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CB Home Decor and Furnishing Review of Terry Jarvis Premium Snow Plowing Service
Terry Jarvis Premium Snow Plowing Service

Terry Jarvis Premium Snow Plowing Service review: Fraud - breach of contract 138

Author of the review
4:21 pm EST
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I hired Terry Jarvis in October 2011 to plow my driveway for the season between 11/1/11 and 5/1/12. We had our first significant snow fall on 1/13/12. My driveway has yet to be plowed. I've had no success contacting the company at the phone number where I initially arranged for the service. The current voicemail greeting is a female claiming to be his wife apologizing for the inconvenience, stating several trucks are broke down: one simply broke down, another has a brake problem and a third with "something else." The voicemail box has been full since 1/13/12 around 5pm. Mr Jarvis received full payment in Oct 2011. Services have yet to be rendered. This appears to be fraud.

Update by adbuffny
Jan 17, 2012 8:04 pm EST

If you have not already done so, I encourage anyone who has been defrauded by this individual/company to submit your complaint to WIVB Channel 4 News. I spoke with a representative from their Call 4 Action Department, as I had emailed them on 1/15, and was advised that they received several complaints and this story may appear on the news by the end of this week. I have printed a form to submit to the Attorney General's office and am meeting with my local police department this evening to see what else can be done.

Update by adbuffny
Jan 20, 2012 1:14 am EST

I have copies of everything and will be dropping it in the mail tomorrow. I will also call to see if I can fax a copy of the "business" card. I also know for certain the Tonawanda Police Department is interested in pursuing the matter. Thank you Doris and Dr. Rosenberg for representing all of us victims. Hopefully the news will continue to cover the story, should there be any updates ;)

Update by adbuffny
Jan 24, 2012 3:51 am EST

Rumor has it she's bunking with Bubba tonight :)

Update by adbuffny
Jan 26, 2012 11:47 pm EST

Anyone who has not yet filed a police report, or contacted him, should follow the advice of Doris and contact:


He is the one handling the case for all of Erie County. The more victims he has, the stronger the case.

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c.l. jones
buffalo, US
Jan 19, 2012 3:36 pm EST
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Three of us will be going in about an hour to the police station. The fourth is working. Thanks Channel 4 and all of you pounding the pavement trying to get info.

Colden, US
Jan 19, 2012 4:34 pm EST
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My name is Ryan Lee and I own WNY Ground Control LLC. If you were scammed by this couple, please contact us at [protected] or through our website at on the contact us page. If you have proof of pre-payment with this scam artist, we may be able to take care of your plowing for the rest of the season at no charge. The only catch is that our pre-paid customers will be serviced first. We can not guarantee a time frame of service, but we can tell you that the big storms will be taken care of. We generally plow at 3 inches. Space will be limited due to that fact that we have a full route. We at WNY Ground Control LLC are very sorry that you have been scammed.

Donations for fuel would be appreciated but are not required!

Notes: When hiring a plow service, never do it over the phone. Meet face to face. Ask for proof of insurance, and look up the company before sending money. It's best to get referrals from friends, family and neighbors who have had services performed by a reliable company.

Buffalo, US
Jan 19, 2012 7:06 pm EST
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Hello everybody...since I had my paperwork filled out and I live near downtown anyway I decided to go down to the Attorney General's Office instead oif mailing it in and WOW it is a good thing...because when they saw I had a copy of the contract the head lady came right out from the back and told me "Thankyou, we have been waiting for somebody to fax us a copy of the contract so that we can get started". So let's all hope for the best. She also told me that since CH 4 had us on last night many more people have called so I am now sure they have enough complaints to open a suit against Terry Jarvis.

c.l. jones
buffalo, US
Jan 19, 2012 8:23 pm EST
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Three of us went down to the AG's ofc and spoke to the agent in charge. There are over 90 people so far who have complained. The police Dept in Buffalo view this as a civil matter and referred us downtown. Probably not necessary to go to the police Dept. Everything can be handled by the AG's ofc. They went through the same thing last year. The AG's ofc has initiated an investigation. We went to the addresses on Cleveland Dr. and I do not think they live there. Hennessey may own those properties but other people live there. The people living there could be relatives. I am glad the Cheek. police know who they are and hopefully have a lead on the criminals. One of my neighbors was just asked to identify the wife and will be going in to talk to the Cheek. police. Everyone let us keep digging.

Buffalo, US
Jan 19, 2012 8:54 pm EST
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Excellent! Glad you are close to the Cheektowaga police because as you noted the Buffalo police are not interested. I have been to 2 stations and they both said they could do nothing.

c.l. jones
buffalo, US
Jan 19, 2012 9:10 pm EST
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WNY Ground Control, thank you for your generous offer.

c.l. jones
buffalo, US
Jan 19, 2012 10:19 pm EST
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Anyone have a card from Terry Jarvis with Premium Snow plowing listed? The director at the AG's office needs that card. One of my neighbors has one but will not be home until late. Anyone going down to the AG's office can take that card with them. She needs it

c.l. jones
buffalo, US
Jan 19, 2012 10:58 pm EST
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You are not going to believe this but my neighbor just had a back and forth with Terry Jarvis asking if we want our driveways plowed. Different phone number. He asked if they had working trucks and if we can depend on them. I want my money back and will give to a legitimate person. We will let you know if they show up. The heat is ONNNNN.

Tonawanda, US
Jan 19, 2012 11:36 pm EST
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There is no Terry Jarvis that is a man. Get his I.D. if this guy shows up.

Buffalo, US
Jan 20, 2012 3:10 am EST
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1/19/2012 9:33 Pm spoke with "terry" she was perturbed that "you're calling me at 9:30 at night during snow season. " Claimed to have drivers out there now. I don't think so.

Buffalo, US
Jan 20, 2012 12:40 pm EST
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adbuffny -when i spoke with "terry" I asked her for a refund, not to plow my driveway. (she does not have a pemit to plow in the city of buffalo and one is required. ) claimed she would send me a refund in a 'in a few weeks'. she was perturbed because "i have all my drivers out there now plowing snow. apparently i interrupted the snow removal process by calling to demand a refund

Buffalo, US
Jan 20, 2012 3:10 pm EST
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You are definately NOT going to believe this! My porch, walkway and driveway were cleared perfectly when I went out with my dog this morning at 5 AM. I assumed the work was done by Rodney Koeppen whom I hired yesterday. i was all set to tell you guys of my luck with Rodney when I read the above listings from some of you that you had soken to "Terry Jarvis" SO I just called the number on the contract...a man answered and said he was Terry Jarvis. I told him who I was and that I wanted my money back because he had not plowed for me. He said "What are you talking are all plowed..I did it at 1AM". I then called and spoke to Rodney who of course said he had done it for me about 11:30 last night. I think Terry Jarvis may be a NUT case. This is insane.But in any case we will still do all we can to get these Jarvis people whoever they are. If any of you still need plowing call me at 885-6941 and I will give you Rodney's number. He is beyond excellent. I guess this is the way it should be huh!

Tonawanda, US
Jan 20, 2012 3:28 pm EST
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Next time you talk to Terry get a real business address. Tell the Cheektowaga police where they are located, so they can arrest both of the Terrys. We need to put a stop to this scam!

Buffalo, US
Jan 20, 2012 3:54 pm EST
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Terry is at the original number right now if you want to call her. I spoke to her again and told her she did NOT plow my driveway...although I was in bed recovering from dental surgery my neighbor told me the new plow Co did my driveway and porch at 11:30 last night. Terry then asked me what I wanted from her and I said I want my money back. She repeated my asddress and said she would prorate it and send money to me. I amm NOT holding my breath waiting.

Tonawanda, US
Jan 20, 2012 4:15 pm EST
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Tell her that you want a refund immediately. She is stalling for more time.

c.l. jones
buffalo, US
Jan 20, 2012 5:17 pm EST
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Just spoke to Terry requesting my money a second time. She will not give an address and states that 1470 Kensington is her business address. I explained to her I need a valid address to put in writing, that I want a refund. She said I would get my money next week and it would be prorated. I told her I should get my 2nd check back and she should deduct from the 1st check the no-show on 1-13-12. I did ask her if she was also known as Tess. This upset her. Why do you need to know that? I need a valid address and valid person in order to do business properly. She hung up on me.

Tonawanda, US
Jan 20, 2012 7:59 pm EST

I think we need to stop contacting terry and everyone should sit tight for a bit. Attorney general is involved along with other investigations. If everyone has submitted their paperwork to AG then why are we contacting terry? There's nothing stopping her from hoping on here and reading what's going on.

Tonawanda, US
Jan 20, 2012 8:06 pm EST
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I called Terry and she told me to hold, I could hear someone in the backround giving an estimate for a Snow Plow contract. The police need to stop these scam artists before they do more harm!

Tonawanda, US
Jan 21, 2012 2:43 pm EST
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My neighbor just had a man stop by and return a portion of his money paid to Terry Jarvis. He said that he called he all night until she decided to pay her this morning. Keep pushing until this women caves!

Jan 21, 2012 3:26 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I just called "Terry Jarvis" and was sent to voice mail. I left a message for my money to be returned. I doubt I will here anything from that person. I am filing a complaint today with the police. I also spoke with TDR plowing and will be hiring him for plow service for rest of the season. He was kind enough to plow for me a couple times before we even met. Hopefully we all may get our monies back from this con artist Jarvis.

Buffalo, US
Jan 21, 2012 7:17 pm EST
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Terry Jarvis, pam Hennessy and associates are very well known to some local police departments for scamming people. They have scammed people before, they will do it again

Tonawanda, US
Jan 21, 2012 8:17 pm EST
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I just got off the phone with the Jarvis people, she said she would drop money off to me tonight! I guess we will see!

Colden, US
Jan 22, 2012 12:24 am EST
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We have taken on about 20 scam victims now. Unfortunately, this is about all we can handle at the moment due to the fact that we are doing these accounts for free. We are trying to buy another plow truck to put on the road, dedicated to the Buffalo/Northtowns area. If we are able to get a truck for that area, we may be able to take another 10-20. We will post if we are able to handle any more customers. Once again, WNY Ground Control is sorry that you were scammed by these individuals and we will do whatever we can to help.

Buffalo, US
Jan 22, 2012 6:56 pm EST
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Wow Western NY ground Control sound like excellent people. I did go ahead and hire Rodney Koeppen and I am very pleaed with his service!

Buffalo, US
Jan 23, 2012 6:43 pm EST

I was able to get the Jarvis to give me half my money back! I told her I would not stop calling until I recieved a refund.

Jan 23, 2012 7:07 pm EST
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Just spoke with Al Vaughters, they will be running another segment tonight on the Jarvis group. Gave him a little more info. watch tonight to see whats new.

c.l. jones
buffalo, US
Jan 23, 2012 7:12 pm EST
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Cash or check? Half would pay the new person for the remainder of the season. Most of us do not have an extra $175.00 to spare. If you did, you still do not want to be ripped off.

Buffalo, US
Jan 23, 2012 7:19 pm EST

I have filed a complaint against Terry Jarvis/Tess & Robert Hennessdy pressing criminal fraud charge and seeking full restitution to Attorney General Office Bureau of Consumer Frauds and Protection.
I suggest we all do the same and hold them responsible for the fraud.
Thank you.

Buffalo, US
Jan 23, 2012 7:28 pm EST
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I agree and I went down to the Attorney General's office to file in person! Let's hope they can do something for us.

Buffalo, US
Jan 23, 2012 11:11 pm EST

If the Attorney General's office will not do anything to make these people pay for their crimes, what else can we do? I was thinking about hiring my own attorney! Or maybe someone should start a fund to help the families that have been affected by this tragedy?

Buffalo, US
Jan 23, 2012 11:33 pm EST

The county DA won't have a hard time proving fraud if enough people have filed legitimate complaints (bank proof, signed contract and request for refund...etc.) especially if the Cheektowaga Police have dealt with this person/fraud ring before.
The service was paid; but not delivered. I hope we will all take actions and be persistent; not just to recover our loss but also to prevent the same thing from happening to others.

c.l. jones
buffalo, US
Jan 23, 2012 11:49 pm EST
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The AG's office just received the case last Thurs. My impression of the agent in charge is that she has every intention of nailing Jarvis. She is gathering evidence and keep in mind, Jarvis and his/her cohorts have used any means necessary to be successful with this scam. Probably no one actually met Jarvis unless the wife is Jarvis. Males and females appear to be involved in this scam, all with the intent of walking away with our money. I am angry. We all need to file with the AG's ofc. It is our best bet. Small Claims you need a real address and more importantly Jarvis needs to have funds to repay all of us. Probably scamming someone else to be in the position to give refunds. I want my money back and if that is not possible, a jail cell with Bubba as his/her cell mate will make me happy.

c.l. jones
buffalo, US
Jan 24, 2012 4:26 am EST
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Is she in custody?

c.l. jones
buffalo, US
Jan 24, 2012 5:06 am EST
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Thank you for the info. Tried to email you but it came back. You are sure?

Jan 24, 2012 3:33 pm EST
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That is exactly right, they are a couple. Terry Jarvis is definitely a women and Pam is her partner. They live on Cleveland drive in cheektowaga, the cheek police know all about them and where they live. hopefully they do have her in custody right now. because our plowing was over $1000 it's a felony they said. They have her on felony charges with intent to fraud or something to that effect. when we hired him/her for the plowing, we knew a terry jarvis, but because it was a guy with a diff address, we didnt think it was her until someone wrote she was with pam. then we knew exactly who she was. dont bother trying to hire an attorney, shes on medicaid probably got nothing except the money she scammed from all of us.

Jan 24, 2012 4:20 pm EST
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Al Vaughters just called our office. watch the news today at noon he said we will be pleasantly surprised. must be something good! then he is coming to interview us again at 1:30

c.l. jones
buffalo, US
Jan 24, 2012 4:36 pm EST
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Everyone, Jarvis is locked up right now! I want pictures. Town of Tonawanda police nabbed her in Cheek.

Buffalo, US
Jan 24, 2012 5:19 pm EST

The Buffalo Police Dept. should be ashamed! I plan to call the Mayor's hotline, I was turned away when I went to the Buffalo Police, they informed me this was a civil matter! I hope other Buffalo residents will do the same.This Police dept. contributes to the plight of Buffalo. I would also like to applaud the Town of Tonawanda Police.

Buffalo, US
Jan 24, 2012 5:30 pm EST
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Yes Ripped off...right you are...I went to the Buffalo police on Hertel and was told by the female cop on duty (with her hand on her hip no less) "Well whadda ya want me to do? Go to small claims court". Two days later I went to the downtown precinct near the theatre district...was told by the female cop on duty "Why are you here?...Go to small claims court". This was even after I told her that the Chhektowaga police were writing it up. didn't she want to look that up? NO ...

Buffalo, US
Jan 24, 2012 5:52 pm EST

I also filled out a complaint on the Buffalo Police web site and no one ever got back to me either. Buffalo Police is truly a big disappointment.