Are city of Longmont homeless are some of the most entitled ready spoiled and consider it messy drug addicts i've ever met my life. They will come into your home and take whatever they want and tell you they don't take anything they will leave their mess what date is it illegal at your house for you to get caught with they have no respect of any property surrounding the house or inside the house they have no idea how to be grateful that somebody even let them stay at their house this particular group band together to pretty much try to drive me crazy or get me to do something irrational or illegal they would wait around for me too see what I was doing or or anything any project I was working on and they would come in and try to steal it i've had several neighbors tell me about them being in my house when i'm not home because my went they know how to get in or they have a key they're just dirty and they need a panda swept-back