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Boutique Teacup Puppies Complaints 7

3:02 pm EDT
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Yes, I paid for a pomsky and they were ready to ship. Ashley called telling me she spent my money on something else and did not have the money to ship the pomsky, the puppy was paid for over seas from Ashley but she did not have the balance to pay for shipping. here is the copy of my receipt, I told her I would pay for shipping, I had a copy of the air bill...

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4:35 pm EDT

Boutique Teacup Puppies Scam

I purchased what I thought was a healthy maltese from Boutique Puppies on 02/14/21 only for her to pass away on 10/14/22. Her health obviously declined 10/01/22 which alarmed us. We rushed her to the ER only to find out she was born with an abnormal brain. It took two weeks to finally narrow down the issue, many X-rays, blood test, exams, and finally the MRI gave us the horrific news. My little girl was dying and suffering. She began having painful seizures, became blind, and started twitching. When we brought her home I noticed she had a dent in her head and I tried calling the owner but Ashley never returned my calls or messages

Desired outcome: after spending over 10,000.00 on medical bills on my sweet Valentine (that was her name) there was nothing that would save her life my family and I made the decision to put her down.

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12:05 am EDT

Boutique Teacup Puppies Rude and unpleasant... She is illiterate unethical behavior

If you are this nervous about our legitimacy then please shop local and not online. In 2020 no one registers with the Better Business Bureau. There are way to many other sources to provide we are legit and that social meida which we have over 60k followers on ig and 90k follower on facebook and is 99 percent of our clientele. If you like digging and worrying about scams then I suggest may shopping local for your puppy. Thank you for your interest but, I do not want to be continually questioned during the process of waiting almost 9 weeks of waiting for your puppy to go home since you are looking at a newborn puppy. We sell to clients by risk and if these questions surely were something you wanted answered a call would have been sufficient to follow up. Thank you


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10:53 am EST
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Boutique Teacup Puppies ashley andersen

[warning - do not purchase a puppy from this website - criminals and scam artists - terrible people]

My name's Nabila, and I live in California. I purchased a puppy named Fantasia from Boutique Teacup Puppies LLC by Ashley Andersen with full payment on 23 November 2019, but never received her.

This is my customer review.

I am writing it to save others from the horrible experience I faced.

This is the most unethical, deceitful, disrespectful, unprofessional and fraudulent puppy reseller you could ever choose.

The owner, Ashley Andersen is an international criminal who has changed business names and moved states multiple times to escape legal prosecution from defrauded customers and a class-action lawsuit.

This puppy I paid for was never delivered to me, after six weeks of purchase. They did NOT refund me in full and therefore, reselling her is illegal without the original buyer's authorization.

Here is a background of the facts and communications:

After they took my full payment on 23 November 2019, I told them I would like Fantasia's delivery to take place during the last week of December 2019, around Christmas.

Since the very beginning, they were rude, offensive, unhelpful, and refused to take my calls even as a paid client. They refuse to answer basic questions about the puppy's living conditions, her family, background, exact age or size, or delivery details, leading me to believe they are hiding a lot.

When the delivery time approached, it became clear they will not be assisting with her delivery.

They simply throw the request to their "nannies" and if one of them is interested, they contact you directly. But no one contacted me.

They demonstrate strange cruelty when talking about puppies. It breaks my heart that such heartless people are the ones who own and keep these beautiful puppies marketed on their channels.

I spoke with Jill, and Ashley Nicole Anderson, the owner. Their customer service revolves around insulting, threatening, and refusing to help or support clients.

Whenever you ask them a simple question, they attack you with accusations designed to intimidate you, make you doubt yourself, and simply, stop asking them any questions at all.

My questions included: How old is the puppy?

Can you tell me about her family? How much does she weigh? How will she travel? Who takes care of her?

Will she be in the cabin or shipped and how can I make sure she will be safe? What vaccinations has she received, and what will she be receiving before she arrives? How can I prepare for her arrival?

Most of these questions were either not answered at all, or answered partially, after much dispute and effort on my part. I did not understand why they were so keen to hide so many details.

And whenever I dared to ask any questions, they would ALWAYS threaten to "refund and resell the puppy." This was not my preference as I really wanted to adopt Fantasia and was completely committed.

I had given her a new name, bought her crate and toys, and was waiting for her arrival.

Ashley, the owner, never agreed to take my call from the day of purchase, until the 28th of December, 2019. She only accepted texts.

I sent Ashley this text on 6 December 2019:


Hello Ashley.

Below is my feedback to you, as owner of this business.

Your staff's manner of communication with paid clients is inappropriate, offensive, unfriendly, undiplomatic, deliberately unhelpful, and extremely rude.

The premium price you charge for your puppies, which is far above industry standard should at least come with the most basic form of courtesy, respect or customer relationship management.

Your practices are out of line with industry norms or standards, and also, they show a complete lack of regard for your clients. Especially since you have already received their full payment, plus the guarantee.

I know you are running a profit-driven business. But you must remember that the clients you are dealing with are sincere, well-intentioned, warm-hearted dog lovers who are searching for a companion.

We are not choosing your business so that we will be treated with a lack of courtesy. You need to train staff to treat your clients with friendliness, helpfulness, and respect.

I chose your business because it seemed like a trustworthy, good place to go, and initially, I did not find negative reviews. I expected this to be a positive experience, as we are purchasing a puppy, and this should be a good experience. This experience for me has been quite stressful, negative, and unnecessarily complicated.

This is important feedback for you.


I November 2019 and December 2019, I requested that the puppy be delivered between 29 December 2019 and 5 Jan 2020, or up to 2-3 weeks later.


Ashley told me to arrange with Jill, as she does not handle delivery, and I did.

Jill refused to give me any general estimate of the delivery date, even with a 3-week buffer after my requested delivery date (all the way until late January 2020).

On December 28th, 2019, I sent Ashley to follow up and asked for a call, which she refused. When I insisted, she called me and did not allow me to speak. She started with statements containing the F word and said they will refund me the full amount. It was the most traumatizing, horrifying call I ever received.

From her voice and tone, I understood why Ashley does not speak with clients. I understood her background. I found out later that there is a class-action lawsuit against her, by a large trail of angry customers from all over the US.

Today, I am writing this review, after they took my money, and have not refunded me.

I have initiated legal action, and will not stop until they have provided me with a full refund for what they owe me.

My heart aches most, however, for Fantasia, my dream puppy, who will be re-sold illegally, and for all the poor helpless innocent puppies they bred and held captive. They do not deserve to be exploited by this company, nor do the dog lovers looking to adopt their new companions whom they attract.

As customers, we should do the right thing.

Do NOT assist this unethical fraudulent company any further, and do NOT make my mistake.

If you have also been exploited, abused or defrauded by this company, please make sure to let people know.

It would have been very helpful if I had known who they were before sending them full payment.


Read below Ashley Anderson's business reviews, past and current. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU READING THEM.

She uses many different business names and has an outrageous amount of horrible reviews. She has also used the name Nicole Methvin, Traci Murai Bradfield, You will see her complaints started in 1998 till now, 2013.

GOOGLE SEARCH: Boutique Teacup Puppies Complaints 2013

Boutique Teacup Puppies Complaints

MS Puppy Connection Complaints

World Class Bulldogs Complaints

Nightingale Bulldogs Complaints

Dream Maker Kittens Complaints

Celebrity Puppy Boutique Complaints

Ashley Anderson Puppy Complaints

Find Ashley in this document:


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Chicago Il, US
Nov 25, 2022 4:28 pm EST

There have been several lawsuits against “Ashley Nicole Methvin Anderson, the owner of “Boutique Teacup Puppies.” My suggestion would be to contact the Mississippi Attorney Generals office; they’ve been after her for years. Because she’s moved her scam to TX, you may want to contact theTX AG office as well. Teacups puppies often develop multiple health problems, as the only thing that makes them small, are horrible breeding practices. She’s also been known to bait & switch, by taking $ for a puppy that was sold to someone else, and delivering another dog - or no dog at all.

Debi Kessler-Smith
Jul 02, 2022 9:53 pm EDT

For everyone that has experienced a horrible tragedy with this terrible breeder, I’m so sorry for you all.

After reading some of these stories, I feel very blessed because it is not until I’ve had my sweet little baby Benny for four years have I had a problem with him that just cost me $1200 and he went into a seizure and scared me to death.

When I first got him in June 2018 he was 16 weeks old and he was just as sweet and adorable as can be.

A puppy nanny flew him to me in Maryland from Texas and I picked him up at the airport.

The only thing that I was concerned about at the time was that he appeared to be starving hungry and thirsty, but I thought this was because they just didn’t feed him before the trip.

My experiences have come from apparent abuse he received before he came to me. The first time that I took him to a groomer after I attempted to groom him and he about took my hand off, he then about took the groomers hand off and I took him to the vet.

He definitely had issues with being skittish, he’s terrified if you have a leash in your hand that is the retractable kind because I think one was dropped on his head. I can’t even use a retractable leash with him because of this.

I would say because I took him to a certified trainer, spent a lot of money and a lot of time, along with a lot of patience, I was able to turn his behavior around. He does still have a few triggers, but I am able to get him to come around.

Where I am worried now is that he had a seizure after vomiting excessively. He may have a seizure condition if this continues so I am watching him like a hawk.

I feel like I have so little to complain about compared to the other horror stories I’m reading here, but I wanted to share.

I did do a lot of research before I worked with this breeder and I didn’t find any negative information on them, but it must’ve been because they were operating under a different name at that time that would’ve had all the bad complaints and they hadn’t tarnished the name of this company yet.

I would like to know how to participate in the suit because not only did I pay $6000 for this dog, which I have found is way over priced for this type of dog, unless you’re buying a stud or a [censored] to breed.

I feel strongly about getting together as a group and making this woman pay for what she’s done. I will say when I was contacting them for the paperwork I have to receive, that Ashley and her cohorts were extremely rude once the transaction was over and they had my money.

I am incredibly grateful for the love and comfort and joy I have gotten from the sweet little for baby.

What also troubles me is how much he has changed in appearance because he was prodominantly black when I got him, but now he is cream, very light tan, gray, and silver, with only a few black hairs in his tail. This makes me want to believe he is not a teacup Yorkie as advertised.

Thanks for letting me share. Good luck to all of you and your journey with your for babies.

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8:10 pm EST
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I really wish someone would do a real investigation into this "pet service" . There is another one out there called betty's tiny yorkies that is very similar to the boutique teacup puppies. I wouldn't be surprised to know that they are the same people. Their websites are extremely similar. I was interested in a cream colored chihuahua puppy and then...

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10:31 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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One of the worst puppy mill operations in the United States. The Humane Society has just listed the worst puppy mills and Ashley Andersen is hiding under many different business names. According to the report: "Ashley Anderson, Celebrity Puppy Boutique, aka Boutique Teacup Puppies, San Antonio/ Spring Ranch, TX – Imported puppies with numerous consumer...

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4:19 am EDT
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Unfortunately we bought our puppy on line from Boutique Teacup Puppies 0n 12-07-11. We were promised a healthy puppy by the owner Ashley who stated if there were ever an issue with health or vet bills they would cover it. This was also confirmed in our signed agreement however, on the day our puppy arrived she had a fever of 105 and a respitory infection...

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Overview of Boutique Teacup Puppies complaint handling

Boutique Teacup Puppies reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jun 5, 2012. The latest review Selling puppies was posted on Aug 11, 2024. The latest complaint puppy mill was resolved on Jul 01, 2014. Boutique Teacup Puppies has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 7 reviews. Boutique Teacup Puppies has resolved 1 complaints.
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    Aug 12, 2024

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