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Grubhub for Drivers Reviews 37

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Grubhub for Drivers Grubhub is no longer worth it

I am very very thankful for Grubhub. In 2018 when they came to my region in the California desert. I was one of the first drivers and they offered $15/hr guarantee. They removed that after about 6 months. Not a big deal, I made more than that. Then they added a feature you have to go and wait at the restaurant parking lot (pandemic) or they drop your order. Well it’s 100-115 degrees everyday of the summer here. That’s completely in humane. After 2 years of full time Grubhub you find the times restaurants will have your food ready. The nice thing about Grubhub is I can see my kid, take out the trash, then head to the restaurant with time to spare. Some places like Taco Bell never have the order ready on time. So if you want to have a high acceptance you have to wait for almost 1 he every $8 Taco Bell order in your car with the ax running for an hour to make $8!?

Ok… I went for it. After doing this for now 3 years I have now looked at my income. I was making $38k in 2019 according to TurboTax, $32k in 2020 and this year it’s looking to be $12k. I am working full time and my income keeps going down. After grubhub merged with Viacom I noticed things went south quick.

After factoring in expenses and income I am averaging $4/hr now vers $21/hr when I first started. So yeah…. I loved Grubhubbing for years but no more. It’s slave labor at this point.

I never had an offer for $4 before this year. My average orders where around $15. Now the average order is around $7! I live in California and that is just Ludicrous.

Even for a part time side gig Grubhub is not worth it!

Shame on Grubhub/Viacom. You guys should be tried in court for using prop 22 to take away our health care money! They keep your money you are supposed to get for healthcare unless you work x amount a week which is impossible to meet even working all day everyday. They only calculate the time from “leaving restaurant” to “arrived” the other 65% you are considered off the clock so they made it literally impossible to meet the hour quota to earn that healthcare they take out of your delivery money and keep it for themselves if you don’t qualify for it. That’s just straight EVIL.

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Grubhub for Drivers Reputation is true- go with Uber eats instead

Grubhub has a bit of a reputation for not caring about or blaming its drivers for a lot of things. Sadly this is completely true. It’s been 5 days and I haven’t went a single hour without having an issue. You cannot drop a block to add a longer block in its place without penalty even if the longer block includes the original time but you also cannot add partial blocks to get the extra time even if it’s available. There is no in app navigation like there is with uber eats. You can drive without scheduling a block and avoid receiving dropped blocks but if you don’t have a block scheduled while you drive then you don’t receive the guaranteed hourly minimum. When driving a block you cannot switch to unavailable at any time or it will count as a dropped block and the reason this is important is because they allow you a 10 minute break every 2 hours but you cannot take the break if you have an active or upcoming order. However, if the orders keep coming in you either have to start rejecting them until you get a free moment which will bring your acceptance rate down which affects whether or not you get the guaranteed hourly minimum or just hope you get a free moment which for me hasnt happened yet and I don’t think it will. Uber eats has a function called pit stop where u can toggle the pause during an active order and it will just take affect immediately after the order is completed so your acceptance rate doesn’t take a hit. Uber eats also has in app navigation, doesn’t have blocks to mess with, they offer perks based on your driver level, which is more fairly calculated, like maintenance discounts, cash back on fuel, roadside assistance, medical, dental, and vision insurance. If you get your level high enough you can even get 100% tuition coverage at ASU Online. Overall, you might make more with Grubhub, until you get railroaded to the point that your rating is so bad you can’t get any offers. You may make a little less than Uber, but if it’s not your main gig then Uber is the way to go. Way more driver friendly. I haven’t used Doordash but I’ve heard its a closer relative to Uber than to Grubhub. Basically anything but Grubhub. That is if they are even “taking drivers in your area.” It took me months to even get to apply with Grubhub.

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Grubhub for Drivers App ruins the experience

This app makes no sense sometimes. I am constantly being given orders far outside my region boundaries. Like no I’m not driving an hour and a half for 10 dollars to the middle of no where! Then I am punished with my acceptance rates and future orders but the app is lying about my boundaries and what it wanted me to agree to in the first place.

Then, when I am in a hotspot and stay there for 15 to 30 minutes, I get nothing . But soon as I am close to home, I start getting orders for that same region. Like how?! I was just there.

Then , driving with this app is stressful. The gps navigation usually covers the Grub hub offers ones, so it’s really easy to miss an offer bc it stays up for like 2 seconds and you have to fumble with your phone (while driving most times) to get to anything.

And then, Grubhub wants you to drive everywhere to far off places for $5 , like the bus wouldn’t even do it for that low of a price. If we are offering a convenience service, people should pay for that because a lot goes into it.

Then, something that is getting to me is that I will get notifications that a restaurant is ready and rarely have they even started an order. Time gas and potential to work other orders wasted. And worse, I’ll get to a neighborhood, deliver, and get a notification from the same restaurant for an order for the same area. They seemed to have finished around the same time so why wasn’t I notified before like HUh?!

And if I am having TECH issues, why does the app think sending an email is the best way to do that . Like there are so many ways this app could be more pain free for drivers. You’re lucky if you don’t have to contact customer service 15-20 times a week. It’s ridiculous.

Everyone should be required to add directions for apartments. I stand by this 100% or they should have to come outside and get their own food. Especially for night orders. Otherwise you waste so much time and get into unsafe conditions walking in the dark searching for one door. And rarely is there reliable parking.

Lastly, I don’t see certain restaurants in the area who would be great for Grubhub like Culver’s, Starbucks, Chick-Fil-A and other places people order from often.

I don’t know whether to stick with this company. The amount I am paying in gas, the wear and tear, and the taxes that I have to put aside, I’m not sure it’s worth it.

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Grubhub for Drivers Demoted program level due to app error

Two weeks ago I was parked in the same spot I always park in every single day waiting for orders, the app hit me up and said it didn’t see that I was there.
I turn the app on, then I turned it off, & I turned it on And then I turned it off again, and then I went back to waiting for orders.
The next notice I got was that I had been marked absent and I would not be getting orders !
I called immediately and said I’ve been sitting here there the entire time waiting for orders they told me i needed to file a case with the driver care. They sent me an email which I was supposed to fill out the problem and then send it back in.

Four days later no one has contacted me no one emailed me and I was at the lowest level possible for drivers.

This meant that I had last opportunity to schedule work
I had earned my way up the ladder, I had been there on time, I did not miss work, I was not late. I work seven days a week for them.
This was a problem caused by the app!
I contacted the helpdesk again :(
Once again I explained everything that had happened and I told them that no one has contacted me & that I could not schedule myself early for work, which meant I missed two days of work because of this problem! I couldn’t get scheduled early and by Saturday the times are booked!
Again, this is totally not my fault

I lost money my! totally not my fault!

I’ve written-to date-six emails to driver care. There has not been one response!

I’ve talk to the helpdesk four times about this. I’ve had two different help desk agents accelerate it. On both occasions, the help desk person assured me that someone would be getting back to me.

To this writing, there has been no response, no correction of my program level.
The saddest thing is that if you are a driver you are expected to perform without failure
However when it comes to anyone assisting you when you are unfairly treated... I’m totally bummed out to say that no one cares!

You are a code and not a human apparently

Grubhub does NOT care about their drivers. Not even hard working and high performing ones.

It’s wrong and makes me not care what happens.

If I find a better earning opportunity I will leave without a thought
They don’t care about me
Grubhub is a sad, horrible, very unprofessional and very Non-corporate with their flip m behavior to drivers

Tsk tsk tsk Grubhub

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Grubhub for Drivers Praying this new update works!

Overall, I like the app. It’s functional and mostly works well. However, after the update 3 days ago, it no longer allows me to take a photo of the receipt. Also, when a restaurant is closed, and I go through the app’s steps, it doesn’t remove the order from my Task List, so I have to call Driver Care for resolution. In addition, when typing comments as to why the restaurant is closed, the text field oftentimes freezes, requiring starting the process over again from scratch. I’m praying today’s update fixes these issues!

Hopeful suggestions:

~It would be fantastic if the app had the option for a “Dark Mode”, as it’s difficult at times to see with the glare of the phone while driving.

~Allow us to see the expected delivery time and the Diner’s special instructions under the Customer’s name immediately after accepting the offer.
Currently, it only allows us to see this information after we’ve pressed “Waiting for Order” at the restaurant. This would help us to notify the Customer and Driver Care more expediently and keep them in the loop. Quite often I receive “late” offers, so my arrival time at the restaurant is about the same time the customer is expecting their food.
With this for “Place and Pay” orders, when calling the restaurant, we’d have all the pertinent information when placing the order. I.E.: they want more white and mustard sauces with their hibachi meal.

~Have a button so we can let GrubHub know the order is actually not ready for pickup and we are still waiting for it to be completed. On the daily, I receive an app notification that the order is ready for pickup, while still waiting sometimes up to 20 minutes for the order to be completed.

~Require us to swipe on the “Got Order” button to confirm after pressing it. I’ve accidentally pressed the button while waiting and I don’t want my Customer or GrubHub to think I’m not being professional.

~Please fix the app issue of our order and/or promotional notifications either not showing, or if they show for seconds then disappear.

~Lastly, please give us a proper visual “pop-up” notifications with sound when we receive new offers! Sometimes, when I’ve got navigation displayed on my iPhone, I’ve missed orders because I received no notifications. My only workaround thus far has been to have the GrubHub app primarily displayed on the home screen.

Thank you for Your time and your talent!

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Grubhub for Drivers Extremely Disappointed

Today is where I finally had it!
I received an order that included a discontinued item.
I tried to reach the customer for a substitution of that item as instructed by the restaurant.
The customer would not respond.
I reached out to the Grubhub Driver Care Team for assistance. While on the phone, it was hard to hear the representative due to extremely loud back ground noise. At times, I could not tell if the representative was still even on the phone because of the loud staticky noise. It was as if he would speak-
pause - -
speak- -
pause again…
and so on.
It sound as if he was working in a super loud factory of some sort and the sound was drowning out his voice .
He explained to me that the order would have to be canceled. I asked him if I would still receive compensation for the distance I drove to get to the restaurant.
He completely dodged my question and tried putting me off by telling me he would send me a link for questions.
I told him, “okay, but you still didn’t answer my first question”. He got extremely rude toward me. I explained that due to the background noise it was extremely difficult to even hear him. At this point he told me that unfortunately he regret to inform me that I would not be compensated for the mileage.
I explained to him that I did not understand how “Grubhub” continues to “not pay” the driver’s for mileage to the restaurant on cancelled orders.
while drivers are spending time and mileage going to the restaurant and not getting compensated, as this has happened to me MANY TIMES before.
The conversation was going nowhere with the representative so I ended the call.

Today, I did not have any scheduled blocks, but I did make myself available to receive orders. I have been available as of about 8:30 a.m. till around 3:00 p.m.
I have not “toggled off” or clicked on the “unavailable”, nor have I declined any orders.
During these 6 1/2 hrs I have only made $23 and some change.

The order that was canceled was going to pay out $15.95 but I was going to have to drive 14.1 miles to complete this order.
“Grubhub” knowingly had proof that I had arrived to the restaurant.
This is a terrible way to treat their drivers.
We are the ones who keep the business moving to make money.
With the increase in gas prices, we as drivers cannot afford to constantly be on the loosing end.
We are trying to earn an honest living.

I am again Extremely Disappointed!

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Grubhub for Drivers Antiquated technology. Harms driver’s profits

Wow! Look at all the fake reviews or blind acceptance for a couple dollars. I’ve used four major delivery platforms full time for 20 months. This is the actually the easiest app to navigate and once my favorite. Typical corporate policies that protect negligence and fraudulence that Grubhub hides behind instead of providing better technology. Why improve if you don’t have to App harasses, discourages and eliminates experienced driversn leaving new, younger and inexperienced, lowering consumer experience. Dash and Uber Eats are far superior at providing orders that are ready when drivers arrive. App has unusual glitch that falsely records rejected and dropped orders. Grubhub refuses to correct, harming driver ratings. With such scammy policies, multiple lawsuits and the unprofessional third party driver/customer care company. US investors steered clear forcing stock removal. Don’t take my advice. Deliver on all three major platforms. Even with door Dash’s low flat rate, pay attention to profitability charts; Grubhub will be least profitable. Due to long wait times and high mileage offers to remote areas with little chance of receiving offers until back in main delivery area. Both Grubhub and Door Dash apps repeatedly keep you past your scheduled delivery times by providing longer deliveries at end of scheduled shifts. Easily fixable with basic If/then programming. The same way it’s programmed to happen. Making it a malicious practice that cuts into personal lives and hinders pursuing other opportunities. GrubHub specifically seems to tie up your time making delivering for other platforms impossible. In my time with GrubHub I’ve had my account closed stating customer complaint of property damage. When asked to provide evidence, my account was reinstated with nothing more to say. Blatantly lied to by driver care regarding order status on a no pay issue. Provided evidence showing otherwise and they simply stopped responding. Don’t tell me they have values. Third party driver care company views you as an expense. Tells you not to report issues even though agreement makes it mandatory. I confess I wrote some pretty insulting letters early on. Quite thankful they tolerated me. Yet keep having same issues that harm my profits and other ventures. Etc Etc. Get over it. Contacting Grubhub corporate gets Seemless driver care, same third party. As mentioned I once loved this app but every time I schedule shifts the same problems occur making it impossible to continue. I’m over it. User beware

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Grubhub for Drivers 2 steps forward 2 steps

I been working for Grub hub for over a year as full time driver.Active delivery time is an average of plus 40 hours weekly and hours I schedule are plus 50 hours weekly.In my experience Grub hub is loosing revenue and customers mainly because the app itself.Having acceptance of 100%,0% percent drop blocks and 100% attendance doesn’t not mean this company will be successful.Leads me to believe the app itself is the issue.

The app will only send you 1 notification for a delivery task but if you happened to close or lock your device you’ll miss the notification for a delivery task.A double notification would fix this issues for drivers not seeing tasks notifications and drivers could accept more deliveries.

The app communicates with cell towers.Once there is a communication the cell tower will send you a delivery task but if you happened to loose connection during that transition you won’t receive the notification until you get connection to another cell tower.But by that time it’s too late and you missed the delivery task and it counts towards your acceptance rating.I believe there should be a chance to appeal for this.This is also the same situation if you are crossing a military base,because of privacy and protection for the military.The app should consider military bases as a no zone for delivery request.

Lastly I had several experiences where the app sends you double orders.First order is ready for pick but second takes 30 minutes just to be ready for pick.Resulting in very unsatisfied customers because of the wait time.I have delivered food that has been in my vehicle for over 40 minutes.I supposed this issue could be fixed if the app knew the difference between a big order and a small order.That way it doesn’t have customers waiting over an hour for their food to delivered when the food has been ready for over 50 minutes.As a result as well drivers are inclined to rejects orders because they know that single order would backed them up over 45 minutes.But if you reject orders it could result in you having less chances of getting more blocks or making more money.And lastly rejecting orders or high delay times results in loosing loyal customers.

Grub-Hubs advantage was that your food will be delivered at a certain time but if this problem persist then there is no reason to solely order from Grub-Hub.I don’t know exactly what goes on in the app engineer team at GrubHub but this are problems I experience daily sometimes.I also don’t know if this is actually considered a problem by Grubhub,who knows.

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Grubhub for Drivers It’s 2022 some things need to be updated

I’m a GrubHub driver here in Virginia. I would say the app is not bad, i’ve never experienced the app crashing on me. I have seen that the app has updated where you do get enough time between accept and or rejecting the order or having time to look over the order it gives you about a minute now before when you say only be like a few seconds. The only complaints I’m having now is when you get a order and you deliver it and then it app tells you that the customer canceled the order after you already delivered it so it was a order that I haven’t gotten paid for at one time but I haven’t had an issue with that since. Also they say they have instant pay out but it’s a pay out only goes through your routing and account number that I have tied to my bank which is a known institution. I will say that the app needs to be updated to the Standard in which all the other food delivery apps are on such as Uber eats and also door Dash where you are allowed to place your bank card and attach it to your account to be paid instantly within a few minutes opposed to having to wait until the next business day to get your money. Also I feel like if the order is canceled before you’re able to get it or during the process of you delivering it it should not affect your performance level. Also in times of emergencies if a issue was a come up and you can make your schedule block that should not be able to hurt your performance level as well. Another issue that I’m having is getting in touch with Customer Care having a live individual answer my complaints at the time I’m having an issue with the order I shouldn’t have to wait 1015 minutes when I’m in a active order to take your time away from me delivering other orders. I do say that GrubHub is expanding because they only have me in one area first now they expand it further out into other areas and well at least in my district. So I would say whoever does read this review I will say just give it time because at first I was hired as soon as I wanted to and I had to reapply the 2 to 3 more times before actually being able to be offered a position but as soon as my area in my market opened up over here in Virginia they allow me to come on as soon as possible. Outside of everything else with the pay in the performance level and the orders being canceled before you drop off and pick up those are the only place that I have about the app I gave it three stars because it is making me money and I do get paid pretty well from the orders I’ve been get it but it’s just the fact of those few issues are becoming more borderline A nuisance and also I still haven’t received my driver gear yet that I ordered.

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Grubhub for Drivers App Needs Work to be Driver Friendly

I’ve only delivered for a few weeks and have already come upon a few consistent issues. -

1. The Diner’s Location When Ordering seems to be where GrubHub Pins the Delivery Destination.

- If they were in their back yard or occupy the farthest unit to the back of the complex, the Destination Pin will most likely lead you to the street on the other side, leaving you with a barrier to the diner such as a home, a wall, or an entire apartment building/warehouse. - While this may not be a big deal, sometimes you’re on the other side of a freeway and GrubHub has sent you another delivery you must accept that needs to be picked up in 5 minutes 15 minutes across town and the GrubHub App has sent you to the wrong location to access the diner and complete your delivery so you’ve got to go around the freeway, block, complex and find you’ve got to walk to the back of the property to complete your delivery. GrubHub Needs To Fix Their Delivery Destination Pin. The app just sent me into a parking lot there isn’t access to get out from.
2. New Delivery Offers Have To Be Clicked On In Seconds No Matter What Is Currently Happening. Once you’ve picked up a diner’s order GrubHub can send you a New Delivery Offer. This New Delivery Offer Must Be Accepted. There is an option to reject the offer or just allow yourself to outright miss it, accidentally or not, but doing so affects your acceptance rate. That is the least of your worries as these New Delivery Offers will come in and you’ve got mere seconds to study it: the rate, restaurant and it’s location, and where you are on the map in consideration to the restaurant and new diner. That’s all well when you’ve completed a delivery and are waiting for a new offer, BUT when you’re heading to your current diner and making a left across a busy intersection the last thing I’m going to do is look at the app.
- 3. This New Delivery Offer does Not take into consideration which way you’re currently traveling. I’ve had to drive 14 miles to pick up a new order. While I’ve still got to go a few miles in one direction, GrubHub has a new delivery the exact opposite direction making me have to double back those few miles and then some. The driver does not get paid to go to the restaurant. The driver does not get paid to wait for the food at a restaurant. The driver gets paid to deliver the food from the restaurant to the diner.
4. What the New Delivery Offer Should Focus On Is Restaurant Dense Locations. Because HotSpots are Potential Diner Locations Which Means You’ll Be Traveling Away From The HotSpot and Most Likely Back To It. Instead, HotSpots Should Be GrubHub Friendly Restaurant Dense Locations With Current And a Higher Potential For New Delivery Offers.

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Grubhub for Drivers Absolute trash

Besides adopting the gamification system that steals your earnings, basically making you work for free, while all the money you receive goes towards self-employed taxes, operation expenses like gas, car maintenance, insurance, mileage apps, and other car expenses; they have the phoniest driver care service in the gig industry outsourced somewhere else in the world where they can't compute that $5 to $8 delivery that takes one hour to complete is a terrible business in California, USA. Driver Care doesn't help you cancel without penalties, even if the restaurant is at fault. You get penalized ALL THE TIME for any reason. It affects your driver stats, therefore, your ability to schedule. If you get sick and have to cancel your times, with luck, they don't kick you out of the platform but will stop making the schedule available to you. The partner contract is pure garbage, full of clauses that should be illegal, but as they say, it is “take it or leave it, their company their rules” while they keep luring people with deceiving earning ads and “flexible work” claims. If you need cash right now, by all means, tag along, but it is like making a deal with a shark lender or advance paycheck that will keep you in negative for a long time until you find a real job because when the bills hit, especially the SE taxes, it hurts the driver pocket badly. It sounds like a good idea as an exclusive side gig, but it's a time waster and gross wear and tear on your vehicle. Unless you enjoy driving around, checking new restaurants while making good use of your time on the road by listening to books and learning something new: save your resources, or direct them to voluntary work! The effort will be about the same but for a better cause. No, you won't meet new people every day; there's no time for this unless small talk counts for you. But even the small talk is risky because of the safety and anti-harassment rules. Have fun being robbed, being threatened against taking a class action, and putting your well-being at risk for the sake of the owners and their investors filling up their pockets while offering “free” meals to their customers at the driver's expense. By the way, they do the same or worse to the restaurants that have contracts with them, and some restaurant managers and/or servers abuse the drivers because of it. Grubhub, compared with its competitors, used to be the lesser of several evils. Still, they couldn't resist the greed and are adopting the same operating formula making them as bad as any other gig app.
Update: this company joined forces with Amazon to make free deliveries for Prime members. Unless you're oblivious to what is going on with contractors conditions at Amazon you know now GH it's going to be as bad as Amazon Flex (app for Amazon Delivery Drivers).

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Grubhub for Drivers Worst of the Driver Apps

Before you read why I’m giving a bad review, please look at the other delivery apps and check out the overall ratings. You’ll see which is the worst (this one). I have driven for 5 different delivery apps and even though I still use GrubHub at times when other apps are slow, it’s clearly the worst of the delivery apps. Without going into huge stories, I’ll be as brief as I can. The gold standard for delivery is that you want to make over a dollar a mile driven. GrubHub is close in THEORY, but if they send you 15 miles away for $15 (which is frequent in my area), you have to get back to your home area to start receiving orders again. So, you’ll probably drive closer to 30 miles for that $15. My last scheduled night was $53.88 for 82 miles driven. You rarely get the promised incentives. You will be finishing your scheduled shift and if it’s still busy when you log off, you’ll probably get a message that says “$5 for your next delivery”. You’ll log in, take and order, and never see the $5 bonus. They steal tips. I was delivering one slow day and got a delivery that was well under the dollar a mile rule, but it was close to my house and I was done. The person handed me $10 and said she drove for GrubHub and she gives cash tips rather than on the app to drivers because GrubHub will steal part of your tips. She then told me how I could tell. Watch patterns! Same town out of your area, same or very similar tip each time? Double pickups where the first delivery always tips, but the second doesn’t? The driver support is very simple to understand. No matter how bad the GrubHub app, the customer, or the restaurant screws up, it’s always the drivers fault. It does’t matter how many screenshots you take to prove without a doubt that you did nothing wrong, YOU ARE WRONG. One night, I was in the middle of a delivery in the middle of area when I received a text to return to my area or I would be logged out. I thought it was odd. I delivered to a 3rd floor apartment and when I walked back down, I was logged out and told my scheduled shift was ended. I looked at my location on the app and I was in the Midwest (I’m in Maryland). Google maps showed me in my correct location and the same with Waze. So, it wasn’t my phone or network. I contacted support who said they could see I was in the middle of my area. The app said otherwise. I was marked as missing my scheduled shift even though I continued to receive orders up until my assigned shift was over. I logged off and went home (out of area to receive fares) and was nailed for 3 refusals to take a fare. All of this affects your status. Driver support agreed that I proved all of this without a doubt, but…. ALL PENALTIES STOOD. I lost premier for their issues. Best part, I appealed and received a message stating that they resolved my issue and the case was closed. I could tell more stories, but you should be able to get the point. Use the app as a secondary and choose your fares wisely. It’s great as long as you are smart when using GrubHub. Don’t worry about keeping the premier status. The other apps are clearly better. They all have their faults, but GrubHub infuriates you at times.

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Grubhub for Drivers BEWARE

App interface works okay but that’s not the reason for this review. I figured I would take the time to shed some light on this company for those looking to utilize it’s services. I was a driver/ contractor on this app for a little over a year to make extra money as I was inbetween jobs and was a good worker through rain, snow, heat, cold, etc.

First issue I had which is an important one is their system. Not only were orders cancelled, stolen/lost, or removed before the designated pickup time as I had just arrived to a restaurant, 90% of the time I was not compensated for it. It was very frustrating for two reasons: one, because of the fact that driver services are utterly useless and two, because of the fact I live in Brooklyn, NY where gas prices were $4.00+/gallon. I couldn’t imagine how much more frustrating it would be in other places if the gas prices were higher but nevertheless, wasting gas over the course of a several mile drive to a pickup location is extremely frustrating for an company that is supposed to compensate you for the service you are providing them as a contractor no matter the circumstances. I find it an insult to myself and others that use this service knowing that the company can compensate their executives handsomely and have reasonable profit margins while screwing their workers out of a few bucks for doing their job.

My next issue is their turnover rate. Don’t think they won’t terminate your contract for any reason they deem appropriate to fit their narrative. Not only was I reliable, I took most of the non-tip orders so that I could keep my reputation at premier level. After 13 months I was terminated not because of a citation, not because of legal trouble but, because of a no fault REAR END accident. To act like these things don’t happen on the busy streets of NY, they add insult to injury by dropping you because of an issue that isn’t your fault as if everyone out there has a perfect driving record. To address this, I called driver services and again, they were totally useless. Apparently I was supposed to recieve a termination email but I never recieved it, I just tried to login one day and couldn’t because they terminated me without notice. After calling about 20 times afterwards, I was told to provide context in which I provided a police report, pictures of the damage to my rear end, and proof that this was a no fault accident. Did not make a difference, I was still terminated. The lesson here is that they don’t care about the engine that runs their company, you are expendable as a driver, they will terminate you as they deem necessary for whatever reason they see fit.

Lastly, I thankfully got myself a job in my career profession. Looking back at Grubhub it was an absolute waste of time. The stress you put on your vehicle for the things you endure are mind boggling. Go work for a restaurant and deliver food, atleast they will give you a basepay on top of tips. After taxes, gas, electric, maintenance and all else no matter your method of delivery, you will barely make money. I urge everyone as someone who did this for over year to take my word for it, you will waste your time and while some like myself did not have a choice, it was totally not worth it to work for pennies on the dollar and for such a terrible company.

Grubhub has not heard the last of this.

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Grubhub for Drivers Needs a little tweaking but mostly works great!

OMG dark mode at last! Updated 5/19

I feel like after doing grubhub for about 6 months I’m ready to write a review. There are some wonderful things about this app/process and some things that can make a person crazy The flexibility is great and I very much appreciate the ability to make some cash especially during these uncertain times. I’ve had very good results when needing to contact driver care and I’m always thankful there is someone there to lend a hand. The process itself works fairly well with a few strange hiccups. First off it baffles me that there isn’t a dark mode option. This should be an incredibly simple thing to make happen and yet we are all still waiting. This app is like having a 1 million candle power lamp pointed at your eyeballs at night and it’s honestly a hazard. Let’s listen to the drivers and make this happen for goodness sakes. Secondly a person can order from basically any restaurant in the delivery region. This isn’t an issue except for the fact that time and time again people will order from let’s say chipotle and they will order from one that’s 15 miles from their house when there are 3 or 4 considerably closer. This is inefficient for the drivers, grubhub, and the person ordering. I can’t for the life of me understand why if there is a subway 1 mile from your house you’re even allowed to order from one that’s 15 miles away. There seriously needs to be a pop up notification or something that alerts the customer that they can receive their food much faster if they order from the closer option. When it’s a one off restaurant and not a chain with multiple stores I don’t mind at all taking the food a further distance. It’s a little frustrating delivering subway 15 miles though and driving by 4 other subways on your way to the clients house. The third thing is kind of a personal gripe with my delivery region. It’s the size of Rhode Island. It can easily be a 45+ minute drive from one side to the other and that’s if there isn’t any traffic. Living near Denver there is basically always traffic so who knows how long it could take. I believe the “Denver” region could easily be cut in half if not quarters. My good friend runs a couple delivery regions north of me and you could literally fit 6 of his regions into the “Denver” region. Lastly I would love to see more perks/advantages to keeping premier status. It’s incredibly difficult to keep premier status unless you want to run low money offers all day. It means a person carrying let’s say a 70% acceptance rate or lower is going to make a lot more money than a person keeping 100%. It seems counterproductive to reward people who reject offers regularly. The advantage of pulling blocks early is nice but let’s be honest we are all here to make money and you actually make less doing it the right way than you do just rejecting anything that isn’t profitable. It also means the people rejecting more offers get the better offers and someone taking 100% has to run the leftovers on a lot of occasions. All in all I’ve had pretty good luck with this app and process. Again I really do appreciate the ability to make some money even with the few shortcomings. I find if you’re respectful with driver care they do an excellent job of helping you out. If you call them screaming and acting like you know everything you probably deserve to have a less than favorable response. Again this app has been a blessing for me the last few months but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t be improved a little. I think a few tweaks could make it a heck of a lot more efficient for the drivers the clients and grubhub. Seriously though... dark mode please!

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Grubhub for Drivers Where do I start?

I was so optimistic and ready to work for Grub Hub when first starting. My first week was killer and my tips were through the roof. However, like my last marriage as time went on the lust and blind affection quickly faded. Since working for Grub Hub I have noticed a number of things the company has incredibly wrong.

1st) customer support is either helpful or outright useless. I have had times where I call and get a person who is incredibly rude, robotic and unhelpful. Only to hang up, call back and wait again to get someone who can help. At one point I was not getting paid, yes you read that correctly. I went days back and forth with Grub Hub trying time get my money. At one point I had a customer support “driver specialist” laugh at me over the phone because I was upset I haven’t been paid in days. She talked over me and did everything she could to belittle me. I have never had an experience like this working for a company with another employee and she is about 50% of how they all act.

2nd) The pay is rigged to appeal to new drivers on the program. I am fully convinced after speaking with multiple new drivers that Grub Hub uses a new driver system to “pump” new drivers numbers in the first week. However, once they hook you with this the money quickly turns south. New drivers are given priority and large tips drives and as to hook them into the gig. They quickly notice as time goes on this phase will be gone within your first week and normal routes qued for you. On top of this the pay for mileage and time is inconsistent at best. Drive 30 miles but the customer tips well, GH will pay you less and expect the generous “tip” to be enough. Drive 3 miles with half the time, same pay as the 30 mile trip? Like what? How do you even calculate that... oh wait, you calculate it using our tips as leverage.

3) driving “outside your zone” happens to me about once per shift or so. What’s worse, if you drive outside your zone to a neighboring city that pays horribly due to a different economy they will keep you their. The college city over from me never pays well because of poor college kids yet I end up servicing this area because they give me no option. If you reject an offer it makes you look bad, effects your productivity level and leaves you no option but to accept these ludicrous offers.

4) The app itself is always having issues for me. I will have service and be driving around. All of a sudden I will get a notification that I “missed an order offer”. Only to look and see that somehow I got an offer that didn’t even show up. This of course effects the minimum pay as you no longer qualify because you “missed” or “rejected” the offer. I have on multiple occasions showed up only to find an order had already been canceled or picked up by another driver. How does this happen!? I waste my gas and money to go to a location, have to spend another 30 minutes on hold to tell Grub Hub it needs to be fixed. An hour or so later, no pay, no explanation and off I go to try to make that money up. The app WILL send you negative earning jobs if you are on the cusp of the minimum pay per hour rule just so you decline it or take it and loose money anyways. This has happened almost every time I am about to reach my minimum. Why would I take a job that’s going to pay 8$ take me over an hour to deliver and is 20 miles away? That’s a net loss no matter what you do! I have spent more time on hold with the driver team to fix issues within the app or delivery itself then justifies the pay

I could keep going but at this point the above should be enough for you to decide for yourself if this is right for you. Again, I want to express how excited and happy I was to start and earn money only to be left in another horrible relationship! Until the above is fixed I will prioritize my time on other delivery services for reliable pay.

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Grubhub for Drivers Horrible App

What a horrible app. First off, the cow bell? So degrading to use a cow bell to indicate a new offer is available. The app responses are automated to respond to only a perfect setting. In other words, there is NO room for failure. So, you pick up a stacked order and the first order is ready on time you are forced to indicate “Got order” then your off to get the second order the app starts to bug you about not dropping off the first order. You get to the restaurant to pick up to pick up the second order and hasn’t even been prepared yet so you indicate this through the app by and tell the first order customer you will be late. Then the stupid all starts bugging you that you haven’t dropped off the first order! Then you wake up the next day with a violation and the driver gets blamed. Stupid. The app does not recognize; heavy traffic, getting lost, it’s dark you can’t see the address, no parking only red zones, the customer lives on the 30th floor where it’s downtown so no parking during rush hour and you get the 30th floor and it takes you 10 min to find their apt cuz it’s so feel into a maze of apts you get back to your car and you have a ticket cuz you parked in the only spot available now your late to the second order drop off the app is bugging you every two minutes about being late you call customer service to cover yourself Ave you’re driving like a maniac trying to get through heavy traffic the map sends you to the wrong street you’re in the phone with grub hub the app is yelling at you the customer starts calling you your driving and it’s super dangerous. You wake up the next morning to a violation for slow orders even though you’ve done everything to communicate. The app is stupid.
It’s created for a perfect world. Gives you 5 min to get from one location to the next in heavy traffic. It’s based on miles. I once drove from the restaurant to the customer 2 miles during much hour rush hour and it took me 45 min because traffic was so bad. The app started bugging me about slow orders I call customer service they do nothing but recite a script filled with apologies the next day I get a violation. The app is stupid based on stupid stuff. I get jobs where I’m 10 min away there’s traffic making me 15 away and the pick up time is before I receive the order! I get to the location and the app is telling me that I’m late to pick up the order and so is the restaurant! I call customer service they see the stupidity but all
They can do is notate the account I use all the features to indicate thru the app that I’m going to be late even through the app is stupid the next day I wake up with another violation. The all is stupid. It did not recognize all the the thins that prevent the job from being complete on time. Accidents, police road closure, getting lost, the customer giving the wrong address, the customer wanting delivery to somewhere near the address, the customer lives in a huge complex that’s gated, the customer wants an order delivered during rush hour Downtown where parking enforcement will not let you park anywhere, you get in
An accident, the drop off time between two orders is only 3 minutes the drop off time is before you even got to the restaurant the restaurant did not receive the order the restaurant takes a long time to make the order and the driver gets blamed the app is based on miles not circumstance the app is based on a perfect world. The app and the engineers are stupid and ignorant with NO relevant experience. The engineers should be required to drive lunch hours in downtown Los angles for two weeks straight with no other pay in the blazing hot sun to test out the stupidity of the app they’ve arrogantly designed. See what it feels like to try to get from one order to the next in 3 minutes with the app bugging them fir being slow no customer service, parking enforcement on their rear heavy traffic honking at them
No parking and the customer living on the 30th floor 10 Miles deep into the building then waking up the next day with a violation and getting locked out of your account for ten days until grub hub gets around to you. Stupid

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Grubhub for Drivers Mixed bag

Grubhub is the gold standard for delivery apps to me. That’s why it pains me to leave a negative review. I don’t know if it’s the tech of the App, the backend systems or market dynamics or corporate leadership but Grubhub has become nearly impossible to use to grind out even the smallest amount of money. The support staff are top notch but they’re given very little power and oversight to actually correct issues.

The reason I can’t recommend Grubhub in its current form is there’s a lot of emphasis on three core metrics. Order acceptance rate, attendance rate and block drop rate. Your ability as a driver to schedule blocks and therefore receive orders in a competitive market is predicated on these metrics. Which is fair enough. The best most dedicated drivers should receive the best orders.

These are the rules they’ve setup. The only problem is the app will with growing frequency automatically drop your block and also automatically penalize you at the same time. If you’re a driver that accepted 1,000 $5 crappy orders without tips over the year to get and keep these metrics high it’s quite frustrating when the very system you’re using sabotages you. It doesn’t matter what cellular carrier you’re on, how many bars you have, what version of the app you’re using or even if the support staff can verify that your telemetry is good.

Without warning, the app will drop you out of your block. You’ll receive an automated message saying you broke the rules when you in fact didn’t. You won’t be able to get back in your block and you won’t get sent any orders for the duration of your scheduled block.

On top of that, Grubhub has subdivided many metropolitan areas into smaller delivery regions. You may find yourself suddenly assigned to a delivery region that you’ve never delivered to or don’t feel comfortable delivering to.

In my case the GH gods decided I should service the area that 15 gig workers got shot and killed in last year. I avoid that area because I value my life and I’m not looking to get shot in the face because the worst Burger King in town decided to give me an uncooked cheeseburger for my customer. You can request to be assigned to a different delivery region but in my case they sent me to an entirely different city that has virtually no order volume. At least I’m not dead. So that’s a plus.

Here is where the problem is. Grubhub for some reason guarantees a certain minimum hourly income. It varies from one market to the next. Which on the surface sounds great. If you fall below that certain hourly rate they will contribute the difference. What I believe is happening is if order volume falls below what is easily sustainable the system drops the block. As great as Grubhub is as a company they can’t afford to pay people more than minimum wage just to sit in their cars and wait for an order that may never come.

This is a fixable problem but will it get fixed before their pernicious system deactivates their best most reliable drivers? I don’t believe management ultimately cares. I’m just not getting that vibe. They even disabled the ability to upload photos to prove the app is malfunctioning. Which is probably against the law or at least exposes the company to some civil liability. I’m not too motivated to start a class action lawsuit, but I bet there are hundreds and thousands of other drivers with similar predatory experiences to mine.

It’ll probably get resolved at some point when the ratio of consumer demand and the number of available drivers stabilizes. But until then I just can’t recommend Grubhub to anyone.

In the meantime I’ve signed up for Uber Eats and I’m focusing more on Amazon Flex. It took me 16 hours to make $40 on the busiest Grubhub delivery day of the week. That’s $2.50 an hour. I could do just about anything and make more money than that.

If you were looking to get into Grubhub in 2021 I would caution you to wait until 2022 or 2023. They might have things stabilized by then. They probably need to revamp their entire system just to make the service usable again at this point.

After they deactivate most of the drivers (including me) for completely made up reasons or they move on to other delivery apps, Grubhub will probably be good again. I doubt I’ll be around and able to see the improvements. My advice, wait until demand comes back before dipping your toe into this puddle of mud. It’ll most likely be a complete waste of your time if you join as things are June.

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Grubhub for Drivers App and Work, both lackluster

First up, the app:

Crashes frequently. I get lots of notifications for an offer that don’t show up in the app, as if it forgot what it was doing. In many cases, the first time I even *hearabout an offer is on the scold screen that berates me for missing it. One time I literally just went online, and once availability turned green I got a notice that I missed two offers—completely bypassing the banner notification and not even giving me enough time to get out of the availability screen. These “missed offers” counted against my performance metrics and “support” agents treated me like I was being negligent when I explained what happened and tried to have them removed. Another time, I received an offer piggybacking on one I was already on route to deliver. Within about 45 seconds after accepting the second offer, I get a call from GrubHub asking me when I’m going to pick it up, or if I need to cancel.

It doesn’t have the graciousness to consider you might be in the middle of some thing, so when you accept an offer, and if you’re stuck in traffic, or maybe were purchasing some thing and in a checkout line, the app will scold you for not moving. This could be a byproduct of them asking the customer to ante up a tip before the service is actually rendered (another questionable practice...), or maybe because they know their platform is buggy, but regardless the reason, it’s a little bit Nazi of them to be so micromanagerial if they want us to be clear we are not employees. I want good ratings and I want good tips, so I let my service speak for itself—I might have already been in touch with the customer and the app will flat out cancel the order on my behalf if I haven’t moved for a minute.

...On that note:
***WARNING*** The app always needs to know where you are. If you live in a neighborhood where you are concerned about someone being able to tunnel into your phone remotely and access things like your frequent locations so they can tail you and do horrible things to yourself or your loved one(s), you need to know that GrubHub facilitates this and takes zero accountability for breach of duty regarding your information or security. They are the only delivery platform that demands you always share your location—all the others I drive for are contented to be set on “While Using the App”, and actually do so. They all work fine—actually slightly better, than GrubHub, and have for years; there is no business need for always knowing where you are at, especially since it creates more risk for you, them and certainly your phone battery. (I am able to manually change this before and after my sessions with them, but it’s just another hassle in a list of many about driving for them.)

Is “having network issues” more often than not. When I do actually get offers, it’s usually after I got sick of waiting around and turned another service app on and got orders from both at the same time; typically I find I have to reject the GrubHub order because it is each of: a-further away, in a direction I wasn’t traveling, b-pays less than their competitor is, c-nearly always isn’t even close to ready by time I get there, if even in the restaurant’s queue to begin with.

While I like the concept of a card that drivers use to place an order on behalf of the customer at any restaurant, I deplore GrubHub’s execution of the practice. They allow customers to be less than thorough with their order creation, leaving me to attempt to contact the customer, almost always in the middle of an active placement. They also don’t update the menu that often, so more often than not restaurants tell me that the customer must have gotten a hold of an old menu, and whatever they want isn’t available anymore. I have to contact customers for order issues more often with GrubHub than any other service I drive for. That’s a fact, not opinion. The premium paid for placing the order myself almost never actually makes up for the additional time it takes to wait for it. There are workarounds for this, but they are not only just risky, they almost never work, either.

As far as the service:
Just as buggy as the app, imho. Literally took me a little over a year to get “onboarded”. That whole time, they literally lost my contract and information (despite locking me out from a new app because “we’ve already received an application for you, so hang tight!”), yet kept putting out bonuses for new drivers in my area. Took forever to get an agent to coherently connect me with a Regional Manager, at which point I was actually worse off because they NEVER CHECKED THEIR MESSAGES. Three (not even joking) Regional Managers later, I’m all
set up, but then started running into app bugs straight away—writing an email to the company was a mistake that would have probably broken world records if it were a pinball, instead, so I tried calling.

Just as bad as Uber, that whole call-in driver support thing. Not as bad as DoorDash, though, I will admit, but seriously: you’re almost better off just dealing with whatever dysfunction on your own, I hate to say.


You will make less than half of minimum wage when you factor in all the downtime, setbacks, hidden costs, inputs, depreciation, risks and general hassle driving for GrubHub. For what that’s worth to you.

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Grubhub for Drivers Right to assemble and express work place abuses. Class action lawsuit against grubhub is needed

To start, there are problems with the app not notifying you when orders come in. Second, the app tracks your gps location everywhere in the background, even when the app is not on. I presume they are probably making money from this data like selling your info to the police departments during BLM protests or any other protests to identify protesters. If you are a driver for another company they are more than likely using your data to track their competitors flow of business and customer base by recording your gps movements. I realized this was a possibility earlier on and limited Grubhub’s access to my gps location to only allowing full access when I was using the app, preventing any possible unethical gathering of my information and their competitors customer base information, which they could use in various ways, including targeted marketing. The app won’t even work without giving full “always on precise location access” to run in the background forcing me to toggle on and off permissions just to run the app, which is a big red flag. My recommendation is to DELETE the Grubhub app ASAP. Also, if you are deciding on becoming a driver for Grubhub, I would rethink that decision. A few weeks ago my account was suspended for no reason. For weeks I did not receive any detailed response to my emails asking an explanation for the temporary suspension. Just a link to a form to contact their driver care specialist. After several times trying to get an answer by phone and by email, I was finally able to get a response by phone through Grubhub customer support where I inquired about the suspension. I was told that there was a fraud note listed on my account, and that a diner/customer reported that they didn’t receive their food. I have delivered thousands of orders with other companies with no problems and I have a positive rating of 100% delivery with those other competitors. I wouldn’t risk losing my account for a simple food order. They said they would investigate and everything should be fine. Well weeks later they said they reactivated my account in which they stated in an email I received from Pedro M.;

Thank you for reaching out.

We paused your account for a short period of time. We appreciate your patience.

We have reactivated your account.

Please be aware that if this activity continues, it may affect your ability to continue to partner with us.

Yet my account is still not activated and I still did nothing wrong to deserve any of this. So, in dealing with Grubhub it is just not worth going through the stress of being falsely accused of doing something wrong. My recommendation is to stick with driving for another company and stay far away from Grubhub. I am so glad I didn’t sacrifice too much time and potentially mess up my working relationship with their competitors, just for GrubHub. It is best just to delete the app ASAP to safeguard your privacy, and save yourself time and the headache of dealing with them, as their driver specialists are obviously not trained enough to realize their unethical practices when dealing with drivers. You don’t even need a bachelors degree to become a driver specialist. So without proper training that says a lot for the company’s decision making processes. If the app is on your device I would delete it immediately, because they are potentially using your gps data and other forms of data in the background, as my apple device warned me with a notification that the Grubhub app was constantly tracking my location. If a company is mistreating it’s drivers with unwarranted suspensions, unethical and unfounded accusations and discrimination practices, people have an obligation to speak out to protect others. What is warranted is a class action lawsuit against Grubhub for discrimination and false accusations leading to deformation and other damages against drivers. The more that people post complaints, the better the chances that Grubhub will lose business for being shady. Also, if you know any restaurant owners, my recommendation is to tell them how Grubhub is treating their drivers in an effort to convince them to stop using Grubhub until they improve morally and ethically how they treat drivers/human beings. Please tell your friends and family to stop using Grubhub to help push the message of fair treatment. To finalize, since Grubhub likes to toss around false accusations, I have a theory of my own; In my opinion, Grubhub may be potentially perpetuating a scam by temporarily taking on new drivers in order to receive government subsidies and/or tax incentives offered to companies per worker during COVID relief efforts, with the sole intention of getting rid of those unsuspecting and innocent drivers shortly after. As once Grubhub receives any possible financial government subsidies/tax incentives, they may be falsely accusing and removing drivers who satisfied that government financial incentive. A potential scam/ FRAUD that could possibly be costing the taxpayers millions. Grubhub needs to be investigated for FRAUD to make sure this is not the case, and if it is the case that this FRAUD does not continue and that they are severally penalized with high fines. Ensuring that the drivers who have been effected emotionally and financially during these tragic times, are made whole again. If anyone is reading my take on what has happened to me and others in this interesting review, please spread the word to those who can help. Send a message to your congressman. Thanks!

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Grubhub for Drivers Complaints 18

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Grubhub for Drivers Not worth driving for

I have completed over 100 deliveries for GrubHub in a matter of three weeks. What I can most definitely confirm is that door dash and Uber eats/Postmates are way better paid and way better compensated such as tips and mileage. I’ve had enough Of driving to one city all the way to another for only $8- $10 like what just happened to me right now. I understand that I have more than the right to reject it but then in return that only affects my acceptance rate which could potentially get me deactivated from this app which makes absolutely zero sense. It’s nearly impossible to get pro driver being that so many trips are highly under paid and far distances that you will constantly reject $4-$6 orders and lower your partnership level with the app if you reject orders like those. It’s all the way down to the point where the amount of miles that you’re traveling doesn’t add up to what they’re paying you and I’ve done the math over and over again and it does not add up whatsoever , so it’s like your almost forced to waste gas and time for $5 and no tip. I have screenshots of trips that I rejected that they only pay me seven dollars for and I have to travel round trip , as in travel time to the restaurant and travel time to the customer and sometimes the travel time exceeds over 25 mins and if I was to reject this order that only affects my acceptance rate so again your forced to take the order. I’ve reached out to support plenty of times to ask if there’s any extra compensation for waiting or traveling over 10 miles and they strongly say no. I’ve been waiting in lines before for 15 minutes after arriving to a restaurant so I can wait for an order and still no extra compensation is awarded. This app is 2/10 for me and would most definitely not recommend this app to anybody unless you’re wanting to be extremely underpaid and overworked and put a lot of miles on your car.

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Grubhub for Drivers Horrible App

I thought the Uber Eats app was horrible but that is nothing compared to the GrubHub for Drivers app. It’s a borderline scam. They will not compensate drivers if anything goes wrong during a delivery. I had an order today for $19 and when I got to the restaurant and picked up the food, I couldn’t mark arrived because the location of the restaurant on the app was completely wrong. The app unassigned the order after I went through the “There’s a problem” button to notify them that I couldn’t mark arrived. The app said to continue with the order and contact support after I was done. So when the app unassigned the order from me, I contacted driver support. Support still wanted me to complete the delivery even though I couldn’t contact the customer if I needed to. They said they’d send me an email so I could get compensated for the order, they never sent me an email. Got to the customer’s address and of course they lived in a gated community and I couldn’t contact the customer so I couldn’t complete the delivery and won’t get paid for it. This is already the second time they’ve avoided paying me for wasting my time and gas money and I’ll never drive for GrubHub again. Worst delivery app and worst driver support out of all the food delivery apps by far. They don’t treat their drivers well and the app itself is horribly designed and needs to be fixed because I don’t have these issues with any other delivery app. There should be a class action lawsuit against the company for them making drivers pay for THEIR MISTAKES. Waste of time, waste of money. I wouldn’t recommend driving for them to my worst enemy. Wish I could rate the app 0 stars. They clearly have no clue what they’re doing. Sell the company while it’s still worth something because it won’t be for long. Fire all the app developers because they’re doing nothing but losing money for everybody involved. Possibly the worst app and company ever.

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Grubhub for Drivers Worst app to make money

At first you will be like king everything runs smoothly. After you finish certain orders. It gets difficult. Single orders or double orders doesn’t matters. If the food is not ready you are forced to wait if you cancel the order then your acceptance rating gets affected due to which your profile standings will be affected. If your profile standings goes below their benchmark i.e 95% you are not allowed to select the shift on first come basis. You are given third access to select the shift which is like last bunch of crap shifts available. Without scheduling yourself for shifts you don’t get offers. Once you have accepted the offerand food is not ready for 40-50 mins you are forced wait and complete that order. Grubhub if you want some ideas call me I will give some ideas on how you can be fair to drivers and customers. Because of restaurant fault we won’t make enough money rather than just wait for one order to complete. Also double orders are one of the worst thing you can have again you can’t reject. Even if you accepted you cannot remove without affecting your profile standings. Also you are not assign more than 2 orders at a time. Once you finish both the orders then only you get new offers. For 5 miles I got offer for $2 but as mentioned I cannot reject I have to accept. You can drop the blocks even if you drop and pick some other block on the same day your ratings are still being affected. Grubhub a little piece of advice if I drop $10 dollars at point A and pick up $10 at point B still I am at no loss or no gain. But in your case If I drop at point A and pick up at point B I am still at loss. I don’t know what kind of math algorithm you are using. Overall this app is not at all fair with the drivers. I would suggest to try something else and keep this as a last option when you don’t have any other option. Go for Doordash, Ubereats etc. don’t go for Grubhub as first option you will regret it for sure.

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Is Grubhub for Drivers Legit?

Grubhub for Drivers earns a trustworthiness rating of 100%

Highly recommended, but caution will not hurt.

Our conclusion: Grubhub for Drivers stands out for their exceptional legitimacy, according to ComplaintsBoard’s detailed analysis. This highlights Grubhub for Drivers's reputation as a trustworthy leader in their field. Customers can rely on Grubhub for Drivers's services, assured they're dealing with a highly reputable and fully legitimate company.

Grubhub for Drivers has received 5 positive reviews on our site. This is a good sign and indicates a safe and reliable experience for customers who choose to work with the company.

Grubhub for Drivers has claimed the domain name for for a long time, which suggests that the website is established and has a history of being in operation. This is a positive sign, as it indicates that the website has been around for a while and may have a reputation to maintain. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL. has been deemed safe to visit, as it is protected by a cloud-based cybersecurity solution that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to help protect networks from online threats.

This website offers payment methods that provide the option for customers to get their money back, which could be a positive indicator of the company's commitment to customer satisfaction. appears to have online shopping features, it's important to know that the platform supports an extensive range of payment methods, making it convenient and easy to complete your transaction. The payment procedure on the website is also relatively simple and straightforward, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for buyers. regularly updates its policies to reflect changes in laws, regulations. These policies are easy to find and understand, and they are written in plain language that is accessible to all customers. This helps customers understand what they are agreeing to and what to expect from Grubhub for Drivers.

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • is being iframed, Iframes can be used for legitimate, For example, iframes can be used to embed third-party content such as maps, videos, or advertisements, which can enhance the user experience.
  • The website belonging to Grubhub for Drivers has a low number of visitors, which could be a red flag for users. However, it's important to conduct additional research to fully evaluate the website's legitimacy and trustworthiness.
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Grubhub for Drivers They don’t care

This app would actually have a better rating if they actually helped drivers with issues that happens with the technology from the app. Examples would be our offers when where inside a building with no service they tend to still send offers which don’t come thru and it shows up as missed on acceptance rate. This affects yours and my program level even when we literally take every offer and not actually miss any it still affects it which affects our schedule and how much we can potentially earn with bigger jobs. Something as simple as changing the rules and removing missed offers from our acceptance rate we as drivers shouldn’t be penalized for something out of our control and if we actually do see the offer and don’t take it then their should be some way you the app developers could see we viewed the offer with enough time to reject or accept. This was not a one time issue and it’s happened multiple times each week which makes me think y'all are manipulating our service by sending offers we either never get for whatever reason whether it be service or just not coming thru. I know I’m not the only biker/driver that has their phone volume all the way up and a speaker loud enough to hear notifications and even when I’m riding I have the phone right in front of me at all times I also sent proof that we do not have service at times offers come thru as I was smart enough to take a screenshot of my service in a building at the same time a offer came in proving that we’re receiving offers when we have no service which again affects our acceptance rate and what we can and cannot accept and reject. Also every time I sent this to tech support they pretty much blame it on us and tell us trouble shooting steps instead of actually addressing the real issues which affects our rating and how we work. If this stuff was actually addressed this app would be perfect besides that I have no complaints really everything else is good.

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Grubhub for Drivers Improper business practices

I do want to start out by saying I can make a what I feel is pretty good pay. Working for this app. I have problems with it. I try to accept all deliveries no matter how low they pay so I keep my performance level high. But when their processors glitch out and make you miss a order their nothing they can do about it. Take this instance where I accepted the order but then it generates the same order again but miss that one. Do they fix it? Nooo. That is just one time out of many that aren’t my fault that effect my level. Then you can ONLY EMAIL to get a auto response that says basically to bad grubhub can’t do anything about it. I’m glad you’ve kept on reading. This company doesn’t pay you sometimes. I mean that the bonuses they say they’re going to give you, for working harder, sometimes don’t come through to pay you when it’s pay day or on . Then when you ask about it ONLY BY EMAIL and this corporate statement that doesn’t make sense and feels like a auto response. And then you never see the money. It’s a absolute unacceptable way for a multi billion dollar company to not pay out like they say they will and all you can do is EMAIL. Then you don’t get paid either! How grubby are they for money that they can’t have a call center for money disputes and then not pay out either!? There call center for deliveries is pretty good. Except for this one time I tried to have a delivery canceled because I called the restaurant as this was a call and place order and pay with gh cc. The restaurant wasn’t taking orders cause they were closing and that they don’t accept grubhub payment. So then I waited on hold for probably 30 and got the rudest person who said I had to drive there 5 miles away, Closed, and in the snow and cancel it through the app or he can cancel it and give me a penalty for my program level. I basically told him no to both of those options. And he ended up giving me the penalty. Then I can ONLY EMAIL to try at no avail. ☹️. That’s my review!

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Grubhub for Drivers Thugs and criminals

Grub hub advertises themselves as a great service but really they are ripping off restaurants and screwing over drivers. Restaurants get orders which get picked up by drivers and then delivered as you would expect, but then some customers every day claim that their food never came or they didn’t like the food and so grub hub just won’t pay the restaurants for those orders. Many orders every day don’t get picked up, even though they are made and ready to go by the restaurants. The restaurants lose money on those orders too. Regardless, restaurants get 40-50% deducted off the menu price, and customers pay much extra over menu price and they also pay the delivery fee which is not even given fully to the drivers either. So grub hub is ripping off drivers restaurants and customers in every way that they can, trying to make the most profit for themselves on each transaction and giving the absolute bare minimum that they can to each of the parties they have transactions with. More and more restaurants are canceling making food for GH- this company has shady business practices. Do not order food through them, don’t work for them, don’t use them for your restaurant. They tell the drivers not to show the receipts to the customers and to throw them away when it’s pay to order so that the customers don’t see the discrepancy in price.
They force orders on restaurants they aren’t even contracted with by having the drivers call in as a customer to place an order and they are told not to disclose that it’s a grub hub order. These restaurants get really upset when the driver shows up to pay with a grub hub card (which doesn’t always work due to price discrepancy in which case grub hub will just cancel the order leaving the restaurant in the lurch), especially because they have been tricked and won’t get any tips or even their full menu price.
This is not even saying how they treat their drivers or how lame their driver support is. That’s a book in itself.
All in all, it’s a very shady company. Stay away from Garbage hub.

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Grubhub for Drivers Professional GIG Worker

Hello…. Here are my qualifications for the poor review I’m about to leave. I deliver for Uber Eats, Grubhub, DoorDash and shop for Instacart. Not really sure what happened to Grubhub but they changed. I’d go to a restaurant to pick food up after driving 15-20 minutes only to wait another 15-20 minutes at the restaurant because they just received the ticket. 75% of the time they send you so early to the restaurant. People say ohhh you make more money from grubhub then dash. The truth is dash, customer base on Grubhub is for the most part your middle classs and they leave tips. Grubhub actually pays the worst out of all gig companies. 16 miles , they pay 3.00. Let’s say you get a 25 grub order, your drive to restaurant and the wait and most of the time you’re driving across town out of the way/ that process takes 30-45 minutes. DoorDash plans next moves/ keeps in the general area and food is 95% ready when picking up. They pay less but you’re banging them out quickly. 15-20 minutes you’re making 12-15 bucks. Do the math. Grub has been sending me orders that I literally would put a shoe on for the amount offered and mileage. The only thing I respect them for is actual background checks and insurance checks. If your insurance expired and you didn’t send a new one, you’re not working until they get it. Doordash is so ghetto that I wear a Grubhub mask and use grubhub bag when dashing. Straight thugs using girlfriends accts/ 4 to a car. I saw 1 driver eating fries out of the bad. I saw a kid dashing that I went to high school with. Kid went to prison for a home invasion/ threw the woman down a flight of stairs/ while she was on the floor (he back broke) he did some nasty stuff to her in front of her 2 year old. Left. Xmas eve/ this kid was dashing. I was like bro you just did 17 years in prison for a violent crime, how the f are you allowed near people? He laughed and said, I need to make that paper. Door dash don’t care. As far as whom I’d rock colors for… Grubhub. Who would you make the most with but gotta keep your head down and whisper the name of the company to the waitress. DoorDash.

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Grubhub for Drivers a pain to work for

Honestly grubhub is crap. When I first started working for grubhub back in november it was good I was getting orders and there was always multiple blocks open during the day. Once I progressed in the system and made it to Pro, this is when things fall down hill.
1) drop block percentage is stupid. If I want to drop a block I shouldn’t be punished for it especially since that block will more than likely be filled in by someone else almost immediately and also what if i want to switch my block to a different day? you still get punished for dropping that block. absolutely ridiculous
2) you have to make sure you select your blocks for the next week as soon as they open. I haven’t been able to get a block for the past 3 weeks because i’ve been 10 minutes late to the opening and every single one of them has been booked and I constantly check throughout the days of the week and it’s always booked up I can’t stand it.
3) my account go suspended because I was working more hours than I got deliveries. what am I suppose to do? how do I make sure I get deliveries? it’s not my fault people don’t order when i work. I do my part I drive around waiting for orders for 5 hours a day and I only get 3 deliveries and i’m the one that gets punished? insane
4) the range of how far deliveries are and how much you get paid for them is stupid. I had to drive an hour in traffic for $4 and I can’t deny the order because then my minimum wage will be terminated for that hour. they need to really fix their problems
5) stop. sending. me. multiple. orders. at. a. time. I already explained how i can’t deny an order in the previous complaint and when i’m delivering someone else’s order then all of a sudden I get another request for a completely different restaurant on the other side of town and I have to pick it up within 10 minutes is not ideal
If you are considering working for this company just know that every little thing they account for is bullsh*** they really don’t care about their drivers and I have no where to complain but here

if this is grubhub reading please fix this and make all of our lives easier

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Grubhub for Drivers Very bad app

Very bad software engineers, Where did you get your education from, Zimbabwe?

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Grubhub for Drivers Doesn’t work

I have to open the App for every order in the App Store it’s very frustrating!

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Grubhub for Drivers The pay issue

I think you guys better pay the half amount of money when they cancel the order.

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Grubhub for Drivers Manneeee

Yoo yall need to being back the old version of this app tthis new update is trash . Fr

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Grubhub for Drivers Burning my phone

When I updated to this app
My phone is stating burning
New version is very sad for me ..

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Grubhub for Drivers Scheduling block

I cannot schedule a block . Reason is because “I’m blocked” can’t get ahold of anyone to fix it .

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Grubhub for Drivers Grubhub driver

When I started working on Grubhub I was earning 13 dollars hr plus 4 dollars delivery pay and 50 cents a mile now! It 10 dollars hr not even 3 dollars delivery and they use your delivery miles and tips to combine your 10 hr pay so in conclusion I worked with a different food delivery service and I made 10 to 20 dollars more for the same amount of hrs I believe Grubhub started out with a good service and somewhere along the way got greedy and now there drivers are not being treated fairly after all they use there own cars pay for there gas not to mention the unlimited miles there putting on there cars and don’t get 10 hr plus tips that’s the reality

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Grubhub for Drivers Less Money, More Driving

I’ve been a full time driver since 2016(yes that long). After last June payment system changes GrabHub is not the same anymore, I’m sure long time drivers can relate. Removing base flat fee of $4 really makes it trash, now company relies only on customer tips and long distance delivery milage, it’s really unfair for both Drivers and Customers because one gets paid less to drive more and as an outcome the others get lower quality of service.
Customers wait for food forever until grabhub steps in and adds “bonus pay” for an order just so drivers would pick it up and bring it to a dinner.
GrabHub just removed minimum guarantee per hr pay, they want you to work but not earn, barely survive. $3.5 orders in L.A area, you got to be kidding me?! Next step they will remove per order pay transparency trust me, that’s where is everything slowly heading. Sorry not Sorry GrabHub!

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Grubhub for Drivers Grubhub is Not the same

I started Grubhub the beginning of the year and I made great money but it has gone downhill these last few months. I have not done Grubhub is almost 2 months and uninstalled the app. I am disappointed in the feature of no longer showing you how much you’ll make with the tip included and of how far away you have to drive outside your zone. I will not do a $4.00 delivery and not see my tip just to wear and tear my car. At the rate it’s going, I burned more gas than earning. I always drive in the hot spots and now get an offer that is like over 10 miles away but they only give you a 50 cent per mile reimbursement of the distance from the restaurant to the customers house. I panicked when I had to drive so far out in in the area of Kansas that I was not familiar with when my zone on the Missouri side downtown. Customer service is also a problem, you’re on hold for like 10 minutes

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Grubhub for Drivers Horrible! Worst app for deliveries

your earnings disappear from the app every monday. You have to rely on your email. Reset earning monthly! Garbage!
*you cannot change your checking account number/info for direct deposit. Good luck changing it if you need to. Garbage!
*the process of dropping and picking up blocks is horrible! Why can’t this be some sort of calendar type process? There has to be a better way than this multi step process crap. Garbage!
*if i want to drop a block that I previously scheduled for a specific time/day, let me drop it and pick up a different time slot that day without being dinged a dropped block, BLOCK SWAP! Garbage!
*make the unavailable/taking offers a VERY simple toggle switch/button. ie UberEats.
*offer instant pay option in the app or multi day deposits
*stop sending me dual offers for 1 restaurant when the first order has been ready for 10 mins already and the 2nd order was just placed and the diners are 13 mins in opposite directions! GARBAGE!
*switch to location based offers within a certain range, mins/miles of my location. Stop sending me offers that are 18 mins away for $4.40, then ding my acceptance rating for rejecting the offer. Garbage!
*im done for now, I definitely could write more. Makes me angry the more and more i write and think about how disgusted i am with this GARBAGE!

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About Grubhub for Drivers

Screenshot Grubhub for Drivers
Grubhub for Drivers is a platform designed specifically for drivers who work with Grubhub, a popular food delivery service. This platform provides drivers with a range of tools and resources to help them manage their deliveries, track their earnings, and stay up-to-date on the latest news and updates from Grubhub.

One of the key features of Grubhub for Drivers is the ability to manage deliveries in real-time. Drivers can use the platform to view and accept delivery requests, track their progress, and communicate with customers. This helps drivers stay organized and efficient, ensuring that they can complete deliveries quickly and accurately.

In addition to delivery management tools, Grubhub for Drivers also provides drivers with detailed earnings reports. Drivers can view their earnings by day, week, or month, and can see a breakdown of their earnings by delivery, tip, and other factors. This helps drivers understand their earnings and identify areas where they can improve their performance.

Another important feature of Grubhub for Drivers is the ability to stay up-to-date on the latest news and updates from Grubhub. Drivers can access information about new promotions, changes to the delivery process, and other important updates that may affect their work. This helps drivers stay informed and prepared, ensuring that they can provide the best possible service to their customers.

Overall, Grubhub for Drivers is an essential tool for anyone who works as a driver for Grubhub. With its range of features and resources, this platform helps drivers stay organized, efficient, and informed, ensuring that they can provide the best possible service to their customers and maximize their earnings.

Overview of Grubhub for Drivers complaint handling

Grubhub for Drivers reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 9, 2023. The latest review Grubhub is no longer worth it was posted on Jun 11, 2023. The latest complaint Very bad app was resolved on May 28, 2023. Grubhub for Drivers has an average consumer rating of 3 stars from 37 reviews. Grubhub for Drivers has resolved 10 complaints.
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