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TradeCarView Reviews 27

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TradeCarView TradeCarView: A Buyer's Nightmare - Fraudulent Sellers and Neglectful Customer Service

I recently purchased a Toyota Crown from the auction website, TradeCarView. The seller was Car Light Corporation, and while I was excited to receive my new car, I encountered some issues with the registration process in the UK. It turns out that the export certificate had been altered from the standard, as the car was originally registered as a commercial vehicle in Japan. This meant that the car needed to be modified before it could be registered in the UK, and the Ministry of Transport had removed the classification and specification number from the certificate. These numbers are necessary for a car to go through IVA testing in the UK before registration.

I tried to contact both Car Light Corporation and TradeCarView multiple times to find a solution to this problem, but unfortunately, they were not able to offer any help. Additionally, I discovered that the car needed new tires and an engine oil leak sorted out before it could pass its MOT. I was disappointed that these details were not included in the advertisement, and I felt that the website was not serving the buyer's interests.

It seems that TradeCarView is more interested in making money from fraudulent sellers than in helping buyers. They receive charges from these sellers and do not seem to care about the buyer's experience at all. I believe that we should boycott this website until they change their operation strategy and start prioritizing the buyer's needs.

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TradeCarView Fraudulent Seller Alert: My Disappointing Experience with and SHIBAGAKI TRD

I recently purchased a car from and unfortunately, my experience was not a good one. The car I received had a blown motor and the paint on the roof was badly oxidized. The company that sold it to me, SHIBAGAKI TRD, insisted that the engine was in good condition when it was shipped and intentionally avoided showing the oxidized paint in their pictures or mentioning it in the description.

Before purchasing the car, I specifically asked if it would pass Japanese vehicle inspection requirements and they assured me that it would. However, the exhaust also leaks and the car barely runs, pushing exhaust out the dipstick tub and billowing coolant smoke. It is clear that this car would not even come close to passing inspection.

When I contacted about the issue, they simply stated that they take no responsibility for false advertising and fraud on their website. They only offer assistance if the vehicle is never shipped or received, which I find hard to believe they would even help with.

In my opinion, if you value your time and money, I would not recommend using and most importantly, do not buy a vehicle from SHIBAGAKI TRD. It is clear that these guys are not an accredited business in Japan and are fraudulent. Save yourself the hassle and find a more reputable seller.

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TradeCarView Tradecarview Review: A One-Stop-Shop for International Car Buyers

From my personal experience, I gotta say that tradecarview is a pretty dope site. It's like a one-stop-shop for buyers to find the best deals from many dealers. It's just like those other sites in the US, like and, but with a more international flavor. But let me tell you, even on the best sites, there's always gonna be one bad dealer or some shady characters trying to get over on you. So, let me give you a word of caution: do your homework before you start shopping, fam.

Now, the reason why most buyers come to tradecarview is because they're looking for cheaper deals. The sellers on this site are mainly exporters, and they don't usually sell cars locally. If you want a great used car from Japan with a guarantee on the condition, then your best bet is to go directly to the local used car dealers. But let me tell you, those dealers aren't usually listed on tradecarview, and in most cases, they only speak Japanese. Plus, their cars are more expensive, so you gotta weigh your options, ya feel me?

All that being said, I still think tradecarview is a great site. It's trying to bring different dealers under one roof so that buyers can compare prices and avoid getting ripped off. And let me tell you, they're doing a pretty good job at it. In fact, they recently opened up regional offices overseas, which is a big deal. They can only do that because they have a big and growing customer base.

So, to all those haters out there who wrote negative reviews earlier, I hope my comments here shine a light on the real deal. Tradecarview is a legit site, and if you do your homework, you can find some really good deals on there. Just be careful and don't get played, ya heard?

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TradeCarView Warning: Tradecarview and Nihonsha Land Co Ltd are a Scam - Don't Be Their Next Victim!

I had a really bad experience with Tradecarview. I spent a lot of money, over aus$10,000, to get a car shipped to Australia, but when it arrived, it was a statutory write off and I couldn't register it to drive on the road. The dealer was Nihonsha Land Co Ltd, and they are a bunch of crooks. I wish I had done more research before buying from them. But the worst thing is that Tradecarview is just as bad. They only care about getting their commission from the deal, and they don't care if the dealer is a crook or not. They should have blacklisted this dealer a long time ago, but they let them and many others keep trading even though they know about the scams. It's like they're aiding and abetting the dealers in their crimes. I don't understand why the Japanese government allows them to keep doing business. They must know what's going on.

Has anyone out there actually received help from Tradecarview after complaining about a substandard vehicle? Or does anyone know if the dealer that scammed them was blacklisted or prosecuted in any way? I doubt it. I got a reply to my first two emails complaining about the car, but nothing since. They promised to get back to me in two days, but I'm still waiting. Don't give these people your business. It's like playing Russian roulette. You might get lucky and get a decent car, or you might get scammed. And if you do get scammed, you're on your own.

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TradeCarView Tips to Avoid Getting Scammed When Buying a Car from TC-V

If you're looking to buy a car from TC-V, then you need to be careful. There are some scammers out there who will try to take advantage of you. But don't worry, I've got some tips to help you avoid getting scammed.

Firstly, always ask for an auction sheet. This will give you a good idea of the condition of the car. If you don't speak Japanese, you can use Google Translate to help you understand the auction sheet. Some cars may not have an auction sheet, so if that's the case, move on to tip number two.

Secondly, always ask for the vehicle export certificate. This is an official document that is issued for all vehicles that are exported from Japan. It includes the correct vehicle VIN/chassis number, as well as the correct mileage of the vehicle. Some scammers may try to cover up the mileage on the document, so make sure you check it carefully. I've attached a photo of an example of an export certificate to help you out.

Finally, request as many photos as possible. Some sellers may try to hide details of the car by only showing dull photos. Ask for photos of the front, rear, sides, and underbody of the car. Some cars may have rust on the underbody, so it's important to check this. In my case, the seller didn't take a photo of the front windshield to hide a large crack.

I hope these tips help you avoid getting scammed on TC-V. Good luck!

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TradeCarView Disappointing Purchase from Tradecarview: Toyota Prado TRJ150W TZG Review

I recently purchased a Toyota Prado TRJ150W TZG from Nihonsha Company through I paid the invoice in December 2017, but due to low season for shipping and inspection requirements, the vehicle was delayed and finally offloaded in Dar in February 2018. Unfortunately, due to taxation issues, the vehicle was in storage for over 5 months before it was released in June 2018.

When I finally received the vehicle, I found that the body and paint were in reasonable condition and the leather seats were intact. The air conditioner also worked well. However, I was disappointed to find that the price of $29,945 for a 2012 car was quite steep, and I expected a Grade 4 or 4.5 vehicle, which it was not.

To make matters worse, the battery had to be replaced on day one, and the engine only had less than 2 liters of black watery oil in it, despite requiring 5 liters. The speedometer and trip meter worked, but the odometer was stuck at the reading on shipment, and it was discovered that the seller had tampered with it to falsify the mileage, causing damage to the dashboard and odometer.

The spare tire was in terrible condition with fist-sized holes, and the spare wheel rim was also in poor shape. The front brake discs rotors were deeply grooved, causing weak brakes and an extended stopping distance. The CD/DVD player did not work, and I had to purchase a new set.

Overall, I am very dissatisfied with my purchase from Tradecarview. I have only driven the vehicle for a couple of days, and I fear that there may be more surprises waiting to be discovered, and more repairs to be undertaken. This was a very raw deal for me as a customer, and I would not recommend using Tradecarview for purchasing vehicles.

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TradeCarView Disappointed with TradeCarView: False Advertising by Japan Partner Inc

I gotta say, I'm pretty disappointed with my experience with TradeCarView. I bought a Mercedes A160 from Japan Partner Inc back in January of 2016, and let me tell you, it was not the quality that was promised to me. The auction sheet listed it as a 3.5, which was certified by Manny, the Assistant Manager for PIC Africa, Asia, and Canada. But when I received the car, it was clear that it was not up to that standard.

I paid Japan Partner Inc to do a basic inspection and due diligence to make sure that the car was as advertised, but they didn't do their job. The car I received was not the 3.5 that was promised - it was more like an R (repair) status. It's going to cost me over $7000 to fix it up to the standard that was promised to me.

Honestly, anyone who had started the ignition would have noticed that the transmission was stuck in F limp mode (or second gear). It's got some serious transmission problems and won't shift out of second gear. It's a mess.

I'm trying to get Japan Partner Inc to take responsibility for their mistake and pay for the repairs that need to be done. I had a mechanic do a BC provincial inspection, and he found a bunch of serious problems with the car. It's just not up to the standard that was promised to me.

I know that Japan has a reputation for being honest and having integrity, but this experience has really shaken my faith in that. I expect more from a Japanese company, and I'm really disappointed that I've had to deal with this.

Has anyone else had a similar experience with a Japanese car exporter? I could really use some advice on how to recover my money from these guys. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

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TradeCarView TradeCarView Review: Appalling Customer Service and Refund Issues

I ordered a car from TradeCarView back in January 2015. I was excited to receive my new vehicle, but unfortunately, things didn't go as planned. After sending payment in full for the amount specified on the proforma invoice, I received a message from the supplier saying they couldn't ship it to Liverpool as we had agreed. Instead, they asked me to pay an additional $1000 to have it shipped to Southampton. I was not happy with this and rejected the offer.

After a month had passed, the supplier informed me that they had canceled the order. However, they did not inform TradeCarView, who then refused to refund my money. They claimed that they had not received email confirmation from the supplier that the deal was canceled. I have sent over 37 pages of emails to the supplier, on a weekly basis, asking politely for them to send a confirmation of cancellation to TradeCarView - all without response.

I have provided TradeCarView with five full transcripts of all correspondence with the supplier, including IP addresses. Despite this, I am still waiting for a refund. Each email I send goes into a black hole for at least two weeks without response. When I try to use the 24/7 'customer Support' service (online chat), I get the same useless response of, "I will now escalate your case to Head Office." All I can say is that Head Office must either be on the 10,000th floor, or all of the people there have their heads up their ar$es.

I would not recommend TradeCarView to anyone. They claim to be a joint venture with Microsoft and Yahoo Japan Corporation, but I think that is just flannel. They also claim to respond to all customer service inquiries within two days, but I'm into my third week for my latest attempt to get my money back. If I were a betting man, I'd probably put a few quid on losing my shirt.

Their customer service is appalling, unresponsive, untrustworthy, uncommunicative, unhelpful, and unwilling to give me my money back, despite me being the injured party here. If they were an animal, I would have nipped out for a shotgun by now.

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TradeCarView Nightmare Experience with Tradecarview: False Advertising and Poor Customer Service

I recently bought a car from tradecarview (TC-V) and it was a total nightmare. I strongly advise you to steer clear of them. My experience with the seller, Carnival Co LTD, was one of the worst I've ever had.

To begin with, they tampered with the odometer and advertised false readings. I knew something was off because they forgot to remove the service history book from the car. When I checked it, I saw that the vehicle had 130,000km on the last service, but they claimed it only had 60,000km. When I tried to complain, they just ignored me. TC-V boasts about payment protection, but they never actually follow through with it. They always side with the seller and refuse to offer refunds for false advertising.

When I asked about the car's condition, they assured me that it was in great shape and of high quality. However, they conveniently forgot to mention that the windshield had a huge crack in it. They also took photos at certain angles to hide any damage to the car. When I received the car, I immediately filed a complaint about the windshield. But they just told me that they couldn't do anything about it because it didn't leave Japan with a crack (which was a lie). And TC-V just went along with it, saying that the seller said it was fine, so it must be true. It was outrageous.

TC-V's customer service was also terrible. They just kept sending me the same message over and over again, no matter what I said. Here's what they kept saying:

"Dear sir

Thank you for your message.
Regarding to your request, only the seller can take prompt action for you.

As we checked, you have already sent a message to the seller.
Please wait for their reply patiently.

We are sorry but sellers cannot see messages addressed to Customer Support.
If there is no response from the seller in a timely manner, please let us know for assistance.

Kind Regards,
Customer Support"

It was incredibly frustrating and unhelpful. I wouldn't recommend TC-V to anyone.

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TradeCarView Terrible Experience with Tradecarview: Lost Almost AUD$1000 and Got Nothing in Return

I gotta say, I had a pretty rough experience with Tradecarview. Now, I know some folks out there have had good luck with them, but let me tell you, that was not the case for me. I ended up losing almost AUD$1000 and didn't even get a car out of it.

Here's what happened. I found a car I wanted to buy on their site and did all the research I could to make sure it was a good deal. I paid for the car and was waiting for it to be shipped when the seller told me that it might not comply with road regulations after all. I was pretty worried about this, but I kept trying to work with the seller to find a solution. The car needed electronic stability control, and the seller didn't think it had it. But the photos showed buttons and dash lights that indicated it did have ESC, so I was confused. I asked the seller to take a photo of the dash with the button pushed, but then he cancelled the transaction without even telling me. I found out from Tradecarview that I would be liable for a US$150 cancellation fee. I was pretty shocked that the seller would do this without even talking to me about it first.

When I tried to get help from Tradecarview, they were no help at all. They just told me to wait for the seller to contact me, even though there was no indication that he was going to. I provided evidence that I had tried to contact both the seller and Tradecarview to fix the issue, but they still insisted that I was liable for the cancellation fee. Eventually, I just gave up and agreed to pay the fee to get my money back. But even then, the refunded amount was way less than it should have been. When I asked about it, they just blamed it on exchange rates and bank fees, but I knew that wasn't the whole story.

Long story short, I lost almost AUD$1000 and got nothing in return. I would not recommend using Tradecarview to anyone. Their "money back guarantee" is a joke, and they are impossible to deal with if anything goes wrong. Save yourself the trouble and just burn $500 instead.

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TradeCarView Complaints 17

8:17 pm EDT
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TradeCarView Beware of Japan Partner Inc: A Total Scam Company - My Personal Experience

I recently had a really bad time with Japan Partner Inc. I gotta say, this company is a total scam and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, not even my worst enemy. They have this user agreement that basically lets them get away with scamming people and there's nothing you can do about it. If you don't want to lose your money and your mind, stay away from these guys. They'll take your money and then just keep frustrating you until you give up on whatever it was you were trying to buy from them. Seriously, don't say I didn't warn you! If you want to hear more about my experience or read other horror stories like mine, check out

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7:45 pm EDT
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TradeCarView Disappointing Experience with TradeCarView: Undisclosed Faults and Lack of Communication

I recently had an experience with TradeCarView and unfortunately it was not a positive one. I had arranged to collect my car from Southampton Docks and upon inspection, I noticed that the door trim was damaged and the paint had been scraped off the plastic moulding along the entire length of the car. Additionally, there were scrape marks on the rear bumper and the gear knob and radio volume button were missing. These faults were not mentioned in the car advertising and I was quite disappointed.

I tried to contact TradeCarView via their email system, which had worked before I took delivery of the car. However, I have not received any response from them since then. This lack of communication has been frustrating and has left me feeling quite helpless.

To make matters worse, I was informed that the car had been shipped in June, but upon further inquiry, I discovered that it was only shipped in July. This delay has caused me a lot of inconvenience and has made me question the reliability of TradeCarView.

Overall, my experience with TradeCarView has been disappointing and I would not recommend them to others. The lack of communication and the undisclosed faults in the car have left me feeling dissatisfied with my purchase.

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6:50 pm EDT
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TradeCarView Unreliable and Dishonest Trader: My Disappointing Experience with TradeCarView

I gotta say, I was pretty impressed with how fast the seller shipped my car from TradeCarView. I mean, I was trying to avoid having to pay for an inspection through PayTrade, but it didn't even matter because the seller shipped it off before anyone could even take a look at it. And then, to make matters worse, the car had a history of accidents that the seller conveniently forgot to mention. So now I had to shell out an extra $1750 just to get it compliant with NZ Roads. Let me tell you, this trader is not to be trusted. They're dishonest and I wouldn't recommend trading with them again. Honestly, I'm not even sure if I want to use this website again after this experience. It's just not worth the risk.

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Is TradeCarView Legit?

TradeCarView earns a trustworthiness rating of 66%

Generally safe, but check closely before sharing details.

Our conclusion: TradeCarView's operations, reviewed by ComplaintsBoards, appear mostly legit but with some concerns. Be careful and read customer feedback before dealing with the company. Negative reviews may indicate potential risks.

We found clear and detailed contact information for TradeCarView. The company provides a physical address, phone number, and email, as well as social media account. This demonstrates a commitment to customer service and transparency, which is a positive sign for building trust with customers.

TradeCarView has received 2 positive reviews on our site. This is a good sign and indicates a safe and reliable experience for customers who choose to work with the company. you are considering visiting, which is associated with TradeCarView, is very old. Longevity often suggests that a website has consistently provided valuable content, products, or services over the years and has maintained a stable user base and a sustained online presence. This could be an indication of a very positive reputation.

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • has relatively low traffic compared to other websites, it could be due to a niche focus, but could also indicate a potential lack of traffic and popularity. The may offer a niche product or service that is only of interest to a smaller audience.
  • SSL check indicates that the certificate is not valid, it means that the connection between the server and browser is not secure. We strongly advise against visiting this site or providing any personal or financial information. If you have already done so, we recommend taking immediate action to protect your information.
  • TradeCarView protects their ownership data, a common and legal practice. However, from our perspective, this lack of transparency can impede trust and accountability, which are essential for establishing a credible and respected business entity.
  • We conducted a search on social media and found several negative reviews related to TradeCarView. These reviews may indicate issues with the company's products, services, or customer support. It is important to thoroughly research the company and its offerings before making any purchases to avoid any potential risks.
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TradeCarView TradeCarView Review: A Great Place to Buy JDM Cars, But Buyer Beware

I recently stumbled upon TradeCarView and I gotta say, it's like an eBay for JDM cars! This site claims that they care about your satisfaction, but the terms and conditions are written in a way that protects them from any responsibility. However, they do have some scam protection systems in place that can help you out if you don't receive your vehicle at all.

If you're looking for a used car from Japan, TradeCarView is definitely a great place to start. However, I do have to say that the buyer protection isn't the best. So, before you make any purchases, make sure to do your research outside of TradeCarView to ensure that you're dealing with a legit seller.

Overall, I think TradeCarView is a solid platform for buying used cars from Japan. Just make sure to be cautious and do your due diligence before making any purchases.

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TradeCarView Beware of TradeCarView's Verified Exporters: A Review of 41export's Terrible Service and Rip-Off Experience

TradeCarView ( is a website that has a lot of car exporters on it. They give gold stars to some of the exporters and say that they are verified business members for two years. However, if you use one of these exporters and get ripped off, you won't be able to contact them. They won't reply to your emails. We had to call another car exporter in Japan to ask how to contact TradeCarView. When we finally got through to them, they didn't seem to care that we had been ripped off. They told us to wait another month for the exporter to contact us. We only used 41export because they were on TradeCarView and were a verified valued member. Their English is terrible and their attitude is even worse. I would never use them again.

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TradeCarView Buyer Beware: My Experience with TradeCarView and Agent Victor

I want to share my experience with TradeCarView, a website where you can buy cars from Japan. I bought a 2004 Hilux Vigo in October 2014 through an agent named Victor. I have to warn you, be careful with this guy. When I received the proforma invoice payment of the agreed price, he demanded an extra US$2000 before he could release the B/L. I was not happy about it, but I paid it anyway because I really wanted the car.

When the car arrived, I was disappointed to find out that it had a dent which was not revealed in the photos. It also arrived with no jack or wheel spanner. To top it all off, it had an immobilizer which was not revealed in the details and photos. The immobilizer went off by accident and there were no reset keys supplied. I contacted Victor, but he said he couldn't find the previous owner.

I have to say, I was really disappointed with the whole experience. Victor and his company should have been more transparent about the condition of the car. I feel like I was taken advantage of. If you're reading this review, Victor, or whoever you are, this is my rating for you and your company: "YOU ARE SICK."

Overall, I would say that TradeCarView is a good website to buy cars from Japan, but you have to be careful with the agents you deal with. Make sure you do your research and ask a lot of questions before you buy anything. Don't make the same mistake I did.

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TradeCarView Disappointing Experience with TradeCarView: Beware of False Guarantees and Poor Customer Service

I recently had an experience with TradeCarView that left me feeling quite disappointed. I had purchased a car from them with the guarantee of a Warrant of Fitness in New Zealand. However, when the car arrived, it was clear that it had been damaged in some way. Even though it had passed inspection, my Compliance Center informed me that they had never seen such a rusted vehicle before. It is possible that it was a tsunami damaged vehicle.

I tried to contact TradeCarView numerous times via email, but each time I was directed to fill out a complaint form on their portal. Unfortunately, no action was taken by them and they eventually stopped replying altogether. I even tried calling them a few times, but each time I was met with a new operator whose English was extremely poor. It was frustrating to try and communicate with them, as they simply repeated their sentence about filling out the complaint form on the site.

I followed up on this issue for almost 8 months, but eventually had to give up as it was affecting my peace of mind. It's a shame that TradeCarView did not take responsibility for their mistake and instead chose to ignore my complaints. In my opinion, they are cheats and I would not recommend doing business with them.

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TradeCarView Review of's Payment Service: Delays and Complications, but User-Friendly Website

I recently used the payment service on to import a car to Kenya. I sent the money to their bank account and my bank confirmed that the transaction was completed. However, trade car view Kenya did not receive the money for many days. I had to call their bank in Muthaiga twice and follow up every day. Four days later, they finally confirmed over the phone that they had received the money.

The process of confirming the money reception to the seller was a nightmare and took an endless amount of waiting time. As I write this review, the seller still has not received confirmation of the money being received by carview. I am hoping that with more follow-ups and phone calls, there might be a slight change.

Overall, my experience with was not the smoothest. The delay in confirming the money reception caused a lot of stress and anxiety. However, I do appreciate the fact that they have a payment service available for international transactions. It is important to note that there may be delays and complications when using this service, so it is important to be patient and persistent in following up.

In terms of the website itself, I found it to be user-friendly and easy to navigate. The search filters were helpful in finding the specific car I was looking for. The photos and descriptions of the cars were accurate and detailed.

In conclusion, while my experience with the payment service on was not perfect, I still recommend the website for its user-friendly interface and helpful search filters. However, it is important to be aware of the potential delays and complications that may arise when using their payment service.

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TradeCarView TradeCarView Review: A Complete Scam - Don't Waste Your Time or Money

I have had a terrible experience with TradeCarView. It seems like everyone on there is trying to be a dealer, but most of them are just rookies trying to rip people off. I recently found out that the company called C. T. G Group buys cars from Japanese auctions, winds back the kilometers to almost half, and then puts them up for sale on TradeCarView. I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of them are doing the same thing.

I would never recommend this site to anyone, not even my worst enemy. I have even heard that they just take pictures from other dealer sites and ship you a similar car or even a different color. And that's IF they even ship you a car at all! It's a complete scam, and I can't believe that people are still falling for it.

I have been scammed by TradeCarView, and I don't want anyone else to go through the same thing. It's a shame that there are so many dishonest people out there trying to take advantage of others. If you're thinking about buying a car from TradeCarView, I would strongly advise against it. You're better off going to a reputable dealer and paying a little extra for peace of mind.

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TradeCarView Buyer Beware: My Nightmare Experience with TradeCarView

I gotta say, folks, you gotta watch out for TradeCarView. I thought I was getting a sweet deal on a 2003 ride with only 91,000 clicks on the odometer. But when the car finally arrived, it was a 2000 model with over 96,000 miles on it back in 2003. Can you believe it? The seller, MNE, tried to pull a fast one on me by saying it was registered in Japan in 2003, so that's how they advertised the year. But I asked them at least 5 times if it was really 91,000 kilometers, and they said yes every time. What a bunch of liars!

And get this, when the car finally showed up, the odometer had been tampered with and it was clearly over 250,000 miles. The air conditioning was busted, the seats were ripped, the dashboard was peeling, the brakes were shot, and the rear tires were two sizes too small. It was a total mess, folks. And when I tried to get TradeCarView to help me out, they just kept telling me to deal with the seller. What kind of customer service is that?

So let me tell you, if you're thinking about buying a car from TradeCarView, you better think twice. They don't respond to claims, and they don't take responsibility for their sellers' fraud and misrepresentation. It's a real shame, because I thought I was getting a good deal, but it turned out to be a total nightmare. Buyer beware, folks. Don't make the same mistake I did.

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8:11 am EDT

TradeCarView 2012 toyota harrier, 2010 toyota fielder

Hello, My name is Elizabeth from Jeytee Car Sales and Importers. I registered the Company on February 2017 after quitting from SBT Japan Nairobi Office where i was an Account Manager for 3 and a half years. Between April 9th and 20th of this year, i bought a Harrier and a Fielder worth 26, 500 USD from Every Co which were listed as an In-Stock. I got the company though Trade car view but the owner preferred i deal with him direct. After making 100% Payment to the owner of the Company Mr Watabe, he promised to ship both units on 29th of April. He never shipped the cars and from there it has been lying stories after the other which he gives through whatsapp texts since he never picks the calls. I came to meet other five clients who has been a victim of Watabe's fraud before. Once he gets the money, he quits to answer your calls and communicate through whatsapp texts. To the lucky ones he refunds half the money after pushing for more than one year or sends wrecks of cars which you never paid for.I have supporting documents from his past victims. My clients has reported me go the Police and am at the verge of being taken to court for fraud. I request you kindly to assist me get my client's refund since he don't even have the cars which i paid for. He puts other dealers cars on his website at a cheap price to entice unsuspecting and clueless clients. Once you make the payments, you are left with the agony of dealing with Police and court cases in your Country as he sits somewhere in Japan enjoying your clients money and move on to the next target as if nothing happened. I request you also to pull him out of Tradecarview site and save many Kenyans from this fraudster.
HIS number is +[protected] Watabe Yuishiro
MY NUMBER IS +[protected] Elizabeth.
These are the cars i bought from him.

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10:45 am EDT

TradeCarView car was like rubbish

I bought used car from the company I understand that I have bought used car and it can have some problems, but when I saw my car, I was shocked. The car looked like piece of metal and I thought that it would be impossible to drive. I tried to call the seller, but his phone was switched off. The same situation was later. This person simply ripped me off and vanished somewhere. Don’t buy through this website.

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9:25 am EDT

TradeCarView car looked like rubbish and was in scratches

Stay away from the company I collected it yesterday, but the bumper was damaged. The paint on the car was dismounted. I looked at the car and I was in shock, because I paid good price for this piece of rubbish. I tried to email the seller, but no one replied to my emails. I was so upset and of course tried all attempts to reach them, but everything was useless. Don’t buy cars from them.

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12:36 pm EDT

TradeCarView my advice is do not send money to any recommended company claim that all seller in their list are reliable, but not a single company in their list is verified by japan company trust organization (jcto) which is an anti-fraud organization in japan.

My advice is do not send money to any recommended company. they all are scams and cannot passed jcto scrutiny. be careful.

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Jan 27, 2013 1:47 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


6:11 am EDT

TradeCarView most are rookies sitting there to rip people off

They all wanna be dealers. most are rookies sitting there to rip people off. and I can confirm that the company called c. t. g group buy cars from jap auctions wind back the kilometers to almost half and put it up for sale on tradecarview. I wont be shocked if the rest of them are doing the same. I wouldn't recommend my enemy to buy from this site. I have even heard they just take any pictures from other dealer sites and ship you a similar car or even different colors and thats if they ship you a car for your money at all!

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4:55 pm EDT

TradeCarView they expose clients to fraud

TradeCarview has not put in sufficient anti-fraud measures on their site ( Their paytrade system is optional and therefore sellers are free to defraud their clients. I demand a refund from them for the behaviour of unidentifiable seller -Mashodah Automobile.

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Jan 27, 2013 1:33 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

i also Victim of one of the company Pars Trading co Ltd Chiba advertising his inventory at Tradecarview took my money no car yet three months passed, I send details to tradecarview nothing happened yet, Need some help . Advise every one don't deal with Tradecarview

12:43 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

TradeCarView Damage Radiator

I purchased a used Subaru Forester from Value Planner (Raewang Cho) Japan in February 2011. I was not informed of any damage on the vehicle. It arrived in my country in April 2011. On arrival on the port of entry in my country I realised that the radiator was leaking. I took pictures and sent it back to the company asking that they replaced the radiator. However Value Planner refused to take responsiblity for the damaged radiator and thus refuse to replace same.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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About TradeCarView

TradeCarView is a leading online marketplace for buying and selling used cars from Japan. With over 150,000 vehicles available for purchase, TradeCarView is a one-stop-shop for anyone looking to import a high-quality used car from Japan. The platform offers a wide range of vehicles, including sedans, SUVs, trucks, and buses, from all the major Japanese brands such as Toyota, Nissan, Honda, and Mitsubishi.

One of the key advantages of using TradeCarView is the transparency and reliability of the platform. All the vehicles listed on the site are thoroughly inspected and verified by third-party inspection agencies, ensuring that buyers receive accurate information about the condition of the car they are interested in. Additionally, TradeCarView provides a comprehensive set of tools and resources to help buyers make informed decisions, including detailed vehicle descriptions, high-quality photos, and vehicle history reports.

Another benefit of using TradeCarView is the ease and convenience of the buying process. The platform offers a range of payment options, including secure online payments and bank transfers, and provides support throughout the entire transaction process, from initial inquiry to final delivery. Additionally, TradeCarView offers a range of shipping options, including door-to-door delivery, to ensure that buyers receive their vehicles quickly and safely.

Overall, TradeCarView is a reliable and trustworthy platform for anyone looking to buy a used car from Japan. With its extensive selection of vehicles, transparent and reliable inspection process, and convenient buying process, TradeCarView is the ideal choice for anyone looking to import a high-quality used car from Japan.

Overview of TradeCarView complaint handling

TradeCarView reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 15, 2011. The latest review TradeCarView: A Buyer's Nightmare - Fraudulent Sellers and Neglectful Customer Service was posted on Jun 22, 2023. The latest complaint Damage Radiator was resolved on May 15, 2011. TradeCarView has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 27 reviews. TradeCarView has resolved 1 complaints.
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    Tokyo Garden Terrace Kioicho Kioi Tower 22nd Floor, 1-3 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku​, Tokyo, 102-8622, Japan
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  6. Nick
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    Jun 13, 2024
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TradeCarView is ranked 9 among 30 companies in the Used Vehicles category

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