While i was already working in the field i went in to learn more of the why factor or in other word the technical side of it and to better myself. While there i found out that my teachers knew nothing. I should have know it was a joke by the first class when the teacher could not read a paragraph from the book with other making his own words. Now im not perfect either. Then with in the first month i found myself teaching the other people in class due to the teacher not knowing much. It was like that through the whole course.

Feb 25, 2017 11:42 am EST

As an employer, I have found people I interview from Vatterott are not prepared for the workplace. Graduates from the electrical and HVAC classes do not know or understand the basics of either field. The graduates are not even properly prepared for entry level positions such as trade helpers.

My suggestion, go to a community college or a reputable trade school.

Chris Myers 1972
Mar 28, 2017 6:09 pm EDT

Entry level means just that nothing is required you the manager/owner of the company teach them so your statement in invalid, who are you to deem whether a school is worthy or not, your probably a little start up company not a big corporation so this is just your experience and opinion which in my opinion your statement has no validity because your just a one man company and being way too high on your horse!

Chris Myers 1972
Mar 28, 2017 5:59 pm EDT

Well glad there was not one negative post about the Dental Assisting Program because that is what I am in getting readt to enter 3rd phasewhich is the final phase. I personally know a lady that graduated right before me and she is working at a place called Jordan Valley making $14.00 an hour plus good benefits, without her Vatterott education she would not have been eligible for this position. She is a hardworker, great listener, top of her class, and always at school. This is how it's done. Most people complaining are lazy and expect it all to be easy or handed directly to them. Not going to happen. I used to work 3rd shift at Target unloading stock from trucks and 1/3 of the guys working there graduated from a Community College in IT field and could not find work. You have to do research, the Dental Assisting field is going to grown 36% by 2018 so their will be plenty of jobs as I can already see in the town I live in Springfield, MO. Don't blame your lack of effort on the school or you know everyone hates to pay back student loans buts that America so don't go if you don't want to pay any student loans back because no school is FREE anyways! There are some good outcomes stated in these comments if you read all 4 pages you will see, but mostly people complaining that lifes too hard is all I see on the negative one's just my humble opinion. I will be working in a Dental office assisting soon because I will even if I have to take a lower pay at first get a couple years of experience and then move on to bigger/better Dental offices plain and simple. Good luck to all of you that are trying and not blaming the system on your failures you will succeed they won't. For those who have succeeded on here and are happy I am very glad for you, you deserve it for believing in yourself and not giving up. I at this point have nothing negative to say about Vatterott and I am currently a student their. Good Luck Everyone!

Jun 27, 2017 12:46 pm EDT

You talk a good game, but I have to wonder what some meddle age guy is doing with all this self proclaimed expertise, talking people down while settling for entry level work via an overpriced trade3 school.

Victoria Hall
Jul 13, 2017 6:37 pm EDT

I was employed and was let go because I would not over look the dishonesty. I am hoping the state of Oklahoma looks into the schools unethical practices .Forging signature, not paying bills. I have written to the Dept of Ed in Washington. I won't stop until they chain the doors.

Aug 28, 2017 2:59 pm EDT

I graduated from Vatterott College Sunset Hills campus in 2005 with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Computer Tech and Networking. I would have to agree with the poster about the networking classes not being what they were cracked up to be but I do remember Cisco routers there and logging into them and creating ARP tables etc. so there was some hands on experience but we did not setup a network to my knowledge. As far as if I am happy with my education I would have to say yes. At the time the classes were very hands on and I had very knowledgeable instructors. Placement office placed me at Enterprise Rent A Car headquarters in Clayton and I got an internship there paying good money while still in school. They hired me full time after six months. I left Enterprise after about 7 years to take another PC hardware position with Scholastic and couldn't be happier with my career choices and salary. I get paid fairly for an advanced PC support technician and have been here 6 years to date. Vatterott has more than paid for itself and I can afford to pay off the loan but I will have to say it was a higher price tag than going to Meramec and getting an associates degree. Nowadays when you go apply for jobs they look for BS degrees in Computer science and it's getting harder and harder to find a job with just an associates. I would have recommended Vatterott 10 years ago but if I was just starting out today I would go to a state University for my education and pay less for it but go for the BS degree just to be on the safe side. I don't have any certifications other than Linux which I never used and I think employers care more for experience over certs anyway. Looking back I'm fortunate for my experience but to anyone starting out I would go to a state school. I too am wondering why the original poster didn't withdraw and just go to a state school when he was dissatisfied with the program early on.

Michael Hoenig
Oct 29, 2017 1:59 pm EDT

I’m gonna forego my full story but suffice to say that I was given no employment assistance upon graduation from the Pharmacy Tecnhician course at the Omaha “campus” four years ago.

I made President’s or Dean’s List seven out of eight 10-week sessions, and passed the Board exam with a score of 840. I probably could’ve passed the exam without ever taking a single class; most of the questions required little more than good math skills, fewer than half were directly related to different medications or medical treatment.

The so-called Director of the program was also the primary instructor; her teaching skills were horrible, she fawned over the two or three pregnant women and pretty much ignored the rest of us, argued over simple math whenever she was wrong and never accepted the correct answer, was petty to the point of deducting 50% over a difference of •one• keystroke per hour fewer than the previous week’s count (had to meet or beat, each week).

One of my classmates was told, after I had graduated, that I would never get a job as a Pharm Tech. She was right, and I have reason to believe that she directly had something to do with that.

I’m only now looking into tuition forgiveness because I was pretty much forced to exit the full-time workforce and retire onto Social Security.

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