I have insured an AC unit with AHS for 15 years, only to have my claim for replacement denied. The AHS rep said that the unit is "dirty, rusty, and has mold growing on it." The unit is an outdoor unit that is 25 years old. It is dirty and it is rusty, but the mold is growing around the pad that the unit is sitting on, not on the unit itself. The coil is leaking not because the unit is dirty, but because the unit is 25 years old and just worn out.
Please post this complaint so that the public will know that the AHS warranty is not worth the paper is written on.
AHS (American Home Shield) has HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE customer service and contractors. They BOTH are UNROFESSIONAL! One problem with AHS is 1 problem too many, but to have 3 is absolutely rediculous. They should spend the money that is made from us...the consumers, on better warranty coverage, AHS employee professional development and better research on choosing contractors. BOTH AHS and their contractors LACK Skill, Professionalism, and Customer Service. Learn to DO YOUR JOB in an acceptable manor!
I agree AHS does not do a good job, they really are a scam. The contractors are just as bad and unprofessional. I got rid of AHS a long time ago! I am in the real estate industry and make it clear to my clients that AHS is not a good warranty company. I refuse to allow them to effect my clients, therefore I stopped recommending them years ago. I received too much negative feedback from my clients and enough was enough.
I really felt that I was dealing with a professional company until something broke. In June 2008, I contacted AHS because of a water leak. They sent someone out, I paid my $55.00 service charge. A plumber and a leak detector was sent. My contract stated that they would fix and repair, returning property to a rough finish. The results of my rough finish is 1) having expose water lines, 2) a view of the ground from behind the refrigerator and laboratory cabinets 3)the plumber broke faucets and replaced them with faucets that leak (constantly running). Handy Pro is the company that was contracted by AHS to repair the problem. They said they would return after five (5) days. They wanted to make sure that the leak was fixed. We're still waiting! Now, we're waiting on AHS to speak with Handy Pro before something is done. My home has been turned upside down and I'm still waiting. After numerous conversations with AHS, I was offered $100.00 close out. I asked what does that mean? I was told they would give me $100.00 and the job would be closed as in complete. Unbelieveable!
Carol S Bradley
I agree, AHS is worthless. I have AHS home warranty for almost 2 years. They are trying to find a way to not to pay for any repairs but collect $60 fee everytime. Let me give you a good example: Diswasher is not washing properly. We called for service. Answer was, "run hot water in the sink when you turn on your dishwasher" and i paid $60 for this comment. Also my AC wasn't working properly, answer was, "weed cutter damaged the condenser outside so we cannot fix it" where as weed eater did not damage my unit. I am expecting next time saying that, it rained so hard so we cannot replace your unit. I won't be surprised. DO NOT BUY AHS.
Abominable Customer Service! I live in a 3 yr old home that had 2 very small leaks along the water pipes in the crawl space under the home. I called to have it evaluated and fixed, again should be a very simple issue. Contractor arrived, fixed one leak (NOT TWO) and left me with no hot water. After 3 days of trying to get them back out for the original job and to fix whatever they turned off while they were here... I'm still waiting. Meanwhile, my wife and 2 young children below age 3 have not bathed in 3 days and we still have a leak. After finally getting a recall appointment for Saturday morning at 8 am, the contractor decided to cancel the appointment on Friday night. AHS told the contractor they would call me (the home owner) with the cancelation. No communication from either the Plumber or AHS until I finally get a manager on the phone midday Saturday - day 4. I have never been this angry or treated quite this poorly. I have even offered to pay the entire thing out of pocket and still can't manage to get someone out here to evaluate the original issue and fix whatever they broke when they were here the first time. What a sham! A warranty where you call to get one issue fixed and end up with two.